Sword Art Online [Inactive]

"H.. HEY! I WANT A SLICE OF IT TOO!" She called out as she ran through the little group of beasts and one-hit-killed them all in her frenzy to reach the boss. She caught up with Alphonse and was right along side him as she gazed up at the gnarly creature with a big childish grin on her face.

"I don't know about you, but this is going to be fun for me!" She exclaimed as she ran over to where a group of players were trying to battle. She took a swing at the boss with her sword in her right hand and the health of it went down only about 50.

Strong bugger aren't you?! She thought in her mind as she tossed the sword to her left hand and hit the darn thing again, this time causing a blow of -67 health.

If I go fast then the attacks should grow stronger... She thought as she looked around at the other battling players... Yuchi still wasn't used to her new sword skill and it hadn't even been fully developed yet.

(And the award for fastest reply goes to.... MWAH!)
There was a thunderous roar, taking Ravita aback for a moment before pulling herself out of the world her mind has created for itself when she's bored. "The hell!? Did you hear that!?" Her eyes beamed a sort of cautious radiance, as if saying 'Oh I want to be part of that! I really do but...oh the consequences that potentially come with it...' but adrenaline became dominant as she dashed forward into the boss room before Shadow could say anything. Mumbling something inaudible underneath his breath he hurried after her followed by the ever so obedient Luminitsa.

"Oh wow!" Ravita gasped at the site of the boss. "An ancient...on the MMOs I used to play Ancients were such a big deal! You'd get some awesome items from killing this thing surely!" She exclaimed excitedly but her body failed to act the same as she fumbled for the hilt of her rapier; however she finally managed to grasp it and she pulled it out quickly--pulling some cheesy RPG stance to ready herself. "Are you ready Sha!?"

Shadow pulled out his two dual blades, he was calm and collective about this...focusing on his gameplan. "It's too a high of a level for you Ravita. Start with clearing the monsters surrounding it. I'll keep close behind." He said before rushing in with his plan. He didn't need to wait for her reply, because they both knew that however reluctant, she'd obey. Ravita nodded and followed after him, killing random leeches that tried to attack those whose main priorities were the boss. Obedient and loving as always, Luminitsa had her back and was such a huge help as Ravita was no good at multi-tasking.
Though it wasn't morning, Urune's palms slowly raised in the air and blocked the light that came into her room. Flying specks of dust ran through the air and the girl laying in bed wiggled her arms around to watch them dance around her fingers. A small chuckle was heard from the small house hold. The girl shifted and looked out the window to see the lake. This place was quite popular yet you were always comfortable with your space. She yawned and stretched. Getting up now was an ease due to armor reequipping. Urune moved a bit and layed her feet on the floor sitting up. Sliding her right hand up she accessed her armor.
"Hey I have a house there to, but mines more towards the forest than anything. They are great for leveling up acrobatics and if you've ever climbed to the top of one the view is incredible." He was a little excited that they had something in common. "So Cupcake I guess we are some what neighbors." He than proceeded to laugh a little
The Ancient readied his column to crush Yuchi as it was right above her. Alphonse quickly noticed this throwing himself into Yuchi and thrusting his shield up towards the column as it threw Alphonse down and sucked away 15% of his HP. "W- watch out!" he shouted sliding from the hold of the large stick and moving under the giant. He began to use his attacks on it's achilles heel knocking it forward and making it uneasy as it began to focus on the great annoyance now. He prepared his shield as the Ancient knocked him back into the air even with his block taking another 5% of his HP. His battle recovery acted as he quickly rushed back in to distract the giant in again.
"I'm watching just fine! Don't die on me now gosh, that would look bad for me, party member!" She called back to him as she switched hands again and gave a hit with her right, knocking off 70hp. Switching to her left she struck again, then switched to her right hand and struck again. She continued this method, getting faster with each blow, until it really did look like <<Lightning fast Switch>> In total she had now deprived the creature of 402hp. She caught her breath a moment as players from the other side attacked in a group and knocked off 678hp.

This is going well... She thought with a smile as she started up her attack again.

The Ancient smashed down his column on the ground near Yuchi and the vibration made her fly back, her sword clattering to the ground a few inches away.

I need to watch all aspects of the attack area... And I should use <<Sprint>> In my next attack... She thought, coming up with a strategy. She stood and dusted off her armor/clothes, before picking her sword back up. She took a deep breath and charged back into the battle, doing the same thing as before, only this time a bit faster because of use of the ability "Sprint"
Seeing two players in bad shape, since they have been at the boss fight (Just watching from the Sidelines), BlackRose finally decided to step in. "We'll have to talk later. Right now those two need our help. Let's attack simultaneously!" she exclaimed.

She then started charging up her sword, getting ready to do a sonic leap when the time was right. While charging up her sword, she charged herself, because if she didn't intervene, it could prove fatal. For once in her Sword Art Online career, she decided to help others out, except this time it would not be in her best interest.
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(Alright everyone Ravioli|Ravita|Ravaielieaofja has a test tomorrow and can't sit around like us... let's show some respect and bring this beautiful and only partially chaotic train-wreck to a halt.)

~Cya in the morning or afternoon... whenever all you humans are on..
(Feel free to continue anyone. I'm so bland can't come up with anything to say right now... stupid piano music)

BlackRose went on to go back Yuchi. "Don't worry, I'll hold him off until you recover." BlackRose told her as she ran past, her sword fully powered up. "Roth, get ready to switch! After my attack, its your turn!" she called as she lunged at the Ancient, looking to do a Vorpal Strike. "Vorpal Strike!" she yelled as she barely dodged an incoming attack that could have proven fatal and stabbed the creature in the chest. However, she did not know how much Hit-points she knocked off because she was preparing to block an incoming attack immediately after, now that the Boss was focused on her.
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Yuchi internally scoffed.

Recover? Who does she think she is? That was just mean... Yuchi thought as a surge of anger rushed through her.

Plus, who names their attacks? What is this, some kind of superhero show? She thought bitterly as she sprinted forth with an angry look and made multiple lightning slashes against the beast, knocking off too many Health Points to even count. Surely because of her amazing display of power, she could get away with only posting this much on the forum. *Breaks fourth wall* Because she could only assume not posting a full paragraph like she normally does wouldn't get her into trouble if it didn't get BlackRose into trouble. Surely, yes. No, no, she must continue in her fast typing! VICTORY!

Yuchi hit once with her left then once with her right, she kept switching, and with her anger was even more productive than before. This time the battle felt personal, which of course, she didn't mind. Though she knew she could match her opponent BlackRose in wits, however could her attack strategy win. Well, I for one think it already has. *clears throat* Ahhem... 
(Lets say the boss has about... 3207HP left. I'm too lazy to go back and do the math.)
One more enemy and... with a final slash the last of the leek horde is gone. "A'ight! I think that's the last of 'em Sha! Can we move on to the boss now!?" Ravita yelled eagerly, since she hadn't gotten much damage done to her (though that was mostly thanks to her fox)

The man looked towards the boss, examined it and thought. "More than half of its health points are gone...it's growing weak but you're still under leveled." He looked over at the young girl whose eyes begged for further action before turning back towards the boss. "Be careful. I'll have your back but don't try to play hero." And with that he charges forward towards the boss to help the others.
The swamp ancient takes a quick tumble back before pulling back it's weapon and swiping toward the horrifyingly wild sword swinger. Alphonse had no idea who to concentrate on the boss or the wild mixture of attacks. Yuchi's behavior had made it difficult for him to follow along and the sudden entrance of the other scurrying "ally" had just made it worse. Alphonse did what he found was the only solution and ran from behind the creature to block the swipe as quickly as possible, but to no avail as the attack had knocked him back and was still beginning to make it's way to his party member.
(Not trying to be too OP but her action is fueled by anger and hatred so... :D )

Yuchi hit a couple more times against the beast, seeing it's weapon swing down to slash against her. She acted quickly and jumped up in time to land on the creatures arm. His weapon collides with the ground and before he can pull back his arm, Yuchi climbs up the thing and kicks it in the side of the face, sticking her tongue out afterwards.

"COME GET ME HEATHEN!" She shouts before jumping behind the creature and carving her sword down his back, leaving a long virtual scratch that turns red before mending itself.

-107! That's great! She thought with a smile as she runs over to Alphonse, holding a hand out for him to stand.

"You okay?" She asks, concern evident on her face.
Roth followed up BlackRose attack flanking around to its back jumping in the air and with his charged up dagger bring it down into it's back. "Backstab!" He pushed off the swamp monsters back. "What's the plan Cupcake?" He asked preparing anther strike agents it.
Ravita began to attack the boss herself, her fighting style was not that of a professional as she was mostly frantic and jumpy in her movement however her cape played the perfect illusion like that of a bull figher's-- you couldn't tell how far or close away your really were from her. She stabbed into random areas with her thin rapier, not exactly seeming to actually be trying to kill it as the stabs only took away a few handfuls. However, on parts the boss reacted to the most she would call out on Shadow. Shadow then would run forward and begin to slash aggressively at the monster, his style was much more swift and quick with that aggression of a madman. This was obviously not their first battle together.
Alphonse gladly took her hand throwing himself up to her with his shield still on his left arm. "You're too fast!" he said laughing as an ear piercing shout broke the moment. The Ancient was enraged wildly swinging it club that vibrated the floor. The repeating use of pulverize flailed around any of the nearby people. causing heavy damage to those much too close. After it's seemingly endless row of attacks it picked out one of the annoying flies now picking at it's legs. Shadow as chosen from the two and the Ancient took a great lift at it's pillar and swung it down like bat sending the hermit flailing into the nearest swamp trees almost clearing out his HP.

The Ancient's sight reverted to Ravita as it prepared to strike once more. Alphonse was much too far out of range and so was Yuchi since she had left to help him up. Rushing in he saw that this was far too late for him to engage. (Time for you too make shadow play the hero!)
Yuchi Laughed at the "Too fast" comment as she helped Alphonse up. She watched with wide eyes as she took in the destruction that was going around in the area she was in just moments before going to help Al. Her eyes followed as the guy was sent flying into a tree, nearly all of his HP draining in the blow. She knew she was too far to help the girl that was his next target, and she saw that Alphonse would have helped if he was close enough.

"The only downside to this game... Watching people die." She said flatly in a comment as she looked over the stats on her sword. After this battle she would have to go to her blacksmith to get some repairs done, as well as an upgrade or two.

But boy is it fun to watch... She added in her mind as she looked up from her sword at all of the chaos and screams.
Shadow was sent flying back and Ravita froze...suddenly this wasn't so fun anymore "SHADOW!? Luminitsa! Go heal him!!!" she screeched fumbling with her bag and throwing a small potion at the young fox. The fox however didn't catch it and the potion turned into particle pieces as it met the ground.

"Lumi- what are you!?" She stopped when she felt the lethal prescence of the boss behind her...with a mortified expression, Ravita slowly forced herself to look up and meet the beast who would surely meet her end. Her whole body shook in anxiety just like the time a year ago, right before she had met shadow.

After the announcement and giving herself time to fully translate the meaning of that announcement and make her mind comprehend it, she couldn't stop her body from trembling, couldn't stop her teeth from chattering, couldn't stop the painful feeling in her stomach. She ran to the nearest wood area and dropped to her knees. She was an unattractive mess of endless sobs until finally she forced herself to hurl (apparently you can do both in the game) As she did she felt her hair being pulled back from behind her and looking up she met the face of a kind older man with the saddest eyes...this man whom for the past year and 41 floors has served the silent agreed role of her savior.

Now all that time was meaningless, and she stared up watching in an odd slow motion as the monster raised its weapon in the air...gravity will surely take its toll...move dammit move...but she couldn't. She couldn't make herself to…

But before anything could happen, she felt a sharp pain launch into her stomach as she flew back into the swampy debris from earlier rampage. But her health didn't drop from this pain...in fact it wasn't the kind of pain from being stabbed or cut by a blade.

It was pain from a ...shove?

All Ravita could do is stare in complete mortification as the first thing she sees is the glisten of long red hair reflecting from sunlight. The next thing she sees within her blurred vision of tears is a tall thin older man forcing his blade into the boss...his health points near fully depleted. Process...process...Ravita lets out a scream in the realization of it all. “No!” Was all she could manage to utter through her own swampy whirlpool of cluttered thoughts. This wasn't happening...this was just a cruel joke.

A fucking cruel joke!

The man’s empty ice blue eyes closed without looking at Ravita

Look at me…

His mouth opened and seemed to make a small movement.

What are you saying?

What are you doing?

Get away!

Stop playing savior!

There was a time when Ravita had almost died herself...she was so close by a couple of health points...and it had stressed the older man quite a great deal. They had been training heavily, preparing themselves for a boss battle planned the next day. However the morning Ravita woke up, Shadow was gone and he left a message say that he had left for the boss battle.

What’s he doing!? He can’t fight by himself! H-He needs me! We’re a duo! She tried to find the dungeon herself but having no sense of direction was a b!tch and she was forced to wait for him the whole day, her body trembling with paranoia and worry. When he came back she was sobbing. “You f*cking asshole!” She jumped up and dashed towards him (tripping several times in the process) before hugging him not caring how clingy she was starting to act. Shadow wasn't a physical contact man and had made clear of it earlier before but she wasn't letting that stop her this time and so he just let her sob as he stared straight ahead at the wall of their small cheap home on the 22nd floor, not even making an effort into comforting her. “Why did you do that! You’re so stupid!!! You need me dammit!”

But as far as Ravita was aware of that was all a lie. She needed Shadow. He was the shoulder she was dependent on during everything. She needed him to obey his beck and call to have somebody to listen to so she wouldn’t have to rely on herself. Because that thought terrified her. In a game that relied on survival, she couldn’t trust herself...she would be the death of her own self. Shadow was her savior…

And how he played that role.

He played that role up until the very last healthpoint as he burst into particles, and they depleted into the murky thick swamp air...and once again, the whole weight of this sick game fell upon her again. And she was finally breaking, like a child without their parent to depend on...
Alphonse watched as the savior of the girl blocked the attack and paid with his life. He viewed as the Titan prepared to slaughter yet another player as it put it's club behind it's heels for another crushing blow. 'There is no time to waste' Alphonse thought as he was running faster than ever to save this girl from her doom. The time for the club to hit the girl was just a split second away before Alphonse threw his spear at the creatures head and flung the girl by her collar out into the muddy terrain. Just as the girl hit the ground avoiding her death once more, Alphonse swung his last hope up and bashed it into the attack of the Giant. The Ancient's attack had been deflected and Alphonse was moving forward and bashing the giants legs at a rapid constant pulling a mere -20 each bash. Hot air and sweat gathered in his helmet as he began to knock the Giant back until it tumbled to it's back.

As the great figure fell back the numbers 2540 flung itself into Alphonse's vision. After his burst of attacks he was near exhaustion and the Ancient was now beginning pulverize which shook him up damaging him and began pushing him to his knees. He awaited the assistance of his partner as the damage forced him too the ground a mere 60% of his HP left.
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Yuchi switched out with Alphonse and hopped back into battle, delivering more of her lightning blows.

This creature is just terrible... But I need to grow even stronger it appears... She thought as with each hit she sped up in her pace. With her efforts combined with the other player's efforts, the beast reached 1987HP. He let out a deafening screech that surely would have brought everyone to their knees, had this been heard in the real world. Then he raised his weapon again and it came crashing down towards Yuchi, she only managing to sidestep it just enough for it not to complete crush her. It smashed off her left arm however, she no longer had anything up to her elbow. The inside was a net of numbers and programs.

"DAMMIT!" She cried as she fell backwards after the blow. She crawled back and desperately went through her inventory for a health potion, coming up short on finding one.

I can't fight right if I don't have my arm... She thought as she looked around her.
Blackrose rushes to her aid. She decided to buy Yuchi some time by distracting the boss. Although it was not in her best interest, she decided for once to not be selfish, open up momentarily and perform an act of kindness. Unfortunately, this would be overlooked by her arrogance and selfishness later. Either way, she would often cover them up with sarcasm or even deny them if asked. The moment she stepped in, she saw the Boss' Health Bar. Without saying another word, she quickly charged up another attack, except this time it would be a Combo Attack. She decided to perform the Howling Octave. Instead of yelling it out like before, she just powered up her sword and attacked the boss. Although the Ancient parried half her attacks, she was able to get through with her remaining slashes and take away up to 487 HP. However, she was hit a few times herself. When she looked at her HP Bar on her Heads-Up Display, it was practically cut in half. 'Damn!' she thought. She decided to keep her distance until she could get some time to recover. However, it was now on her tail because she decided to get it away from Yuchi, in an effort to buy her time to get the chance to heal herself. Because of her arrogance, selfishness and anti-heroic attitude, she doubted that someone was going to save her and give her a chance to use a potion to heal herself. She could only hope for the best.
Roth hit the boss monster with a barge of attacks to the back. "Switch Cupcake I got this heal up, and be ready on the flank." Charging up his dagger he slams it in to its back preforming a heavy hitting 'Backstab'. 'first step went well now for the second running.' Having aggro the Boss he takes off in the other detection doing his best to dodge the hits. 'Well I can chalk this up to being stupid.' He rolled out of the way as it slammed it's weapon down. Starting to worry about how long he could keep this up he yelled at his partner "Any time now Cupcake!"
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After being pushed out of the way again from some other person in the group fighting against the boss, Ravita just completely lost it. Not in the insane maniacal way but in the way of as if all that was inside her inner being was turned into particles and faded away along with shadow. As if half of her was part of him and his whole had to go. She couldn't even try to focus, her mind was just a clouded mess of nothingness...she didn't even hear the fight going on it was just a consistent, steady buzz and nothing else. Her vision was also clouded and she stared down to the muddy ground for so long that she began to see small stars and the mud was just swirling together. Ravita wasn't deathly still though, she was trembling madly, and her teeth chattered a consistent beat and tears just fell and fell in junction. Luminitsa stayed in front of her, still obedient to its master making sure nothing came her way.

"gone gone gone gone gone gone gone gone gone gone gone gone gone gone gone gone gone gone gone gone gone gone gone gone gone gone..." She kept uttering over and over as if in a trance...which she indeed seemed to be in. "gone gone gone gone gone...." that agonizing pain crept into her stomach but she didn't even seem to notice that. "he's gone, gone gone gone gone gone..."

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