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Realistic or Modern Sweet and Sour *Only accepting boys*

now I'm wide awake, kinda drunk and very excited to role-play. I'm a writer so its easier to think about a story then sleep. =]
Uh, can anyone give me a small recap of what has happened thus far? ^^;'' I've been busy and haven't had the chance to post or catch up.
@Stamper Everyone is getting ready for the party...at someone's house. Forgot who. Most of the characters are at Minnie's Diner
@FairlyLocal Okay, thanks :)

I'll probably just wait till the party starts to throw my characters back in.

Speaking of, I have no idea how to input Vicky there... Can she have some sort of friend who invited her perhaps? o:
(Carrier pigeon flies over head and drops mysterious note.

Note contains address of the party) xD
I'll wait for the party as well I suppose. However, I'll have to wait for my carrier pigeon as it flies through the blizzard that's happening ;-;










August 10th



Benjamin Alani



Translucent; Pale




192 lbs.

Eye Color


Hair Color


Body Type


Benny, as he prefers to go by with his closer friends, is a total asshole. I won't sugar coat it. He does what he wants, when he wants to. Oh, you have problem with that? That's too bad. He doesn't care what you say and if you happen to say something he doesn't like, he'll make you eat those words along with his clenched fist. Speaking of punching people, his temper has a small fuse. Don't piss him off, seriously, he isn't afraid to get sent to jail. He used to take anger management classes at one point, but walked out one meeting and never returned.

He speaks his mind freely too. No filter on this guy unless it serves to benefit him. So, if your feelings are easily hurt, stay away from the guy. Not only will he be blunt but he doesn't deal with petty hurt feelings. It's ridiculous and he doesn't have time for it. On the contrary, if you're strong and tough, if you can prove yourself to him in some sort of way, he'll respect you. His respect is something someone has to earn and nobody will have it right off the bat.

Inside, the part where no man or woman ventures is wrecked and weak. While he does hate most people, he hates himself the most. He's aware of his poisonous, damaging personality and sometimes wishes he was someone else. But it's just who he is and there's no changing. Speaking of vulnerable, if he does happen to become attached to someone or something, he is fiercely protect and would literally kill for them if it came down to it. But just because he calls you friend or you're in some form of relationship with him, doesn't mean he will feel this way about you.

Benjamin takes after his father, an alcoholic and someone with extreme anger issues. His mother left the two of them when Ben was seven and never returned. She had apparently been done dealing with his father. Ben never understand why she didn't take him with her though. His father says it's because Ben reminds her of him. Whatever the reason, Benjamin stopped caring a long time ago and is happy enough without the woman he barely remembers. If she left him, he shouldn't waste his time caring about the bitch.

Ben and his father have gotten into more fights than one can count. Instead of hating his father, Ben respects him. He's the only man Ben has ever met that can even come close to kicking his ass. Most of the time, it starts with some yelling, sly comments and then one of them throws a punch. Furniture is broken and after all is calm, the two laugh and make jokes as they patch up their wounds and bruises. Life isn't bad, but it could be better. Poverty has always been a problem and when Benjamin was old enough, he got a job as a waiter. After dumping a drink on an asshole customer, he was moved to the back where he cooks and unloads trucks. This role suited him a lot better than the first. The only reason he wasn't fired was because the owner thought it was hilarious.

As for high school, this year should be his last. Good riddance too, he hated 99% of the people there. They were either annoying or two faced. Would you believe his grades were actually good enough to get a scholarship? He wants to start a business when he gets older. His IQ nears genius however, he doesn't like to show up to class, so his grades do suffer at least a little bit. He will never tell anyone his plans or his academic status since it embarrasses him.

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Pyosimros said:
Soo... What I'm about to say might be wrong. But the party's going on and it's stereotypical party stuff right?
Yes, though it sounds like it will be at the beach. Right, @Rocket ? o:

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