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Fantasy Supernatural Academy (Reboot)


If you don't have a roommate, my angel Mary still needs one. She hasn't been to her dorm room yet, either. It might be awhile till she goes there but I'm sure at some point it would be helpful to have a roommate. :D

Oh God, no, yeah, that's going to be funny to watch Mary, an innocent and painfully happy angel...be roommates with a not-so innocent, rebellious dragon girl. Heaven help Mary lol
I'm considering making my pfp a picture of Casey just because I'm not in any other RPs and it'll help remind people of what she looks like. xD

Name: Bailey Ellen




Gender: Female










Signifigent other/Crush: None for right now, that makes that change soon..


Likes:Art, painting, sketching drawing, rain, fall, hot chocolate, tea, sweaters, scarves, foxes, short sleeve graphic tees


Dislikes:Hot weather, silence, loss of friends and family, pranks, cold tea



Personality: Bailey can be very shy and quiet at first unless you can brake that egg shell, then you have found a very happy, spunky, and likable girl. She I very determined to do amazing artwork and keep her uncles artwork business up and running 


Bio: Bailey was born with a ne romanced of a mother and her dad a shapeshifter. She clearly got her dads trait as she walked one morning at the age of two to be a wolf kit in her crib. These kept worsening until she could understand and control them. When she was 8 she asked quetion sand training began. Her father worked with her, even home schooled her to keep her safe. She learned the ways and can shift into any animal. They put her into middle school which was doing well for her until 7th grade year, in the middle of the year and after Christmas break, her uncle died from lung cancer. She swore she would keep the art business going and stays locked away sketching and painting like her uncle did and had taught her. Now, she joins this highschool for better control and a safer education (one where she acidently turns into a bunney and a teacher doesn't call pest control) 



Pocket Watch



Extras://News from admin, if anyone wants to become roommates just contact me and I will probably say yes :p) 
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Name: Oliver Writ-Sparrow

Age: Chronologically and mentally 15, but physically 7.

Gender: Male

Species: Changeling



Sexuality: Asexual aromantic.

Significant other/Crush: None, obviously. Not only is he aromantic, who would want to be in a relationship with someone who looks like a child?

Likes: Reading (Especially Edgar Allen Poe and H.P Lovecraft), theatre, candles, rain, classical music, dark rooms, puzzles, riddles, old movies.

Dislikes: Loud noises (especially loud music), bright lights, most music,  being called a child, sleeping, eating (he's extremely picky and most food makes him nauseous), pain

Personality: For someone who looks like a seven year old, Oliver is highly mature and a bit stiff and unfriendly. He rarely speaks, and when he does he's dismissive and cold. In reality, he's very lonely and wishes he had friends, but he always hides that part of him under a hard shell.

Bio: Changelings are faeries who have taken on the appearance of missing human children . Oliver doesn't remember anything about his life as a member of the fae, instead growing up with abusive human parents who believed he was their own child. And for all he knows, he is. He is diagnosed with a "hormone deficiency" to explain his lack of aging. He hasn't grown an inch or a hair since the age of seven. It's like he's frozen in time. As such, other teenagers pick on him and ostracize him, meaning he has no friends and has never had any to speak of.

Theme: The Slightly Chipped Full Moon , from the Black Butler Season 2 soundtrack.

Pocket Watch:


Extras: He suffers from severe hallucinations and seizures, and has chronic nightmares.
Name: Albert William Harebourg

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Species: Xelor

Appearance: Dresses in a red dress shirt and a gray vest, keeps a cane and a boomerang by his side.

Sexuality: None

Significant other/Crush: None

Likes: Machines, friends, orange, purple, indigo, fighting, chess, checkers

Dislikes: Red, yellow, blue, gambling

Personality: calm and helpful

Bio: N/A


Pocket Watch:

Extras: Can stop and slow time

Sanctuary Amorè Corssa

[SIZE= 15.333333333333332px]

Age: 16 (yes she looks like she's 12. She's not.)
Gender: Female
Species: Fallen Angel ('in technical speak.)
Appearance: For the record, Sanctuary is neither overly beautiful, nor does she have any ability to change her appearance except when she becomes a reaper. Rest assured though, only her cloths really change. Now, Sanctuary is incredibly thin the does not stand at too mighty tall for herself and does not really stand out all that much. She has epically long jet black hair that's she virtually does nothing with. Her eyes are normally an auburn brown and can easily be mistaken for red, every once in awhile they will flick to that colour moreover it is just when she is mad and otherwise is a tick of the light. Her clothing style is that of a more or less provocative nature. She wears short shorts and a basic non tight bandage type top that only basically cover her private parts, these are both in blood red with a sleeveless loose top that is in black with her best friends magic seal. (This is placed here to allow Ashton's witch friends to identify Sanctuary as Ashton's friend, it also stops some minor magic attacks). She has a black belt with that of what looks to be a sideways gold cross buckle on a white base, this is her reaper scythe or in her eyes Julio in his condensed form. She wears this ital loosely on her hips as he sits nicely there. The strangely wears thigh high boots and fingerless gloves that go up almost to her shoulder, they are mainly black with a red lacing at the top of the boot. (Its what keeps them up, refer to thigh highs as a reference.) And the gloves have the same lace at the top of those. She has wings, or rather did and mainly for the most part they are still functional but it hurts her to use them and she cannot hide them so she wears them kinda wrapped around her neck. They do come from her back but they are thinner than normal wings and much more flexible. She will occasionally, while reaping souls, wear a pure white torn hood and cape due to the fact that in her reaper form her wings do disappear. Last she has a tattoo on her left inner hip area. It is just a blood red tribal tattoo given to her before she died.
Sexuality: Lesbian
Significant other/Crush: "these are interesting" none. 'Right now."
Likes: sinners killing, magic, her dogs (she loves these beasts) a full moon, starry nights her best friend.
Dislikes: being lied to, cheating in anything, religion

Sanctuary is a bit of the sadistic type, she moved through life as a child through in a preordained shy state, but now that couldn’t be more opposite. This girl knows how to talk to people, she is not shy and will flat out tell you what is on her mind, no matter the bluntness of her statement. She will not hesitate to tell you flat out if something looks bad though which may be a personality flaw. Unlike most people who are like this Sanctuary is not full of herself or mean spirited, she’s just honest, no, literally, sanctuary despite her past and her profession is a kind and loving girl, but she barrs herself from socialization. Her only friend consists of a Witch (warlock or otherwise) Ashton Chandler whom is a vampire and not technically considered to be the best of friends in normal society. It is easy to say Sanctuary hates people, and that would be true, she does but genuinely it is just the heartless of those people she hates, the ones who sell their soul (in her case literally) to the devil to get back at someone or do evil onto others with it. She loves to read the divine book of todays society and loves to hang out at Ashton’s parents diner where the girl often works for no pay because she feels it would be rude to Ashton’s parents of she accepted pay. Every day she can often be seen outside Ashton’s secondary school and walking her to the university talking with her. Most times Sanctuary just waits outside until the girl is finished as she has nothing to do (besides killing people, which is her favourite job.


Bio: (Born in France to her parents Jarrad and Karen) 

Both were hard working and tried their very best to make Sanctuary happy as a child. Toys and games were showered on her even as she was not fully into them, everything she wanted though was given to her and it was given on a silver platter. Despite the horrid selfish kid in the making Sanctuary was anything but, she denied most of the things her parents tried to give her even at a young age she respectfully declined their gifts for no apparent reason. Finally her parents efforts were brought into light as one day Sanctuary ran from her huge Paris home into the unforgiving streets of france, beaten bloody and crying. At four it was discovered that behind the flashing cameras and perfect tabloid pictures there was a lot more going on in her home. Sanctuary was being more than just treated like an angel, she was treated like nothing better than yesterdays garbage. But her parents were only given a warning one in which that came with a hefty fine and a year-long court promise that this would never happen again.


And for the most part it didn’t, but what went on behind closed doors was nobody’s business then the french family themselves. Sanctuary went to school every day and made friends, she kept up her image and made a life for herself, reminding herself never to bring friends over, not to accept birthday party invites and she evidently learned to lie like there was no tomorrow, because for her going home was like there was no tomorrow. She grew from a four year old bright and bubbly girl into a tight friend shy kept to herself young lady in just a few short years. Something her father had seen and for the most part liked. No one knew when it started, Sanctuary could not even recall it. All she knew is that it happened every night and every night from when she was seven until that one fateful night when she ended it all.

It was on that night that the secrets were revealed and placed in plain daylight for everyone to see. Inside the house was a horror scene, a blood bath with a splatters of blood to cover every inch of the walls, floors and furniture and last crying, bloody, knife in hand Sanctuary in the middle of it all still on top of her mother’s dead corpses’ pool of blood the divine ender of it all. Newspapers tabloids, photographers, and paparazzi all came to see how the ten year old girl had managed to stab her father 186 times and turned around strength still in her to stab her mother 92 times and counting when she was found. Life as she knew it ended for Sanctuary on that night but therapists, psychologists and the best lawyers the country had said it ended the day she was born into that family. Their dark secrets not needing to be held any more Sanctuary told all behind the bars of an unforgiving ten by ten cell. Two years passed and Sanctuary was released. Freedom however was a bittersweet memory. She tried to keep her cool inside of foster homes but no one wanted a murder who could snap at them at any moment and kill them the same way she did her parents. Soon she found herself wondering the streets of New York and a pretty girl with a pretty face was too much to resist. When she woke next she found herself dead  and finally her suffering was over, or so she thought, because when she opened her eyes she saw the worst thing possible, standing behind a set of holy golden gates looking perfect and beautiful her parents stood, this was heaven and they telling her all she had to do to cross the gates was repent her sins, that was it. This was hardly the reunion anyone was expecting as Sanctuary was all too willing to see her parents and perhaps love them like she never could as a human, but one thing was wrong, she had no sins to repent, eight tortuous years had passed giving her enough time to realise her parents never loved her and because of that she could never love anyone. She had no sins to repent because she in her eyes had committed no sins to start with, because of this God sent her to hell.


After a few years, as she always did, Sanctuary found she had a lot in common with satan and soon struck him a deal he could not refuse. In exchange for her soul Sanctuary could continue to be on earth. As payment for this more than her soul Satan wanted to have more souls and through this Sanctuary was forced to take souls until it became fun for her and then she became a Reaper of souls. Eventually life became easier and more normal she made friends and eventually became a part of society once more. Even if her place was really stealing the souls of the dammed. She finally decided to take her carnage to a school. 


Theme: Life is beautiful Sixx AM

Pocket Watch:

 [SIZE= 15.333333333333332px]
Extras: This is her hell hound... well. Much like it. (she has four not with her all the time)

[SIZE= 15.333333333333332px]


In my soul defense I thought I was on this forum.


i have sorta decided to add a new character. 

I shall fill this out when I gain access to my computer in the morning. 

 Coyoty Anné Mathis


Age: 15

Gender: female

Species: vampire wolf bird hybrid.

Appearance: long black hair. Wherever she has cut it the tips have turned blood red. Huge wolf ears and a long fluffy swishing wolf tail. She can take a wolf form but not on a full moon. She has wings of a bird which are exactly 12ft in span. Her wings are black with red dapples and tip in red at the ends of her feathers. She has silver coloured eyes and light pale skin. 

Sexuality: straight like a push pin

Significant other/Crush: (eep) 

Likes: cold weather. Snow, friendly people and caring ones. She also likes water large bodies of it to be exact. Wolves dogs and any hybrid of the type. Goes mad if humans have dog ears. 

Dislikes: breaking promises being dishonourable and acting selfish. She is also weak to sun but it only dulls her senses. 

Personality: Coyoty literally has a split personality. When her hair is dark she is almost too cute and over bearing. Though she does not talk much she gives off a cute-vibe. She enjoys being outside as she cannot feel cold or heat. She can be perceived as a shy one because she doesn't speak or even a loner due to the fact she likes being alone. But sometimes. Rarely in fact she craves friendships which she can easily make. Her other form, usually starts with her eyes going red and then her hair turning snow in color is dark and cold. She hates it when people bother her in this form because she feeds off of humans. She fears she will eat them. She goes absolutely bonkers over her own ears and tail but will snap- literally at people who try to touch them. 

Bio: Coyoty was born on a lake in northern Germany. There her family raised her until she was four. When she was of this age her mother took her into the city of Berlin for a lunch date. Coyoty took off after the sound of a stray pup which she found whining in an alley. Her mother begged her to return to her side but when the relentless girl finally did she saw her mother looking like she was being robbed. 


At gunpoint. 


She didnt know it then but that robber wasn't at all and more importantly was her father. The man had no sympathy and no care for he shot the woman dead right in front of her and kidnapped her taking her to America where for ten years he tortured her. After relentless attempts on escaping and finally succeeding the girl escaped with her life and the weapon that killed her mother. Fear kept her running shock scared her from ever trying to find him again. 


The weapon she stole wasnt wasn't any weapon and she soon discovered it had a mind. A conscious. It soon made a bond with her and became her protector turning into a ghost like wolf whenever she did not need him or wasn't sheathed. The girl can control him but not fully and can only make him take the form of a dagger when not in his wolf form. In his wolf form he is ethernal and cannot take damage but Coyoty can. He can also take the form of her pocket watch. (How nifty?)

Theme: iris goo goo dolls 

Pocket Watch: IMG_1295.JPG


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Name: Alister Huginn

Age: 20

Gender: male

Species:Raven demigod





Significant other/Crush:

Likes: thinking things though, combat, cold, flight and not flight unless its both ;)  

Dislikes randomness, disorganization, uncordinated,

Personality: Alister is a person that thinks things through. no thought means no effort to him. Being the raven blood of thought means everything must be thought through. as part of odin's court he knows everything must be observed

Bio: he was born from the blood of Huginn and was raised in valhalla. Being a special case he was secretly trained and kept away before Ragnarok had begun. so he 


Pocket Watch:



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Aaaayyyyyy, sleep calls me. See ya in around 7 1/2-8 hours.
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Hey I was reading over your RP, new to this site looks interesting. Can anyone join?! I have multiple characters I like to use.
i understand. thats what ive been waiting on too. i can be patient and im trying not to miss it again lol

I-I can be patient too! 0.0


If I don't have to wait too long... :3 jk. I can wait. Maybe I'll join a second RP to pass the time..

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