Suteki Cafe (Actual RP)

Tears began to form in Katherine's eyes as she sat herself on the floor. "Bah! I don't care no more!" She declared, turning to face another direction. While she was devious... she never thought things fully though. "Estelle! Lets make a bet.. haven't thought of one but lets make one. If I win, you cant take pictures of me for the rest of the day...if you win...then I will willingly do your stupid cosplay!"
Ash muffles a giggle behind her hand, shaking her head at the girls antics. Why did she continue to work here? The answer was the people right in front of her. Tilting her head to the side, the words theme and anime making her nervous. "Don't we already do enough themes without having to do a new one every day?" Sometimes, the excitement that Estelle and Katherine have towards posing was enough for her along with all the photography. They had to have enough pictures by now to hold an exhibit in a museum.
Estelle glanced at Josiah and put away the camera. It was true, Estelle had a small condition, but it was nothing serious. It was brought onto her by all of the abuse she took, but of course nobody knew that.

She looked back at Katherine with glinting eyes.

"You'll cooperate? I accept." she giggled. "What's this bet?"
Josiah sighed. Sometimes Estelle took things a bit too far. She was going to hurt herself one day.

Although she didn't realize it. Josiah knew her condition and the marks of abuse. He never said anything but he was going to make sure she never had experience anything like that ever again.
Katherine nodded, a smirk on her face before she paused, a frown on her lips. "U-urm..." Her eyes narrowed and her lips pursed as she thought, trying to come up with a bet that'd be fair on them both. The idea of cheating didn't even come to her attention. Growling in irritation she turned to Josiah, pointing at him. "Josiah! Come up with a bet."
"Whoever can stay silent the longest wins." Josiah replied. That was a nice quiet and peaceful game.
Ashling sighs, folding her arms over her chest. It is going to be one of those days again. She turns and glances at Josiah, knowing that kind of plan will only backfire. "You are asking for too much on that bet."
Estelle sighed at Josiah and glared evilly at him.

Just then, a couple who appeared to be about fifteen walked in. The girl was bright red, as was the boy.

"U-uh, could we just...have a milkshake to go?"

Estelle nodded and looked expectantly at Josiah.
((I don't think any of the cooks have arrived yet. Which is why I was waiting before customers came.))
Katherine nodded, clamping her lips shut as she held her hand over her mouth. She was not talking! She stood up, patting her uniform down as she glared at Estelle before skipping off happily. She returned to leaning against the wall, her fingers idly pulling at the bright red hair that was pulled into two pigtails that reached her waist. 
(Shall Estelle or Katherine loose?)
Storm rubs the back of his neck. "I'm sorry I umm fell in a well and when I tried to get back up a troll punched me in the face and I past out then my boot was stolen so i had to buy some new ones"
Estelle sighed, then rubbed her nose.

"E-Estelle! Why're you so late?!"

"I had to work, dad, I'm sorry..."

A quick swipe of his fist comes across his nose. She holds the bleeding cut, then mutters again, "I...I am sorry..."

Estelle sighed at the thought of what happened just the night before.
Katherine glanced over at Estelle, ignoring her idiocy she could read people, slightly. She walked over towards her, tilting her head as she parted her lips to speak. "Y-" She stopped, pressing her hands over her lips before trying to motion the words 'Are you okay' with her hands. She was just ignoring the fact she lost...
Estelle glanced at Katherine, but her eyes shifted almost nervously away as she muttered without thought, "I'm fine."

She started counting the menus. She knew she had to get out of her house, but where would she go?
She set her hand on the girls shoulder as she leaned over to speak to her. "Please tell me what is wrong Estelle?" She asked quietly, interlocking her hands in front of her.
Estelle quietly pulled out her camera and snapped a picture of Katherine.

"This begging pose is totally adorable!" she grinned, changing subjects.

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