Sword Art Online [Inactive]

BlackRose had regained her confidence upon hearing Roth's voice. She switched with him quickly then pulled up her inventory interface to find a healing potion. After a few minutes, she took a healing potion out of her inventory and used it to heal up. Although she didn't heal up all the way, she recovered 75% of what she had lost. She then readied her sword and got ready to help her partner by preparing for a flank the Ancient.
Yuchi decided to leave the boss killing to her party member as well as the people who believed that they were the hero's in the story. Surely they could OP the beast out of existence while she took a moment to go comfort a player. She made a dash over to Ravita and took the shaking girl into her one arm.

"Hey, are you okay? It's going to be fine.. I'm sure you'll be fine soon.." She cooed into her ear. Though, she didn't know if it really was going to be fine or not, she just hoped that she could help the girl.

"You know what might help... You could get revenge..." She said slightly darkly into the girls ear, switching into occult mode.

"If you kill that boss, then maybe his death won't be in vain..." She says again. She then releases you from her one-armed hug, and winks, returning to her normal voice.

"I have faith in you to do well!" She says exuberantly.
Alphonse watched as the other party stormed in and began to attack the creature. Since the other man had already begun to assist his partner, Alphonse was going to help his by healing her. He looked through his inventory searching for a potion with his free hand since his spear was still in the Ancient's head. With ease he found a [small healing potion] and it would be just enough to heal her hand, or at least he hoped it would. "Hey!" he read her name slowly "Yuuuuuchhi, take this!" he tossed it as close to her free hand as she was bringing the lost puppy to the battle.

He tried to hide how worried he was for his party member and forced himself to enter the battle once more with only a shield and defend the healing patron and her trusty rolling cupcake companion.
Yuchi looked over to where her name was being extensively spoken out. By the time she looked over her only hand shot out just in time to catch the potion.

"Thanks pal!" She called back, being too preoccupied to read his username. She glugged down the potion and her hand materialized again.

Thank god... She thought to herself as she clenched and unclenched her fist, getting a feel for herself again. It was odd not having a left arm...

"Well, I'll be hopping back in!" She said to the girl as she ran back into the battle, drawing out her sword again and going at the monster. Her lightning fast abilities being mighty useful to the majority of the group who were fighting.

I'll show you main-character-complex... She thought to herself, about the other two players who were trying to get in the final hit on the boss. If anything that girl Ravita should get to kill it. Lets hope she listened to Yuchi's dark words...
BlackRose was now ready to flank the boss. Rather then some super fancy attack, she decided to stick to normal conventional attacks and parries. Whether the flank was going to be successful or not, she was unsure. She kept her partner in check however, although he was not having serious trouble, she wanted to step in before things get worse. "Roth! I'm ready!" she called out, signalling that she was ready to do the flank.
"About time Cupcake." Roth said dodging to the left, and turning around running straight <<Sprint>> at the Boss while charging up his blade, which was pointed back wards getting in to point blank range to preform a 'Sky Uppercut' at the last second he jumps and swings his dagger in an upwards arc. At the peak of his jump he kicks himself away by kicking off the Boss with both feet. Landing on his back he shouted to his partner "BlackRose now!" He said with full trust in his partner.
BlackRose was charging at the boss from his right. With the beast's attention on her partner, she acted quickly. "Snake Bite!" she called out as she performed the attack on the beast, targeting his weapon. Although chances of her breaking the weapon was slim, she decided to try it anyway. As her attack landed, she failed to break the weapon, but at least she managed to weaken the Ancient by at the very least heavily damaging the weapon, so now it was a bit weaker from when the battle started. Afterwards, she landed next to her partner, as she felt drained after the attack. Although now was not the best time, she stopped to catch her breath.
Tune back into the real world...

Touch brought her back. A girl...no, the girl who was taking the lead earlier with the pink hair, was giving her a light hug. She had been talking to her, though she didn't quite catch the first part.

"...could get revenge..." she was saying.

Revenge...? Processing the words...tuning back into the cruel reality, if even virtual.

Revenge...the action of inflicting hurt or harm on someone for an injury or wrong suffered at their hands.

She hadn't thought of that, oddly enough. Of revenge, of releasing anger. She had it in her, she just never like the thought of such. Never had. She didn't like to use violence because of just pure hatred. That would just turn her into a monster and prove how the apple didn't fall too far from the tree. Something she had never wish to prove to herself.

But Shadow...they had both planned to kill that monster together. They both thought that day it would be the same as the other 40 floors. They'd get by, as always. Because they were a duo and death though it happened one just never felt like they'd ever be the unlikely ones..

Slowly, to mostly her surprise she began to stand but it was like her body was reacting on its own since she couldn't even take action for her own self. She grabbed her rapier again. Revenge...was that something she really wanted...?

There was once a time when they partied up with two others for several floors. A 13 year old gemini like her and Shadow with the username of Devrocer and a norwegian boy Ravita's age by the name of Crowsilver. Dev was not a good fighter but had high intel on advice on survival and he had most of the reforging skills. Crow however, was a merciless madman. The four of them had became good friends and traveled together. On the 27th floor however, Crow was too reckless and was murdered by that floor's boss. It was devastating for all of them and like now she had broken down into a fit of paranoia and anxiety. Shadow and Dev had stood there awkwardly, neither of them a person of comfort.

"Ravita's sad..." Dev said, as if it wasn't bluntly obvious but the tone in his voice made his worry apparent.

Shadow was silent, as he stared off into the vast nothingness that lied ahead of them in the open field they were in. His hair softly moved with the wind, masking his eyes for the most part...for that was his best feature to detect emotion: those hollow empty eyes that could tell you more than words could. Finally did he speak, it was soft and it's tone and voice still was devoid of emotion, but it was still words...something Shadow did not take lightly.
"If I was half the woman you were, I'd be twice the man I am today..." and with that he turned around and walked off, leaving the two behind. Dev had died shortly after that by a mob of monsters, an unjustly death and Ravita and Shadow could only move on and keep hold of that memory silently, and never had she forgotten that comment Shadow had said...

words create ripples.

Shadow didn't deserve this unjustly death! None of them did! It was a death that would be forgotten...it was unfair and they deserved so much more! She began to speed walk, clenching tightly to her rapier. As if understanding, Luminitsa followed.

"HA!" Ravita swung down, but the rapier flew out of her hand and Shadow had to raise a questionable eyebrow. "Th-that one was an accident!" She laughed nervously, her face red from the stupid screwup. "You know...I'm blonde...I'll have my moments." She shrugged. Shadow simply walked over and picked up the rapier and gave it back to her. "It's dangerous to go alone, take this." Ravita took it obediently. "HA! Zelda joke - I get it!" She grasped the rapier, made a cheesy RPG stance and swung again. "Ha!"

With a pleased half smile, Shadow grabbed her hand with one hand and the rapier with the other and he fixed the noticeable problem.
"You're holding it wrong." Ravita, slightly feeling awkward and embarrassed but determined to learn quickly nodded and clenched onto her rapier tightly. Her palms sweaty. "Ha!" She swung. "That looked retarded too...didn't it?" She couldn't help to ask but she was reassured by the gentle clapping from an older man.

Now she'd never get to live those simple pleasures again! Everything she'd have to figure on her own. Screw that damn monster! Damn it for taking away my happiness! DAMN IT ALL!!! She sped up, her eyes alive with a fire and taste for revenge. She leapt up and slashed into the monster, probably the best slash she had ever managed playing the game.

"So...people get married on this game?" Ravita asked, taking a bite from her meal. "Aye, they get to share an inventory. Other benefits too...plus the title of being married. but it's mostly the shared inventory that matters." He said matter of factly in that devoid of emotion voice of his. Ravita thought it over for a long time. Then she shrugged and finished up her meal.

As they walked through the town of beginnings, checking out the markets and the simplicity of everything, Ravita was a bit ...bothered by something. Shadow, finally taking a notice, looked down at her questionably. Ravita blushed, looked down and mumbled.
"...should we get married?" Her face flushed, she kept her eyes away from him, already beginning to regret those words.

"Nah. It costs. If you need something in my inventory, ask." And that was the end to their conversation.

"I don't even have anything to remember him by! No final goodbyes!" Slash. "No answers on questions I thought I had time for!" Slash. "NOTHING!!!!" She screamed incoherently through sobs. "You took it all away!" Slash.










she slashed away, unable to finish her words through her mess of sobs, slashes and lack of breathing.
BlackRose just watched in surprise and amazement. At how the poor girl was literally just slashing the boss to death. However, as she didn't really get close to anyone, so she didn't really know how it felt. However, she did know the feeling to a degree, because she did experience it in real life some time ago. However, as an Anti-Heroine, she spared no sympathy whatsoever. She then gave her sword, the Bloodheart, a nice good look, then pulled up the interface as she examined it. 'Looks like it'll need repairs after this fight,' she thought.
(GUYS! Cupcake, Double o7, Pro, Ravioli... I'm gonna tell yall to shut up and save the Heroic acts until morning because I'm going to bed now.. GOOD NIGHT! I hope you all dream of old men kicking soccer balls at your stomach, while astronauts sing you happy birthday.)
(Dream of shaved blue jays dancing to 3 terrible songs that you hate playing at the same time, and whilst they are doing that you are forced to move your sights up to multiple flying karp that are singing the american national anthem.)
(( So the fight is basically over, so once every gets out, I will fully plunge my character into the story. ))
(( guess it's about time I joined in too, I'm glad I already see some chances due to blacksmithing ))
(I HAVE A SMALL AMOUNT OF CHORES SO FEEL FREE TO JOIN IN SILENCER ONCE WE KILL THE BOSS. [it would make more sense considering he is nearly dead and you can't just pop out of thin air].)

(*Powers up the rusty old generator* BEGIN!!!!) ~And sorry for the all caps I'm just a moron.
Yuchi of course kept at it with trying to kill the boss. She wanted whatever the rare item drop would be. Hopefully something gnarly like an Ancient tooth necklace! She would totally go for that.

With her next attack, she went around the base of the left leg once, carving out a circular chunk of its leg. She threw the sword over to her left hand and went at it again, this time going around counter/anti clockwise. The beasts leg dissipated into particles and her fell over, unfortunately smashing a couple players in the process, one of which burst into the sparkly particles themselves. But being the occultist that Yuchi was, she couldn't care less... (Throwing out an
xD )

Since the monster had fallen over, all of the attacks were now stronger. The Ancient couldn't get much of a powerful hit anymore...

The health of the creature dropped down to 306HP after a little bit and some of the groups were now retreating, leaving the finishing off for the higher level players. Yuchi couldn't let anyone else get the kill, so she decided to be the one to deliver the final hit.

Yuchi jumped up and onto the monster as it tried to flail around and knock her off. She narrowly dodged some of the sweeps but managed to get up to around where the heart would be. Then she just started her attack... Her one blade was moving back and forth between her two hands at rapid speeds as the slashed into the monster.

"DIE!" She shouted as she continued the slashing. -50, -50, -50, with each quick blow. She charged the sword during this time and then slashed across once, switching over to her other hand and slashing again, forming an X shape. With that critical hit the beast wavered and then disintegrated into fragmental dust....

A congratulations banner appeared over everyone and some of the people cheered that things were finally done. Yuchi kneeled down and read the banner that came up for killing the boss.

You have received, rare item drop:

Crystal fang.

Do you accept?

She pressed the blue circular button and the item transferred into her inventory, where she did not yet put it on...

I did it.... YES! She thought happily as a large smile spread across her face and her pink eyes sparkled.

(Crystal fang:
BlackRose sheathed her sword as soon as the battle had ended. She folded her arms as she walked up next to Yuchi. "Its not often I say this, but congratulations on a job well done." she said to Yuchi, though the tone in her voice was cold and, to an extent, arrogant.

She then took a look at her fingernails and smiled, but it quickly faded before taking her other hand and running it down her hair to straighten it out.
"Roth, what are you planning to do next? Are you going to party with me for a bit, or are you gonna go your separate way until our paths cross again?" she had the Party Interface opened; she was contemplating on whether or not to dissolve the party she was currently in with him, but thought that he should have a say in it before she makes her final decision on going back to being a Solo Player. However, so he can message her, should he decide to go his own way, she added him to her friends' list.
"You can't get rid of me that quick Cupcake." He patted her on the back. Accepting her friend invite. "As your first official friend I decree we need a break. Almost dying is a pretty good excuse to take a little vacation." He said getting up and examining his blade 'And I just got you repaired' He gave her a cocky smirk. "Or if you prefer we can stick to doing some leveling, after repairing our gear."
Alphonse wandered to the joy ridden being since his spear had fallen right next to her. He crouched down and picked up his weapon before storing it once more. He didn't say a word, not because he didn't want to it's just his weakness had returned as he saw her joy. Scrolling through the menu Alphonse called up the friends list which was completely deserted besides one that had [Medna](A source of information that had never shown her face to Alphonse, and all he knows is that she was assigned to inform him by the incognito leader of Vile's End) in it. He prepared to add Yuchi to his friends list not expecting her to accept. "I will have to leave after this for duties, and I would like to keep contact with you. For m-m- more raids, of course!" He tapped the circle to send as he finished.

The path to floor 42 <<Vivic>> had opened (SEE IN MAPS). The first masses began to flood through to see what expected them and too rest their poor and useless souls. "Someone told me that there will be a town ahead, so you can take the poor girl to rest" Alphonse whispered to Yuchi as he was facing Ravita.

[Meanwhile in the real world] LOCATION: Tamishawa Hospital

A Nurse approached the bed with young man laying in it. "Is this your son ma'am?" The beautiful young nurse regurgitated. A strict looking woman slithered up to the bed in which her son lied. "James Wilson, I'm sorry, but you always disappointed me and all this is really starting to cost-" exclaimed the young mother with not a flinch of remorse sneaking across her visage. "Are you sure about this? Are you really ready to let go of him? No matter how inactive he was in life, he is still your son." said the nurse in an attempt to persuade the witch. "This child is nothing, but an embarrassment!" She exclaimed before her husband crashed into the hospital room shouting "PULL THE PLUG WE ARE ABOUT TO BE CHARGE ANOTHER MONTHLY FEE!" in a rapid manner with her elbow smacking the chin of the coma driven boy, the nurse had torn out the apparatus and they all watched as the boy suffocated without his machines to help him until the nurse couldn't handle it and tore off his Nervegear in a brutal matter swinging him off the bed with his now fried cheek smacking the floor. Before the nurse could look back the greedy couple had already left not saying their goodbyes and probably even cracking a joke on the way out.

(PLAYER/CHARACTER THE J or Tekkan Faerwen IS NOW DEAD, WE WILL NOT MISS HIM BECAUSE HE ONLY WROTE ONCE AS I EXPECTED. His parents are now bathing in money from the stuff they sold from his room. Rest in unrest :D )
Her attention shifted to Roth when he came up next to her. "Alright then let's head to the 22nd Floor after we hit up a Blacksmith. I could use a break right now anyway..." she replied. 'I seriously hope he isn't trying to flirt with me...' she thought, because she was not looking to be in a Relationship right now. She then turned around and slowly started walking away, though not in the direction to the 42nd Floor, since she was looking to go back to her house, which was on the 22nd floor. But before that, she was going to go to a Blacksmith on the way there. While thinking about repairing her slightly damaged blade, BlackRose thought about upgrading it as well, because she did not want to replace it, as it had became her trademark and signature weapon.
Yuchi ignored the Anti-hero's comment, for she didn't like her attitude in the slightest.

People like that are the ones that end up getting killed.... She thought as she stood from kneeling. She then looked over to Alphonse as he picked up his weapon, and then stood to send her a friend request.

"Why of course... Because more raids..." She prompted in a sarcastic tone, pressing the accept button on the invitation she just received. She then nodded in response to what he said about the town.

"Well, if you need to leave for your 'duties' now, I guess I'll dissolve the party. Though, I look forward to partying up with you again soon... Matron_Scalpel?" She said, slightly raising her voice in question at your username.

Well that's certainly... Creative... Better than that one name that I saw earlier on... BallsDeep69, was it? She thought as she remembered the guy with that strange name.

"Anyway, I'll make sure she gets there safely..." She says as she wraps an arm around the girls shoulders. Maybe Yuchi would teach her the ways of the Occult and take her in as a disciple? That would be a funny sight...
Alphonse nearly fell over when she read his name. "I- I- I-.... mmmm-" he sighed deeply before trying to squeeze out a statement "My r- real name is Alphonse Warriv!" he stupidly threw his gauntlet out to her small hand awaiting her to shake back. "What's your n- name? I mean your real name, unless you don't want to share it, because Yuchi is just fine!!" his frustration was becoming quite clear as he began to scratch his helmet with his free hand, knocking his head with his shield. He looked over to Ravita in shame, because he had thrown her in the mud, but this was no time for apologies on his end he was in a rush wanted to learn his party members name before he disappeared once more.

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