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Fantasy Survival in an unknown world


Kira watched him as he tinkered with the device before a second howl was heard, and the animal chewing on the corpse growled as its head turned to the forest. Kira seemed to shrink within herself as she heard the sound. But seeing as the two animals seemed distracted, she decided to answer his question. "If I knew, I may chicken out. I just needed to get out of my current situation." She whispered, hearing as another growl came closer to them. That was before there was a growl, causing Kira to turn and look as another one of those animals approached, snapping at the one that had been feasting. Suddenly, the two beasts lunged at each other and began fighting, rolling dangerously close to them before standing and lunging again. Kira covered her mouth to keep herself from making a noise as her heart began beating wildly within her chest.
Aeris looked out at the creatures fighting. He looked over to Kira who seemed to be frightened. He held his hand out to her with a smile since he figured if he could help support her then he should. He lipped the words without saying them 'Don't worry'. He continued to hold his hand out to her as he looked at the creatures in their combat. Maybe it would be cool to train one of those He thought to himself before looking back at her in his mind wanting to calm her down at the same time as he also wanted to make sure she wouldn't freak out on him too badly.

Kira looked at his hand as he held it out for her, frowning a bit before she lowered her hand from her mouth and took his hand. The feel calmed her a bit, but she was still afraid. She had seen a lot, but this was something entirely different. Having lived in a relatively nice neighborhood in a sheltered area, this type of thing didn't happen, and this was the first time she had left. She forced a smile before mouthing 'sorry, I'm fine' and turning to watch once more. The fight seemed to take forever, but it was short lived. One of the beasts bit down on another's, causing a yelp to sound and the animal to run off into the distance, growling the entire way. The new animal moving to finish the scraps that the other left behind.

Aeris looked at the new creature and looked at it carefully seeing a few cuts from the claws and teeth that were in the attack. He looked at everything about it and stared at it inquisitively. He didn't have to worry as much about the trap now that it was just one so he would speak again. "Alright... This one should be easier to handle. If it gets past the little shock I have then it will get to me before you" He whispered with a little smile his other hand still holding his blade as he held hers with the other.

Kira shivered, feeling her head beginning to ache again. Most likely because she had stopped moving around and was no longer focusing on moving. She held his hand though she kept her eyes out to the creature. "So, if it shocks him, then what? Maybe once healed, we can find one of these things and catch it." She said curiously, though she was deathly afraid of it, she wanted to have a one up, and whatever it was, could prove useful later on. It laid down next to the body after a few and rested its chin against the corpse, licking its maw. "Of course it is going to nap right here." She whispered more to herself than him.

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Aeris smirked, "This is a good opportunity though" he said with a gleam in his eye as he looked at the creature. "I don't want to just catch it though.... I want to tame it" He said staring at the creature like it was some sort of wondrous creature. He looked back to her and had a smile on his face which he was generally happy about things. "If we can get a few of these onto our team then we could become stronger than before.... but first we need some sort of base and more of the survivors" He said as he took a piece of debris and began to use it to shape the metal he had in his hand slightly more into the shape of a blade.

Kira frowned slightly as she turned her head back to him, mulling her arm back under her body. "You want to tame them?" She asked with shock in her tone. "You should find young ones to tame, these big ones, well that could turn out very bad." She said, though she was sure he already knew. She tilted her head to the side in curiosity as he seemed excited by the notion. "Yeah, that would be a good idea. How many survivors do you think there are out here?" She asked as she turned to look at the animal sleeping. "Are we the only ones?" She asked with a sigh. Were they the only ones on the island? Or were there other beings here? If these animals were here, there had to be something else right? She sighed, so many questions running through her mind.

Aeris thought for a moment, "There were quite a few people on the ship... so if they're smart then more should've made it out to my knowledge." He said as he looked at the metal which looked like a knife without a wrapped handle. He looked at her for a moment again his eyes looking away from the creature. "How do we know these aren't the young ones though?" He asked with a curious tone. He looked back out at the creature to see what might happen next.

Sesha had been watching the strange, smooth skinned creatures from a tree, but now was on the ground, behind the two fighting things. She sighed, yelled something out to them in her language, which sounded quite like a series of hisses and clicks, and trapped one under a tree branch. The other seemed more interested in the large cat like creature now raking its eye with its large claws. Sesha, ignoring the two in front of her, stepped forward, and examined the two humans from a careful distance. She spoke: "He aha koe?"*


*What are you?
Aeris looked at her for a moment now noticing that the others were unable to move he looked at the tree lady. He thought about it for a moment before the thought of a Sprigan popped into his mind. The language it spoke was all but familiar, "H-hello?" He asked looking at the woman with a curious edge to his tone. The woman somehow controlled a tree and trapped a beast and was somehow empowered over them but how could you do that unless they've been trained. "Can you teach me... how to do that?" He asked pointing at the beast creature though it was likely she didn't understand him at all @Scattered Ambitions
(Sorry, youtube caught me and I got distracted..)

Sesha stepped forward, and lightly touched his cheek with her finger. She stepped back, and listened. She didn't understand his words, but could sort of figure out what he was asking. Something about the trapped creature, or the trees, or something. She pulled another branch towards her, and bent it around, then spoke. "Vuol dire?"*

*Do you mean this?

(I kinda crashed from sleep deprivation)

Aeris felt her touch his cheek which was understandable since they were new to her probably. He looked at how she easily pulled the tree branch in her direction. But she continued to speak some foreign language. "Can you, teach me your language?" He asked as he pointed to her then did the action of speaking as he pointed at his head hoping it may help him.

@Scattered Ambitions
Kira looked at the being in awe. She was beautiful, but so odd. She had never seen anything like that before. The fact that the beast didn't mind her, and she ignored it. This woman, maybe she could help them. With a smile, she watched her, this might be the save they needed. "Hello. I am Kira" She said while pointing to herself, hoping the girl would understand, though she continued to whisper, as to not wake the animal behind them.

@ScaraByte @Scattered Ambitions
The creatures in front of her continued to speak. Sesha cocked her head to the side, trying to understand. The only thing she did understand was what was supposedly a name. The female looking one pointed to herself, and said several words, then Kira. A name, most likely. Sesha decided to help these stranded creatures, but first and foremost, she needed to figure out a way to communicate with them. She figured it would be good to tell them her name, then get the males. She pointed to herself, and said "Sesha." Then she pointed to the male, and raised her eyebrow, as if asking a question.


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Max had climbed his way out of the wrecked ship and looked around."Huh where the hell am I?" He asked no one. He was still kind of drunk from well drinking so much. He had passed out before they crashed so he was very confused. He looked around slowly piecing everything together."Ohhh we must be at that tropical planet lets party!" He said running around like a maniac before stopping and taking another look."Wait that's not right oh we must of crashed on some unknown planet or something. " Max kicked a small piece of metal that had fallen from the ship. "Dammit I wanted to party, well guess I should go I to survival mode who knows what's out here." Max said as he stripped off his clothes and made his way slowly and cautiously threw the forest.
He looked at Sesha as he now knew her. "Aeris" He said since it looked like she was looking for introductions, His eyes looked at the girl or at least what looked to be a girl as he examined her with a curious look in his eyes. He wanted to figure out Sesha's language but it sounded quite... complex to say the least. "So.. Do you know how to to team them?" He asked pointing at the beast. "Can. You. Control?" He asked in smaller words since she probably didn't know his language too well.

@Mina @Scattered Ambitions
Max changed paces quickly moving threw the forest but being sure to stay quiet as he did. He climbed a strange tree and looked out over the land to see if he could spot anyone. Unfortunately the tree wasn't tall enough to see anything but other trees." Damn I'm gonna have to find a taller tree." Max said to himself as he looked for a higher view point. Eventually he found one although it was more of a mountain type thing. A huge rock that was just high enough over the trees that you could see everything. "Found my next destination." Max said as he climbed down the tree silently. He landed on the ground with a thud and began making his way to the rock.
Control. It sounded like something in her language, that meant power over something. Maybe it meant the same in his language. "Control?" She spoke slowly, trying the word out. She too pointed to the creature behind her, then spoke. "Control?" She then shook her head. She stepped forward, grabbed their wrists, and pulled them up. She let go, stepped towards the forest, and made and 'come here' motion her with her fingers.


Aeris blinked a bit surprised from her did that happen quicker than he thought or what. "Well come one Kira, We can't let her get to far ahead now can we?" He asked her with a smile realizing he had his interest over his intelligence right now and forgetting about the major factor being that her arm was still hurt. "Plus maybe she can treat that" He said looking at her arm for a tender moment before looking back to Sesha. "Destination?" He asked since the girl seemed to know some of his language though it may have been a tough job to understand he would make sure to pay her back for it later.

@Mina @Scattered Ambitions
Kira felt herself being lifted to her feet before seeing the girl motion them to follow. She looked at Aeris with a smile and nod before she began following the girl. She was just happy that the other woman hadn't pulled her up from her hurt arm. She clenched her fist to test out her strength but it hurt too bad, causing her to relax her hand once more. "Hopefully, there has to be some plant here that has healing capabilities, if even accelerating it just a little faster." She said as she walked along quietly, not wanting to cause the animal to wake and hunt them again. Speaking of, where had the other one gone? She doubted he went far, probably waiting to feast on what the more dominant beast left behind.

@ScaraByte @Scattered Ambitions
Afte narrowly evading strange tiger like beast, man eating trees and what he could only assume was some sort of natural disaster he made his way to the huge rock. He slowly grabbed any foot hold he could climbing up slowly. It was tough but thanks to his time working as a rock climbing instructor he made it up. He pulled himself up the rock before turning and realizing he could of just walked up the other side."OW COME ON YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING ME!!!" He yelled a little to loudly anyone within ten miles of him could probably have heard him.
Aeris spoke again. Part of the word she understood, the other part not at all. Dest, meaning place. Ination, no idea. "Dest?" She asked.

*"Foka." Since they most likely didn't understand, she drew a picture of a small village in the dirt, then pointed to it. She turned then, and kept walking, when she heard the yell. She jumped, then bent a branch down to her level, and used it to pull herself up onto a tree branch high above the ground. She scanned the area, her eyes landing on a large rock a few miles away. On it was a creature, but she couldn't quite tell hat it was. However, it was yelling in the same language that the two on the ground used. What was it?


@Tylor guillory
Aeris looked at the village drawn for a moment before hearing the scream and looking up to Sesha. "So Foka means village?" He asked looking at her before looking at the village. "Foka" he said quietly to himself since he was interested int his language and it would likely benefit him if they would be stuck here without much communication home. He looked back to Kira again since he wanted to keep checking on her condition, "something like that would be nice.... I'll help out whatever way I can, maybe my ingenuity can make some thread so I can try to fix you a little" he said as he continued to examine the arm.

@Mina @Scattered Ambitions
Kira frowned as the woman spoke her language, curiously mouthing the words as the female spoke. When she drew the village Kira smiled and agreed with Aeris, wondering if she meant village. Her green hues flowed to Aeris as he spoke to her once more, smiling at his words. "That is kind of you, I didn't expect any help." She said honestly. Blood had started to penetrate through the material around her arm, it was likely she needed stitches, but if they could heat one of the pieces of metal, they could cauterize it to close the wound. "I have an idea of what needs to be done, I worked in the medical field before, I saw a lot though didn't perform much." She said as she looked down at her arm. She lifted her head once more to look at the woman in the trees, wondering how she managed to make the branch bend toward her before lifting her up. Someone else was out there, another survivor. Perfect.

@Tylor guillory
Max noticed the same beast he had evaded earlier stalking around below them."Thats not good now what?" He asked himself as he looked up he swore he saw a green woman onna branch. He decided to go towards that direction. He looked at the beast from ontop of the rock thinking of what he could do. A huge smile spread across his face." I just got an idea, thank god for that year I spent as a bull rider!" He yelled as he leapt off the rock and landed onto the biggest beast, who leapt up in surprise and starting running in the direction of the green woman Max had spotted.

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