Suteki Cafe (Actual RP)

She blinked, a blush forming on her cheeks again as she frown. "Estelle! Stop taking pictures of me!" She whined, pouting slightly. She folded her arms over her torso, sulking.
Estelle giggled and said, "Oh, come on, Katherine! Don't be so uptight!"

She paused.

"Um...Katherine...can I come over to your house tonight?" she asked.
Katherine blinked, tilting her head slightly as she listened to her friends request. Confusion on her features she nodded. Katherine lived alone since moving to this country after all. "Sure!~" She chimed, smiling happily.
Estelle grinned and said, "That would be amazing. We could stay up late, tell scary stories and in the morning...I'm making waffles."
She smiled happily, clapping her hands as she blushed! "It will be so much fun! I haven't had someone stay with me for a few years now!...except the animals...but no humans!" she chimed before interlocking her hands behind her. "I cant wait!"
Storm slides in from the kitchen "How about I got to your house too? What do you say?" he lightly grabbed Katherine's chin. "It could be fun." He says "I make the best food trust me?"
Estelle slammed her foot into Storm's shin.

"And I assume you would just cook for us? Are did you have something else in mind?" she laughed with annoyance.
Taka ran in the restaurant as he was pretty late. He was helping out an old lady to her supermarket, help find a child his mother, save the world from hunger, protect the president from assassination, and take over a player's spot on the soccer game of the olympics because he was too injured to play. He got in the cafe as people looked at him and raised their eyebrows, he then smiled and mouthed " Sorry ! " to them as he knew it was weird for an worker to come very late.

He got inside the changing room and changed into his usual uniform. A chef's uniform and an apron under his waist. He also took out a stick of cinnamon from the pocket of his jeans as he unwrapped the bottom of it and placed it in his mouth like a cigarette. It wasn't really a cigarette though, but it has nutrients that Taka just loves the taste of it. It tastes like candy to him and probably something else from other people but taka didn't min.

Humming while walking towards the kitchen, Taka opened the door to see others in there and his eyes were wide. Not sure what was going on and he was the only chef but he remembers. There was another one beside him and he laughs at his own mistake and smiled at everyone and asked them. " Well, I'm sure it ain't my birthday to day, Howzitgoin ? "
Estelle perked up and she ran back into the kitchen at top speed. She threw her arms around Taka and said, "Have I told you lately that you are my bessstest buddy?"

There was a pause.

"I want you to dress up in cosplay with Katherine so I can take pictures." she said, cutting to the chase.
Taka was really sure it wasn't his birthday, he knew because he always has his birthday every 25th of December even though its June 18. He doesn't know why but his father did it too. Maybe because his father's birthday was at 25th of December and they just wanted it to celebrate together so that they won't have to pay separately for the birthday party. Although the party wasn't big, it was still fun even though there were only less people. Like his father's friends (5-7), his neighbors, the angry-old-lady-that-was-pretty-nice-that-time, and a bunch of dogs. His father loved dogs.

Then he was then hugged by Estelle as his facial expression changed to surprised. Maybe it was really his birthday but then he was asked to do a cosplay. He wasn't sure why she wanted to have him put on a costume and have her take pictures of him while doing so. He looked at Katherine and raised an eyebrow.

A cat..

But he decided to get with his instincts and ask her before she does anything, " Erm.. Whyizzat ? "
"I need new material for my blog." she sighed as if it were obvious. "I've got two matching cat costumes, both of which are super revealing, of course."
She tilted her head to the side, a small sound of confusion parting from her lips. "E-eh! I d-don't want to dress up!" She whined, messing her hair up as she began to pout childishly.
Taka raised an eyebrow if he should agree to this or not. He was afraid that his reputation would go down if he starts posing in weird poses in such a costume, especially if they are revealing, which she informed him that they were. He ruffled the back of his hair and gave her a thinking look. Not sure if he should do it or not do it. He then looked away and looked around to see some others minding their own business. He then sighed and looked at Estelle and patted her head while smiling a bit.

" Well, why not ask sum others ? There's Ash, Josiah, Alex and storm ? " he looks at her and waits for a reply. He wasn't even sure if he would look good in a cat costume. He never really liked cats but he can't say that, or he'll have someone hate him for the rest of her life, or he'll scar someone forever and he's guilty for it. The very thought of it made Taka internally cry, or cry from the inside for help.
"I can't ask Josiah, 'cause I'd be overwhelmed if I put my boyfriend in cosplay." she said as her face turned red. "I might die from the amazingness. I can't ask Ash, either. Or Storm...though he'd do it just for the perverted thrill..."

She made her eyes all big and glassy.

Taka was now in a pinch. He wasn't sure if he should really not agree with those eyes that she is giving. Although if he turns her down, it'd be one hell of a mess. He'd hate to see a girl cry because of what he said, he IS the big brother of this cafe because he's the only one 30+ of age. He sighed and ruffled the back of his hair, her reason was a bit, not reasonable. Josiah IS her boyfriend so he should at least do something his much for her. Taka hates being cornered like this, he gave out a sigh and realized he has no other choice but to accept such a request from Estelle. He crossed his arms and smiled.

" Fine, but no poses, or anything erotic, lewd, bad, naughty, weird, annoying, wtf's okay ? i'll just be cooking in the kitchen and i won't get out until I'm off the costume " he answered her and gave her a serious look.
Storm is on the ground twitching. "owwww I justed wanted to party with some fine ladies." Storm says being ignored. Storm sighs and changes to his cook uniform and starts to prepare food of all sorts 
First he starts with the cookies of all kinds for the cafe and Storm will do cookie requests. 
Or any type of request
Estelle grinned and nodded. She skipped back out to the Greeter's station.

((Nothing much has happened. Just small chitchat, the cafe hasn't even opened yet.)
"Estelle. Enough, we have to be serious now." Josiah said, a little bit sharply and sternly. Sometimes Estelle went to far and it would annoy Josiah.
Estelle looked back at Josiah, her expression only hurt for a second before she looked away.

"Oh, come on, I was kidding." she said, her voice cracking a bit at the end. She cleared her throat and said a quick apology.
"I know. I just don't want you to go overboard." Josiah replied. "You'll hurt yourself and that's what I am afraid of."
"Don't waste time and energy worrying about me." she smiled, facing him again. "I'm just fine, 'kay?"

She adjusted her apron and rubbed her hands together.

"Okay, people! Get ready, people should start flooding in any second now!"
I wish I could..

When Josiah first met Estelle, he had noticed the marks on her even though she tried to hide them.

He never said a word, even when they started dating. Estelle didn't want anyone to know about them and she didn't know Josiah knew so he decided to stay silent.

He had met Estelle's father once. He had called Josiah over so he could meet his daughter's boyfriend. Like any boyfriend should, Josiah didn't hesitate to meet Estelle's father. What the father didn't know was that Josiah knew much more about him than he thought.

When Estelle's father met Josiah at the agreed location, he came at Josiah with his fists ready. Estelle's father was shouting and threatening to kill Josiah if he didn't leave Estelle. He swung at Josiah and hit him in the jaw. Josiah didn't budge. He pulled back his fist and slammed it into Estelle's father. He stumbled back, wailing, holding his eye. Josiah hit him again and again and again until Estelle's father was on the ground, bleeding and crying. Josiah grabbed Estelle's father by the neck and lifted him up while he pleaded and cried.


"If I ever see another mark on Estelle. I'll kill you. And I'll do it slowly. I'll make you feel all the pain you ever inflicted on your daughter. You'll wish you'd never been born. Remember this." Josiah said calmly. He dropped the abuser to the ground where he swore he would never hit her again.

Josiah turned and walked away, not wanting to soil his eyes with something as disgusting as that man.

-End Flashback-

Ever since then, Estelle's father either left or spoke not a word when Josiah came over or when Estelle wanted to visit Josiah. Estelle herself didn't know about the fight and Estelle's father never told anyone, including the police because he knew that he would get in more trouble than Josiah since he started it. The beating didn't stop but they lessened. By a good deal.

"Yeah, let's get ready." Josiah said, smiling at her.

Eeehehhehehee omg that was the best thing everrrrr xD ))

Estelle nodded and peered out the window. She didn't particularly like busy days...they made her frazzled. Her hair would get frizzy, which sucked as well.

Her ideal work day was slow, with a nice flow of customers, but not a huge wave of them like the hungry hippo apocalypse.

"Wish me luck." she shuddered towards Josiah. Being the greeter, she got all the power over the house. But one tiny slip up and she could have people yelling at her left and right.

(('Tis true. If you make a small mistake, people don't always understand.))

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