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Fantasy SuperNatural High School

Victor layed down on the ground, which was surprisingly soft thanks to the moss that had grown there, he layed with eyes open, looking up at the sky and the very few clouds that floated up there. He snickered "Sounds like a good idea, just you, me and nobody else" His smile was still on his lips.
Patience turns half his size and then lays besides him, her head laying on his chest while looking up at the sky and her wings were around her like a small blanket
She nuzzles into his hand, snuggled up against him softly breathing in and out. Patience looks over at Victor "I would be happy anywhere with you Victor, but at this moment...yes I do..very much"
Victor let out a sigh of relief, "That's good to hear, I feel exactly the same way for you" He started feeling his eyelids getting heavy, he wasn't sure if it was because of the height or because of his exercise, he let out a yawn and before he knew it so had he fallen asleep.
Patience smiles kissing his lips softly, "Sleep well Victor" she whispers before laying her head back on his chest and falls asleep as well @minismurf
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Victor opened his eyes, he wasn't sure for how long he'd slept, however the sun had gone down and he could hear the sound of crickets sounding through the night, he wasn't sure where Patience was however for some reason so wasn't he able to move, his body was frozen, was it just sleep paralysis, or had something happened while he'd been asleep, all he could do was to look up at the night sky and the stars. "Damnit, why won't my body move, I need to know where Patience is, what if something's happened to her?" With that thought so did Victor get really worried, however he still wasn't able to move.
Slowly wakes up and stretches before looking at him and blushes remembering what happened, "He...y" she stutters out quietly, kissing his cheek softly before helping him sit up
As soon as Patience touched Victors refusing body so did he feel a shock travel through his body, he twitched but remained calm as he felt his body came back to him, not wanting to worry Patience, as she helped him sit up so did he turn towards her, she looked just as pretty as she'd been the last time he'd seen her. He yawned and stretched his body for a moment, then turned back to her, "Good morning" He kissed her on the cheek before standing back up "Man, I had a really weird dream tonight, it was even a bit scary" He looked around and saw that they were still on top of the cliff, as he looked out over the view so could he see the large forests green, leafy roof, on the sky you could see birds fly and here and there there was the single, lonely cloud.
Rey was going for a simple walk when he noticed a couple seated atop a nearby cliff "Aww... Isn't that cute" He mused before walking up to them with a slight smile "Uh... Hi" He said softly while hoping that they wouldn't take his appearance as an intrusion. @InsaneKiller19
She chuckles and then stands, pecking his lips gently "Well I slept great.." she looks around before noticing Rey and started to blush, hiding behind her wings quickly and scoots close to Victor in a sort of shy motion. Patience pokes her head out towards him and gave a small wave, stuttering a soft Hello
Rey smiled and waved back "Oh... Sorry was I interrupting something ?" He asked quietly while twisting a ring that was on his thumb.
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Victor smiles and chuckles at her pecking, "Well that's good" He then gets a concerned look as Patience seems to be almost hiding behind him, blushing, as he turns around so does he see a boy standing there, very much his own age, Victor blushes a little himself, who would go all this way out into the forest for no reason, not even high up from the cliff could you see the school and if he was a student so would it take quite a while to get back to the school if you didn't have some special powers that could speed it up, Victor had his agility and speed and Patience had her wings, wonder what this boy had. "Oh, hi there, oh no, not really just, ahem, talking" Victor really didn't know what to say in the situation, he would never have expected someone to go all the way out here and find them.
Smiles a bit at the two before shaking her head softly, "We um...were just going to head back to the school right now.." clears throat softly "U-m...are you...a student that goes to supernatural high?" she asks shyly,
Rey smiled at them both before speaking "Yes I do..... Go to the school I mean" He could tell that there really was something going on between them and didn't want to look like a nosy tom "If you are heading back then may I accompany you ?" He asked quietly while slipping his hands into his pockets.
Patience smiles happily, "Of course you can join us, the more the merrier" she chuckles and then changes back to her fairy size flying back towards the school knowing they would follow her
"Hold on a sec" Rey stopped for a moment before raising his hand into a flat palm. After a few seconds the cliff began rumbling until rocks began dislodging from the cliff face, a large peice of the cliff was now cracking until a large metal disc came smashing from the cliff surface and then lowered itself for Rey to get on "Okay... We can go" He stated as though nothing happened.
Stops to watch, and was in pure awe as her wings flutter excitedly "Well alright then" she laughs and drags Victor along as she flies off to the school
Rey was in tow atop the 1 meter long metal disk that flew silently and quickly through the trees below "How long have you been at the Highscool ?" He yelled over the wind while twisting his ring on his thumb.
"I'm a late comer, so not long" she replies, smiling as she probably has another new friend. Remembering her others back at school, she does a few tricks in the air laughing
Victor was enjoying his lift from Patience, even though it wasn't the most comfortable of rides, however he held on tight and made sure he'd stick onto her while still not hurting her. "And I'm pretty much the same, pretty new, however I think I've learned finally started to learn the layout of the school now"
Changes size and puts Victor on her back as she flies, making sure he holds on. Smiling softly at his words, she nods with a small chuckle "That's good"
Patience lands, setting Victor down before changing into fairy size. She smiles as a ghost floats over and smiles a bit at her before looking at the two curiously
Rey jumped from his disk, leaving it on the ground and walking to join the other 2 in silence, he smiled at the ghost but stayed quiet.
She smiles back slightly before hiding behind Patience in fear, as she glows a blackish blue color. Patience chuckles at her shyness "Oh right, this is Adeline....she's the daughter of the faceless ghost" Patience introduced, as Adeline listens quietly
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