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Fantasy Survival in an unknown world

Aeris smiled and looked at Kira, "You certainly are an interesting one aren't you" He said before looking at her wound again and the feeling of blood causing his skin to crawl. Maybe the sooner the better would come into play since right now.... they had a bit less of a choice here. "It would be better if I could ask her for help but i'm still just beginning to learn the language in a way" He said looking up at the native girl in the air... suspended by nothing less than tree magic in his mind.

@Mina @Scattered Ambitions
"I think i should have a weapon." Kota muttered to himself. He found a sharp piece of rock and a stick. He ripped off part of his shirt to tie the rock onto the stick to make a spear. Now having a weapon, he continued in the direction of the scream. @Mina
When the man charged, Sesha shrieked, then pulled Kira and Aeris up onto the tree with her. She lowered herself a bit, and pulled a crude knife from a hidden sheath. She held it out in front of her, ready to use it if the man attacked. She turned her head slightly to the right and up, to face the two above her on the branch. *"Jakingo duzu?

*Do you know him

@Tylor guillory
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Aeris looked at her before looking at the man. "Oh god.... he's.... not clothes" He said turning away in horror. "Sesha, We know him.... Like us... but naked" He said in hoped to get her to put the blade away. "So sir... why might you be, well. Nude in a dangerous planet?" He asked looking at the man who seemed somewhat like an elderly heavy-drinking passenger he knew from the ship.

@Tylor guillory
The beast continued to buck but Max refused to let go. Eventually the beast go tired and just laid down.max stood up in all his naked glory and patted the beast on the head."Good kitty now be a good kitty and stay! " he ordered the beast pointing to the ground.
Max looked at them just now noticing their presence. He smiled and waved one hand on his hip."Oh hello there don't be afraid I'm a friend!" He called to them as he walked closer."The names Max... Max Muscles." Max said smiling proudly and flexing his massive muscles.
Kira squealed as she was suddenly lifted into the tree, unsure how that even happened. She saw the man on the back of the creature as it tried to get him off, her heart pounding as she suddenly noticed how high up she was. Just before the male wore out the beast and stood up. It was clear he wasn't shy, causing a blush to tint Kira's cheeks before she diverted her eyes. "This just got awkward." She said to herself before laughing softly. Her arm suddenly throbbed and she looked to see the bleeding had started again, probably from her being pulled up and her body jerking in response to all of a sudden, being lifted into the air. Her vision blurred but she grit her teeth and shook her head. "I need a new bandage." She said more to herself than anyone else.

@Tylor guillory

(@Ldybug123 you were near the naked man lol, you would of heard it all xD )
Sesha moved back, but kept her knife up. She stared at him, then at the two above her, then back at him again. There was something....something different about him. She couldn't find the words for it, but it was there. She pointed at him, and raised her eyebrow. *"Emri?"


@Tylor guillory
Kota hears people talking. He suddenly gets excited. "Are there other people here?" He says to himself, smiling. He runs in the direction of the voices, still holding his spear. He makes it to where the people are. His smile falls when he sees a naked man just... standing there. @Tylor guillory @Mina
Aeris heard her and ripped at part of his shirt tearing another makeshift bandage off though it revealed part of his stomach. "Here.... It should suffice until we can get a bit more initiative" He said as he put it on her shoulder then looked at Sesha again also making the mistake of looking at the man and turning away again hurling what water and other things inside him to the ground below. He coughed and sputtered, "That's going to haunt my nightmares forever more" He said before wiping it away with his arm.

@Tylor guillory @Scattered Ambitions @Ldybug123
Max raised his arms and flexed."Why thank you I am quite good looking aren't I. " he replied to the green woman not understanding her."My names Max Muscles people don't forget it!"He roared laughing
Kira blinked in confusion as he wrapped the part of his shirt around her shoulder, pulling against him to put on more pressure. Her eyes suddenly flickered to the male across the way that just made his way through the bushes. The smell of vomit filled her nose and made her gag. "I mean, he is naked but puking? Gross." She said with a shake of her head. The male in the area was hard to see, so Kira strained her eyes. "Hello?' She said, the forest was much darker than the beach. At least at the beach, the moonlight worked to help see. "Thank you." She said to Aeris so she wouldn't forget, though her eyes didn't leave the shadowed man on the side.
Max didn't notice Kota and as he noticed him he charged and knocked the spear out of his hands before delivering a round house kick to his face."Waahhhh!"
Aeris coughed a bit, "Sorry.... You try drinking that ocean water and see what it's like to you" He said as he shook his head a bit more. He looked at the sky completely oblivious to her thanks. He just hoped they could get to the village so he could do more. "I think after I get you guys set up... I'm going solo for a bit" He muttered quietly still looking at the sky his eyes holding some sort of grief. "So can you get dressed in some sort of leaves or... a bush or something Max?" He asked still not looking at the man. The other voice came as a surprise to him, "Welcome to the group.... Our numbers are growing pretty decently huh?" He said as he tried to image the amount of people here.

@Tylor guillory
Sesha listened intently. Most of the words were gibberish, except for one. Leaves, it sounded familiar. She tapped Aeris's shoulder, then drew a picture of a leaf in the dirt. "Leaves?" She asked, hoping to learn some of their language.

Kira gasped as Max kicked the other guy, shaking her head before moving to help the boy Kota up. "You okay?" She asked caringly, glaring at Max for a second though keeping her eyes above his waist. "Yes find something to clothe yourself, no offense." She said before turning back to Kota. "Are you a survivor from the crash as well? Were there any others with you?"

@Tylor guillory @Ldybug123
Max helped him up."Oh sorry kid you startled me. I learned that move when I spent a year in a half as a dojo instructor. Got fired when I broke a kids nose though." Max said as he made a loincloth and put it on."The little bastard deserved it though he was fine.......his father wasn't though." Max said as he stood up now covered. @Mina @Ldybug123 @Scattered Ambitions @ScaraByte
Kira nodded as she watched him. "My name is Kira, that guy is Max, he is Aeris and she is Sesha." She said as she motioned to each person individually. "We have been finding more people slowly, and there are some monsters out here that like to snack on us." She said with a sigh. As if she had summoned them, around the area growls began making themselves known, growing closer and closer.

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