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Fantasy SuperNatural High School

Simon smiles and desides to make the room darker and more appealing enjoying the thought of springing a trap excited him "good idea I'm gonna make it as homie as possable" he said with a malicious grin
Patience chuckles and smiles, "Its not dark..I can see well actually.." Ruvel teleports to each class like a fucking boss Verinty chuckles and shakes her head, having an amused look
Simon smiles pouring more black mist into the surroundings where everything around them is no longer visable and all that could be heard are each heart beat in the hall "this is as dark as it gets" Simon said with a slight echo as if they were no longer in the dimension they are in
Dean arrives back to school carrying ippy, soon heading towards the lost and found. He sets her down gently, "Pick any clothing you like.."

Malice slowly comes out and looks around, climbing out before Verinty quickly holds him down "NOW SIMON"
Simon holds out both of his hands and quickly sucks back in the black mist faster than he put it out panting slightly as he drops to one knee as the light appears back "damn I used too much of my power In one go" he said a bit exausted
Ippy looks around, looking really happy. "I pick this!" She declares after serveral minutes of digging. She pulls out a pale brown jacket, light purple miniskirt, knee socks and a top to go under the jacket.

(Remember, Ippy looks nothing like the girl in the image, but those clothes are what she picks)
Verenity lets go, before running to over to Simon making sure he was okay.

Dean nods, "Alright..come on lets go.." he starts walking to her class
Simon smiles and looks up at verenity "I'm fine it's just been three days since I had any rest not only that but I'm still recovering from an injury I got from the last attack" he said in a calm voice obviously looking exhausted.
Ippy follows eagerly, yet she also seemed increibly tense and nervous. "I uhh.. What am I supposed to do when I get there?" She asked, fiddling with the tip of her exposed tail between her fingers.

(Sorry, got exams in the morning. Gonna sleep now. @Tag me in your reply, and I might respond in the morning. Unless you reply right as i post this, then tag me in the NEXT reply xD )
Verenity chuckles, before helping him "Come on you big baby.." Malice follows after the two. Dean opens the door for her, "You are about to find out.."
Simon lets out a light laugh standing to his feet as he is helped up "at least we have the trouble maker back and just in time ..... For the .... Last five minutes ... Of class" taking small pauses sounding a little disappointed.
Verinty takes him to the nurses office, telling the nurse about what happened before looking at Simon. "Don't worry, we can explain to the teacher why we were so late and about why you weren't here. We'll meet you here at break, so don't leave.." She smiles before leaving with Malice
He nods and sits on the bed in the nurses office watching the two walking out the door but before they were out of site he sticks his tongue out at Malice as a teasing gesture before he looked around the nurses office
Malice smirks at him before following after his sister, when break hits. Malice appears behind Simon and taps his shoulder "Miss me much?" he teases
Feeling the tap on his shoulder simon lets out a squeak by suprised and for some reason giggled but immideatly looked away "I don't know what your talking about" he proclaimed
Malice smirks, "D'aww you did" was about to hug him before Verenity enters and looks at them. "U-um....am I....missing something here?" Malice laughs before disappearing in Simon's shadow and reappearing right besides his sister, "Nope" he does his signature smirk
Looking at Malice as a slight blush crosses his face "so yea the nurse patched me up and said I can fight as soon as possable" obvously lying about the recovery time

(And Simon is gay btw :P )
Ippy looks at the door and pauses. She swallows down a chunk of dread before walking in, looking around nervously. "H-hi..." She muttered, unsure who she should be talking to.
Victor giggles a little and puts on a malicious smile, "Well then, how about you be my eyes then?" He says before he starts running through the woods, just barely dodging the trees because of his short range sight.
Melody unticks her black wings from the tanktop and spreads them open, nearly knowing Jameson in the face. She stretches them slowly an smiles.

Jameson goes in the front of her and chuckles. "You're the weirdest angel ever I swear."
( @xPrinceAsh Go create a cs and then wait until I accept it

Malice chuckles seeing him blush, "Awww....the scared less is blushing." Teases, Verenity laughs, "Calm down Malice..any more and you probably would make him faint from embarrassment.."
"Am not.." Verenity huffs, crossing her arms while Malice wraps an arm around his sister "You are such a dork Verenity..." he smirks at her, making her glare at him

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