RaynaFon RaynaFon Max never guaranteed there would be any diamond left

see this is why i insist that max is better at being evil than you
Silly, I haven't given anything other than the 300 for the scythe. I can just give him the 1k under the rule that he has to make the ring first. Loki's good at wording evil. Contract. She's good with loopholes and getting people stuck in plans
Also, max just leaves himself wide open, so not evil enough. It's why he gets no respect when it comes to people beind afraid of him
Silly, I haven't given anything other than the 300 for the scythe. I can just give him the 1k under the rule that he has to make the ring first. Loki's good at wording evil. Contract. She's good with loopholes and getting people stuck in plans
I know, I just felt like pointing it out in case you missed it.
Also, max just leaves himself wide open, so not evil enough. It's why he gets no respect when it comes to people beind afraid of him
First of all: Low blow.
Second of all: What do you mean?

EDIT: For the record, Max has done more actions that can be considered "evil" than Loki. Loki is too much of a guardian-friend to be evil.
First: lol it's true

Second: come on. Max has passed out twice now and is constantly sleep. That alone doesn't really spell "evil" wouldn't you say.
He also doesn't seem to enjoy confrontations so that kinda takes away points too.
First: lol it's true

Second: come on. Max has passed out twice now and is constantly sleep. That alone doesn't really spell "evil" wouldn't you say.
He also doesn't seem to enjoy confrontations so that kinda takes away points too.
Max actually has an aversion to sleep, which is what his problem is. But he does faint a lot, so you do have a point.

Still, has Loki done anything 'evil'?

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