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Realistic or Modern Superpowers rp

“Alright. I could take us there without losing any time but then the others would be trapped and vulnerable. I could bring them along too but that’s too draining... our only choice so to gather all of us together, then make a break for it. Should we go back in? Do you think they’re on their way?”
“I can control Semitic waves,” Scott nodded to her as he followed her to the office. Aria seemed like a nice person so he decided to come and he nodded again, “yeah no problem just wanna fuck up those assholes even more when they have a telepath with her full power,” Scott liked think that she would mess up their minds bad, they would feel the pain. Scott looked at the locked door and swore turning around and began to look for the keys as footsteps were approaching, Scott was panicking as he searched the bodies and then a bullet hit the wall by him and he found the keys throwing them to Aria, “ARIA!”
" wait a second do you hear water like maybe a river,they might be over there! It's just over that hill." I start walking in that direction.
Aria nodded at his explanation. Semitic waves was useful, that's for sure. She wondered for a moment whether he could bring the whole building down. "And fuck them up we will" she commented, a little smile playing on her lips. She searched the bodies around her when she heard the shot as well. Cursing under her breath, she shot her gun twice, but missed both times.

"Thanks!" she yelled back, grabbing the keys. As quickly as she could, she unlocked the door and, pulling Scott with her, stumbled inside, shutting the door behind them. The office was quite small, with three desks aligned near the wall and a few chairs. No-one was there except the two of them, so Aria rushed to one of the computers. She perhaps wasn't a computer expert, but she assumed that a folder with her name plastered underneath it was the right thing to click.

Scrolling quickly, she finally found what she was looking for. Aria clicked a button that deactivated the blocker and the light that was attached to it turned off.

She immediately felt better. It was like she was blindfolded and now she was not. Like she was locked inside her own mind, and deactivating the blocker set her free. The psychic allowed herself to close her eyes for a moment, relishing the feeling. When she opened her eyes again, the color of her eyes seemed more intensive for a moment, before returning to it's normal green. A smile tugging at her lips, she spoke directly into Scott's mind: "Let's go fuck up some guards"
Scott smiled hearing her talk in his head and held his gun up and thought in his mind, “this is going to be fun.”

Scott then walked outside of the office feeling his temper rise as he stomped his foot on the ground making a tiny crack down one hallway, he held his hands out making it shake as he walked down it unaffected as the guards hit the side of the wall hard. He then shot at two guards who were trying to run for him. Scott opened up a sink hole by pressing his hands on the ground and yelping in pain as he started to make ripples of the sink hole go to a big pile of guards and as they fell in he closed the hole laughing. Still that was tiring so he decided to tone it down and just have the ground shaking making them fall over for Aria to mess with their minds.

“All yours Aria,” Scott thought.
And mess with their minds she did.

Oh, the horrors she could unleash on them! She almost couldn't decide what to do. Almost. The guard closest to her became her first victim. She entered his mind easily, cutting through any and all mental preperations or defences like a knife through butter. Well, more like a gun through paper, since his mind was weak - it was pathetic, really. Once there, she opened up a few fears, cut some ties of sanity... in mere seconds the guard started yelling, terrified. He looked around, his vision unfocused and tried running away, but fell due to the ground shaking. Eventually, he pulled out his gun and shot himself in the head. As for the other guards, Aria did similar things. She differentiated, of course. Made some wail in pain, clenching their heads, made some live through their worst nightmares, made some go crazy and run into walls.

But the last few guards that ran into the hallway had a different fate written out for them. Aria didn't send them into their own pits of anguish and madness, but instead manipulated their perception of the world. They pulled out their guns and began shooting the other guards, as if they were the enemy. Aria, obviously, made sure that none of the mad guards ran up in Scott's and her direction, instead keeping a safe distance.

"As fun as this is, we should get out of here" Aria spoke directly into Scott's mind again.
As I'm now running in the direction of the river I hope that the other person is following me. The thought of water that didn't taste bitter was almost killing me. Water that is cold and clear, yuuummy.
Its too much.

Every nerve ending seems to be shot at this point after being shoved in this hell hole of a room for the past twelve hours. The guard I recently found out was named "Frank" manhandled me into a room that was so bright I think I might have gone blind from when the door was opened the first time. I should be used to this by now, but sadly after two years of this every sixty seconds that ticks by just sucks more of the life out of me. They want to watch their lab rat under intense light to see how she fairs, eh? Well I will not give them the satisfaction of screaming my frustration out or crying because I have been alone for hours. How do normal people just exist without having someone to talk to? I have not had any darkness for so long I think I am gonna crack soon or at least pass out.

The ground started to shake and the rusty metal bed I am lounging on groans in frustration. It just grows worse as time goes by until a horrible shrieking alarm pours into every inch of my cell.

"What's going on!" I scream covering my ears, continuing to keep my eyes closed against the freaking light. Giving up on trying to keep the alarm out with my hands once I realized it did not help. I made my way, reaching out blindly with my hands, until I found the door nob and tried opening it. Dang it! Not even a semblance of it opening. Could have at least budged a little to help a girls confidence here, doornob. Figuring why the hell not, I started banging loudly against the door yelling for someone to let me out, which might I add was hard until the shaking abruptly stops.

I hear commotion outside the door into the hallway.
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Keethan continued to go into every room trying to find as many people as he can, but most rooms were empty. He finally found someone in a room, so he went inside and shot the lock. “We’re breaking out, no time to explain, follow me” He yelled to the girl

Chrushta Chrushta
I stumble out of the room disoriented from all the commotion. I can finally feel tiny amounts of dark here and there among the hallway and my shoulders sag a little in relief, but every bell inside of me kicks right back up at this male who just showed up guns blazing.

Moving my hands to a shaded corner I change the shade into the form of a wolf as a precaution, but i hear their tiny voice whisper go, run and be free.

I run after this guy with my wolf close enough that I feel the shadow along my leg. Farther ahead I notice blood splattered all over the walls and floor. Guards that I have seen and interacted with lay strewn across the ground unmoving. Two figures stand up ahead that i can't quite make out from this distance
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Scott nodded as the thought came into his head. He wasn’t going to argue about that since more and more guards came. He turned and saw a man and a woman running their way wondering who the hell they were. Never mind they needed to get out and they looked like Aria’s pals or something like that. Scott ran up to them and looked at the two of them, “Scott Ramos, Me and my friend are just escaping.” He thought, “Aria you know these people?” Scott didn’t know who these people were as they seemed like prisoners too but he still didn’t know them.
"Funny, seems we are doing the same thing and let me tell you am I ready to get out of this place." The wolf at my side paces around the men on the floor leaving no blood trails on the floor. It stops and seems to take notice of one in particular. When I get a look at his face I realize that its, Frank, the guard that led me to that illuminated room.
"Hmm, I am assuming all this is your doing?" I pointed at the dead men on the ground wishing I could have at least gotten a few of them myself.
I arrive at the river not noticing if the other girl followed me or not. I see some other people and a person lying down. I realize it's Isabelle. Oh no maybe she got shot! I race over there as quickly as possible and place my hand on her wrist. I breathe a sigh of relief she is still alive. It appears that she is just passed out. I go over to the edge of the river where I saw a medium sized log a bit ago and bring it over to her proping her feet up. Then I go over to the stream and gather some water into my hands and pour it onto her forehead. Now we wait. I see the others near her under the cover of the trees. Isabelle seems to be in a very small patch where the sky is visible through the top of the trees. Just in case any helicopters go over I tell myself. Then I spread my wings over her and match the grass around us hiding us from the sky.
“Eh most of it was Isabelle, speaking of which, she should have already made it outside I think.” He said. He had prepared for this moment ever since he had first arrived so he knew every twist and turn, and where every guard would be. “Hold this” He told her as he handed her a gun. He knew where the 5 guards would be exactly so he wouldn’t need it. He teleported behind them all and squeezed their hearts. Within a second, they were all dead. “Ok cmon lets all get out of here, the exit should be up ahead” he told everyone
I just stared at the gun he put in my hand. Who is this guy? His actions were very sporadic to me. His last words made a thrill shoot through me. Believe it or not I'm ready to get out of here.

"Great lets go." I said. My wolf started to grow and stare back the way we came. People are coming, it whispered to me
They finally reached the exit. He went through the door.

The last time he had been out was 3 years ago. It felt so good. The grass, the air, the sun, the wind. But his moment had been cut short when he saw something that made his blood run cold. He saw Isabelle lying down. He immediately teleported”Is she alright. Imma kill her when she wakes up if she got shot” he asked the girl next to her
Just as people round the corner and shout at us to stop the guy next to me runs to where he said the exit was. I hesitantly follow hoping Scott and that girl with him are behind us.

You can't afford to get distracted Nix. Get ahold of yourself. The only person that cares about you is you. I reminded myself as I ran toward the exit. I feel the wolf run to guards that threaten our freedom. Their screams are the last thing I hear before natural sunlight hit my face.

My senses are a bit overwhelmed by it all. The sights. The smells. God its been so long. Last time I felt all this I was with Sam. Still holding the guys gun that broke me out i look around trying to see where he went. She sees him crouched next to a girl on the ground.

After hearing his reply I just look at him with an eyebrow raised. "Here's your gun" I say holding it out to him
They finally reached the exit. He went through the door.

The last time he had been out was 3 years ago. It felt so good. The grass, the air, the sun, the wind. But his moment had been cut short when he saw something that made his blood run cold. He saw Isabelle lying down. He immediately teleported”Is she alright. Imma kill her when she wakes up if she got shot” he asked the girl next to her
Acctully I already helped her, I'm croutched over camoflughed from the sky so she's safe and healing.
Isabelle’s eyes flutter open, where was she? Who was she? She looked beside her and saw a girl beside her... What was HAPPENING?
Isabelle looked at a girl with wings and ran out towards the tree to hide.
"No, I don't know them" Aria responded to Scott's question. But with a quick glimpse into their minds, she confirmed "they're prisoners here too"

Aria ran with the rest of them outside. Once she did, she took a moment to close her eyes and take a deep breath. Fresh air, grass, trees. It felt like a dream, to be out of that forsaken place. With a content sigh, she opened her eyes again.

Quickly getting the jist of what happened, Aria spoke into Isabelle's mind "Don't run. It's better if we all stay together."

She glanced at her fellow escapees and said "I think we have a better chance of survival if we stick together" Aria glanced at the group that was the first to escape "any plan?"
I noticed that isabelle woke up suddenly and bolted toward the forest. " Woah ok then" I feel slightly dizzy mixed with tired drowsyness but I'm sure it's nothing. I start walking over tho the forested part near the others stumbling just a bit.
“Who are you people? What’s my Name?” Isabelle slowly comes out, eyes wide.
What had happened that she was severely malnourished?
I watch all the comotion going on around me and feel overwhelmed. "Who are you guys? " I ask a little uneasy at all these people around me. All I know is the one guys name. Scott? I believe. The large part of me that is mistrustful is telling me to high tail it out of here and to just go find my brother.

At my uneasiness a shade of the tree im standing next to wraps around my arms comfortingly
I clamber over to the group and lean against a nearby tree. "Oh your name is Isabelle." I say sleepily.
“Oh thank you. Um... what do I do now? I don’t know who I am...” Says Isabelle.
Isabelle looks at the ground, and kicks the grass.
She wonders if she’ll ever remember who she really is.

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