Edited Loki's bio to reflect the change in her stats.

@Summer Breeze The familiar is ai driven so feel free to decide the outcome^^ Loki she really just using it as a spook.

Reedited post and bio to add in the +2 level up bonus that warlock gives to int stat. Also added in Intelligence to stat list(class bonuses not added in so it's easier to see what Loki put in).
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I also want to interact! Yuna is heading towards the town but currently she's still in the forest. Since your character is heading out town I could imagine them meeting somewhere outside the gates or something like that.
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Hmm, the three of them could meet at the gate, or at the skill guides if you all want?

Well since we're heading into the city and Quin is headed out, it'd probably be more likely they meet at the city gates
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well, I was the one who posted last of us three, but if none of you wants to post first I guess I could let Yuna bump into someone...
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I don't mind postint, but Loki wouldn't normally give either of the two any time of day atm since she's focusedon something else, unless she had a reason to. Which she doesn't atm. More of a situationalreason not to post than just not feeling like it.
I don't mind postint, but Loki wouldn't normally give either of the two any time of day atm since she's focusedon something else, unless she had a reason to. Which she doesn't atm. More of a situationalreason not to post than just not feeling like it.

yea... that's understandable. I'll make Yuna do something stupid then and bump into Quin's character and then attract loki's attention... athough don't expect a masterpiece of a post because my brain mainly exists of fog and slime at the moment (not feeling very well XD)
Not sure if I can make a post tonight, I'm sorry, my brain just feels like pudding... I'll see how I feel later tonight but I'm not sure. Sorry...
Heya Quin, if our character has already bought an item, should we add those stats to our characters bio?

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