Suteki Cafe (Actual RP)

Katherine laughed as she spoke to some customers at a table, cheering happily as she took their orders. She wrote the words down on the pad slowly, her tongue poking out of her lips as she began to draw when the people were chatting about their orders. Once done she skipped over to the kitchen, displaying her paper proudly. Of course it had the order on but it also had an image of a dinosaur eating pizza. "Order Order!" She cheered, grinning as she set it down.
((And so, Clara's popping in now.))


Bursting into the cafe, a violet haired woman was on the verge of tears as she quickly jumped onto Estelle, being very familiar with all of the staff. She was rather tanned, her arms wrapped around Estelle as tears broke from her golden eyes. "He broke up with me!" Sobbing into Estelle's chest, the woman had to bend down to do so, being rather tall at 5'11. With a rather strong hold on the hostess, the woman's lean body was shaking from how much she was crying.

"I'm forever alone!" After going through twenty-four - this relationship was the twenty-fifth - in six months, Clara really couldn't get into a serious relationship. But, she's too much of a drama queen to just let a relationship break up without making a big fuss about it. Actually, the first words Clara had said when she crashed through the cafe were a lie, she was the one who broke up with Carter.

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