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Forums are the sections like Roleplay, Characters and extra, and were we posts are the threads(in case you were wondering for the site).

Sizniche Sizniche
I have returned my people

Wb, it certainly hasn't been 6 hrs or anything :P lol Heya Quin. Someone wanted to join as you can see. Also not sure if the site has co-gm anymore since I don't seem to be able to all the pinning and fancy stuff
Wb, it certainly hasn't been 6 hrs or anything :P lol Heya Quin. Someone wanted to join as you can see. Also not sure if the site has co-gm anymore since I don't seem to be able to all the pinning and fancy stuff
Well I believe that is for now until they fix how the Hosted projects work
"Alright who ever did that I suggest you stop before someone who is not nice shows up."

lol I really wish my wrist wasn't hurting right now. Not nice? I've got the perfect person!
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