Sweci Academy, a School for the Nearly Normal. [Inactive]

Ozaiyo sat up at the sound of a new voice, his ears perked up out of his messy white hair. He smiled and held out his hand to the other boy,

"Ozaiyo sounds so formal, call me Oz." With his other hand he slid his bandage down to reveal his right red eye which filled Millennium with so much discomfort, his sight clearing. He wanted to see his room mate clearly, not a fuzzy version.

"What shall I call you?" He questioned the dark haired individual, he was much scarier then Ozaiyo. His height almost two of him together.

Emilia wandered into the buikding and began walking around the hallways by herself. She looked around and continued to hug her. Her tail swayed as she walked and her ears twitched towards the slightest noises.

As she walked away she wondeeed how big the school was. What if she got lost while trying to get somewhere? She gussed if that happened she could just ask somebody for help, so it wasm't a big deal. Emilia began humming a lullaby-like tune as she walked around, occasionally stopping to look into a room.


Henry got to his dorm room and went inside. Not too bad. Just a regular room. Nothing really unique. That was fine with him. As long as there was a bed for him he was fine. Henry sst Barry in the bed then began to pack up the small amount of belongings he had.

Once the unpacking was done he sat down with a sigh. Now what? He guessed he would just wait for further instructions. Boring.

Desini popped up from behind the crouched down Cespar, gazing at the girl. Cespar stood up and stepped aside, allowing the small, delicate-looking girl to step forward.

"Hello, I'm Desini Yumeka. I apologize for the rudeness of my Creature. Please do not mind him," she said, giving a small bow. "I believe I will be your roommate. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Cespar clicked his tongue as he crossed his arms over his chest. He never liked seeing his master bow to anyone, for it made her look weak and submissive. But he knew he had no right to say anything. Instead, he apologized as well.

"Sorry," he said quickly.


For a moment, Airen stared at the boy's hand, then shook it gently. Oz seemed very fragile for a boy, but his eye was particularly interesting. Not feeling like he should question it at the moment, he began introducing himself.

"Airen Yumeka. Call me anything that works for you," he said with a polite smile. Without Desini's presence, he became nervous. Rather, he was constantly worried.

As if to relieve some of his worry, he turned his attention away from Oz briefly and towards his bag. From it, he retrieved many picture frames that held pictures of Desini as a child, Desini in a sailor's outfit, Desini in a blazer, and much more. Just seeing pictures of her made him a bit more calm as he turned his eyes back to Oz.
Marilie gave her a lopsided grin, then to the creature as it was put. "Its all good and nice ta meet you too. Also feel free to be informal or shorten my name. Your friend have a name?"
Oz's gaze became fragile and sweet, his smile light as he eyed each photo. When he passed this boy his schedule in the line he had been with a girl along with a quiet boy. They must be related,

"Is that your twin sister? You look much alike," He informed Airen, not wishing to shorten it or give him a nickname. Not when he enjoyed his whole name, he always loved the idea of family. Being one without family himself, he wasn't quite bothered by it since everyone he meets and grows to like is his family.
Dan Finally finding his room Damn that was looooong ik should have asked for map next time i see the staff i ask for a map now time to talk to my Room-mate as Dan enters the Room he sees a guy and a Bunny? its time "uh Hi are you Henry Will Johanson"
"Eheheheh~~~," Airen said with a wide smile on his face. It made him incredibly happy to hear that He and Desini looked alike. "No, no. we're just siblings. I'm 18 and she's 16. But thank you." Whenever he was talking about Desini, he refused to say that she wasn't blood related. After all, it didn't matter to him at all.

"What about you and the Headmaster?" He blurted out, setting the pictures gently on his lap.


Desini glanced over at Cespar, who was now setting her bag on one of the beds. He stared at Marilie for a moment, then looked over to Desini.

"Cespar," he said in a rude voice. His impoliteness would be considered how he normally greeted people he's never met before.

"Is it alright if I call you Mari, then?" Desini asked shyly, since she wanted to get along with this person. Briefly, she shot Cespar a glare.
Marilie grinned and nodded, literally jumping backwards and landing on her newly claimed name. "Its really cute. Nice to meet you Cespar." She said, naturally counteracting the rudeness with her non confrontational happiness. "Hey Desini? Anyone ever give you a nickname?"

Emilia opened a door and peered into a room. She slowly walked into the room and began looking around. Emilia looked in the desk and then began looking at some pictures on the wall.

This was rather boring. Maybe she should go to her dorm to actually meet her room-mate. Nah. Not yet. Later. She looked out a window then walked out of the room and headed up some stairs.


Henry looked towards the door when it opened. He quickly got to his feet and nodded. "Yeah, that's me," he said and went uo to the other boy. "And you must be Dan," he said and smiled.

Ozoiya grinned nicely, grateful to see the protective brother smile. He brought up his legs and sat criss crossed his hands holding onto his ankles as he swayed on the comfy bed.

"Millennium?" He raised a brow, and shrugged,

"He's just my guardian, it'd be a little awkward if an 28 year old was the father of a 16 year old." He giggled running a hand through his hair.

"What a story that would be."
"Umm...." Desini was nervous about how to answer. The only one she's ever been called by was the one Cespar and Airen call her, but she didn't want anyone else calling her by that name.

Sensing her uneasiness, Cespar stepped in, answering for her.

"Yume. But only her brother and I are allowed to call her that," he said as if he was boasting. It made Desini feel comfortable knowing that Cespar knew when to talk for her.


Airen let out a laugh. He decided that he liked this boy (Not in a Yaoi sort of way. xD ). However, it was surprising that he was the same age as Desini.

"Well, well. If he got a woman pregnant at the age of 12," he let out another laugh. "Say, you're 16? You look around this age," he said, picking up a picture of a 9 year old Desini in pig-tails.
"yeah iam Dan nice to meet you Henry"well he seems nice well time to tell him "um Henry i hope you don't mind but i don't really need the bed since i sleep levitating "lets hope he wont think it's to weird
"Alrighty~ Desini is Desini.. Marilie is Mari.." a mischievous smile passed her lips trying to find a way to mess with the rude one. "And cespar is Cesy!"
Ozoiya stared at the picture then removed his small pony tail and made it into pigtails matching Desini in the photo.

"I don't know what your talking about...I look nothing like a nine or eight year old.." He crossed his arms and nodded no, sarcasm drenched in each word.

Emilia ran a hand through her hair then shook it a little like an animal. After that, she decided that it would be much more fun to roam around in her pixie-fox form. She turned into her fox form and began scampering around.

The little creature kind of hopped around. She didn't fly. Her wings were hurting again, making it close to impossible for her to fly. It didn't matter to her though.


"Nice to meet you too," Henry said nodding then blinked a little bit. "Oh, well, alright. Then there is an extra bed," he said wuth a shrug, not really caring. Barry hopped off the bed and went over to them. He sniffed Dan's feet curiously.

Desini giggled at Mari's name for Cespar. Cespar's face turned red, not because of the nickname, but because of the fact that Desini was laughing at it.

"Y-Yume ! Stop laughing, please!" Cespar desperately waved his hands in front of her face, trying to distract her. Instead, it did the exact opposite. She began to laugh even harder at the sight of a flustered Cespar.


Airen bursted out in laughter, his hands clutching his stomach as he fell back onto the bed and tears formed in his eyes.

"Jesus, Oz! I have to introduce you to her," he said, continuing to laugh. It was nice to loosen up in front of someone other than family.
"Oh my.. Cesys blushing~! I didnt take you for the sensitive type.. hm?" Marilie said with mirth in her voice, thoroughly enjoying the teasing and Desinis consent.
great hes not one of those people i hate. oh the Bunny "oh hi little bunny Henry is this bunny your friend?"better not let him know that i can understand animals just in case
Ozoiya attempted to keep his tense and strict stance, his mouth twitched a moment as he began shaking trying to keep it in. But Airens laughter was far to contagious and all of Ozoiyas composure dropped as his giggles mixed in with Airens. His face turning red as he attempted to take breaths during their heap of laughter.

Once he calmed down he let out a small sigh and whipped the corner of his eye,

"I-I'd like that.." He stated,

"ow my face hurts." He informed the other falling backwards onto his bed, his mouth sore form his large grin.

Emilia saw a mouse and froze in place. Did it notice her? No? Perfect. She began silently stalking the mouse. Unfortunatly, she ended up slipping on the well-cleaned floor. The mouse started to run off. There would be none of that. Emilis got back up again and began to run after the mouse.

While chasing the mouse she often tried to pounce on it, and always missed. The next time she pounced she ended up slding across the floor and running into a wall, making a noise that sounded loud in the pretty much empty hallways. Ow. Emilia shook her head then continued to chase the mouse.


"Yeah, he's my bunny," Henry said and picked up the little animal. He held the bunny gently and Barry eelaxed in his arms happily. "His name is Barry. I got him a few months back," he told Dan then sat down on ome of the beds again.

Cespar glared at Mari, his face completely red as he bit his bottom lip. He didn't like this girl, but Desini did.

"Yume, you can send Syrin out of you want! I don't want to be anywhere near this girl!" Cespar exclaimed as he curled into a ball and turned into a cloud of smoke.

Desini let out a sigh and pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. Later, she would have to apologize to Cespar. But for now, she figured she could manage on her own.


Airen sat up again, wiping a tear from his eye. It felt good to laugh with someone.

"You're an interesting kid, you know. With those ears, too," he said, pointing to the dog ears protruding from Oz's head. Desini would definitely like him as well.
Marilie frowned. "Oops.. well sorry ta run off your friend like that." She said, not quite but almost feeling bad about her impression. She would have to inflict adequate punishment for it later.
"very nice iam sure you two are going to be good friends i hope you don't mind we cut this conversation now but i have sleep since i iam tired Would you kindly not make any loud noise while i sleep tnx have nice day" Levitates high and starts to sleep
Ozoiyas ears perked up unintentionally at Airens words and sat up, his tail thumping quietly behind him.

"I'll take that as a compliment," he smiled then realized he hadn't changed his hair back and swatted at one of the pigtails.

"I think i'll keep my hair like this for the day," He nodded approving of what has decided, then raised an unseen brow to the boy.

"What can you do?" He blurted out, his curiosity eating at him.
(Is there any character open for Emilia?)

Henry blinked as he was not given a chance to talk. He didn't like that, but oh well. He just nodded and took out a book from his bag. He then began to read silentky with Barry in his lap.


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