why is Yuna left alone with Nighshade?? how the hell is she supposed to do anything about him? oh well... hmmm.... I'll come up with something... not sure what XD oh well, you always have the option to run, panick and pray ^^
Mahan was suppose to be gone but someone (Summer) thought it would be nice to act like he was not the first person to leave
Well technically, by your post he never left. He only said he was gonna head on his own way. Gotta add in those details man, they get you. XD It's something I try to always add in due to past mistakes.
Actually leaving the group? I'm not trying to be to picky, but I mean you can't fault someone for not knowing your character left the area if there isn't a physical action stating they did. Honestly I thought he was still there too and you had left it open for anyone to get one last word to your character before you made him go to make a guild. So I didn't see anything wrong with the flow of posts at all.

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