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Fandom Surfaced Complications


True Gentleman
The underground and the surface have met, the barrier broken, monsters and humans are no longer separate. But not everything is well in this new world. But, eh, you know, maybe everything is perfect, I dunno.







Um, my Oc bio's usually are really long but I'll try okay :3 I RP characters and Ocs. My bests are Undyne, Papyrus, Toriel, Flowey, Frisk!Mute, and Chara. I'm not so good with doing other characters. It's hard for me to do their personalities. I guess if I had to I could to Muffet and Asgore, but Mettaton is REALLY hard for me to do. He's far too fabulous.
Name: Lilliana A Watterlilly ( Yes, Watterlilly )

Nickname: Lilly or A

Likes: Water, swimming, exercise, cooking, painting, children, her restaurant, damp forests

Dislikes: Fire, getting mad, speaking all that much, tight spaces, hooligans

Looks: Body made from water so she can change shape but she's rather curvy. She has large hips and a C+ cup chest. She's usually dressed in a tux of sorts and her hair is brushed to one side ( Though it's water ), the other half is shaved looking. Her eyes are yellow and feminine but she usually hides her mouth so it looks like she doesn't have one. Her nails are kinda long but she usually wears classic white gloves. Her tux is usually grey, brown, or black. She always has a waterlilly on her tux.

Bio: When monsters were forced into the underground some hadn't gone. Some had helped the humans and some didn't even fight at all. The ones that hadn't were spared but put to slavery with later African Americans. Now slavery was banned and monsters were able to walk among people freely. Lilly was a bar tender at her beautiful restaurant/bar. It was named 'Waterworks' because she was a water sprite. She tends to shy away from people so that's why she doesn't speak to them unless they seem to get it out of her by desperate need, pity, or she's gotten used to them and they are a regular at her bar. Her bar looks fancy but really doesn't cost too much. She likes things simple and is happy with her life on the surface. Now the new monsters of all kinds are finally coming out from the underground, it would take a lot of help from others to get everyone settled.
Please use the format I have provided on the sign up page and post your sign up there also, looks good though @Angel3321G
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The way I made the Flowey character. That's the format. On the Character sign up page. Not on this page.
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The RP begins now!

A golden flower sat, as well as a flower could, in a patch of sunlight grass near the above-ground Grillby's, and sighed. Flowey looked around and saw a skeleton standing near the entrance, as if waiting for someone.

"Gee, and I thought I was slow, where are those guys, I'm sitting here in dead-boredom waiting for em. Heh, good one Sans. Good one..." Sans said to himself.
Dero walked forward, out of The Void, her thoughts on one thing:

"Time to make some friends."

And since she exited the Void near Snowdin, her exiting the Void could be felt by...certain individuals. *CoughSansCough*.
"Hm? Now who could that be?" Sans said to himself. "Huh, well, maybe they thought I was at the underground Grillby's anyway." And so Sans took a shortcut down into the underground, and eventually reached near Snowdin, where he found Dero. He walked slowly and silently up behind her. "Hey, don't you know how to greet a new pal? Turn around and shake my hand."

Flowey, seeing as he had nothing better to do, followed Sans.
Dero turned around and grasped Sans's hand, trying and failing to suppress her laughter.

"Hahahahahahahaha!!! Oh my gosh, that is classic! Rather humerus for a bonehead."

She proceeded to continue laughing, this time at her own puns.
Muffet had to shield all five of her eyes from the sun as she slowly stepped out of the massive cave that was the Underground, or rather "New Home". Asgore really was uncreative, wasn't he? She stopped for a minute to gaze up at the beautiful sky as she set her bags down, all of which were fur-lined and filled to the brim with spiders. Muffet went everywhere to seek out her kind to bring out from the underground, and I mean everywhere. She sat down on the grass and simply stayed still, taking in the beauty of what was surely to be named "New New Home".
"Heh, that's a good one kiddo, but can I ask ya, water ya doing here?" Sans asked. "Wait, on second thought, hold that thought, I have someone to meet. Follow me, kid. I know a shortcut." Sans took the 'shortcut', with Dero, and reached the underground Grillby's, where he looked around for Muffet, the person he had arranged to meet at Grillby's, above ground. However, noticing that she wasn't here also, he resolved that she must be near where the barrier opened. So he took another 'shortcut' there with Dero, and found her sitting there on the ground, and said, "And I thought I was the lazybones, did'ja forget about our little meeting, Muffet, or do ya just like sitting on your tuffet and looking up at the sky? Is this really your first time out here? Huh."
"Hm? A man who speaks in hands? No. Not really. Unless you mean a skeleton who uses sign language to communicate with other beings in this vast universe, in which case, where did you hear about them?" Sans said, trying to shrug off the fact that he knew a bit more than he was letting on.

A tiny skull appeared above Dero's hand. It was a miniaturized Gaster Blaster. She positioned it so Muffet couldn't see it. After a few moments, she got rid of it.

"I know a lot more than you'd think. Resets. Determination. Dark, Darker, Yet Darker. The grey door...the list goes on."
"Sorry. I forgot, plus this beautiful scenery simply took my breath away~! Truly astonishing, isn't it?" Muffet said, her gaze still resting on her surroundings. She slowly took in what Dero was saying. "Sorry, is this a private conversation? I can leave. Oh, and dear, the grey hood really does not match the vest. I love your socks though~" Muffet giggled, picked up her bags of countless spiders and walked off to find Grillby's.
"Actually Muffet, your gonna wanna hear this, mainly because I think you'd know who to talk to about what I'm going to say."

Dero sighed, and suddenly her expression changed to that of deep focus.

"My name is Dero, and I bring a warning from The Void: there is a being who was once dead that will come back, and once they do, they intend on an act even the cruelest of humans or monsters would never even consider. They intend to perform Omnicide."
(ECH, I'm sorry for the wait! Stuff happened and I couldn't get to my com for a while, but now I'm back!)

"Eh? So your one of his... friends. Yeah, uh, sure, friends. You sure that this hasn't already happened, Ms. Killer Warning From-The-Matrix? Someone's already tried that before, I don't even know if I stopped 'em, though considering the fact that there's no trace left of the 'presence' in the kid, and the fact that I'm sure whatever 'it' was, would've taken their soul. They still have it. Anyways, let's finish our talk at Grilby's, I'm hungry, and Muffet's waiting." Sans said.
"Sans, it's because Chara once existed that it will be coming back. With its own body. And the worst part is that it will have enough Determination to cancel out Frisk's ability to SAVE and LOAD. Meaning anyone who does die will STAY dead. Chara took control of Frisk before and almost killed everyone, until you killed it enough times for the kid to take his body back. But now it's got its own body, and here we won't know where Chara is until it's killed enough, which you know as well as I do does not bode well for Monsterkind. Of course, the humans stand more of a chance, but Chara has a habit of doing what others would deem impossible...at least Chara can only take the souls of people who have a LOVE of 20 and let Chara take it."

Dero was walking with Sans.

"And Sans, this time, don't wait until they've killed almost everyone else before you take a stand. The moment you've found Chara and confirmed it, you kill the demon then and there. Warn everyone in ways that won't make them try to confront Chara. Make sure they don't take anyone ever again. I'm going to do the same."
"Huh, gee kid, that's quite the conundrum right there. Very spooky. Guess that makes two of us. Any ways, sure kiddo, when someone like that is around, I can't afford not to care anymore." Sans said. "Anyways, we're here, hey Muffet, you ready for some good ol' Grillby's?"
"Oh, and Sans, just something I need to tell you ahead of time...don't think I can't handle Chara. I probably can't kill them, but I could definitely hold them off until you arrive. After all, how many monsters can create barriers out of Determination?"
"Coolio. Just, be careful. And we'll talk about ol' Gassy soon enough Dero." Sans said. "So, uh, Muffet? You ready for some Grillby's or what? I'm starving. The worst part about the food here though, is that it goes right through me!" Sans turned to the side, shrugged, and winked at an invisible audience.
Chara's eyes opened up as they smirked and streeched.

"So I'm back at last? Pft finally!"

Chara stod up and looked around, they were at the top of the mountain.

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