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Realistic or Modern Sweet and Sour *Only accepting boys*


Adam Robert Castillo


  • Name

    Adam Robert Castillo





    (Faceclaim | Matthew Daddario)

    Appearance Details

    Hair | Short, dark brown, slightly curly

    Eyes | Brown

    Height | 5'8"

    Weight | 147 lbs

    Body Type | Lean, minimal toning

    Complexion | Clear




New char.


~Tommy Rivera~



~straight edge~


Tommy was raised in a military family, he moved every year since he was born. His father [geno Rivera ] was a captain in the navy, Tommy didn't have any friends, not by choice. He grew up knowing he was just going move in a few months, so he didn't try to get to know anybody. Unfortunately his father didn't listen to his boss and was honorably discharged from the navy at 50 years old. Every since then his father started to drink more then normal, he changed for the worst. Tommy still had to work out everyday, stay in shape, clean his room spotless and do almost everything around the house. His father still ran the house as he always did, the rules were still strict but his father was less of a father more of a drunkin drill sergeant. Tommy took the abuse, the torment, at times it took a tole on him. It takes a strong man to wake up in the morning and put a fake smile on, it was easier to put a smile on, instead of all the reasons why you would never smile again. he was a military child
you have to stay strong, for your family his father drilled into his head everyday, it was just Tommy and his father.

~current~Tommy had moved to a crappy apartment building in a new town, he didn't know anybody at all, but enough people lived in his building.
i can find someone here, were not moving any more. i have time was his thought process as he started to move his stuff into the new apartment on the 4th floor.

~personality~ He loved life and his father, it was hard to care so much so he shut down his emotions most the time. He could be cold, but he could also be very kind, no one stuck around or he moved. He was a home body, liked to sit in one place, draw and observe. He wrote down everything
i found a bag of weed on the floor, i threw it away he was very vocal about his opinion at times He loved to write, my dad was drinking a lot more then normal, he must've had a bad day When he was zoning out, which he did a lot, he was thinking about story ideas and creative things.

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yay =] i posted the next day, they changed it to saturday. i don't know what u want to with the last post at the diner lol
I don't know. I'm dealing with some tough real life stuff at the moment, so my posts would be sparse anyway. I'd recommend moving away from my characters (to anyone really, too) either way. Sorry.
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Hey Beauties!

So rpnation is being bit glitchy so I don't get notifications for the character sign up or the occ when I'm not tagged, so bless @Stamper for being able to accpect people which I'm so grateful for <3

but from now on I'd love if you guys could tag me in the posts so I could keep up with you guys and be able to help out with questions and stuff


With Love,

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(Sorry I'm a lil obsessed with Skins haha Freddie and Cook are my favorite guys

xD )


Luca David // 24

He has brown eyes and shaggy brown hair. He stands at 6'0" and weighs 145 lbs. He has a strong build.

He works at the dance company with Winter. Personality and History will be revealed throughout the RP.


Cage York // 25

Has shaggy brown hair with bluish brown eyes. He stands at 5'9" and weighs 150 lbs. Has a strong build.

(Same as Luca's you can choose which character you want Winter to encounter haha)​


[QUOTE="Moss On Trees]

Rosemarie Joanne Kruczynski

I'm just a fucked up girl who's looking for my own peace of mind. Don't assign me as yours.

View attachment 234517

Sweet or Sour: Sour, yet Sweet

Age: 19

Character&Personality Traits: Impulsive / Independent / Sarcastic / Introverted yet Social /

Mouth Like A Sailor / Vigorous Reader / Endlessly Interesting

View attachment 234518
Brief Background: Rosemarie's parent's were , to put shortly, artists. This doesn't mean they were open minded-free spirted hippies though, quite the opposite actually. Her parents gave hippies purpose. Money crazed filmmakers would be the words to describe them, fucking posers would be another. Rosemarie had lived in California with a nanny till she 4, then moved to France with her parents until she was 14. When she was 14 she moved to New York and lived in an apartment alone at her parents request- a friendly emancipation. Her parents set her up with a funded bank account and a very nice apartment because what else could a young girl need, right? What about a little fucking guidance? The following year she dropped out of school as a Sophomore and picked up a few new hobbies, reading, alcoholism and pot-smoking. This might seem random and surprising but Rosemarie had always been a loose cannon and kind of a mess, this being her parent's reasoning. They said she was a distraction. She began using her parent's name to get her into parties despite her age but the parties were forgotten and seen as boring after a while. Her behavior led to a few problems, constant anxiety, suicidal thoughts, and hypochondria. Which is partially what landed her in the

Bellevue Mental Health Center, top of the line. She honestly wanted to get better, so she did. Her anxiety has shrunken, suicidal thoughts: almost gone but her hypochondria still lingers.
She's ready for a fresh start and that begins with finishing her last two years of high school.

View attachment 234520

Sorry we aren't accpecting



Alexander Esbjörn





Appearance Details

Alex has blonde hair as well as brown eyes. He has black eyebrows, which he grooms. He stands at about 5,9ft and is pretty fit when it comes to his fitness. He is pretty muscular, but not really strong when it comes to fighting.​

Prep or Stoner



Alex only enjoys the fun and feeling good that comes with the drugs that he takes. He actually is pretty smart when it comes to school, but he doesn't really pay attention. He isn't that arrogant or talkative. He tends to be pretty shy and minds his own business. Alex finds that drugs are his best friends since they are the only friend he can really get. He also enjoys wearing fancy things, just since that's the way he was raised.​


Alex grew up on the fairly rich part of town. His parents were both rich so he used that as an excuse to get high and do drugs. He was pretty good at school, getting good grades without really trying. He didn't ditch class, most of the time, but just didn't pay attention. At the age of 17, he decided that it was just time to focus on school. Yet, he couldn't get off drugs. Currently he is struggling whether to put ahead, desire or future.


Drives a Tesla Roadster.



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RockyII said:



Alexander Esbjörn





Appearance Details

Alex has blonde hair as well as brown eyes. He has black eyebrows, which he grooms. He stands at about 5,9ft and is pretty fit when it comes to his fitness. He is pretty muscular, but not really strong when it comes to fighting.​

Prep or Stoner



Alex only enjoys the fun and feeling good that comes with the drugs that he takes. He actually is pretty smart when it comes to school, but he doesn't really pay attention. He isn't that arrogant or talkative. He tends to be pretty shy and minds his own business. Alex finds that drugs are his best friends since they are the only friend he can really get. He also enjoys wearing fancy things, just since that's the way he was raised.​


Alex grew up on the fairly rich part of town. His parents were both rich so he used that as an excuse to get high and do drugs. He was pretty good at school, getting good grades without really trying. He didn't ditch class, most of the time, but just didn't pay attention. At the age of 17, he decided that it was just time to focus on school. Yet, he couldn't get off drugs. Currently he is struggling whether to put ahead, desire or future.


Drives a Tesla Roadster.



Sorry this rp isn't accpecting but I'm making a new one if you want a spot in it



Name: Conor O'Murphy

Age: Seventeen

Personality: Conor doesn't really give a crap about peoples opinions of him. He is very careless in what he does, not really caring much about the outcome of stupid moves he makes. He likes to live for the adventure of things. He is very wild. He has a bad temper on him too. He doesn't like to be told what to do. He is a very sarcastic person. He has a good side though. He is very overprotective over people he cares about. He tends to also get jealous a lot with people he likes too. He actually is surprisingly good at advice too. He is quite a softie deep down too.

History: Conor grew up with a very distant family. Both parents were Irish but they grew up in this home town. His mother and father didn't care about their kids, they just cared about the image they have on their family. Conor grew up extremely close to his sister yet extremely different. When highschool came, he became the opposite of what his parents wanted him to be and his sister became the perfect child. He tends to get in quite a good bit of trouble without meaning too. He is still very overprotective of his sister even though he hates most of her friends.

Likes: Red Hot Chili Peppers, old movies, black and white photography, partying, smoking, drinking.

Job: Nothing.



Name: Enya O'Murphy

Age: Seventeen

Personality: Enya is the opposite of her brother. She actually gives a crap about herself and the future, sometimes a little too much. She tends to create this image that she is perfect. She is quite smart too. She is very out going. She sometimes finds it hard to communicate and flirt with boys and usually ends up being a complete bitch without even realizing. She hates losing. She can't stand being second option either. She is very caring to those she likes though. She likes to give everything 100%

History: Same as Conor. But Enya always lived to impress her parents. She never realized how much the lack in caring about her. Conor realized though. She cares a lot about her brother though. She is only reason he is somewhat still in the school. She does a lot of his work too. She tries 100% in school, always trying to be Mrs Perfect which is a reason a lot of people don't like her.

Likes: She likes music. She adores doing makeup and hair.


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