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« Sword Art: Online » - The year is 2022, and gamers have lined up on launch day for the new MMORPG, Sword Art: Online.

View attachment 58369The year is 2022, and gamers have lined up on launch day for Sword Art Online, a hotly-anticipated MMORPG that lets players connect to an immersive virtual reality world with special helmets called "Nerve Gear."
But soon, Sword Art Online's 10,000 players discover that not only are they unable to log out, the only way they can return to their physical bodies is by beating the 100-level tower's final boss - death in the game means death in the real world.

Read more about this role play...

??? Endrance ???

LVL - [ 1 ] HP - [ 100 / 100 ]

COL - [ 0 ] EXP - [ 0 / 50 ]


"Ok I'm going in! Wish me luck!"

"Good luck!"

The words rang out in Endrance's head. So it wasn't really leaving anytime soon. He just knew he shouldn't have done it. Sitting at a small inn table, Endrance gathered himself. Remembering times he had with the guild. "The Illuminated Order of the Mysteriis". To Endrance it sounded more like a cult. It almost was too. The leader was always fascinated with this one strange creature from horror novels named Yog-Sothoth. Who took form as these large yellow glowing bubbles. Yog-Sothoth knew everything and even knew forbidden knowledge. It was as if the leader was worshiping the thing.

Endrance had no time for such nonsense. This was a video game, not some occult tv show. He had the plan for the leader.
Give him the wrong information, then convince him to fight the boss. It was all so easy, and no one could convince him not to do it otherwise. Endrance had his own plans for the guild. He expected them to all die within there. But they had not, some how, they had killed it. They're probably after him now, he assumed. He had started over back at lvl 1 so they were most likely on a floor, far from here. Of course, people had other information, he wasn't on their friends list, nor was he on theirs, but he couldn't risk anything. He made sure that he wasn't friends with anyone. Who would want to be friends with a beater anyway.

These, "beaters" were people who were beta testers for sword art online, Endrance was one of them. He basically already knew a lot of things about each boss in the game, so there were many people around him always asking him for information, saying that it was "his duty", or "their right". Endrance either ignored them or defended himself as long as possible as they tried to take the information by force. Maybe it was a beater's duty to do this, people were indeed dying. So he took the initiative.


Username: Endrance

Party needed. Looking for individuals who seek to give information for future guild.

There. That was perfect. Endrance had put it on a LFG board (Looking for Group) hoping that some others would see it soon. He didn't exactly have a guild yet, but he would soon, so he started to gather a party of people he could train. He didn't need ,The illuminated order anymore. From now on he'd call it....Well, a name will come to him soon enough. For now, he goes back to the inn to wait, as some one can easily send him a message through the LFG.





LVL-[1] HP-[100/100]

COL-[0] EXP-[0/50]


Sighing, the blonde haired girl, looked around. She had no clue what to do. She understood this was now a death trap, and, no offense to those that have passed, she wasn't stupid enough to try and jump, hoping to wake up in the real world. That would be stupid and pointless.

Frowning slightly, she started walking towards the nearest building, lost in thought. In truth, Atria was actually excited about this. Sure, it was terrifying in general, but on another level, this was the kind of adventure that she'd been looking for in life! She wondered if anyone felt similar to her, or if they were all just angry or upset, or something along those lines.

Letting out a breath, the fifteen year old blinked as she realized she was near the inn. Noticing the LFG board a little ways away and having a new entry, she walked over, curious. Upon reading the entry she grinned. Teaming up with someone seemed like a good idea. Especially since she didn't know anyone. She wasn't sure who she could trust.

Grinning, having made her decision, Atria opened her menu before looking for an Endrance, planning on sending him a message. She let out a small laugh, realizing resting while waiting for a reply. She was hoping to have someone to help watch her back. Of course she'd do the same for them once they got to know each other.

After signing her username at the bottom of her message, Atria smiled, hitting send.

Hi there! Saw your notice on the LFG, interested in meeting?


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??? Endrance ???

LVL - [ 1 ] HP - [ 100 / 100 ]

COL - [ 0 ] EXP - [ 0 / 50 ]



The small notification popped up onto Endrance's screen. He used his finger to click onto it and then layed back into his seat.

Hi there! Saw your notice on the LFG, interested in meeting?


Endrance smiled. He did consider himself a solo player but to make this guild, he knew he would have to get along with others. Knowing that if the girl did accept, she knew what she was getting into. Of course, it wasn't always going to be good. She asked, either way.

Yes, Atria. Thank you for responding to this LFG so quickly. It could possibly make you a candidate for a part in the future guild's hierarchy. I will be in the Inn waiting for potential members, of course, probably going to be heading to field soon enough. I'll tell you more later. Meet me at kiraja's inn close to the LFG on the north side of town. If you need help, I can send directions.


At the end of the message, he put a rose. Because it always had a place in his heart. Especially in real life. His mother was obsessed with roses, and would always call him, "Her little Rose". Endrance even had a cosmetic item from his last account that traded over. A hat with a rose in it. It was a simple item, bought with information gold, but it always had a special place in his heart. Endrance had always wanted a special rapier skill that he had always heard of, Apparently, on floor 20, there was a special garden, if you went deeper, you could find an event boss that gave you the rapier skill. "Rose cross." It attracted most female guilds as it was flower themed, but it seemed to do a powerful amount of damage.

Anyway, Endrance tried to ease him time by ordering some food at the inn table and watching the people outside. The nervegear helped things actually taste like things in real life. Even though it didn't matter. Who knows, we could all possibly die in here anyway.





LVL-[1] HP-[100/100]

COL-[0] EXP-[0/50]



Grinning, Atria opened the message, giggling as she read. "Well that's always good to know." she laughed to herself. At least it seemed things were going alright so far. A smile stretched across her face, she quickly started typing up another response.

Heh, good to know~! Lucky me, I was already on my way there. Haven't been before, so I'll let you know if I get lost. Thanks~


Nodding to herself, she sent the message after signing her username. Looking around she worked on where she was in the town. After a moment, and after asking an NPC, she started walking again, heading towards Kiraja's Inn. From what she was told it was a nice place, not that big, but big enough for travelers.

Atria smirked darkly at the thought. 'Travelers. That's a bit rich, is that what they're programmed to see us as?' she thought before shaking her head as she turned the corner. As she focused she could see the inn down the street.

"Alright, let's hurry it up then." she muttered before she started jogging down the street. As she opened the doors to the building, she looked around, noticing that there weren't too many people. 'Good. That should make things easier.' she thought before searching for names.

She perked up as she found who she was looking for and started towards him. Coming to a stop in front of the table, Atria put on hand out on her hip, a smile on her face. "Hey there." she greeted. "I'm Atria. You're Endrance, right?"

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??? Endrance ???

LVL - [ 1 ] HP - [ 100 / 100 ]

COL - [ 0 ] EXP - [ 0 / 50 ]


Another Beep.

It was the reply message from Atria. He read it carefully.

Heh, good to know~! Lucky me, I was already on my way there. Haven't been before, so I'll let you know if I get lost. Thanks~


He could already tell from her message that she was high spirited. She seemed strong, and he knew especially that it would help her go through what the floors had in store for her. He waited a bit. looking out through the windows, waiting on his new party member.


"Ah you must be Atri--"

As soon as Endrance turned around a man in blue armor greeted him. The male had a robe with a hood over his head, it seemed he was trying to keep himself out of sight.


"No need to say anything, Endrance. I'm not here to hurt you, nor am I here to judge you for anything you did. I'm here to warn you. You have to get out of here now. There are guild members on their way. They're going to lure you out of the safe zone. Whatever you do. Stay in."

"Aucris, wait!"

Then, as soon as he came in, he was leaving. Aucris ran out of the inn and used a teleport crystal outside. As soon as Endrance was about to get up, a girls voice came to him. "Hey there. I'm Atria. You're Endrance, right?"

"Yes. Thank you for coming. Atria." He pulled her down a bit closer for a whisper, making sure no one can hear in the inn. "i'm terribly sorry but our meeting must be cut short. I have to leave now. Before I go, please take these."

Endrance sent her a friend request and a party invite. If she wanted to she'd be able to find him, she just wanted to show the people following, that he was with some one else, so they wouldn't attack so quickly.

"I'm sorry for my mysteriousness, but i'm going to go to a nearby field. Like I said, do not follow me. Instead, meet me there in 30 minutes if you're still interested in the group. I guarantee you, untold knowledge and riches. But most of all, a family, founded on protecting it's fellow members. I need as many people as possible."

Endrance was pulling this girl into something that might even kill her. Why was this happening? He knew. It was his crimes that pulled him into this. He had to face his crimes. It was all so quickly for this girl though. Was she safe? He knew she wasn't in the guild before, but maybe she was a hired assassin? But her icon was green. Thousands of thoughts went through his head. His paranoia was on him right now. Then eventually, Endrance knew he had to leave.

He pulled the door open and looked to his left and right, making sure no one was following him. Even Atria. He then looked back at her.

"I'm sorry, Atria. Please. do not die."





LVL-[1] HP-[100/100]

COL-[0] EXP-[0/50]


Confused, Atria watched as Endrance ran out. Looking down at the screens in front of her she saw the friend request and invitation to form a party. She was silent for a moment before a slow smirk spread across her face. Moving quickly, she accepted both offers and took off out the door.

She wasn't about to let Endrance off this easy. Something had come up and it startled him. She wanted to know what it was. Especially if he was being sincere about watching each other's backs as if they were a family. If he was in trouble, and they were thinking of starting a guild, why not start helping the other out now?

As she turned a corner, she could still just see him hurrying towards a field. Sure, she'd show herself 30 minutes later, but that didn't mean she wouldn't show up sooner. Checking to make sure she was hidden, she worked on following him from a distance.

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??? Endrance ???

LVL - [ 1 ] HP - [ 100 / 100 ]

COL - [ 0 ] EXP - [ 0 / 50 ]


Endrance certainly felt sorry for leaving her behind like that but now was time to get the hell out of there. The guild members were coming to probably PK him. He wasn't going to let it happen. He assumed that he maybe had a few minutes of time before they found him in the inn. But now that he was out in the field, it might take them even a few hours. This gave him some time to be able to level up a bit.

Eventually he arrived in the beginner fields. He could see that the place was packed with people. Good. This would keep him mostly hidden from the other guild members that were after him. Again, he only assumed that they were trying to kill him. Either way, he wasn't going to take any chances.

The promises to Atria were good enough to help her, who didn't want protection? He promised her too, therefore he'd known this was going to be the first rule of the new guild

1. You are family now. Protect your family because they are now your flesh and blood

It wasn't until a few minutes later, that he came up with another

2. The Law of Protection

If 1 man throws a stone at a family member, 2 will be there to throw 2 back. If 2 members attack another member, 4 will be there to attack back. If 1000 are to wage war on the guild. 2000 will be there to fight back.

Endrance smiled once more. It was protection for others that was a priority. That was sure to make others smile too. Then, Endrance started to farm monsters to level up. The 1st level monsters were usually exceptionally easy. He knew of their attacks and knew how they worked. Endrance would stab and slash, working his way through. Making sure not to take too much damage and using his healing potions from earlier

((don't really know how this works, but i'll change the HUD however it affected him. for 30 minutes of fighting))

He saw Atria nearby. Finally finding her, he waved to her, doing a small salute. "I'm sorry for making such a quick exit back there. I'm trying to get away from some one. But for now, I guess I could help you level a bit, of course."

Endrance sheathed his rapier and did a small bow

"I wasn't able to introduce myself officially earlier. I am Endrance. It's a pleasure"





LVL - [ 1 ]

HP - [ 100 / 100 ]

COL - [ 0 ]

EXP - [ 0 / 50 ]



A purple-haired boy no older than herself, blew past Kiki without as much as a sorry. “Excuse YOU!” she yelled out after him, as he streaked towards the city limits.


Not a moment later, a small, blonde-haired girl, rushed past her seemingly in pursuit of the violet-colored one that ran past moments ago. “EXCUSE YOU TOO! Ugh. Unhöflich.”

As she shook her head and stared at the opening of the Kiraja Inn to see if anyone else would come running out, her thoughts drifted back to the devastating news she heard hours before. Die here and you die for real. How did she even end up in this mess? All she wanted to do was to try out Sword Art Online everyone was talking about. Why did she have to die? Things in life were just starting to turn around for her. Everything was going exactly as she wanted. It was getting so good. Now it’s all ruined!

Kiki lifted a shaking palm to her forehead, and covered an eye with her hand. Her fingers dug into the skin of her face and tears were there just beyond her eyelids, standing at attention, ready to burst forward from their resting place at a moment’s notice. But no, she would be strong. She would steel herself and be ready to face the oncoming trials. “Trap me in this game? Oh ho ho, that was this world’s first and last mistake. I’m going to tear anything that gets in my way, limb from limb.” Realizing she said that out loud, Kiki’s face turned a deep crimson and she quickly hurried off towards the city gates. At the threshold behold in and out, Kiki fumbled through her inventory and skill screen, trying to absorb as much knowledge about her items and moves as she possibly could.

With a curious finger hovering over the combat skill “Howl”, Kiki placed one foot outside of the safe zone and pressed down hard.

“I wonder what this do..RRRWWWAAAARGGGHHH!” After the last chords of menacing howl escaped from her throat, Kiki’s head immediately snapped back into place. “Oh my, how very un-lady-like of me,” she chuckled to herself. “I wonder what else I can do?”

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Elorios wandered around the town, not really sure what he wanted to do. If I commit suicide in the game, I die in real life. If I get killed by a monster or another player I'm dead in real life. he continued like this for a few minutes, trying to figure out anyway possible for him to get out of the game. I guess its just like the creator said, I have to beat the game. He let out an annoyed sigh, and continued wandering. He eventually got to a small shop, and walked inside. He looked around for a moment at the different weapons, armors, they even had a few instruments.

Elorios raised an eyebrow, before he realized he didn't really know what his skills were. He swiped his left hand downward to make the menu appear and clicked the button so that he could see his stats. He scrolled down to see his skills.

« Non-combat:

1. Musical Instrument (No specialty chosen)

2. Sewing (Lvl 1)


1. Detection(Lvl 1)

2. Acrobatics(Lvl 1)


1. Emergency Healing(Lvl 1)

2. Leather Equipment(Lvl 1)

Weapon skill:

1. Two Handed straight sword

He looked at his weapon skill to be sure it was correct, I thought it was impossible to duel weld in this game. he thought to himself. He pondered on this for a moment, before shrugging and closing his menu. I don't think I'm going to go showing off my skill for a while. Not unless I need it. he walked over to the merchent and bought a sword, his armor, and a violin.

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LVL - [ 1 ]

HP - [ 100 / 100 ]

COL - [ 0 ]

EXP - [ 0 / 50 ]

Jean sat at the edge of his bed, observing his nerve gear, slightly

afraid to put it on, "What if it's


realistic?" He pondered as he glanced out the window. He watched the sun set behind a café, and sighed, "What if it malfunctions, and zaps my nervous system?" He sighed, and laid down on his bed looking up at the white ceiling for comfort, he ran his hand through his hair, and sighed, "Alright..." He grabbed the nerve gear, sat his head up a bit, and strapped it on. Blackness over took him.

He woke up seeing the typical welcome message, he didn't bother reading it though, and just pushed it aside letting the town appear before him.

"Alright....this looks....real..." He stood at town center.

And noticed the LFG board, and went over to it curiously.

"Maybe I should sign up." He thought to himself, unsure weather he wanted a guild, but he knew in the long run it'd help him.


LVL-[1] HP-[100/100]

COL-[0] EXP-[0/50]


Smirking, Atria nodded.
"I guessed. Was there a reason for fighting for thirty minutes like that?" she asked, letting him know she followed him. She really was curious, and concerned. Shaking her head, she sighed, a smile on her face.

"Atria. Nice to meet you." she smiled, bowing back. "That'd be nice thank you," she said, referring to his offer to help her level up. "But I'd have thought you wanted to talk, or are we going to do that later now?" she asked.

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??? Endrance ???

LVL - [ 1 ] HP - [ 100 / 100 ]

COL - [ 0 ] EXP - [ 0 / 50 ]


"So you had followed...interesting. Thank you for putting up with my tactics. Of course, I probably should explain as to why I suddenly ran away. You see, there are some very bad people who would want to PK me. That's why I've been out here, hiding from them and leveling up a bit while they are looking for me. God knows what their levels are now."

Suddenly behind him, a lvl 1 creature came out to attack and Endrance was thrust into battle, taking slight damage on his left arm. He turned to face the creature. Unsheathing his rapier and stabbing the creature. Then, as it was counterattacking, he spun and downward attacked it. Killing it in the process.

"Makes me realize that they could attack just like that. stabbing me in the back. So I need your trust. Maybe you can help me. I don't want to misuse your partnership but id love to have you to help me. It seems I've gotten experience from the fight, and since you're in my party maybe you have too".

Endrance smiled as he sheathed his rapier. It was true, that he needed this girl's trust. For a guild cannot function without trust and protection. The two things that Endrance guaranteed to provide.





LVL-[1] HP-[100/100]

COL-[0] EXP-[0/50]


Atria smiled, giving him a nod.
"I can give you my trust." she told him honestly. "But I'll expect your trust in return." she said, looking around the field. It was a beginners field, which she could use. Sure, she'd been practicing in a similar field before they were all called back to the Center. So she knew the maneuvers, just not very well. Yet.

Looking behind Endrance, Atria could see a boar, running straight towards them, though it was a little ways off. Quickly she unsheathed her straight sword and ran at it, slicing it along it's side, before turning sharply and stabbing downwards on its back.

"So, we going to work on raising our levels or what?" she asked, another grin spreading across her face.

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LVL - [ 1 ] HP - [ 100 / 100 ]

COL - [ 0 ] EXP - [ 0 / 50 ]


Watch out!

A voice range outward from what seemed sky-high as a single patch of white and grey had come descending downward, his form but an instant later after his cry colliding violently against the male known as Endrance, a hefty "thud" rang outward as he was practically unmoved by the collision, as though nothing but a breeze had caught him.

Upon investigation, a single young boy had collapsed upon the ground, a hand raised to his head and fingers scratching past his layers of white hair.

Ow, ow, ow.. Tsk.. What the heck man..

According to the boys stats, he was no different than anyone else currently. Level 1, full hit points despite the recent collision somehow, nothing special to him. But there was one interesting factor; he had gear that seemed out of place for someone his grade. With a sword that was perhaps ten or so levels above his station and a single cloak titled "Shroud of the Besieged", that realistically had nothing special about it stat-wise, but it was a rare piece to a set that when all the pieces were collected and equipped, it would practically make him invincible, which wouldn't be a surprise if someone here knew of the cloak, especially Endrance and his history..

Looking up from his position, the boy's maroon gaze locked upon that of the male he had practically dived into, though his vision seemed blurred, and was obviously so through the appearance of him struggling to make out as to who it was, more or less to see if his icon was green, or a different color...

Humm.. Hey there?

He mumbled with a blink to his eyes and no motion toward standing to his feet; he simply sat there, as though under a stun effect of some sort.

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« LVL - [ 1 ] HP - [ 100 / 100 ] COL - [ 0 ] EXP - [ 0 / 50 ] »

"Head gear, check. Fondling myself extra carefully? Check. Snacks for when I'm taking a break. Check." Hugh ran through his necessities in his head. Hooked up to his head gear was another wire which was itself hooked up to Hugh's computer. The monitor was on, and on it, his Twitch stream. For all the people who couldn't buy nerve gears themselves, Hugh decided he would stream the game just for them. "Beam me up, Scotty" he declared. With a woosh, Hugh knocked out, no longer on Earth but on Aincrad.

Hugh spent a bit of time explaining things to the audience. It was not long when he was force-teleported to the town square to meet with the GM, but everybody knows this part of the story.

With the crowds scattered and panicked for whatever reason, Hugh calmly went to seek out his friends and fellow livestreamers at Git Gud Inc.

??? Endrance ???

LVL - [ 1 ] HP - [ 100 / 100 ]

COL - [ 0 ] EXP - [ 0 / 50 ]


"So, we going to work on raising our levels or what?"

Endrance was quite happy, finding more people that actually impressed him. It made him gain faith that he had in his old guild. He wondered about them, there seemed to be only 4 remaining after the boss battle but how did they do it without prior information? He then thought of himself as a "beater" he only knew because of the information of the group. He felt bad about it of course, but the ends justify the means, so he was destined to make this guild happen.


Endrance seemingly, stood his ground, this could have been an attack from the group so he prepared himself for battle, pulling out his rapier and brandishing it in front of his attacker. From the guild, Kragen always used blunt weapons, never a sword. Knowing that this was probably the issue, he yelled out against Kragen an old rivalry term.

" You foolhardy old barbarian!"

Endrance turned in counterattack to strike with his rapier. but stopped it just as he saw his attacker. Which wasn't really an attacker at all. Endrance sheathed his rapier and looked to the boy. Maybe it was fate, that the boy happened to bump into him. He could always invite him to the guild later too. It was simply a boy. With an interesting cloak. A very rare cloak too. Endrance indeed knew of the cloak item, and knew of it's power. Of course, he wasn't exactly interested in using it, and thought he might bring it up later when he had the time. Endrance let out his hand to offer the boy to help him up but the boy was already up in a few seconds.

"Hello there. Sorry for threatening the attack. I thought you were some one else."

Endrance looked to his left and then to his right.

"You are alone, yes? Are you looking for a party? I wouldn't mind letting you join. That is of course, if you're willing to accept the terms. Being that, you join the guild we make together later on."





LVL - [ 1 ] HP - [ 100 / 100 ]

COL - [ 0 ] EXP - [ 0 / 50 ]


After standing to his feet moments after collapsing to the ground, the boy had taken to running his hands in a patting motion against his cloak and pants, huffing in what seemed irritation before taking to adjusting his waist belt that was structured in a very odd fashion. His sword had no cover whatsoever, it simply hung idly by the leather binding strapped around his form.

Adjusting and collecting himself, the boy finally raised attention to the other he had collided into. Hearing the echo of his offer several times throughout his head, he seemingly voided all else that he had said because of it. He seemingly pondered for some time, as though attempting to analyze the situation, who this person might be and why he'd so openly offer him a position in their party without first finding out who he was himself.

[A bit confusing yes, so basically; "Why offer me this if you don't know who I am?" is what Kelik is thinking right now~]

Then it struck him. He had to know for sure..

Are you a beater?

« LVL - [ 1 ] HP - [ 100 / 100 ] COL - [ 0 ] EXP - [ 0 / 50 ] »

Himura, Ryu was ready for this. It was the day of the Git Gud Stream. "Let's see, do I have my memorabilia?" Ryu checked as he hugged his Dakimakura. "Pocky is confirmed." Ryu began eating a few sticks of Pocky. He hooked up all of the proper gear and set up the stream. "Heading in, BELIEVE IT!" And with that he was sent into the world of Aincrad.

Well, this was unusual, there was a vast panicking and scattering crowd. No matter, Ryu had no time to waste, he had to find the other members of Git Gud, so the stream proper could begin. "I've played Visual Novels with harder routes than this, just gotta find the rest of the guys!"


LVL-[1] HP-[100/100]

COL-[0] EXP-[0/50]


Startled at the sudden appearance of the boy, Atria stepped back, her grip on her blade tightening. Upon hearing Endrance's response she tensed even further before relaxing at his last question, a smile making its way to her face.

When the new boy asked his question, she assumed it had been towards Endrance but she figured she could respond for herself as well. She could also introduce herself then. Especially if he might be joining them. "Well, I'm not. I'm Atria." she introduced herself. "What's your name?" she asked.


LVL - [ 1 ] HP - [ 100 / 100 ]

COL - [ 0 ] EXP - [ 0 / 50 ]

Ryan waved to his companions from the edge of the crowd as it began to disperse; he had logged on a bit earlier, and was more than ready to get his grind on. "Yo! Inu, Donte! Over here!", he jogged down to meet the pair, "You seen the others? We got to get while the getting's good, you know? Don't want to keep our viewers waiting."
« LVL - [ 1 ] HP - [ 100 / 100 ] COL - [ 0 ] EXP - [ 0 / 50 ] »

Hugh dodged through the crowds before he heard his Steam name being called. He often gave others his Steam name, even played with a few, but never anticipated someone to call for him in the game. Perhaps he was a fan of Hugh's. Hugh was a bit nervous, self conscious of his actual physical appearance.

It wasn't hard to tell that Hugh was fat; it was the first thing most people knew about him. He had a square shaped face, but it was covered in enough fat the initial shape was obscured. Luckily, acne wasn't picked up by the Nerve Gear. His hair covered his head like the fur of a stray dog- shaggy and uneven. This was over the set of beginner armor he wore- a bronze currais over a white shirt... and a metal plated skirt.

Nervously, Hugh approached. "uh...uh-uh-uh... Hey... this is uh... Donte..." Hugh answered.

LVL - [ 1 ] HP - [ 100 / 100 ]

COL - [ 0 ] EXP - [ 0 / 50 ]

"Dude, it's me, Daily-", Ryan looked up at the guy, once again realizing just how short he was in comparison to his fellow man, "-I mean, you can't tell 'cause the GM stripped all our avatars 'cause he's a total chode, but anyways, yeah, I'm DD. We all hooked up before the game started, remember? Gonna be honest, did not expect that friend list crap to come in handy, but it did, and now we're here, and that means we aren't grinding, and that means we aren't leveling, you know?", He scratched his head absentmindedly, "So, you know, let's find the guys and go do that."




David pulled on his helmet, he was ready to go, all his friends were allready logged on, and he wanted to make sure the ads were all lined up on the stream. He powered up the VR helm, and booted up his new game; Sword Art Online. The game booted to life, and he found himself in a character creation screen, he filled it out and proceeded to the world.

The game world was incredibly realistic, it had better graphics than any other game he had ever seen. He spent a while admiring the scenery, at least until he was forcefully brought to the market square to listen to GM, he switched on his microphone and looked for his friends.
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??? Endrance ???

LVL - [ 1 ] HP - [ 100 / 100 ]

COL - [ 0 ] EXP - [ 0 / 50 ]


"Are you a beater?"

The words had hit him straight in the face. He didn't hear the boy in front of him. He instead heard a guild member. Who had asked the same question when they went into the boss room. He looked down, feeling a bit saddened.

"Yes, I am a beater. If you use that word. I'd rather just be called a beta tester, honestly."

Endrance always felt strange about the word, Beater. Some one had come up with it to signify beta testers who knew about information in game that helped beat bosses and level up. He didn't really care for the word but what really irked him was the ones who thought they had a right to know about boss information. That was not his job. His job was to sell information, not give it away. It almost even made him angry.

He almost considered being happy that he was beater. It gave him a sense of "Yes I know the information, and I'm glad you don't know it." Apparently some beta testers had made an information book giving out some information to help the players. Endrance thought it was a stupid idea, considering they were making no money from it and the powerful must overcome the weak. If this Atria did join in his guild, he would make sure she was strong and powerful. Able to stand up to anything. He would not allow her to become weak. Even if this boy joined, he would make sure to treat him the same.

"I hope that doesn't change your view of me. Even though, we're still in search of members. Strong or weak."




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