Hehe, not so sure about that ;) need to think about it first... Hmmmmm... To safe him or not to save him, that is the question.
Well if you do remember the guards will either send kill you if you deal damage to a player inside a city.
Yay thanks.
Can someone tell me what has happened so far.
so i can know how to join when i make my character.
Well, it's a fresh day right now, so you can pretty much join in whenever. For the short ver. of the first day. >Players got trapped in the RPG> people panicked a bit> some of us went to train> we killed a boss> came back to some people calming down some still haven't> did various things> went to bed> Siz woke everyone up> Loki is not pleased
Als if anyone does die all of there stuff just drops and is left at the spot where they died until you come and pick it up

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