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Fantasy Supernatural Teenage Drama

A million questions bloomed in Ryder's mind, but he stuffed them down to focus on the task at hand. "Elevate..." he muttered and looked around for something to place under Dex's abdomen to raise it. With one hand pressing on the wound, he found a decently rounded rock and lifted the boy up to lodge it underneath. "Okay, um, now what?" Ryder wracked his brain for a solution. They had to get back to the school, where the healers could work on him. In the meantime, however, he had to make do. Tearing the other half of his shirt into long strips, he wrapped them around Dex's stomach, making sure the blood wasn't flowing too much before tying it off.
Dexter was back in his head again while Ryder cared for his wound. He remembered falling asleep on Ryder's back, and he was in this dark space again. He wandered the area for a while..... and then his memory stopped right there, he drew a major blank. Whatever it was, it made him uneasy. Ryder then found a rock and ordered him to lift himself up. "With that thing..?" he remarked, but he complied anyway. His attention went back to Ryder while he was figuring out what to do next. The next thing he knew, Ryder was now completely half-naked; no jackets or tank tops this time. Dexter felt a tingle go up his spine and a familiar heat rise up to his face. Again he masks his discomfort with a snarky quip. "Hellooo nurse.." he said with a raised eyebrow and wandering eyes. He temperature arised again as Ryder touched up his wound with the last remains of his shirt.
Reaching the edge of the forest with Miuna, Alec stopped and decided to wait there for Ryder and Dexter. He flopped down on his side and glanced at Miuna, green eyes flashing in the dark. 'What else can your spirits do for you?' He asked curiously. They had been able to track Hara within seconds, and Miuna had easily kept up with him with their help.
Ryder bit back the urge to slap him and settled with a glare as he sat back, finished with patching Dex up. "Oh, good, keep blushing," he sneered, masking how worried he had been. "It'll draw the blood away from the massive f***ing holes in your side." Running a hand through his hair, Ryder sighed and closed his eyes. It had been a long day and he was ready to hit the sack. But he also didn't want to leave Dexter in this state. When Ryder spoke again, his tone was softer, quieter. "You're a wreck, you know that?" he murmured, opening one eye to look at him.

Miuna leaned against a tree, fingering the leaves absentmindedly. "I don't have predetermined commands or anything. They just do what I say, anything from getting stuff for me to spying on the president. I could tell them to tickle you right now. Or kill you." She ripped the leaf off its branch, tearing it to shreds with one hand. "But I wouldn't do that. That would kill me, too." The statement sounded as though Miu was conveying emotion, but it would literally kill her as well. Most spirits didn't want to murder anyone, and forcing them to do so required a hefty amount of compulsion. It would be too much, even on a good day.
'Yeah, please don't do that. Either of them.' Alec rolled onto his back and stared up at the stars through the trees. Even as his mind wandered, he listened for any sign of Dexter or Ryder. Where had they gotten off to? Ryder could navigate just fine, so it wasn't like they'd gotten lost. 'Did you see when Ryder and Dexter fell behind us?' He asked.
Miuna glanced back the way they had come, only now noticing the other two boys' absences. "They might've stopped to rest. Probably not, though. I can go back and check," she offered, glancing back at the wolf before her and giggling. "You're cute when you do that. I wanna rub your tummy." She didn't act upon her words, however, figuring he might not appreciate it.
'I'll give them a few minutes before I go look,' Alec decided, glancing back into the forest. They couldn't be too far, if he hadn't noticed their absence until now. Besides, they weren't stupid. If they really needed help, they would've yelled for the other two. He flattened his ears. 'If you must,' he grumbled, glancing over at the small girl. He figured that, even if he said not to, she would go ahead. Normal rules really didn't seem to apply to her.
Miuna bit back a squeal of joy at his consent and hopped towards Alec, sitting cross-legged beside him and gently rubbing his underside. "Can you shift into extinct things?" she asked, taking delight in the softness of his fur. Animals hated her for some reason, so a faux animal like Alec was perfect.
'Not yet. I'm working on it,' he said. One of his back legs twitched, just as a dog's does when you rub its belly. Alec sighed, eyes half closed. 'It's a little harder when you've never seen the animal properly. I can't explain it though, because it's not consistent. I'd never seen a wolf the first time I shifted.'
Miuna blinked a couple times in surprise that he had never seen them before remembering that normal people couldn't see the dead. "I can see them. There was a pterodactyl flying nearby yesterday. Maybe I could help you picture them." She frowned after a second. "But that wouldn't really help, would it? I mean, you'd have to see it yourself, right?"
'No, it's more like... I have to connect to the energy. I can speak to animals as well, and I've found that makes shifting even easier. I wasn't as powerful when I was younger, and it helped increase my power.' He rolled onto his side. 'I don't know how to explain it. But I won't be able to change into something as complicated as a pterodactyl for a long time, if ever.'
Dexter's eyes widened in surprise for a millisecond after sensing agitation and a little worry from Ryder. He stared at him with a hurt expression, completely forgetting what he has been subjecting him to. He glanced at the wound and all of its ugliness and understood. The frustrations of the past few days became too much for him to hide and the sadness began to wash over him. Dexter pinched the bridge of his nose, fighting back the tears that threatened to escape his throat. He sucked it up as best as he could and looked back up at him again, gulping hard to try to speak again. "I know that more than anyone... Heh" he croaked with a forced smile and he chuckled lightly. His smile attempted to hide his emotional distress but it showed in his now bloodshot eyes. The pain that he couldn't feel from the wound now flooded him but less painful than what it could've been. He laughed away the pain, a few tears escaping his eyes.
"Oh." Miuna fell silent as she ceased her rubbing, her hand now resting in his fur. The moon was shining brighter than normal, illuminating the leaves above them. "It's so crowded," she repeated her statement from earlier. "I can barely see the sky. I wish I could. My right eye isn't working anymore." It was still functioning normally, but she couldn't tune them out at all anymore during the night.

Ryder's eyes widened at the sight of Dexter's tears. "Whoa, hey," he whispered, leaning forward and wiping the drops with his thumb. "I didn't mean it like that. Hey." Ryder flashed a tiny half-smile, looking into his eyes. "You're okay. We're alive. That's reason enough to celebrate, right?" A sudden impulse came over him, and he pulled Dex into a hug, careful not to hurt his wounds.
On impulse, Alec put his head on her leg. He felt bad for her. She couldn't help how she was any more than he could. Anyone's power could hurt them as much as it hurt other people, and Miuna's power could take particularly nasty turns for the worse. At least his was far more controllable. 'Well, if I ever can shift into something like a pterodactyl, maybe I could take you up far enough to see past the spirits.'
"That's tempting," she murmured, resting her hand on the back of his neck. "You'd get to fly as something you've never flown as before, and I'd get to breathe." Miuna felt herself drifting away from the present and shook her head, a hint of a smile on her face. "I'm lucky, though. A lot of people have it worse than me, like Dex. I can handle this, I think."
Alec twitched his ears. 'He's good at handling it now, a lot better than before. He learned his lesson two years ago about shielding himself as much as possible. With all the tension...' Alec stood up and stretched for a moment before settling back down with his head on Miuna's leg. He yawned, exhausted by all the running he had done today.
"I mean with the spirit that's living inside him. I don't know how much damage that's gonna do. He could sustain some mental problems if he isn't careful." Miuna glanced down at Alec, gently rubbing behind his ears. "I wish I could do something. Not all spirits listen to me. That one, especially. I don't wanna let him down, though." A steely resolve bloomed within her. "I'll get stronger. Yeah, I'll work with the spirits even more and get rid of the one in Dex. Think that'll work?"
Alec wagged his tail happily as she rubbed his ears. 'I'm sure that someone here can help him. We've got just about every possibly ability here, whether student or staff. Besides, I bet you'll figure it out. I mean, you can see pterodactyls.' Alec relaxed, sighing and closing his eyes.
"My power is kinda cool, isn't it? I guess that makes up for the downsides." Miuna beamed and laid down on the grass beneath them, still rubbing his ears. "Yours, too. Your power is amazing. If I had your power, I would never be human. I've always wanted to know how flies see their surroundings."
Alec shuddered. 'No. No you don't. It's awful. I can show you if you want.' Reaching out towards her mind, instead of sharing words, he pushed a memory of his into her mind: his vision was split into thousands of tiny images, which all shook constantly. 'See? Makes you want to throw up. Plus, you have to be careful so people don't smack you.'
Miuna laughed, finding the memory sickening yet amusing. "That does sound like it sucks. What about a salmon? How's that like?" Documentaries always said that fish had somewhat blurry eyesight depending on how developed their eyes were, but they couldn't know for sure.
Alec thought for a moment. 'I don't like being a fish. So I haven't tried that. Nor will I right now, seeing as there isn't any water.' He moved his head so that she was rubbing under his chin. 'Now, it's really great being an owl or a hawk.' He showed her a brief memory of flying far above the earth, yet being able to pick out movements of tiny animals.
Miu's eyes widened in wonder as she lived his memory, gasping in awe. "What a beautiful gift," she murmured, looking up at the sky packed full of spirits. "Being a bird seems cool. I'd be a hummingbird, I think. Or a blue jay."
Dexter's laughter grew increasingly violent until he couldn't mask it any longer and they turned into deep sobs, him barely able to breath in from the tension in his chest. He tried to calm himself down but he couldn't control it anymore, he covered his face with his hands to muffle his voice. "I'm sorry... I'm f*cking sorry you hear me!" He wailed into his hands. He let his hands pull away as Ryder wiped away the tears. His eyes were closed and his lips quivered violently as he tried to breath again. He fell into Ryder's hug not really minding anymore and squeezed him tightly. He continued to mumble inaudibly as held on for what seemed like eternity. He never got like this, ever. He wasn't in control of himself and he couldn't take it anymore. "NO!" he shouted suddenly pushing Ryder away as hard as he could and bolting up out his seat. The pain from his wound intensified as he stormed off. He wanted to know who was doing this to him and he wanted to know now. He had to find Miuna.
As the night went on, Jordan found herself feeling more awake. She tried to relax and go to bed, but her mind wouldn't let her, so she decided to find something to occupy herself. She took out the play script and started to look it over. Even though there were some parts that made her hesitant, Jordan was still looking forward to playing Juliet. She wondered how the school would react when they saw those certain parts though. How many kids would be immature and give Ryan and her crap about it?

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