Suteki Cafe (Actual RP)

"I-I'm fine." She was close! Too close! 'Just breathe, Alex, she's just a person. A pretty person. A person with soul crushing eyes that'll send you into the dark depths of-Aaaagh! Stop it!'

As she let go of his uniform, Alex felt relieved. 'Okay, let's just calm down. After all she's done-She's hugging me!' Alex could practically feel his soul escape from his body.

When he finally recovered, Alex listened to Estelle. "Sorry, I've got a job after work."
"I'll do the cosplay" Alejandro volunteered he always loved to play ress up

(I hat enot getting alerts!)
She smiled happily, looking at Alex with a grin. "Ah! That's wonderful Alex!" She chimed, clapping her hands together as she turned to Estelle. "Skating? U-Urm...I can' no..." She murmured, looking at the ground with a pout. She turned back to Alex, reaching up to poke at his cheek childishly. "What job? Can I know?"
"Yes you were. Also you do realize the skating place is indoors right?" Josiah replied to Estelle.
Ashling raced down the sidewalk, cursing her adoptive father constantly under her breath. Having gone into another one of his responsibility tirades, she had gotten delayed for work. Plus she forgot her bike was having maintenance done on it, making it impossible for her to drive to work.

She quickly pushes the door to the cafe open, panting and out of breath. "Sorry I'm late!" She races quickly past the others, her white hair falling out of its loose bun with each step. She opens a door to the back, intent on changing into her uniform quickly before closing it behind her. A loud crash from her walking into one of the doors can be heard by the others in front.
"Uhm, I'm going to play guitar at the bar down the street again. I'm getting paid for two nights." It wasn't as much money as he made here, but it was something. After all, it was one step closer to being in the world of music. "Uhm..." There really wasn't anything you could say about someone poking your cheek...
Estelle pouted at Alex and Katherine and said, "You're no fun..."

She grinned brightly at Alejandro and exclaimed, "YAY!!!"

Then, she looked back at Josiah and looked down at her feet sheepishly.

"I know, I know..." she sighed, embarrassed.
Alejandro smiled "Yay so what am I wearing?" hearing Alex's plans for tonight he turned to him and said "You know I have a lot of connections in the music industry and I could get you an actually gig if you'd like?" Ash held out a piece of paper with a number on it and the name Rias at the top
She stopped poking his cheek, tilting her head. "Alex plays guitar? I want to hear you play!~" She chimed excitedly. " Can I come see you play?" Then again, someone probably told her or something and she forgot. Maybe, maybe not. She looked over at the clock, her eyes wide as she pouted. " a game with me, Im bored." She whined, folding her arms under her chest as she seemed to sulk.
"Maybe we should plan something tomorrow." Josiah suggested. "It'll be Sunday and we're closed then."

He noticed a dirty spot on the door and started to wipe it away.
Ash quickly changes into her uniform, using the mirror in back to put her hair in a high ponytail. She quickly checks to make sure her contacts are in, noticing the glassy look in her blue-purple eyes. Groaning quietly to herself, she turns away from the mirror and walks back out front. She trips over her own two feet, grabbing the door frame to steady herself.

Studying her coworkers, she feels that she might have missed something extremely important. "Why do I get the feeling I am missing something?" She glances between them all.
"I wouldn't mind. It's just a bar after all..." Anybody could come and go as they pleased. It wasn't some crazy concert for the elite, it was just a public bar that had music once in awhile.
Estelle looked at him for a second, then nodded. She glanced at Katherine and chuckled evilly.

"A game?" she grinned. "I know the perfect game...first, you put your hands behind you head and jut a hip out, like this."

Estelle demonstrated the pose.
Katherine smiled, hugging Alex once again. "Yay!" She chimed, looking over to Estelle. She let go Alex and hoped over to Estelle. She was an idiot. A grin came to her lips. However, when she saw the pose she got suspicious. "That doesn't look like a fun game." She whispered, glaring as she pouted at the older girl. "I want to play a fun game."
She pushes away from the door frame, quickly running back to grab her apron. She sure is being absent minded today. With the apron in hand, she walks back out. Ash approaches the others, quickly tying the apron without looking. "What else is there to do? Sorry I'm late today. Dad was on another tirade." She shrugs nonchalantly, giving them all a smile. She watches Katherine, wondering what will she be doing today.
"This is fun!" Estelle said, continuing to pose. "Now come on, just try it! Please?"

She batted her eyelashes and pouted.
"It's alright you're not late. Customers won't start arriving until at least an hour." Josiah assured Ash. "Everything is cleaned but the storage needs to be reorganized but I was going to do that later today."
She looked at Estelle, instantly the image of a bunny popped into her head. "Ah! Estelle is now Usagi-chan!" She exclaimed. She could never deny a animal after all and so she nodded. So now Katherine was copying the pose that Estelle previously made, a small but confused look upon her features as she tilted her head. "How is this fun bunny?"
Estelle dropped her arms and she looked at Josiah.

"Oh, I didn't realize you had plans." she sighed. She put on a happy face and said, "We can skate tomorrow, I had stuff to do at home today anyway." 
Estelle yanked out her camera and snapped more pictures of Katherine.

"SEE HOW FUN THIS IS!? FOR ME!" she laughed maniacally.
"We should have a theme day!,I was watching this anime called Maid-sama and everyday is a different theme wouldn't that be cool?" Alex had a gleam in his eye he was excited
((omg I'm actually watching that right now xD . That inspired this roleplay.))

"Estelle. Please don't go overboard. Remember what the doctor said." Josiah reminded her.

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