Supernatural beings. [Inactive]

This house made Robby nervous. He had no idea how he got here, and no idea where he was. At least he had his music player. Robby looked down at the device, changing to the next song. He nodded to himself. This one had a good feel to it. Black Night, by Remembrance. Robby had memorized all the songs on his device. He began to hum along with the music.
Ky walked past Robby, accidentally bumping into his shoulder and mumbling "sorry" she walked inside the school slowly. When she's not familiar with something she has to get used to it
Robby looked up at the girl. He noticed the way she walked. Despite being uncomfortable, she walked like she knew she was in charge, a thing that Robby despised. He never did like people that assumed that they were better than he. However... This person may know something... Robby spoke up.

"Hey! Wait!"
Robby rubbed the back of his head nervously.

"Yeah, uh, I kinda just... Woke up, about five minutes ago. Sorry if this offends you, I don't usually swear, but where the hell am I?"
"..." Robby was pretty sure that the girl had not answered her question, but at least he knew why he was... Wherever this is. It seems his dad had finally gotten tired of his deformity.

"Oooooookaaaaay... But where are we?" Robby shook his head and removed one earbud.
"At a home...for our kinds" she rolled her eyes and sighed "were forced to be here"

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Robby looked at the girl funny. Maybe she was being obstinate on purpose.

"Yeah, but where is that? Where in the world are we? What country is this? What is nearby? And if we are all trapped here, why haven't I seen any guards?"
"Were on an island in the middle of the ocean that has a sh*t ton of cameras and a force field that will kill us if we try to get past it" she narrows her eyes

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Robby stood there with his mouth open for a moment. It didn't take long for him long to speak up.

"Shit. Shit shit shit shit shit. Ah shit. Nonononononono." He could feel himself beginning to transform. The fur crept up his arms. Robby shoved his hands into his pockets.

"Do you know if someone named Nadia is here as well? Dark skin, black hair? Kinda tall? Is a Roma?"
Noticing that his arms were showing, Robby quickly shoved his sleeves down, careful not to tear it with his claws.

"Shit. Shit shit shit shit." Robby looked around in almost full panic mode. He hoped that he could still feel Nadia in his head... No. She was gone. They took him, but not her? She is still out there? That was good, but he was still freaking out. As he continued to panic, his senses began to get better. He could hear the girl breathing, and that was not very comforting.

"Shit!" His feet began to change and he quickly ran into the house, trying to hide every part of his body he could.
Robby stumbled around the house, looking for a place to hide. He heard the wind through the walls, and heard the girl come into the building. He dove into a room, finding a blanket to use as a cloak. He had to hide his fur. He can't go beast here. Not here. He was here because he of this deformity. Maybe, if he could control it or hide it, they would let him out. Maybe... He slunk out of the room, his shoes in taters. He had the blanket over his head, fur growing over his elongating face. He need to go somewhere quiet. Somewhere calm. That girl said they were on an island, so there had to a shore he could visit. That would do.
Ky changes into a bikini and starts walking down the mountain and towards where she saw a beach earlier. She reached it and stood beside the water, picking up a rock. She threw the rock as far as she could and it hit the force field "just far enough for me to swim" she smiled and got in the water
The odd pile of cloth watched a she got in the water, wondering why she had followed him. He had a nice song playing, though the earbud was some distance from his ear, he was able to listen. It helped calm his down. He had begun to transform back. He figured that he wouldn't swim for a while though.
She swam to where the end of the force field was and smirked knowing Robby was there "you know, they were at least nice enough to let us have water" she turned to look at him
Robby sat there, ignoring her less he shift again. Instead he hummed along with the song, listening to the waves. He had shifted enough now that he had to put the earbud back in. He pulled the blanket off of his head, sitting slouched.
Robby jumped back with a yell. At least he knew now what she could do... He looked up at her in irritation and fear. "What the hell? You don't just go throwing fireballs at people! That tends to be DANGEROUS!" He grumbled and changed song.
Robby sighed and walked over to her. He sat back down. After some time of silence, he spoke up.

"What kind of music do you like?" He asked without looking at her.

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