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Fantasy Supernatural Academy (Reboot)

Name: Kleo Veldtstrom

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Species: Werewolf essentially, though he was born a normal wolf

Appearance: Animeguy37.png                           asdasd.jpg

Sexuality: Pansexual

Significant other/Crush: none at the moment.

Likes: being social, as long as its not too many at once. relaxing in nature, preferably up against or even up in a tree. playing the piano

Dislikes: unnecessary crowds. people he doesnt know staring for no reason. heavy thunderstorms 

Personality: shy at first but easy to get to know. loves a challenge no matter if it be with his studies or even people. protective over those he deems friend

Bio: Kleo was born a wolf, though he doesnt remember too much of when he was a pup. he was kidnapped by carny gypsies whom gave him what they called an "experimental potion" followed by an eerie incantation in which, after a lot of pain, turned him into his said human form though his ears and tail never fully go away in it. during a full moon the blonde parts of his fur glow slightly. he managed to escape and before entering the supernatural academy he lived mostly alone and hidden as much as possible in the woods figuring out how to control his human form with his late-grandpa who taught him how to be a true human though it almost came naturally and his former girlfriend who was like him only she was killed by an innocent camper who had mistaken her as a predator.


Pocket Watch: 

Extras: tries anything once. hes eager to make new friends and possibly find a love interest. although hes not looking for anything easy. 

(i hope i did enough xD  its been forever since i was on here)
Name: Kleo Veldtstrom

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Species: Werewolf essentially, though he was born a normal wolf

Appearance: View attachment 179465                           View attachment 179467

Sexuality: Pansexual

Significant other/Crush: none at the moment.

Likes: being social, as long as its not too many at once. relaxing in nature, preferably up against or even up in a tree. playing the piano

Dislikes: unnecessary crowds. people he doesnt know staring for no reason. heavy thunderstorms 

Personality: shy at first but easy to get to know. loves a challenge no matter if it be with his studies or even people. protective over those he deems friend

Bio: Kleo was born a wolf, though he doesnt remember too much of when he was a pup. he was kidnapped by carny gypsies whom gave him what they called an "experimental potion" followed by an eerie incantation in which, after a lot of pain, turned him into his said human form though his ears and tail never fully go away in it. during a full moon the blonde parts of his fur glow slightly. he managed to escape and before entering the supernatural academy he lived mostly alone and hidden as much as possible in the woods figuring out how to control his human form with his late-grandpa who taught him how to be a true human though it almost came naturally and his former girlfriend who was like him only she was killed by an innocent camper who had mistaken her as a predator.


Pocket Watch: 

Extras: tries anything once. hes eager to make new friends and possibly find a love interest. although hes not looking for anything easy. 

(i hope i did enough xD  its been forever since i was on here)

Ayy! Another werewolf! ^,^
of course :D  i love doing werewolves! mostly all i do, i did a werebear once... meh. lol always nice to have a werewolf buddy  :P  

Hehe. Yeah, my two main species to roleplay is Werewolves and Demons. 

But I rarely ever join a roleplay that turns it to have another werewolf, so Whoo hoo!
When does the RP start then ;_;?

I may quit since the only thing i get are posts about some CS Anime stuff and im sick of seeing it :(
Hehe. Yeah, my two main species to roleplay is Werewolves and Demons. 

But I rarely ever join a roleplay that turns it to have another werewolf, so Whoo hoo!

other than that one werebear i usually stick with werewolves or furries, which also i choose wolf ^.^ 
havent been on here in a couple months so its nice to see an rp where wolves are aloud and im not the only one!
cant wait to get emerged into the story!
When does the RP start then ;_;?

I may quit since the only thing i get are posts about some CS Anime stuff and im sick of seeing it :(

I think it'll start soon, 

FluffyMarshmallow said she was going to start it yesterday, but she didn't.
i was assuming it was because she wasnt sure what you meant. benefit of the doubt type of thing, but yeah ill follow in as soon as anyone starts
i was assuming it was because she wasnt sure what you meant. benefit of the doubt type of thing, but yeah ill follow in as soon as anyone starts

Right... I confused her. 


But I shall lay in wait until the first post pops up..


Jack R. Ace 









Significant other/Crush:

N/A for now


Hard Candy



Small Animals



Being confused

 Anything bitter


People who think sorcery is easy

When things don't go his way


Jack is...odd to put it simply. He typically is seen with a smirk on his face that he is hardly seen without, seemingly unlimited stamina and energy with the tendency to mumble to himself . He lacks tact of any sort and speaks his mind in all situations which is why he isn't the most popular guy out there and the reason he has little to no friends at the moment. He can approach people easily and can ramble on for hours about absolutely nothing. Sometimes it's hard to figure him out since his emotions can switch up randomly and at any time. He is quick to bounce back from depression or sadness usually and can recover quickly from embarrassment as well as pay back somebody with insults and a few tricks. He has no moral code whatsoever and rarely ever pays attention to rules that aren't his. If you don't find him completely annoying you'll most likely be neutral.





Pocket Watch:



He has a familiar named Akuno

(True Form)


(Human Form)




Scarlet Hisui


17 (Looks to be)







Significant other/Crush:

N/A for now




A challenge

Scaring someone




Being scared



People who don't know ''their place''

Dumb questions

Losing her head


Scarletta is a prideful and confident female who isn't afraid to speak her mind in most situations. She is mostly self-reliant, believing that she can do everything herself and that others couldn't be relied on. She has a superiority-complex of sorts that is made apparent when she opens her mouth. She gets upset when she feels others aren't taking her seriously and will sometimes go out of her way to make them respect her. Despite the way she acts Scarlet is a kind girl though she'll try her best to hide that she cares for the well being of most.  She knows when she should back down and will give respect to the ones she thinks deserve it and will become irritated if others refuse to. She isn't as obnoxious as she presents herself to be but since she hardly shows that side of her it remains locked away.





Pocket Watch:



Her head can come off and fly


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Sorry for the late submission here he is

Name: Akira Ryujin

Age: 170(young for a god)

Gender: Male

Species: Dragon Deity 


Sexuality: Heterosexual

Significant other/Crush:N/A

Likes: Fried rice, star gazing, The female goddess's he's met, and sports

Dislikes: Most male gods, brussel sprouts, being physically mortal

Personality: Akira Is a very proud and some times arrogant person due to his heritage but now is actually starting to be kind to other mortals then just the ones who warship his father. He is quite kind when he wants and needs to be and will sometimes do something at the cost of his own emotions to help someone else in their goal. As much as he thinks very highly of himself he knows how weak he is compared to some others and cant stand it and will train and do anything he has to to become stronger for himself and to show his heavenly family how he has matured  

Bio: When he was a fledgling deity his father would take him across the stars and would show him all te different things tha there was to see in the universe. Eventually he would have to rule the universe in his fathers place but due to this fact he was always a bit conceited and never did anything for anyone. Because he was born a golden dragon he could control all the elements and was even able to manipulate the stars into what ever shape he wished. Eventually his father grew tired of the constant mistakes Akira would make and the complaints he would receive about Akira so he banished him to the human realm with his powers limited and his immortality taken from him. Akira, given the task to improve himself and prove he is worthy of regaining his god hood, must make friends with mortals and see things from a mortals point of view and hopefully grow out of his immature tendencies. 


Pocket Watch:

Extras: If he uses his powers to much he starts to get really dizzy and his body risks changing into a half human form half dragon hybrid with feral instincts. He can only manipulate stars when a full moon and new moon is out due to his mortal form.

He can use fire earth water and air as he wishes but cant do too much or else he risks his power going out of control. Can control each element for half as long as he has slept the night prior.
Hey. Would you do me the honor of being Jack's roommate?


Now then...Who wants to room with a tough girl youkai that can remove her own head?

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