Sword Art Online [Inactive]

Roth paid for his room and proceed to it. He unequipped his blade and fell on the bed in the room. Staring at the wall opposite of him lost in thought until sleep finally embraced him.

Roth sat up in a meadow a cool breeze rushing through his hair looking around it seemed that he was alone. "You gonna sit around all day bro?" The voice hit him like a freight train. "Alice?" The voice gives out a frustrated groan. "I told you in here I'm 'Phantom Dancer' Aaron! I mean Roth." He look her up and down, and looked just like him only female just as his twin should wielding a large two-hander named 'Titans Thorn'.

He acted on his first instinct and ran to her pulling her in to a great big hug.
"Alice, I thought I'd never see you again." Tear streaming from his face never wanting this moment to end. Unfortunately life's a B****. "Why didn't you save me?" Roth pull back only to see his sisters decaying body in his arms.

Roth shoot up still on the bed in the inn screaming.
"ALICE!" Tears were pouring down his cheeks. He opened his menu scrolling down till he found what he was looking for. <<Titans Thorn>> Taking it out of his inventory, and held on to the last thing he had of his sister.
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Still in Taft with the main suspect dropped Alphonse had grown tired. 'A boss fight and some unsuccessful chase!' he thought letting out a deep sigh. Throwing open his home door and entering the cluttered mess of herbs, pots, and berries he began pull his way through to his bed.

He stared at the ceiling and gave one last thought about his party member. She seemed to remind him of someone from the real world, but the memory seemed faint. This loss of memory did not worry Alphonse one bit as he began to fall into a peaceful slumber.


[11:29 AM | December-28-2023 | Location: Floor 50 ((Look in maps)) People are preparing for the clearance of <<FLOOR 51>> ((I DON'T HAVE MAPS FEEL FREE TO SUBMIT YOUR IDEAS IN A CONVERSATION))]

Alphonse sat on a bench observing one of the many NPC shops on level 50. The shop was desecrated, but that was in his mind illogical considering the fact it had over 42 Healing Crystals and 20 Antidote potions in store. The words from Medna earlier that day haunted his mind "Make sure you buy plenty of potions, a friend of a friend told me that this floor will definitly bring you down. It would be best for you to party up with someone!" this information coming from the faceless sweet voiced girl that he'd been listening too for months now had buried into his mind. "Party... party... who? O- Occhii? Yuchi!" he tried to play off that he had forgotten the war monger's real name. He flashed open his [Friends] tab and began to send her a message with a newly purchased [Message record Crystal]

"Hey yuchi the front is about to enter floor 51 and I- I wanted to ask if you would like to join me? O- of course if you aren't -t busy, I mean you probably have ss-something better to do!" his voice stopped and he tore back taking a small 5 second break calming himself "So, yeah if you are interested just tell me something back, Cya... I- I hope!"

He relaxed his body and began to stare at the NPC once more as the elderly man stared back at him.
One by one, the street lights flickered, turning on as the sun slept and the moon rose. The stars peeked over the shifting gray clouds and a light breeze rustled the lush yet loose leaves, clinging onto the many trees planted in the town Vivic, located on the 42nd floor.

But the leaves were not the only thing disturbed by the eerie breeze. A cloaked figure moved silently, observing the newly obtained floor, which was completely vacant, safe for a few others, checking the place for habitability. Most players haven't moved into the area yet, which added to the emptiness. She sighed, and it seemed to be a female, judging from the pitch of her voice, and trudged onwards.

She had heard the fellow inspectors gossip about the fallen. Those who had sacrificed themselves defeating the floor 41 boss, but didn't think much on it. After all, she didn't care about anyone.

She bit her lip.

Okay that was a lie, of course she cared, but she would never admit that. That big attack on her ego would leave her embarrassed and soft, a rough way to be in a harsh situation such as SAO.

Placing her hand upon her <<Jagged Blood>> the figure continued her stroll until she heard faint taps, it was quiet but it was there, nothing could escape her detection. It was a player town, but she decided to be cautious, grasping the handle of her blade and spun around, drawing her weapon. A strong wind blew, blowing off the crimson hood to reveal long ebony locks flying along with the wind, which soon died. The moon glimmered through the passing clouds, illuminating the girls chocolate orbs, piercing at you.

She asked you with a calm, commanding voice and yet there was a hint of loneliness buried deep within the hostility:

"Who are you?"
It was the typical day for Yuchi really... Ravita was by her side per usual, and the sun shown down brightly in <<Vivic>>

Yuchi was walking through the town, going to it's park in actuality. It was a pretty fountain, surrounded by benches, along with very green grass. She wanted to feel the pristine and cold water of said fountain.

Upon arriving to it, she sat down and then turned her body to look at the fountain that was behind her. She smiled as she reached out to it and the water flowed into her hand.

"It feels great." She said out loud, to herself as well as Ravita.

A notification then popped up into Yuchi's face, interrupting her childish playing. She turned around and sat normally on the bench.

A message from... Matron_Scalpel..... AL! She exclaimed in her head.

She opened it right up and then listened to the boy's voice, a smile still on her face.

"Hey yuchi the front is about to enter floor 51 and I- I wanted to ask if you would like to join me? O- of course if you aren't -t busy, I mean you probably have ss-something better to do!" The recorded seemed to pause for 5 seconds, before continuing."So, yeah if you are interested just tell me something back, Cya... I- I hope!"

Yuchi giggled at the obscurities regarding the message. It was good to hear his voice again though, and to know he was doing alright.

Frontlines again huh.... She ran the idea around in her head a moment before giving a shrug. She opened her inventory and took out her very own {Message Record Crystal} Something she had actually never used before. Yuchi then began composing her message.

"Yo! Alphy! Hows it going you big lug!! Of course I'll come join you on the frontlines, after all I kicked ass last time! You'll need me there, trust me. I'll be over in a few minutes!!~" Her message was very enthusiastic and of course while she made it she was smiling like a child on Christmas morning. She was, after all, invited to help out for once. She sent the message and then turned to Ravita.

"I'm going to go help Alphonse on the frontlines... Would you like to come too, or stay here?" She asked her, still not sure if she would be able to emotionally handle a boss fight... The thing with Shadow had her really shook up.

I wouldn't want to pressure her to come with me or anything... But she does need to learn to fight and fend for herself more... She debated internally... Regardless of this little predicament, Yuchi was excited; no, absolutely ecstatic about going back into battle on the frontlines. She would surely kick some ass and look "Badass" while doing it. After the last battle she had gotten her sword repaired, as well as upgraded. The blade was slightly sharper, as well as light, to accommodate for faster speeds. Her <<Lightning Switch Sword Skill>> was further developed, as she did some dungeon raiding for practice.

Needless to say, Yuchi was bloodthirsty.

(I have like legit, everyone using <<>> to incase things.
xD )
Ravita had chilled down a few days after the incident with Shadow because she had to get her priorities straight. Either get it together or die...and Ravita was terrified by the concept of death which only led to one other option... of course she couldn't make it alone and had chose to stay close to Yuchi, a rather bold yet stupid move on her part, considering all that she was risking by choosing to get close to somebody again. However, Ravita knew her and Yuchi wouldn't have that strange unexplainable spark that her and Shadow had...

Ravita listened carefully to her conversation with some player she didn't know of. It was asking about the front lines and Yuchi was all set in joining the battle, however she looked cautiously at Ravita, asking her if she thought she could take it. Ravita had a change of routine after Shadow met his end. She trained to level herself up more so she wouldn't be so underleveled, she had to learn to manage money herself and had to learn about quests and the like. She was nice and helped out Yuchi the best to her abilities, and for the most part she thought she did well and Yuchi didn't find her a complete burden. Despite the pain it may bring her, Ravita had to learn to endure and build on from her past. She furrowed her brows and offered a determined nod. "I'll do it. Please let me fight alongside you! I won't get in your way!" As if agreeing itself, Luminitsa yipped up at Yuchi.
Alphonse had finally approached the old vendor as they kept looking at the other. "I need 4 healing crystals and 2 antidote crystals." came running towards the vendor as request. "Mm.. yes one moment!" replied the NPC as he turned to his stand at the slowest pace. 'That should be enough, because this place can't be that bad.' thought Alphonse as he waited for the frail being to make his way back. "Here you are!" the old man threw down 4 healing and 2 antidoe crystals and the box for payment showed up. Just as Alphonse clicked the accept button and alert appeared at the bottom left

[New Voice message (Yuchi)]

"Yo! Alphy! Hows it going you big lug!! Of course I'll come join you on the frontlines, after all I kicked ass last time! You'll need me there, trust me. I'll be over in a few minutes!!~" end

Alphonse smile when he heard the enthusiasm she had when she accepted and he decided to forget that she was calling him Alphy instead of Al. She reminded him of his sister for a short moment before he decided to look down once more.


Christmas is near and experience is increased after each kill! Only from December 28 - 30.

If anything this event is suspicious that's the only thing that went through Alphonse's mind as he looked at the increase of 30% more Experience . He was sure there was a hook and why did Medna not know of this. It is just too sudden to have anything good come with it and with that thought he went to buy 4 additional healing crystals.
Over the past month, after two weeks of relaxing and training, BlackRose continued to party with Roth. However, she continues to maintain her Anti-Heroine facade, behaving both self-centered and arrogant at times. Although she had a good friendship going with Roth, she has expressed that she did not want to have any romance involved, in hopes that he would understand. After the Boss Fight on Floor 41, she hasn't really participated in the last nine, wanting to grow stronger and be ready for the more tougher bosses. After the second week of December, BlackRose eventually dissolved her Party with Roth and went back to being a Solo Player, feeling like she needed a break, not to mention she was starting to get irritated with the flirting as it was starting to make her feel uncomfortable. However, she still continued to stay in contact with him and said that she was willing to party up with him again after the end of December...Or at least the next Boss Fight that they both end up participating in.

Present Day:

'This Christmas Event is great! Who knew the Experience would be so good.' she thought. While walking through town, she saw Alphonse sitting a few meters from where she was standing. While wondering on whether or not to approach him, she quickly checked her items interface to make sure she was stocked on healing crystals and potions, as she was considering this next boss fight. Afterwards, she decided to send a voice message to Roth. "Hey Roth, its BlackRose...Or well, 'Cupcake'. I just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas. Hope you haven't forgotten about me. Look, I...*The Guilt of leaving him was catching up to her and it sounded like she was about to cry, for the first time since her very first boss fight, which took place some time between her time in the 10th and 15th Floors, where most of her party members that she participated with died, leaving only her and one other survivor, who wanted nothing to do with her afterwords* ...I'm really sorry for ditching you a few weeks ago. Its just...*She tried to maintain her composure, but it was evident that she was having trouble doing so* ...Everything's been happening so fast, I've been feeling overwhelmed, I...*She lost her Composure, as she started sniffling before letting out a heavy sigh* ...Hope to see you in the upcoming Boss Fight." She stopped the recording there and sent the voice message to him. BlackRose wiped her eyes with her sleeve and looked into the direction that she saw Alphonse. 'Now how to approach him...' she wondered. She recognized him from the last Boss Fight that she was in and had thoughts of befriending the young man, but didn't know on whether or not to go through with the decision because she thought that he might be thinking negatively of her, but then again, it could have been an understatement for her to believe that most players look down on her for being a Solo Player, let alone her personality.
Roth walked slowly though floor 50. He has changed dramatically during the last month, no longer wielding a dagger instead he bore and fought with a large two hander named <<Titan's Thorn>> and a dark green duster coat.


He received a message while purchasing some potions from a non-NPC store owner. If there was one thing he grew to hate during this game it was NPCs and their clear lack of emotions. He listened to the massage play more times then he cares to admit, with the massage being. "Hey Roth, its BlackRose...Or well, 'Cupcake'. I just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas. Hope you haven't forgotten about me. Look, I...I'm really sorry for ditching you a few weeks ago. Its just...Everything's been happening so fast, I've been feeling overwhelmed, I...Hope to see you in the upcoming Boss Fight." Roth was holding back his own tears, Rose left with barely a goodbye and kept to minimum contact viva messaging. For the most of the time he had no idea if she was alive or dead, and for some reason she preferred it that way as a solo-player. All it did for Roth was make him worry about her and constantly check his message box for any evidence of her still living.

Roth decided to send a voice message to BlackRose and after what seemed like thirty tries he finally got one that was not to clingy or bad romance novel dialogue.
"Merry Christmas, it's good to hear form you Rose, and I'm glad that you're still among the living. I've missed you and hope to see you soon I'm right now on floor 50. If you don't want to party with me I understand, just please stay alive and don't be reckless. I hope to see you soon to Rose." His voice was filled with sadness and seemed to be on the verge of tears. He ended the message and started to silently shed a few tear before sending it to her. While he wanted to search her out and find her, a part of him was just glad that she was alive.
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Terron sat under a tree in the Forest of Wandering on floor, located on floor 35.

A small group of level 20's around him, each inch having their own individual sack.

"Alright, I want everyone to empty their bags, and give its contents to Felix" he motioned over to the appraiser, "Whoever looted the most from that market wins, of course...that's if you didn't get caught." He chuckled soundly as the rest of the group joins in, all of them snickering at a woman with blonde hair, she eventually joined in the laughter, "I thought I could run fast enough!" She exclaimed as she contained her laughter

Soon after, everyone began to dump out each if their bag's content, there was obviously some who thought they got the best, and were disappointed when the worth of the item wasn't what they expected. As the time trudged on, Terron sighed, it was his last day with this group of soon to be masters of espionage bundle, and he was going to miss them... "Alright, collect your things, and let's head out to the nearest village, we can sell this junk there, and it should put each of you off at a good estimate of your skills, and if you should pursue a high risk job." Each of them nodded, and gathered their things, the group began to travel out of the woods, wary of their surroundings.
[Alright, so it turns out that every single human has something going on or just doesn't want to post just, because they are them. I'm not going to postpone the obvious... I will wait for 'decent' activity until 12th of April.

Consider it like a bad dog, if it's behavior betters and it starts eating and stops biting people it'll be fine, but if it shows the same behavior for those days it gets a bullet in the back of it's fragile canine skull.]
"Huh?" Ravita was surprised when she read the alert pop up. "Christmas bonus?" She looked around at Yuchi, then to Luminitsa, then to other players that surrounded the area. Ravita had never been one to forget holidays, even if she didn't want to celebrate them...but here lately she hadn't kept up with time at all and just simply lived.

She sighed softly as she began to think...this will be the second Christmas she'll be spending here in Sword Art Online. The first time around it was with Shadow. He hated holidays and said that he never celebrated it nor visited his family during the holidays. He just shut himself away from the rest of the world and refused to talk to anybody until the end of the holidays. So spending Christmas with Ravita was something different for him, and even then he had still tried to ignore the holidays. But Ravita was still there, trying to do her absolute best for him with some ditsy, sunny smile on her face...perhaps even trying too hard. Honestly, it was all for a selfish cause.

She expected she would be with him another Christmas, as she had so much planned out. But she had taken granted of everything, and so selfishly too. Now she just had Yuchi, though it was not the same; no in the slightest. But Yuchi was still a friend that she owed so much to, and so she had to figure out something to give her on Christmas. No problem though, because she was a tailor! She could just make something for Yuchi...she was sure she could match to her taste. Her armor/outfit was kinda in the punk category, no problem she could probably design something! She smiled over at Yuchi "Christmas is soon Yuchi. We should party for once after this boss battle..." Such a comment made her insides knot up "We could even invite that guy you were just talking to...if he doesn't have anybody to celebrate with, that is. It'll be fun!"
(Sorry, im in the process of moo-ving :3)

Yuchi smiled over to Ravita, happy that she wanted to start fighting some more... Perhaps she was secretly training the girl to be as ruthless as she was..?

"Well, I'm glad you wanna join me!" She said enthusiastically, as she thought about the battle to come.

I wonder If I'll get the final hit again!? She asked herself jubilantly in her mind. Such a thing would bring her some joy, and it would probably be her Christmas present to herself. Speaking of Christmas... Yuchi already had a little something planned out for Ravita on the holiday.

After the Christmas bonus alert went off and Yuchi saw and read it, she smiled and was somehow even happier.

"This is great! With that bonus we can level up mighty well with the boss fight..." She commented to Ravita, who seems to be thinking about a lot of stuff. Then Ravita made the notion of throwing a party and the idea sounded really great to Yuchi, and images ran through her mind about such an upcoming event.

"That does sound fun, and I'm sure he would join us." She said, almost positive that he would have nothing really better to do as a solo player.

"Speaking of Alphy, we should go meet him now on floor 50..." She said as she took out her teleportation crystal.

"Well, you can come now, or later. But I'll see you there regardless okay Ravi?" She said as she then teleported to Alphonse, using the 'Teleport to a friend' thing. She materialized in front of him and then poked his nose...

"Long time no see Al! Looking down on the world I see?" She said with a smile...
Alphonse felt something touching the tip of his nose, but the image was blocked by the event menu "Hello?" he closed the menu to be greeted by Yuchi babbling on about something. "Y-yeah looking down. Glad you could make it, I-" he cut himself off and scratched his head "Well, I see you brought another person." his eyes widened when he realized it was the girl who had lost her friend in the last boss fight. "So you kept her with you this whole time?" asked Alphonse crouching down to Yuchi whispering.

Before Yuchi could answer the parties already began forming in the town center and masses were making there way through filling the area. In the crowd of cursors something caught Alphonse's sight, it was a yellow cursor and he was sure this wasn't a mistake. Dragging Yuchi and Ravita along by their hands He made his way to a safe distance of the yellow cursor. 'There's not only a suspicious event, but now a player killer is in the front lines?!' Alphonse thought to himself when he recognized the player as the hooded figure he had been chasing in Taft the last month. "I'm going to give each of you 2 healing stones and 1 antidote." Alphonse stated handing them the items from his inventory before beginning the invitation process. As his finger hovered the [send Request] button he regurgitated his final requests in a quiet yet still audible tone "Be on your guard, and stay behind me. The man behind you to the right" he nudged his head "Is the Safe-Zone killer. He carries effective poisons around and will most likely be hostile when encountered!" the look that was formed on Alphonse's visage was one of distress whilst he looked at Yuchi for agreement that she would stay behind him.
This role play has been marked "inactive". Inactive role plays are defined as "role plays showing 0 activity within a 30 day period".

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