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Fantasy Supernatural Academy (Reboot)

I-I can be patient too! 0.0


If I don't have to wait too long... :3 jk. I can wait. Maybe I'll join a second RP to pass the time..

this was the second one that i joined :P  only because i looooove rps lol but the other one is dead :(  hard for me to settle lol
this was the second one that i joined :P  only because i looooove rps lol but the other one is dead :(  hard for me to settle lol

x D

I might be the exact opposite. I find it hard to branch out to other RPs. If I find one and join, I try to be totally committed. I'm such a weirdo. :3 
x D

I might be the exact opposite. I find it hard to branch out to other RPs. If I find one and join, I try to be totally committed. I'm such a weirdo. :3 

you misread what i meant xD  but thats ok i read it again and see what you mean. what i meant was its hard for me to find an rp that im actually kind of excited for, but when i do find it i try and be on top of it at all times by checking in frequently. thats why i felt but when i forgot to check it yesterday ;P 
you misread what i meant xD  but thats ok i read it again and see what you mean. what i meant was its hard for me to find an rp that im actually kind of excited for, but when i do find it i try and be on top of it at all times by checking in frequently. thats why i felt but when i forgot to check it yesterday ;P 

O! I'm sorry! D,:

I understand. It always kills me when I don't get the chance to tell you guys I won't be able to reply for bit when I know I actually can't.

And then I find myself going through these weird scenarios in mah head... like:

"Did they keep going without me?"

"What if they're still waiting and hate me?"

"Maybe they're voting to kick me out right noww! *Quiet sobs*"

Thats probably just me tho.

what am I doing with my life?

Do I have a life?

Maybe I should get one... 


O! I'm sorry! D,:

I understand. It always kills me when I don't get the chance to tell you guys I won't be able to reply for bit when I know I actually can't.

And then I find myself going through these weird scenarios in mah head... like:

"Did they keep going without me?"

"What if they're still waiting and hate me?"

"Maybe they're voting to kick me out right noww! *Quiet sobs*"

Thats probably just me tho.

what am I doing with my life?

Do I have a life?

Maybe I should get one... 



im a patient one when it comes to these lol though i may share some of the some thoughts at times :S

Why choose to have a life when on here you can have many? 
Name: Ciel Alexander Blitzen

Age: 13

Gender: Male

Species: Cursed doll



Sexuality: Bisexual

Significant other/Crush:

Likes: Reading, Classical music, Candles, His sister, Tea, Puzzles, Card games

Dislikes: Loud noises, Most music, Florescent lights, Sleeping, Eating, Stress, Eye contact

Personality: Ciel is very proper, but acts stiff and unfriendly towards most people. He tries to avoid social interaction, and seems very shy. He doesn't trust people easily, and really clings to his sister. Even though he's a doll and can't technically contract diseases, he always seems lethargic and weak as if he were sick. He becomes anxious when in crowds or intense situations. When upset, he hides in his room and won't communicate with anyone other than his sister. He's perfectly honest, as if unable to tell a lie.

Bio: WIP


Pocket Watch:


Extras: Ciel can't talk, and uses sign language to communicate.

Name: Lolita Adelie Blitzen

Age: 13

Gender: Female

Species: Cursed doll



Sexuality: Bisexual

Significant other/Crush:

Likes: Dancing, Parties, Tea, Cookies, Toys, Frilly dresses, Her brother

Dislikes: Boring people, Alcohol, Wearing drab clothes, Being pressured, Arguing

Personality: Unlike her brother, Lolita is friendly and charming. She also has an overly dramatic streak, always seeming to have strong emotional reactions to everything. Occasionally she can turn violent, especially when Ciel is threatened.

Bio: WIP


Pocket Watch:


Extras: She translates for Ciel, since he can't talk. 
I did post....

if it takes me forver and you feel you you need to continue you can. I just work as well as school so. 

Anyone know how i is I should go about editing in my other character? I don't want to make her without a game plan....
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I did post....

if it takes me forver and you feel you you need to continue you can. I just work as well as school so. 

Anyone know how i is I should go about editing in my other character? I don't want to make her without a game plan....

No thats totally okay! As Nuuchi said, everyone has a life out of the RP and I respect that. 

I'm just an impatient little pup. (Sorry)

But I'm fully willing to wait however long it takes. ^,^
Awwwww. That's cute. Thanks. I also respect lives outside of RP. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to make an RP work. If you ask me. 


also. Did you have more than one character?
Awwwww. That's cute. Thanks. I also respect lives outside of RP. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to make an RP work. If you ask me. 


also. Did you have more than one character?

In this RP? Nope. ^^; Well, not yet. I might add one in if the RP slows down. But for now I've only got Casey. However fur-brained she may be.
I did post....

if it takes me forver and you feel you you need to continue you can. I just work as well as school so. 

Anyone know how i is I should go about editing in my other character? I don't want to make her without a game plan....

tbh i never really know where im going with my posts. i just kind of put my fingers to the keyboard and let my mind take me away lol 

although that could be partially the reason behind me taking so long, other than the time difference of course :3 

and yeah i have no problem with waiting so dont worry and think youre being a bother. the more people the better!  xD  
I think she would get along with my other character Coyoty. In their lore my characters do not get along well with each other. 


your so sweet. All of you are so understanding. ^~^

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Uhm... I'm sorry but I'm pretty confused by your posts... It's really hard for me to figure out who is talking and performing the actions so I can't understand... 0-0

EDIT:- Oh.. wait. I've taken a little time to read it and I think I got the just if it. I was just being hasty with my reading. I understand now. Sorry!
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I did post....

if it takes me forver and you feel you you need to continue you can. I just work as well as school so. 

Anyone know how i is I should go about editing in my other character? I don't want to make her without a game plan....

i was actually kind of feeling the same way lol

just maybe if you could possibly color code your characters to make it a bit easier? at least the dialog but either way is ok  with me

ok real reason i came here though. im not really feeling well right now and cant focus enough to get a post written decent enough so ill say that kleo has entered a nearly catatonic state with all thats happening with magic and stuuf as well as his bodys physical condition. also give you guys permission to move me if needed for the story just keep me informed on where i am lol 



i was actually kind of feeling the same way lol

just maybe if you could possibly color code your characters to make it a bit easier? at least the dialog but either way is ok  with me

ok real reason i came here though. im not really feeling well right now and cant focus enough to get a post written decent enough so ill say that kleo has entered a nearly catatonic state with all thats happening with magic and stuuf as well as his bodys physical condition. also give you guys permission to move me if needed for the story just keep me informed on where i am lol 




Awwe, I hope you feel better! But thanks for keeping us posted. I was actually planning in having Casey try to carry Kleo out if the forest despite what Akira is saying. I just wanna wait so Double [CZDoubleU] can catch up.
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[SIZE=14.6667px]||Ryan”Spot” McCoy[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]|| [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]||16 years old[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]|| [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]||Female[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]|| [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]||shape shifter- her animal form is a dog. A mutt to be exact. An Australian and German shepard. Her body shape is much like a german shepard, but with floppy ears, and slightly longer fur. Her fur is white, with spots of black and brown. While her left eye is brown, and her right is blue.And is about 20 inches tall, to the shoulder.[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]||[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]|| Spot is about 5’0, and about 100 pounds. Little girl compared to most others that try to size up to her. She has waves of brown and black hair. As her hair is oddly splashed with different colors, naturally. Her hair reaches down to her shoulders, and it typically a bit messy.With her hair parted to the right, with side bangs. While her eyes are two different colors. Her right eye is blue, while the left is brown. Her face is oval shaped, with deep set eyes. Her eyes themselves have an innocent, puppy like quality. While her lips are thin. Her skin is almost paper white. And burns real quick, and real easy. However she doesn’t tan. So she can almost always be seen with a lobster red burn somewhere. Her nose, lips, and around her eyes are slightly pink as well.[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]|| [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]||She wears light blue short typically, that are just barely knee length. While her shirts are typically a bit large. And go down to her mid thigh. They are typically bright colored, with big graphics on them of flowers, or popular tv shows. She typically wears flip flops. As she tends to like to go barefoot, and they are easy to slip on and off.[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]|| [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]||she is as straight as a plank[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]|| [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]||She loves peanut butter, steak, fluffy carpet. Really anything that a dog likes, she loves.|| She hates thunderstorm, and gets startled with loud noises.[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]|| [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]||She is a shy, innocent little thing. She always looks to the positive. And often acts before she thinks. She easily gets caught up in the moment. And While she loves the attention of others, she has issues actually talking with people. And being social. That’s why she oftens stays in her animal form, as she finds it easiest to get along with others. She has no long term plans for the future. Only that she wishes to finish high school, and maybe go to college. Only, she worries that she will be unable to pay for an education. So she figures that after, she’ll probably return to her family's farm.[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]|| [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]||She was born and raised on a farm in a small town in Utah. She grew up with a loving and father and mothers. And 3 older brothers, and 3 older sisters. She was the runt of the litter. Her mother was a australian shepard shapeshifter, while her father was german. She grew up working on the farm, with her mother homeschooling her, until she was old enough to be accept to the supernatural academy.[/SIZE]||

[SIZE=14.6667px]||Ryan”Spot” McCoy[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]|| [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]||16 years old[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]|| [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]||Female[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]|| [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]||shape shifter- her animal form is a dog. A mutt to be exact. An Australian and German shepard. Her body shape is much like a german shepard, but with floppy ears, and slightly longer fur. Her fur is white, with spots of black and brown. While her left eye is brown, and her right is blue.And is about 20 inches tall, to the shoulder.[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]||[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]|| Spot is about 5’0, and about 100 pounds. Little girl compared to most others that try to size up to her. She has waves of brown and black hair. As her hair is oddly splashed with different colors, naturally. Her hair reaches down to her shoulders, and it typically a bit messy.With her hair parted to the right, with side bangs. While her eyes are two different colors. Her right eye is blue, while the left is brown. Her face is oval shaped, with deep set eyes. Her eyes themselves have an innocent, puppy like quality. While her lips are thin. Her skin is almost paper white. And burns real quick, and real easy. However she doesn’t tan. So she can almost always be seen with a lobster red burn somewhere. Her nose, lips, and around her eyes are slightly pink as well.[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]|| [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]||She wears light blue short typically, that are just barely knee length. While her shirts are typically a bit large. And go down to her mid thigh. They are typically bright colored, with big graphics on them of flowers, or popular tv shows. She typically wears flip flops. As she tends to like to go barefoot, and they are easy to slip on and off.[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]|| [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]||she is as straight as a plank[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]|| [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]||She loves peanut butter, steak, fluffy carpet. Really anything that a dog likes, she loves.|| She hates thunderstorm, and gets startled with loud noises.[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]|| [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]||She is a shy, innocent little thing. She always looks to the positive. And often acts before she thinks. She easily gets caught up in the moment. And While she loves the attention of others, she has issues actually talking with people. And being social. That’s why she oftens stays in her animal form, as she finds it easiest to get along with others. She has no long term plans for the future. Only that she wishes to finish high school, and maybe go to college. Only, she worries that she will be unable to pay for an education. So she figures that after, she’ll probably return to her family's farm.[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]|| [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]||She was born and raised on a farm in a small town in Utah. She grew up with a loving and father and mothers. And 3 older brothers, and 3 older sisters. She was the runt of the litter. Her mother was a australian shepard shapeshifter, while her father was german. She grew up working on the farm, with her mother homeschooling her, until she was old enough to be accept to the supernatural academy.[/SIZE]||

Your Character sheet looks great. ^,^ Go ahead and jump in whenever you like!
Name: Elena Lightwood

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Species: Hybrid (Part Werewolf/Part Vampire)

Appearance: Black Doe eyes, Light brown hair with yellow highlights.

Sexuality: Bisexual

Significant other/Crush: None so far...

Likes: Music, Video Games, Training, Being seducive and sports, Ect.

Dislikes: Not getting what she wants, Being made a fool of, Ect.

Personality: Elena is very smart but she is abit of a flirty type and a tough girl who is very skilled at many things, but as time goes by and as the RP goes she will become a very interesting and mysterious girl.

Bio: Elena has had a very rough childhood and never really learned how to be a queen since she only found out just recently to be the Queen of her wolf pack and be trained constantly day and night and this school is the perfect oppertunity for her to work on herself and learn how to deal with both parts of her mysterious and action-packed life.

Theme: Basically any and all of the Shadowhunters Soundtrack is her music and its all in my playlists here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeVR9mk88JeHblr2t0dnebMkxUZUwyEiU

sorry about yesterday.. internet was spiking pretty bad all day but seems to have leveled out now. now to play catch up...lol
Mary is currently just chilling in her room. I plan to post something about her soon just to put her back in there but if anyone needs someone to RP with then let me know and we can make that happen :D  
@KaraRPMikaelsonFray Holá, uh, so I've been reading your posts and your talking about a town... and I do feel a need to remind you that any town is nonexistent. The school is in it's own realm. And the students get to and from the school through portals contained in special pocket watches.

And got a student to use their pocket watch they must get special permission.

Just thought I'd let ya know. ^^;
((I have a idea then...))

Elena goes to her room and finds a present on her bed then she looks around and finds no one nor any traces of an intruder. Elena opens the box and finds a note written to her, "Moonlust 9pm sharp come alone. -Anonymous." Elena finds another surprise in the box. A old pocket watch with instructions attached to it. "Ask your friend about it." Elena rolls her eyes then puts it all back in the box then puts the box in her purse sighing. "So he wasn't kidding..." Elena grabs her purse then walks back outside and goes to the roof again to think.

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