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Realistic or Modern Superpowers rp

"My name's Harlow. Kosakowski. Don't have a middle name, though," she said directing it to Keethan. "I'm not really new here, Aria knows me, but I suppose the rest of you don't. I used to be in a different building, which was so much nicer, for real, it had flowers and other bullshit like that, but then they realized I'm not like the rest of them over there, so I got sent here. Not that you asked."

Harlow stretched her arms and yawned. Now that she was free to move again, she was reminded of that tube she was strapped into for a couple of tests, making her shapeshift against her will nonstop. That man, Dr. Talbot explained what the machine did, but Harlow just went on talking over him about her favorite painter (who was Van Gogh, by the way). But as procedure began, her voice didn't work anymore, like her vocal chords were forcibly held down. It only made her want to talk even more.
It was how you got to be noticed and given affection to in orphanages and foster homes; you had to be the loudest of the bunch.

She turned to Aria and started getting even more suspicious of her. This girl was way too nice to be trusted. What if she was some kind of spy of the institute to uncover what they thought and what they planned. She felt ridiculous thinking that of course, because who would do that? But still, she decided to be vary of her. "Thanks, that's great. I just hope they haven't done any permanent damage and make my brain into liquid or something."

Harlow observed as Isabelle back into the corner of the small, dingy room, smelling of metal and dust. She wanted to say something, but whatever phrase came to her mind, she recognized as unhelpful and mean, when look at that girl, she was half out of her mind with misery. So she opted to talk more about solutions, than rude remarks and comments. "You know, if only we could get that door open somehow, maybe we had some chance of escaping. This can't go on any longer."

As she said it, the guards had another person thrown in, wretched and meager. "Well, hello there, glad you joined us. Hopefully, our margaritas will be here soon enough." She tried to flash a comforting smile to let her know she was only joking, but she wasn't sure it got through.
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“I will bury you all!” Scott screamed as the ground began shaking in his test chamber. Right away two guards rushed to his cell carrying tranqs and stumbled on the way as the ground was very shaky. The alerts were sounding as Scott broke out of his constrains trying to make the ground spilt open as guards opened his doors and pinned him against the wall shoving tranqs in his arms as Scott yelled and wrestled them as he threw one off him and began to headbutt another in the nose hard. Scott tried to make a run for it but collapsed on the ground like he was defeated. The guards picked him up and carried him as one grabbed his legs and another one grabbed his arms. Together they carried him to a new test room as it was metal and inside was nothing but a toilet and a table where they placed him on injecting chemicals in him. Scott was very aggressive and dangerous to the staff as they had to have him knocked unconscious a lot of the time because of his extreme anger problems.
“Guys we have to get out of here... I don’t know if I can keep going on. I overheard the scientists saying That if they keep going with experiments with me then they won’t be able to h-have...”
Isabelle looks at the ground wondering why she was telling them this.
It was private and not to mention they might judge her.
Isabelle wanted to end it all herself so at least this wouldn’t happen even more.
She scoots more into the corner, playing with a spider on her finger.
I heard the rest of them talking together about escape but I was just to tired. Usually when they take me to the test room we pass by a small window and the sun shines in. I would slight smile because the sun made me happy. one of the guards must have realized this because the next day we took a different route with no windows. I sigh again as I wish I had some food.
Keethan took a look at the device that was implanted on Arias head. “Nope can’t remove it. It’s completely rooted in there, we could find a way to deactivate it though, then it would come out easily”. He had thought about escaping for a while. But it would have been too risky. They would just be after them again. Unless they had some kind of place to stay. . .

Keethan thought about this as he laid on the ground eventually slept
Aria cursed under her breath amd muttered "It can't be too easy, can it?"

"We have to get out of here is the understandment of the century" she replied. "And I suppose Keethan is right" she added "they will chase us if we escape"

Aria let a moment of silence linger innie the room before she spoke up again "So we will have to kill them all", her voice tainted with hints of anger and determination. "I can't do much before I get this thing deactivated, but you guys can use your powers, right?"
I yawn, I was pretty tired and had an aching pain. Maybe I should sleep. I slump over and wrap my wings around myself for any warmth they might hold. My eyes flutter shut and I listen to the others talk as I drift off.
“I’ll kill the majority, besides if I get killed it doesn’t matter.” Isabelle kisses Aria on the lips.
“Just in case I don’t make it.” Isabelle smiles at Aria and Picks the Lock of the door and Runs out hoping that she can help her friends escape.

She looks down the hall and uses her powers on the guards, they fall to the ground dead.
Her veins grow black from using her powers.
I open my eyes and speak for once. " What's going on!?" I slowly get up and see that one of the girls is missing. "Huh." Maybe the guards took her back for more testing. Then I see the open door. The door it's open! I can be free! I bolt towards the door and run through it. Wait! I turn back around and see the others still in the room "lets go we can all be free!" I feel giddy with the idea of freedom. Think for a minute Riza, chill out. My brain says.i stop and flicker my scales to camoflauge. Now I run down the halls making a guess to where the exit is.
Keethan sits up straight. He knows what has happened. Isabelle has started the escape. There was no turning back. He got up and and went towards when of the dead guards and took his gun. He ran through the halls until he found Isabelle. “Are. You. Out. Of. Your. Mind!” He screams at her
Keethan sits up straight. He knows what has happened. Isabelle has started the escape. There was no turning back. He got up and and went towards when of the dead guards and took his gun. He ran through the halls until he found Isabelle. “Are. You. Out. Of. Your. Mind!” He screams at her
“I need to leave! I’m sorry! I killed the guards it’s fine...”
lsabelle felt bad, Keethan was like leader and she had let him down.
but she needed to leave, the abuse was not getting better.
“You don’t understand! The male scientists are r*ping me! E-everyday...”
The thought of the touch makes Isabelle shutter.
I’m not too sure how to start my part but I’ll do my best!

Wynd sat in her cell, tears trickling down her freckles cheeks. She had been taken in a month ago, and the horrific stress already was making her feel dead inside. She trailed her finger across her dusty mattress. She suddenly paused, as she felt the hard ground start to vibrate. Wait... it couldn’t be. A jailbreak? They’ll all be dead before they even get a glimpse at the door out. The slender girl thought ruefully.
Riza was lost. I can not believe that I never thought to memorize these cursed halls they all look the same. " Arggg" I pound my head against the wall "think think you dummy." Just then I here arguing down the hall. I creep toward the sound with my camoflauge on and turn the corner to find the girl I think is called Isabelle. "Yay I found you guys I though I would be lost in this labrynyth for ever. Oh hold on." I change back into my regular colors, tucking my wings behind me only camoflauging them this time. "Err I mean hi I just was a but excited to find you instead of guards"
Keethan was about to respond when he saw something. A guard was aiming at Isabelle. Without thinking
He teleported behind him
He reached into him
He squeezed his heart
He watched in horror as his body fell limp to the ground. “3 guards down. 42 to go” He said his breath ragged. He had been counting the guards since day one. He knew there location, the time they rotated, everything. . .
Wynd huffed out a breath dejectedly. She stared at the stone wall for another moment, pondering if escape would mean instant death or if freedom really was worth a try. What else is there to lose, besides my life? she thought with a growing resolve. It’s not like I WANT to be trapped in here. Another minute passed by before she straightened, narrowing her piercing blue eyes. Though I don’t remember the outside world, I’ve heard stories. It might be... it WOULD be worth it. Wynd stood up, finally certain. She would escape, no matter what stood in her way. And what blocked her in now was a steel lock....
My eyes go wide at the sight of a guard. I'm about to shout to Isabelle when this guy here takes him down. I breathe a sigh of relief." That was to close." I fade into the wall color but slightly more dark so I am still visible but at a glance you would miss me.
Wynd examines the lock, wondering if there could be a way to pick it. She takes out her silver pocketknife and thrusts it into the keyhole, twisting it every which way. Nothing happens. Next, she tried slicing at the chain. Again and again and again. After about 50 tries, all that remains of her efforts is a small white scratch on the lock.
she screams in frustration. They’ll all be gone by the time I get out! The girl thinks, becoming increasingly panicked. Could her ability help in any way? She doubted that. The bars were too close together.
Risa tries to not stare at the still warm body. "Calm deep breaths we can do this we're going to get out of this place." I murmer to myself.
“I’m going to find the others. If we’re going to break out we’re gonna need more people. And if we can find the source of whatever’s blocking Arias powers, bonus.’ He said while heading off. On the way he heard someone trying to break a lock. He went inside and almost got stabbed by someone trying to slice it open. “Chill with the knife that won’t work. We’re busting out of here” he said as he reached inside the lock and broke it, then opened the door. “Tell the others were breaking out”

(Gn I go bye bye 4 2nite)

MorphoMist22 MorphoMist22
What’s that? Wynd’s eats pick up the sound of footsteps coming closer. It’s her guard. “We’re moving you to a more secure chamber. Don’t bother trying to escape. The others will soon be dead.” She nodded quietly, trying to come up with a plan. The guard sneered at her as he smacked the side of her head and opened the door. She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. A ripple seemed to shake the halls as she activated her power. Then everything went still. Wynd made no hesitation in slipping past the guard and running for it. She bolted down the corridors, trying to find an exit. With a jolt, she remembered the others. Though she didn’t trust them, she might need their help later on. She resumed time and started her search for them, as alarms blared through the halls.
I'm left standing by Isabelle just as the alarms started blaring. If I was more human I would've been fine but because to the stupid drugs I had heightened hearing I flopped to the floor covering my ears in agony. " Make it stop please!" My wings turning a light grey almost white color.
I close my eyes tight as I continue to curl up in attempt to block out the blaring. It just keeps coming. I'm very sure my eardrums might pop because of this stupid alarm. "Ahhh" I moan in pain, rolling on the floor.

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