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Fantasy Supernatural Teenage Drama

Dexter nodded at Miuna as he decided to stay put so that'll be easier for him to be tracked. He gave her a questioning look as she walked off. "He cares about me huh?" he thought, clearly thinking pessimistic about how Ryder viewed him. "Unless you mean that he pities me, if that's what you mean." he narrowed his eyebrows again and thought about how hard he had shoved him. He put his hands up to his face, mentally exhausted and wanting for everything to go back to normal for once.
After a couple minutes of searching, he finally spotted Dexter's figure standing alone in the distance. Relief flooded Ryder's pores as he raced towards the boy, whose back was turned. Closing the distance between them, he grabbed his shoulder and whipped him around before cupping his face with his hands and pressing his lips to Dex's. He held out the kiss for a while before breaking off, keeping their faces close. "I didn't know whether I'd punch you or do that," Ryder admitted, on the verge of laughing and crying simultaneously.
Dexter hadn't heard Ryder approaching him and he nearly yelled out when he was turned around to face him. He was startled by this and he thought that the other boy was reeling in for a smooth punch. He panicked and started to speak. "Ryder I'm so--" he began when he was cut off by Ryder's lips. The warmth invaded his face and tingled all over his body. Dexter felt all of his fears and worries falter in that moment and he could do nothing but return the kiss his arms once again wrapping tightly around Ryder. He gasped as they pulled away, his eyes slightly wide at what he had just done. He gazed at the boy before him seeing the relief and happiness flood his expression and it transferred onto himself. "I was wrong... so terribly wrong." He thought with his eyes beginning to tear up again. Without a second thought, Dexter was attacking his lips, his kiss softer but with more force to it.
Though surprised by the second one, Ryder kissed him back, his arms wrapping comfortably around his waist. Dex's lips were softer than any other person's he had kissed, yet another pleasant surprise. Warmth coursed through his body and wrapped around his heart as he held him, filling him with ecstasy. "We should head back," Ryder murmured once he stopped to catch his breath. "We've got class tomorrow."
Once they stopped to catch their breath, Dexter had his arms hanging lazily around Ryder's shoulders. He nodded in response to the statement, agreeing that it was best to end the night on this note."Yeah, we should. Hope you don't mind me hogging the covers." He said with a grin. "I sleep like a turtle."
Ryder chuckled and took Dexter's hand in his own. "If it gets too bad, I'll scare you off," he reasoned, smirking, but then became serious. "We gotta get you to a healer, though. Your bandages are already coming off." Speaking of injuries, Ryder checked the cuts on his arm. They had begun bleeding again, but it wasn't life threatening. The one on the back of his neck was healing as well but it still hurt to move it too much. It also hit him that they would be questioned pretty thoroughly if they returned how they currently were. "I'm gonna stop by my room after dropping you off. It would be weird if I walked in without a shirt."
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Dexter flicked his eyes up flippantly at the playful threat, returning the comment with a devilish grin. Dexter glanced at his torso, the pain dulled down from whatever Miuna had done to him. He guessed that Marceline chick she mentioned was the pain inflictor in his mind. He squinted his annoyed that he didn't know what she looked like. At the mention of Ryder's wound, his widened for a second at the scar formed across his arm. His expression turned grim again. "If I kissed would it feel better?" he asked suddenly, his voice having a seriousness to it than what he usually sounded when he added a remark.
"If you kissed it, you'd get blood all over your face," Ryder pointed out matter-of-factly. "And also bacteria in my cut. No offense." With a snicker, he walked with him back to the school, keeping up a quick pace. When they arrived at the infirmary, he stepped up to hold the door open for Dex. "Go on in. I'm gonna slip on a shirt and be right back."
Dexter scoffed as he walked with him. "Tsk, you weren't thinking about that when my tongue went in." he muttered with a playful nudge. As they made it to the infirmary, he uttered a 'thank you' at Ryder as he stopped at the other side of the doorframe. Dexter whined lowly at him when he left. "But I like it when you don't wear a shirt." He mumbled to himself, his head sticking out of the door with his bottom lip sticking out as Ryder closed the door.
Ryder stuck out his tongue as the door closed before smirking and heading back to his dorm. It was nearby, so it didn't take more than ten minutes to change into a pastel-colored tank top and khaki shorts and make it back to the infirmary. "How you holdin' up?" he called upon entry, locating Dex.
Dexter sat up from his bed when Ryder walked in, a soft grin plastered on his face. Snarky as ever, his eyebrow raised as he looked at Ryder's outfit. "The question is how YOU are holding up, bleh." he pointed to his mouth with an outstretched tongue, but laughed afterwards. He moved over a bit on his bed and patted the space beside him. "You should lay with me, the nurse already disinfected and bandaged me up. I'd feel bad for anyone who had to sleep in these seats." He noted with a side-eye towards the rough chair, remembering his rude awakening from that morning.
Ryder raised an eyebrow out of confusion as he sat next to Dexter, instead of lying down. "We're sleeping here? Can't the healer just patch you up and we can hightail it outta here? I hate the smell or disinfectants." He glanced down at the bloodied scraps of cloth with a wrinkled nose. "That was a nice shirt," Ryder commented wistfully.
After Ryder headed to the infirmary, Alec headed for the dorms with Miuna. "So that was a huge waste of time," he said with a sigh. "And those two got hurt. It's a mess already and it's not even been a full day."
Miuna giggled, cheerful despite their lack of a lead. "That's true, but we talked a lot and had some fun, so I wouldn't say it was a complete waste." Beaming, she linked her arm with Alec's and let him lead her. Though she'd been living there for most of her life, she didn't have the top notch directional sense and let her spirits guide her throughout campus. "The spirits get more popular around the school. At night, it's like a crowd. Weird, right? I can't see three feet in front of me. The only places where they aren't are really undesirable places like cemeteries, 'cause no spirit would wanna stay there for long. That's why I'm always there. Sometimes I fall asleep there and Yuki has to wake me up. Yuki's my best spirit friend, by the way. She's from Kyoto. She's been dead as long as I've been alive. We share a birthday and death day. Isn't that weird?" The exhausted teen ended her rant, cutting herself off when she realized what she was doing. "Sorry. Not a lot of people stop to talk to me for long, so I got a little excited. Sorry."
Dexter looked up as he pondered the idea. He gasped and nearly face palmed himself for not realizing it sooner. "Oh! Yeah of course, that make sense." Dexter began to move closer to the bed when he felt a fluctuation of pain from his wound. "That is if you don't mind carrying me there.." He winced. He paused briefly at his wistful comment, reflecting on his own comment from earlier. He grinned again at his next thought. "I can't wait until I start having you borrow my clothes."
Rob walked out of his dorm room and stretched. He had fallen asleep and simply forgotten what he was supposed to do. He turned around a corner and saw Alex and Miuna arm in arm and he stopped. Jealousy swept over him, but he just smiled. He figured it'd be best to hide it, he assumed Miuna was just holding onto Alec, she wouldn't hurt Rob, she was his friend. Plus they had been dating less than a day.

He waved to the two, "Hey there."

(So uh, I just randomly received a notification just now if people haven't posted, its probably because they weren't getting notifications. >.>)
Miuna waved cheekily, detaching herself from Alec to stand near Rob. "Hey. Why are you awake? Did you have trouble sleeping?" Concern swept over her as she pondered the thought. "If you want, I can read to you or tell you stories." She felt herself turned a slight red. "That sounded pretty childish, didn't it?" she admitted, smiling sheepishly.

Ryder scoffed. "As if they'd fit. You've got a tiny build." Despite his demeaning words, he reached over and took Dex's hand in his own before falling over the healer, who immediately set to work. "This stuff works pretty quick," Ryder noted, watching the wounds begin to close.
"I fell asleep playing videogames, too early, so now Im awake way too early, but you can tell me stories any time, I wont mind." He smiled at her, "What are you two doing out so late? Enjoying the night air?" He raised a brow and looked at Alec for a moment, but then back to Miuna. "I hope nothing too exciting happened while I slept."
Dexter raised both of his eyebrows at the jab at his physique but shrugged it off with an eye roll. "Keep talking like that and you won't get any from the one with this 'tiny build'." He remarked. He turned down a bit after Ryder gently held his hand in his. He sighed deeply with a guilty stare and a small smile. "Forgive me, I'm exhausted." He tried to stay calm as the drugs started begin work on his wounds. The deeper it sunk into the wound the harder he bit his bottom lip. He gazed at Ryder again which calmed him down, his hand still interlocked with his.
Miuna shrugged. "I went out with Alec, Ryder and Dex to look for Hara. Didn't work, but it was fun. We might go back later, when Dex and Ryder aren't hurt." She looked up at Rob's concerned face and gave him a soothing smile, reaching down and taking his hand. "Don't worry. Nothing happened."

Soon enough, the healer was finished. When he pulled back the bandages, Dexter's wounds were nothing more than harmless pink lines. Ryder thanked the healer profusely before standing up, holding out a hand for Dex to follow. "You staying with me tonight?" he asked once the healer was gone. "Or would you rather stay alone in your own house?"
Dexter ran a finger across his wound with a hint of amazement at the medicine's potency. A grin plastered his face as he got up from his bed. He eyed the door as the healer left the room and then looked at Ryder with mischievous expression. "I think you know what my answer is. Wasn't that the plan in the first place?" he smirked while walking to the door and opening it. "When we come back from school maybe I'll entertain giving you a rematch." he winked as he signaled for Ryder to follow.
Rob smiled at Miuna and squeezed her hand lightly, "You look pretty tired, lets get you to bed." He started to walk Miuna toward her room, "Have a good night, Alec." Rob waved and then looked down at Miuna, "So Ryder and Dexter got hurt? They're okay now though?"
Miuna nodded, swinging their hands as they walked. "I guess Dexter was attacked by a spirit, and he shoved Ryder into some rocks. He got pretty hurt, too, and I think he's kinda upset, but who wouldn't be?" Miu shrugged and looked up at Rob. "Are you mad at me?" she asked suddenly. "Your blood pressure increased when you saw me. Did I do something wrong?"

Ryder felt himself hurrying after Dex, heart skipping a beat at his wink. "Hell," he muttered, clearing his head. They had a long way to go until they could relax, but tonight wasn't the night to take action. The ungifted/gifted scandal could wait. "I might take you up on that."
Dexter peered behind him and grinned again, rolling his eyes as he made his way down the corridor towards the waiting room. "Of course you would, who wouldn't?" He remarked with a head shake. Dexter was completely aware of Ryder's emotions at this point. He just didn't mind playing around with him a bit until he got to his room. "I'm sure no blue shells will get in the way of your assured victory. But who knows? All of it is a game of chance to me. I prefer rpg's and create-a-character games. More choices and customization involved." Dexter let his soothing voice fill in the silence as his mind expanded on the topic.
"Huh? No you didn't do anything wrong." Rob squeezed her hand lightly, he was caught off guard by Miuna's sudden question "I may have had a surge of jealousy, but you didn't do anything, I promise. So you've got any plans for tomorrow, other than just going to class? Cause I was thinking we could go get more cookie cake, or something?"

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