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Fantasy Survival in an unknown world (Re-boot)

As the Intergalactic Cruise ship made its way through the atmosphere, everyone visited happily, strangers conversed and enjoyed each others company. Everything ran smooth, no one suspected that anything could go wrong. However, this was short lived. Heading back to Earth, the ships engine failed less than halfway through, causing the ship to descend toward an unknown planet. The ship began breaking apart, unknown to the passengers that the pilot was trying to save himself, slowing his descent, by dropping as many hulls as he could. The primary parts scattered down a beach and through the trees, blood decorating the metal plates that used to hold the ship together, that now lie in pieces across the new planet. How many people survived? First goal, regroup. Second goal, stay alive. Large beasts begin invading the survivors, attacking from the forest. The beasts look like wolves, or a wild cat, exceptionally large, sharp teeth, putrid smell, claws that dig into the planets earth as if it were warm butter. Their eyes glow an eerie crimson color, looking almost like demons rather than animals, but alas they are simply animals indigenous to this planet. Are you better off with the cover of the forest even if that is where they come from? Or is it better for you if you landed on the beach? Can you survive?

Within the planet, different tribes live, the inhabitants varying from kind, to savage, killing anything they see as alien, or saving everyone they can. Clues begin to appear, revealing the fact that this planet, has many hidden secrets. Every day, there is a new threat, something to run from, something that wants to eat you. Can you manage to live and not lose your sanity?

(Your first character must be human)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/upload_2016-1-16_18-26-9.png.af8ce452fedb93db19c346ebd496f227.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="99342" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/upload_2016-1-16_18-26-9.png.af8ce452fedb93db19c346ebd496f227.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/upload_2016-1-16_18-28-20.png.197923b7e99932d9c0ee76ca72e2df20.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="99344" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/upload_2016-1-16_18-28-20.png.197923b7e99932d9c0ee76ca72e2df20.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/upload_2016-1-16_18-28-33.png.028d8b31b4e66cae43363e9cac8dfebf.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="99345" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/upload_2016-1-16_18-28-33.png.028d8b31b4e66cae43363e9cac8dfebf.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Original idea by @Mina)

(Possible other GM's: @ScaraByte, @Ldybug123)



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Reiki groaned and woke up, his eyes fluttering open. "Where... am I?" He muttered to himself. He moved his arm and winced. There was a gash in it. He stood up, looking at his surroundings.
Nicola heard a loud, repetitive sound in her ear. She groaned, and rolled over. "Five more minuets dad," She slammed her hand down on her alarm, but instead of hitting the hard plastic, she felt something soft, as well as a sharp, piercing pain in the center of her hand. She went to rub her eyes, but felt a hard piece of something poke her. Nicola opened her eyes all the way, and saw a stick, about the size of her pointer finger, sticking straight through the middle of her hand. She shook her head, in shock, before the pain kicked in. She opened her mouth, and screamed, loud and long.
Reiki thought he heard a scream, but he wasn't sure. Zephyr heard the scream though, and his survival instincts kicked in. He grabbed a spear and ran towards where he heard the scream. He saw Nicola laying on the ground, but no one was around her. He approached her and pointed his spear at her. @Scattered Ambitions
Nicola looked up. She saw a strange boy. He looked almost human, but he had wolf-like ears and a tail. He was also holding a spear, and pointing it right at her. She scrambled back, and held her hands up in front in front of her face, although that wasn't going to protect her if her decided to use the spear.
Ldybug123 said:
"I... am... Kazan." Zephyr said, telling Nicola his species' name. @Scattered Ambitions
"What?" Nicola was confused. She looked around. It looked like a pretty generic forest, but it obviously wasn't. She sighed. Before she could find out anything about the area, she would need to get the stick out of her hand. She was worried, though, because she didn't handle pain very well. She looked around. "Can you find a stick, or something I can bite down on?"
Kalina woke up to a muffled screaming, coming from somewhere a good ways away. "What's going on?" she asked herself. After rubbing her eyes and attempting to run her fingers through her matted black hair, she realized she hadn't woken up in her bed. She climbed though the rubble of what had once been her room, and instead of setting foot into the peaceful hallway, she wandered into a forest, littered with pieces of metal and glass. She carefully made her way towards where the screaming had been coming from, and found herself looking at a human and some sort of wolf... person? "H-hello?" Kalina said, preparing herself to run if necessary.
Nicola took the stick, and looked it over. There was a bit of purple, damp moss hanging from it. She pulled it off, making a bit of a face. It wasn't good, but it would have to do. The was about to bite down on it, when a girl, about 16, with black, ruffled hair. Nicola jumped up. "Are...are you human?"

Kalina was relieved to hear that this girl knew English. "Yeah, I-I'm a human," she said. "So you are too, then?" Kalina asked. She looked the girl over, and saw the grotesque wound in her hand. "Are you okay? Do you need anything?" Kalina asked, motioning towards the girl's injury.

@Scattered Ambitions
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"Oh thank god." She looked down at her hand. "Nah, I can take care of this myself..just give me a sec." She put the stick in in between her teeth, and started to pull the stick out of her hand. She bit down hard on the stick in her mouth, and screamed a muffled scream. She pulled hard, and the stick came all the way out. She took one look at the hole in her hand, and fell backwards, unconscious.

"O-Oh my god!" Kalina exclaimed. "Are you okay?" Kalina leaned down and shook the girl. "Oh, crap." Kalina said, looking around and realizing she had no water, no food, and no supplies. "Wake up, come on!" She yelled in desperation.

@Scattered Ambitions
Zephyr kneeled down by Nicola. He first checked for a pulse and there was one. He looked at Kalina reassuringly to let her know she was fine. @Dlew73
"She's okay?" Kalina confirmed. "Um... I'm Kalina, by the way. Who- What- Who are you?" Kalina wanted to be cautious of the strange being, but she figured making friends with natives of this strange place couldn't be a bad idea.

"Nice to meet you, Um.. Zephyr." Kalina said. She repositioned herself in the grass and mindlessly began to search through her pockets for any resources. She opened the right pocket on her baggy cargo pants, only to find her hand went straight through a huge hole in the fabric.

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