Sword Art Online [Inactive]

Yuchi giggled at Alphonse stuttering.

Aww... She thought in her head as she imagined him as some strange knight that was bestowed that name by the kingdoms. She took his gauntlet and gave it a firm shake, one that was different to the appearance of her small hand.

"My real name is Chiyuu Onto. It's nice to officially greet you!" She said with a big smile while shaking his hand.

"Alphonse is a good name, especially for nicknames... Shall I refer to you as Alphy or Al... I decree both!" She added randomly, and in a rather silly way... Yuchi was particular about nicknaming people...
Ravita was silent the whole time. Her anger from earlier had only been short lived and she ran out of energy quickly and she could only stare dully as the pink haired girl took what was once, but only portionally, her kill.

The battle was over and she was now just a dull exhausted puddle of hollowness, all emotion earlier had dulled away and she was only partially tuned in with the world. Lumitsa stayed obediantly by its masters side and nuzzled into her muddied leg for some sense of comfort...the most an npc could really serve.

Ravita finally came back to her senses...only partially however, through the contact of the girl who had ridden of the boss who sent her beloved partner to his unexpected death. As if on a sort of survival instinct...and it was, for a young child that is; Ravita clung to the cloth of the girl, victimizing her for her support if only temporarily. And she said nothing, she heard nothing of what the players surrounded her had been saying and knew of nothing...could hardly think of anything. She made her desperate intentions clear through the childish ckingyness towards the young pink haired stranger and waited for an act of confirmation.

(think I did decent for somebody on their phone)

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"Sounds good Cupcake." He walk beside her."Do you know any good blacksmiths? I really need to repair my equipment." His mind started to wonder 'Dose she think I'm flirting with her? What would a relationship with her be like? Probably a lot of abuse....To me.' He started hitting his head with the palm of his hand trying to get rid of the evil mental images in his mind.
A message alert from the guild had popped in the corner of his eye.

[COUNCIL - Yesulda] New message!

As Alphonse opened his menu to tap the alert a soft feminine voice began to play "You are now 41 minutes late Alphonse. As agreed from the start, this is just business." this soft tone was crushed by a demanding shout "YOUR PAY WILL BE CUT 15%! WANNA KNOW WHY? Because we don't tolerate morons like you who let people roam around and kill, steal, and damage other players. You know what happened 10 minutes ago? A player killer went ahead and poisoned a persons drink before moving said player's slowly dying and paralyzed body's hand to the accept duel tab, where he damaged them enough for said player to die from the poison he had placed in the drink! I would asked the Seekers to do this but noooo they are too busy doing whatever the hell they WAN-" the violent rant was cut off by a frustrated scream and the recording ended.

Alphonse was frozen in shock before he tore out his [Teleport Crystal] nearly dropping it. "Al is fine, I'm so sorry Chiyuu!!" he replied before teleporting to the town now being abused, the town in which his home and guild were located, Taft.
Well that was odd... Yuchi thought with a shrug.

Hope things are okay... Anyway... She turned to Ravita and rubbed her shoulder as the girl clung onto her.

"Would you like to check out the next town sweety? I'll get you cleaned up over there..." She said to her as she took the girls hand and began leading her into <<Vivic>>

When stepping inside of the new town Yuchi smiled. This place was really nice and tavern-like to her.

"See, this place is pretty isn't it?" She said to Ravita, softly. She took the girl to the local Inn and got a room he both of them to share, not wanting the girl to be all alone. Yuchi had plenty of Col to spare, so it wasn't a problem to get the room.
'If I ended up in a Relationship with him...I'd probably be too much for him. Oh I don't know...' she thought. "I was going to ask you the same thing. But I'm sure we'll find a good place." she told him. "I'm not sure if you noticed, but out of everyone at the Boss fight, you were the only one that talked to me." she said, confirming how most players did see her as a rude and self-centered person. Although she did not want to admit it, BlackRose did want to be more open with others.
Ravita was quiet up until they got to the inn. She was just exhausted and in an emtionally unstable state. Not so much from the mourning of death... as she had always found death a difficult concept that she couldnt manage to ever grasp, no matter how long and carefully she thought it over. To her it was as if the person vanished to a far off place where long distance contact was impossible and because you never knew where they went off to, you could never find them no matter how much you tried. Though is a manner of speaking, that exactly what death was. Perhaps she could somehow grasp it.

Ravita sat at the edge of her inn bed, looking down at the wooden floorboards, busying her thoughts by kicking her aching legs lightly back and forth, counting kicks beneath her breath, as if it all really mattered. It was a sort of pose that you would have normally seen from that of a bored and lonely child. But Ravita no longer had that childlike innocence, she never really had...

Lumitsa was asleep on Ravita's bed, curled up and sleeping soundly, as it was incapable to take in heavy emotion...nor light emotion. It only acted as it was coded to do.

Ravita looked up towards the girl with the pink hair, watched her carefully through her heavy and weary vison. All she wanted to do was sleep...but that thought was something that made her insides knot up.

”thank you...” She said quietly and finally, having no other words to express anything she could manage to feel.

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Aww...... Yuchi thought as she looked at the cute little girl with sad eyes.

"I think you need a hug..." She said as she walked over to her and sat on the bed, pulling the girl into a hug.

"You should try and sleep okay..." She murmured into her ear as she hummed softly. Even though Yuchi didn't mind the death of others, she certainly understood the feeling that it brought to the people who did care about their comrades... She didn't want to exactly watch this girl be sad and numb either. She would probably try and become her friend as much as she could, nursing her in anyway that she could as well.

"I know I can't offer much to you... But I hope that you'll accept me.." She said as she patted the girls back, hoping to somehow lull the girl to sleep. Resting would maybe make her feel better. Though Yuchi knew she could never be a substitute for the girl's previous friend.
"Don't worry my socially awkward Cupcake, unlike others I enjoy your attitude and blunt criticism." He told her honestly looking down at his damaged gear. "I really need to find a reliable blacksmith that won't rip me off. Last time I went to get this stuff repaired it cost me half a house and it took me all my might to not beat him." He said making small talk on the way.
[Location: TAFT, Town Center; 22:18]

Alphonse had appeared at the town center that was currently completely devoid of human life. This was quite common considering the market was bland and only one guild had it's stead here. Changing into his basic clothing he began to patrol the town's streets. 'There seems to be nothing wrong at the momen-' his thought was interrupted by voices in the background. Alphonse's sight reverted to an alley way as he began to approach it as lightly as possible. In the alley two men had met, one covered by a hood with a mark on it that looked like a scimitar, and the other a slightly overweight stubble bearded teen probably 14. Chubby boy: "If you are here that must mean, that you-" his weak voice was cut off by a scratched males voice.

Rorschach: "Yes the job is done. I left no evidence behind people only saw the back of my head watching like idiots as the moron died!" his head began to tilt as his hand quickly raised "PAY UP!" he shouted as he swung his fingers forward and back again.

Alphonse knew that this man was the perpetrator, the evidence was set and recorded with Alphonse's only
[Message record Crystal]. He began to equip his spear as he watched intently as the chubby assassin summoner had thrown in his due payment. 'This is my chance!' he thought as he rapidly turned from his cover armed with his spear. Jumping up Alphonse stabbed his spear forward to knock the murderer to the wall, but the pker was too quick and rapidly threw the wobbly teen ahead of him and ran off. The spear violently threw the moron into the wall not damaging him, since it was a safe zone, but shaking him up. The chase began as the hooded figure ran to the river and made himself ready for a leap and prepare his Teleport Crystal. Alphonse only saw one opportunity since his agility was not nearly as evolved as the killer's and that was to throw his spear once more. He threw his spear aiming for the back of the perpetrator. The attack was too late and his body had moved into the next area leaving Alphonse to stand there unarmed as his spear had fallen on the other side of dock. His worry was not for him to retrieve his weapon, but The Fat One . He turned to the spot he had seen him and spotted the laughably agile movement of the second annoyance. With ease he began to catch up with the frantic pansy and had equipped his shield. He bashed down the boy leaving him crashing into the ground and ready for Alphonse's interrogation.
"I appreciate your honesty. Well, there should be a few good Blacksmiths. I usually go to player Blacksmiths though, since NPCs tend to have staggering prices." Despite Roth's friendliness, BlackRose was still reluctant to trust him, considering how they just met. "So...Tell me more about yourself." She decided to get to know him better since she may be partying with him for a while. Some time later, they had arrived at Panareze, the main settlement of the 24th Floor.
(I WILL HAVE TO STOP THE LOVE TRAIN DOUBLE AGENTS ROTH AND CUPCAKE, SO BUENOS NIGHT AND SEE YOU MORGEN! *Kicks everyone out of the train and jumps out as just as he crashes*)
"It's so late, I guess it's about time I went back" Ara thought to himself after killing the last monster in sight. Since he didn't go with the frontline forces, he ended up training on some lower levels monsters for the past few days. "Hmm.. I've saved up some money... I almost have enough for getting the materials." thought Ara, as he was making his way back to the city. There was only one thing he wanted right now: to get the best materials for his new katana.
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"What do you want to know about me Cupcake?" His voice and body language changed. His voice became more blunt and less kind. His body stiffened giving off a more serious vibe. All signs showing that she was asking the most difficult question for Roth. If see looked in his eye there was only sadness and regret.
"I guess you start with your past year here. Since we're not able to log out until someone gets up to the 100th Floor and defeats the final boss." she said, noticing his change of voice and body language. it was getting dark, so they would have to visit the blacksmith the following day. So instead, BlackRose suggested that they stay at an Inn for the night. Or at least until the Sun rises if she doesn't end up falling asleep.
"The first month was the worst time of my life and I'm sorry, but there are thing in my past that should stay there." He said dodging the question his voice seemed detached almost lifeless. It was pretty obvious that there was only despair.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..." She paused, feeling that she had hit a soft spot. However, BlackRose was unable to sympathize, because she did not know him too well, let alone he seemed very reluctant to talk about his past. While she herself was a bit more open, there were parts of her past that she too did not want to talk about, especially her past experience with guilds and parties.
"It's okay Cupcake, there was no way for you to know. Maybe when we've known each other a little longer I tell you." His demeanor changed went back to his original one. He looked around an noticed it was getting dark. "Well Cupcake it's getting dark should probably find an inn. Get some food and rest up. Then tomorrow we can find a blacksmith." He looked to her and decided to make a joke. "Who knows maybe if I'm lucky they only have one bed available." He proceed to burst out laughing.
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(Guys... Calm your lovey dovey stuff and please wait for me, BEX, and Ravioli to complete our academic hours forced onto us by life.)

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Ravita was reluctant at first, but her reluctance wasn't stronger than her sheer exhaustion, and without realizing it she had finally fell asleep. But this would not be a comfortable night. She would be burdened by dreams that manifested by her thoughts, emotions and ongoing worry from when she was awake. And when she would wake, she would still be exhausted from the dreams.

A cruel reality this was.

(I hope we'll all be able to keep up with the track of time in this role play. So some people aren't in the morning whilst others are in the night.)
(Actually I'm on spring break. I was just asleep. But I finally got some solid sleep last night. *Insomniac*)

Yuchi smiled softly as the girl finally fell asleep. She tucked her into the bed and then stood up, walking over to a set of chairs and a table that was occupying the room as well. She opened her inventory and took out the rare item that she had received from killing the Ancient.

Yuchi looked at the Crystal Tooth, that was hung by a black rope. In her mind this did indeed look like something that could occult, so she equipped it on as her secondary necklace. Her first necklace being a chocker with a chain hanging from it. Kind of... Strange, to some onlookers; but Yuchi accepted this long ago as being part of her Occultist personality.

She looked out the window and then up at the virtual sky, showing nothing but fake virtual stars and a big virtual moon. Regardless of it being real, she enjoyed the sight as it was beautiful.

I wonder what happened to Al.... She thought, just as in Taft Al knocked some guy down with his shield.

Pfft, he probably went to sleep by now. She thought again, with a shrug.

Yuchi then walked over to the bed and laid down next to the girl, glad she was getting sleep, but at the same time, worried that she might have nightmares. Yuchi was laying on her back, waiting for sleep to come~
BlackRose chuckled at the joke Roth tried to make, but sadly for him it quickly ceased. After about another twenty minutes, the duo finally found a suitable Inn. 'Sharing a room with him...I don't think so. Even a girl needs her privacy and having him wait outside is just plain rude.' she thought. "...Yeah, I'm gonna stay in my own room. I need my privacy too, you know." she stated coldly. 'God, is this his first time talking a girl or something?' she wondered. 'Does he know that I'm older then him...Probably not. But judging by his behavior, I'm pretty sure he's a College boy. This is getting awkward...Should I go back to being a Solo Player? But I don't wanna make it seem like I don't want him around. But I guess if the flirting gets too excessive, I'll just take my leave then.' she thought.
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Ara finally made it back to the town. He couldn't believe that farming monsters could be so exhausting. A few moments later he reached his workshop. "Home sweet home" Ara said with a dull smile on his face. Even though he was hungry, Ara went straight to bed. "Will I ever get back to the real world?" he wondered as he was lying in bed. "I hope dad is okay.." With that thought in mind, he closed his eyes and before he knew it, he was fast asleep.
"I Did it! I finally go you to smile!" He said extremely proud of himself. "And no duh, I'm not gonna make you sleep in the same room as me that would be super creepy." His gaze went to the name of the inn, and oh how it amused him. "The Screeching Banshee Inn, that is a terrible name for an inn. Seriously I can think of about a thousand better names." He continued ranting on the terrible name to BlackRose.
For the first time since beginning the game, well up until she found out that she couldn't log out, BlackRose smiled a bit. "I'm sure you can." she commented. When they got inside, BlackRose paid for her room and quietly entered it, locking the door. She then unequipped her sword and jumped into bed. She had some trouble sleeping at first, so at the moment she just stared at the ceiling in the dark. On her mind was today's boss fight. 'Why did I watch from the Sidelines for half the fight...Guess I got really wrapped up in the conversation with Roth. He seems like a decent guy and so far has been a good friend, but I don't really think I want to be in a relationship with him. I wonder what that girl thinks of me...Probably the same as just about everyone else; an arrogant, self-centered b****. Wish I could have done more to contribute to that Boss fight...Just what was holding me back? Hopefully for my next Boss Fight, I'll contribute more rather then stay on the sidelines, just watching and chatting. My life in Sword Art Online just seems to keep getting better and better with every passing day...Good thing I'm not a 'beater' I guess.'

Clearly BlackRose had a lot on her mind, perhaps that was the reason why she was unable to fall asleep.
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