Suteki Cafe (Actual RP)

Taka smiled a bit and ruffled the back of his hair at what just happened. It was all just a joke and Estellle got him. He walked towards one of the drawers and checked all the kitchen tools. Everything was neat and everything was in place. If he wants a frying pan, he could just reach out to the right and grab it. Oil was on the shelves and so are the other spices. He can't wait to begin cooking, he would be shining if he is cooking. Like a conductor playing a master concerto.

But before the customers would flood in, he decided he would heat up some frying pans so that they would be ready when the orders come flooding in. He grabbed the frying pan and started heating them up. The heat was just enough to warm it up, having a cool pan would affect the food's temperature and resulting to sticking to the pan. He then readied the pot by boiling water in it. He was proud of his work and all he could was wait behind for orders.
Ash laughs quietly, never quite understanding how they all worked so well together. She is extremely thankful that she was able to land this job. Knowing they were going to open soon, she goes about checking each table to make sure they had everything they needed. She smiles and waves at Taka, knowing she isn't as popular with her coworkers like Estelle or Katherine is. Ash guesses it comes with her not being that flashy or wanting to have everyone's attention on herself.
Katherine grinned, walking over to lean against the wall. She was curious, very curious to why Estelle wanted to come to her place. She frowned slightly, confusion on her features as she idly tapped her cheek, trying to provoke her thoughts but failing miserably. She sighed, shaking her head before she smiled, stretching her arms above her head as she looked around. "Lets have fun! Have fun! Then go home!" She sang happily as she jumped up happily, slightly, on the spot.
Taka was yawning as he waited for the first order. He was stretching his body because he had a bad position last night when he was sleeping. His neck was a little bit stiff. He tried rotating his head and let out a series of crack and his eyes widen. He wasn't sure if that was supposed to be good or a bad thing. A cracking joints would mean something was wrong, but sometimes it felt good as if the youth in him has taken over again. He looked over at Ash and gave her a grin while the cinnamon stick was in between his teeth and waved at her.

" Mornin' " he greeted her.
Estelle smiled at Katherine and nodded.

Then. It happened.

Waves and waves of hungry customers, and it didn't seem like they were in the mood for waiting.

"Right this way!"

"Yes, ma'am, I believe I have an open table for two over here..."

"Oh, well, if this table isn't to your liking, one over there will be ready in about ten don't want to wait? I'll see what I can do."

"Of course we have a children's menu! Let me get that for you. How about a coloring book?"

"Thank you for your patience."

After seating as many tables as she possibly could, she started to assign the parties to the servers. Quite expertly, actually.

Then she got back to dealing with more people.
Josiah put on a smile and started to go to tables, taking orders.

"Welcome to Suteki Cafe, what can I get for you?"

Many people liked Josiah because he was always very friendly, as was all the staff in Suteki.

Josiah went to the counter and stuck orders on the rack for Taka and Storm to read.
Estelle was already dealing with customers who didn't much feel like waiting.

"It'll be about...twenty minutes." she said, glancing over her shoulder. "May I take a name?"

The woman sniffed and said, "Twenty minutes? What about that table right there!"

Estelle sighed.

"Ma'am, the kitchen can only handle so much at one time. I can seat you there and get you drinks, but you won't get your food for a while. I'm sorry for the inconvenience."

Ash began walking over to some of the tables, smiling radiantly at the costumers. She notices a few regulars, who wave at her and ask how she is. "Welcome to Suteki Cafe. My name is Ashling. I am your server for today. What can I get you?" She asks each of them, quickly jotting down their orders. If they are regulars, she might add a few comments like "How they are" or "So good to see you again". She takes her slips over to the counter, stacking the orders on the rack next to Josiah's. She waves at Taka and Storm before hurrying off to fill more orders or check on her current costumers.
Finally, he flow of people slowed down and everyone was seated.






Her face was flushed and she was obviously flustered. She needed to take a chill pill.

"Must work work is everything if I don't work I don't get money and if I don't have money I can't pay bills and if I can't pay bills..." she muttered to herself as she quickly scrawled down how many people had been in.
The rack was filled with order, some were from the menus and the rest are from the regulars on how they want it. He quickly smirked as he started cooking 3-4 dishes once at a time. This was pretty easy for a high class chef like Taka but it doesn't mean that there's no room for mistakes. Every once in awhile, Taka doesn't measure the amount and he just pour it in and remember how much is the equivalent length of each ingredients. After finishing some dishes and placing them on a plate and decorating it. He placed it on the counter and started ringing the bell. It was ready.

" Hey, foods up ! " he called out to Josiah, Estelle, and Ash. He then got back in the kitchen and started cooking once again. Just as always, doing three to four dishes at a time was easy for him. And he can't wait the satisfied looks on the customer's faces from eating his dish. Taka made this with all his heart and from the fresh and the best ingredients in the cafe. All though, Taka's smile slowly faded as he knew, he would soon need to leave the cafe because he got a job at a Hotel.
(Well, I have no idea what happened since I didn't get alerts. But, I don't think anything really applies to my character, except that the café opened and Katherine forgot about going to see Alex play at the bar.)


Estelle sighed and recomposed herself as she glanced out the window. No people were to be seen.

"Have a nice day!" she called cheerfully to a family that was leaving. She leaned heavily on the Greeter's Station and held her head.
Storm was cleaning the kitchen after the busy rush he was glad that he got a small break before the next rush. Storm was also getting everything in place as he cleaned like restocking the whipcream people really like that stuff. Storm felt bad for Estelle. She works so hard and he sees he worrying a lot and she paces when business is a little slow and she has some small bruises on her face. I hope she is ok. I'll make her some cookies or whatever she likes I have Josiah help me since he knows what she likes. "Hey Taka, is it fun to cook or what?" He said putting his hand in a high five position .
Ash sighs gratefully, watching a few of her tables leave. Business was booming today, making it extremely busy with her and the rest of the wait staff. She glances towards the kitchen, knowing they must still be making the plates. With a few new orders to put in, she walks over to the rack and hangs them. She waves to both Taka and Storm, grateful for all their help and more.
Ash smiles at Storm, wondering if her slight exhaustion is that obvious. "A little. Probably not as much as Estelle. She was swamped for a while." She explains, pinning the last of the orders on the rack.
Taka was busy cooking at the moment, all his focus was on the food in front of him. Costumers comes first, that's what Taka believes. He was now frying a scrambled egg for someone ordering an omelet. He was smiling as he was cooking, after finishing it up and decorating it on a plate. He placed it on the counter and tapped the dumbbell to remind them he finished another order and the last one. Taka reached for the nearby towel and wiped his forehead with it. He was satisfied with his cooking and he took a peek outside and saw people eating his food with a smile and a satisfied look on their face.

" Heh, I've still got it "
Alex stepped into the cafe with his jacket open, his scarf wound tightly around his neck and his glasses perched on the end of his nose. The place looked pretty busy and from the looks of it, it was actually only just winding down. He'd seen when this place was packed; one could hardly think with all the talking and ordering being thrown around. While this place was hardly a library it was much quieter than it could have been and what talking that was going around did make for good background noise. Looking around the place with a bored look on his face and his hands in his pockets, he waited to be seated.
Ashling sighed tiredly, happy to have a little lull time between orders. She placed a few glasses of water down on a table, smiling to the costumers and stating "their order will be right up." Walking away, she clutches her tray to her chest looking over her remaining costumers. Surprised to see one still waiting to be seated, she tries to indicate to Estelle there is someone waiting.
Estelle shot a glare at Ashling, fire nearly shooting from her eyes.

This is how she would get when she got stressed. Her heart would beat slower, and she'd get very tired...and moody.

I know how to do my job, she mouthed menacingly.

She quickly seated the couple with a smile.
Ashling frowned, resisting the urge to stick her tongue out at the girl. She never understood why the two of them never could see eye to eye. She was just trying to help. Turning in a huff, she stalks away to grab a few more drinks, intent on ignoring Estelle and her childish behavior.
Estelle sighed and began wiping down the menus which were stained with spilled drink or food.

She looked cheerful enough. Nobody could tell that her mood had gone south unless she looked directly at them.
Storm was having so much fun cooking even though he was a little slower than Taka he made up for it in his multitasking. He is working on the time limit for a dish. What he loves the most about the job is to see the people happy about the food Taka and himself make. Storm wouldn't say he is very good at reading moods, but it seems Estelle is glaring at the menus either she is in a bad mood or something is really stuck on the menus but what would he know he doesn't speak Girlnese its a hard language. 

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