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Fandom Sword Art Online [Always Open]

Silver smiles slightly, then remembers the announcement that they're going to make, well the creator is going to make, meaning all her friends will be online, she just hopes they can make it, she heads back to the town and starts wandering around, being bored as hell.
Lana took off to the centre of town and waited wondering what this mysterious announcement would be as she squeezed past other chatty players, she kept to herself as many asked her to watch it or even threatened her for knocking them. She only wanted a good view for the announcement.
Silver manages to quickly navigate her way through and she sees Lana along the way, she she passes the girl and grabs her wrist "Come on" she whispers and moves to a rather open area with her where another group is already waiting "Hi" she says and the group of girls wave "Lana, these are my friends" she says and sends Lana a friend request.

"Hi." She waved to them all awkwardly, she opened her options and accepted the friend request off silver. Silvers friends all chatted to each other as confused as everyone else for the secret announcement.
"But this sure is strange" Silver says and she leans against the wall deep in thought "It's almost creepy we all have to be here for the announcement, can't we just tell whoever logs in later?" she asks.
Lana shrugged her shoulders not knowing the answer but then saying, "That didn't cross my mind before but now that you say it, it is quite strange that they need everybody online for an announcement that we could easily pass on."
"So something's wrong" Silver says and she opens her menu and she pressed the log out button "It's not working" she says and closes her menu "It's like we're trapped here" she says and she mumbles "My family's gonna be so worried, even worse is that my four older brothers are gonna be even more worried then my parents".
"What do you mean there's no log out button? There has to be!" She says confused and goes into her own menu to see that silver was telling the truth. There was no log out button. "Maybe it's a glitch? That's what the announcement is about maybe?"
Kamien stared a good while at his weapon inventory slot, prodding the 'hidden blades' on and off.

"Maybe I just need to restart, probably just a glitch." He slid open his menu and clicked 'log out.'

Nothing happened.

He clicked it again.

Nothing happened.

He was stabbing at it rapidly now, panic slowly rising within him. "What the hell..?" The game was completely glitched out, how was he supposed to leave?

Then, before his eyes, the log out button disappeared completely.
Silver looks around, others were panicking "What's the worst that could happen?" she asks and two of her friends say at the same time "You just jinxed us". Silver shrugs and she says "We're stuck here, can't get much worse then that now can it?" "True" one of them mumbles. Silver just stares into spaces while thinking about her family "What would they do if they knew?" she wonders out loud.
Kona heard there was a anouncment and was telaported to te location, as he tried to log out he noticed the option was blank. "Oh dayum!" he said shacking a little as he bumped into a woman who happend to be in the same guild as him "Oh hello i guess your the leader of the guild then" he said looking at her. Almost in a state of panic, he then wondered if it was th same for her "Hay can you log out for me to see if this is alright" he said.

{Mod update: Please don't use profanities unless its actually for effect or makes sense in the context, I'm sure I don't need to explain why}
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"Oh, hi and yeah I'm the leader of the guild" Silver says there weren't many guilds yet, if she remembered correctly she had the only one "And I already tried the log out button, but it refused to work, then it just disappeared" she explains scrolling through her menu, at least she still had all her stuff "Once this is over I'm going to figure out how to get out when I'm at the guild" she says, since her guild was over a lake she could think better, hence why she picked that location.
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Every single player was plucked from their location and dropped into the town square in one instantaneous teleport.

The some started to panic, some were hyped for the 'announcement' and some stared into space in silence.

Kamien was dragged along with them.

"Wha- huh?" He said in surprise, his new surroundings sunk in, but he could barely see anything though the colossal crowd he was enclosed in.

"…Lana?! …Silver?!" Kamien called out for the only other two players he knew on the game, but it was hopeless, the entire crowd was doing the same thing at deafening multiples.

It was around this time a giant hooded figure burst into view, floating atop the centrepiece of the town square.

"WELCOME TO AINCRAD" The figure bellowed, forcing nearby players to cringe or cover their ears while the rest faded into silence.

"I, Zhao Facade, shall be your humble host. Mr. Akihiko was originally meant to be presenting, but unfortunately, certain
complications came to hand."

"This is bullshit!" A player screamed next to Kamien. "I'm leaving this screwed up game!"

Even as he spoke the words, the player still couldn't locate the log out button.

"Ah yes, I should explain this 'binding' situation. You see, none of you may leave this game. Ever."

"You're wasting your time!" Another player shouted some distance away. "We've got families who can remove the Nerve Gear for us!"

Kamien swore he could see, no - feel, a malicious smile through that shadowy hood. An eerie chill crawled up his spine.

"This is where the fun part comes in." The figure said in an almost sing-song manner. "A message has been sent to the entire world. If any attempts are made to remove the Nerve Gear, or you die in the game - the internal battery will fry your brain

like a microwave, instantly."

"That's stupid, there's no way-"

Kamien cut him off. "No, there
is an internal battery, and the Nerve Gear uses microwaves to communicate with our conscience." He was just thinking out loud, but his voice easily slipped over the silence and echoed throughout the square.

Realisation began to dig in.

After a pause, in which the figure surveyed the horrified crowd, it continued. "The only way to leave, is to reach the 100th floor at the peak of Aincrad. I shall tell you no more than this."

"100th floor..?" Kamien muttered. "Even the betas didn't test that far, how are the rest of us supposed to get there?"

"One more thing…" The malicious tone was back. "I've left a present for you all in your inventory slots, I hope it will help you enjoy the new perspective of life here." The figure gave a final cackle before fading into nothing.

Kamien slashed open his inventory screen and selected the 'gift'. A mirror?

But within that mirror wasn't his character staring back at him.

No. Under that hood, an all too familiar face stared back at him.

His own.

The iron gates that
separated the square from the town rumbled open.

And then all hell broke loose.
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Silver takes the mirror and sighs "So we're stuck, great..." she mumbles, wondering what whoever that was wantedto accomplish "Well shouldn't be that hard to reach that floor" she mumbles, not liking she saw the reflection of how she is in reality, she looks at her friends "Now what?" she asks and they shrug, not sure what to do in this situation.
"We beat the 100th floor, it's the only way." Lana said looking at herself in the mirror before dropping and smashing Slightly creeped out that her character looked exactly like her but it originally resembled her anyway. "I'm going to train as we're going to need levels to beat the first floor." She said waving bye to silver before walking off to train.
Silver looks at her friends and she sighs "Well we should probably try to finish the first floor" she says and adds "Or I go alone, since you're all a few levels under mine", she teleports away to the guild and she stores some things there before heading of, why did he let them get stuck, it didn't make any sense. She sighs and looks around, it was lonely, maybe she could spawn some dummies to test her skills, in case she had gone rusty or something, she shakes her head, she was panicking deep inside "What of my brothers and parents, I don't want them to worry" she says and sits down on the edge so her boots at lightly hitting the water.
As soon as Lana saw a monster she took her katana off her back took her anger out in all the monsters near her. Everyone was trapped, Everyone was panicking, no one would go look for the first floor she thought to herself. After she slayed a lot of monsters she headed off to the nearby town to look for stronger monsters to get exp off. Her level had almost reached level 9 by now.
Kona was struck to the ground, he was just told if thay die in the game thay die for real and if the battery or the nurve gear is removed thay dir. He begun to panic he just started screaming and crying on the ground he was stuck in here forever possible most of his life "Oh god were fucked...Were fucked!" he said looking around seeing other people crying and pancking. He continued to have his panic attack.
Elisean had never been so excited, she rushed home from school to see it sitting on her bed... her very own Nerve Gear. She threw her backpack onto the ground and got ready to play.

"Elisean! Don't play on that thing until you finish your homework" Shouted her Mother from downstairs.

"Oh Come on! Please!" Pleaded Elisean.

"Fine!" Exclaimed her mother. Elisean smiled and jumped onto her bed. She slid the comfy helmet on her head and shouted

"Link Start!"
Lana didn't care to much if she was stuck in the game, no one would miss her that much, maybe her mother but she's get over it in less than a day. Maybe she was better off in the game after all. She kept slaying the beasts angry that no one cared for her out the game. Everything felt so real, at one point she felt slightly tired even though none of it wasn't real.
Elisean looked down at her avatar and walked over to the square, even though it was her first time playing she was very familiar with everything. She reached back and grabbed her scythe. It was so cool to hold something that wasn't there. She slid it back into its holder and headed to the outskirts of town. She saw a couple of low level monsters, she practiced fighting on them until she was like a pro. All of a sudden she heard gasps and screams from the main square. She walked over to see people panicking and freaking out.

"Whats going on" She asked someone.

"It's terrible! We can't leave or log out! If we die in the game we die in real life and if someone takes the power out of the helmet we die!" They exclaimed.

"Wait what!" She screamed. She started franticly trying to log out from the main menu until she realized it was true.
Silver heads back to the town square and she quickly finds her newest guild member "Panicking won't get us anywhere, we should probably go to the first floor, the sooner we finish this the better" she says and holds out her hand, though she had no clue where to look they would probably start while everyone was still panicking, even though she was as well, but only on the inside.

It was a hard day for Akane. But that usually meant it was a normal day, so it didn't matter. He gave out a sigh, and he opened up the mailbox before he was to walk up the hill to his house. It usually was always the same- mail, some package or another, or just nothing. This time, it was special. He had finally got it. The first VRMMORPG, Sword Art Online. He already had what he needed, but just needed the game. And he finally had it.

He rushed home after that, and slammed the door. He ran around in a frenzy, almost forgetting to greet his grandparents. He rushed up to his room, and put the game in. He had already done the height and body can. He had read through the manual thousands of times. All he need was two words to make what he'd been waiting for to come true. He took a deep breath.

"Link Start!"

His view of his bedroom quickly faded as he blacked out.


He made with character with ease, had planning it weeks before. He designated his first few level points to agility and strength and began the game.

It was beautiful, more than anything he'd ever seen. The breeze slightly blowing, the grass flowing with the wind. The paths along hills lined with animals, peacefully enjoying their business. The sky, blue as ever, with clouds here and there, moving along. The castle...Aincrad. It stood there, looking over the fields as a sign of dominance.

He'd never been at more peace.

But first of all; he needed to get homework done. Being at school was already hard enough; being disliked at school would be even worse. He opened up the menu, ready to log out. He knew that he would never be able too forget an experience like that, though. He scanned the menu.

There wasn't a log out button, and it wasn't to far after that he, along with what looked like the rest of the SAO players were transported to the beginners town before he could even try contacting the GM. And then the man appeared.


He stood there, staring into the mirror. His own face stared back at him. Inside of him, something snapped. He looked around, with the players either panicking or talking to friends. He wouldn't die in this sick world. Not alone.

He swiped through his inventory, quickly equipping the basic sword and basic equipment before taking off. There was only one way to go, and it was to the 100th floor. It was ironic, as if climbing up to the heavens to fight a god. And then he realized it.

That's exactly what they were doing.
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"…Level…12" Kamien sighed in exhaustion, removing his blade from the neck of a centaur. He flexed his wrist experimentally as he stood, the blade zipped in and out of its chassis below his wrist. It was only around half an hour before he discovered what his 'hidden blades' actually did, when he raised his arms to protect himself from another charging centaur. After realising he was in possession of a weapon far past what his level should be allowed, he went on a rampage harvesting experience points from the fields.

"Now… all I need to do… is-" Kamien stopped, he was panting. panting. How was he out of breath in a computer game?

Curiosity shot over him as he tried pinching his arm.

His arm stung.

"Why can I feel pain..? Doesn't this game have a pain absor-" He stopped again. Whoever trapped them here was willing enough to let them die if they died in game, what was stopping them from disabling the pain absorber entirely?
"Link Start."

Akagi now was looking at the character creation system. Excellent...very robust, very good. She went to town making the perfect avatar, even moving through boob slider to full. Hey, she wasn't very big. She wanted to feel a bit more...grown up. Yes it was childish.

Finally done, she saw a small present icon. Touching it, it informed her a special Beta Tester gift would be waiting in her inventory. Excellent. Now...

She opened her eyes as the world of Aincrad flashed into existance. It felt...so real...so...perfect. not like her normal life, not like her...

No. No more of that thought for now. She checked her sword, then opened her inventory. She equiped...no way.

Armor flashed onto her body. It looked like Lightning's from Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy 13. Cool...plus, it came with pink hair dye. Tucking that away, she checked...nope, normal starting sword. No worries...she took a breath and ran off, past the shops and stores. It all felt so...so familiar...it...

It felt like home.

For the first few hours she just slayed monsters, enjoying the Sword Skills. It was an interesting choice, and she truly started to again, feel at home here. She hit about level six before the announcementwas made...but decided to ask someone else, if it even mattered.

She was ready to slay another monster, when she was teleported. In a crowd, Aether flinched and sheathed her sword. She took one deep breath, and listened.

Aether let him finish. She saw her avatar turn to herself...s...she lost her disguise. She stood there, silent, as this monster said they could die. She checked. No log out button.

Whatever. No one would notice she was missing. She might as well enjoy the game...because her body would die within a few weeks. And so...Aether turned and ran. Ran away from the plaza, from the players in panic. She thought a few more were running. She paid them no heed. She didn't stop for a new weapon - she would find one in the next town.

And now a trio of centaur stood in her path. Aether drew her starting blade.

She'd die of natural causes before anything in this game killed her.
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