Supernatural <3

(you can jump in like say waking up from your house or apartment or whatevz cuz it is the next day. Rose is at her house drinking coffee since it is 7 am. Nichole just got off Rose's apartment's roof {mine is at the very top floor}. so yeah... oh and Rose has a cat named Miali :tongue:)
Electra woke up face down on the floor. She was sprawled out on the hardwood of the abandon house. She lifted her head and let out a small groan. Slowly looking around at her surroundings, noticing scratches marking the door frames and walls. She saw the sun peeking in through the window.
Name: Zero Kenpachi

Creature: normal human being

Age: 18

Small back story: Zero's parents were killed by powerful vampires when he was only the age of 10. He has been living alone in his empty house in California for eight years now, he's finally decided to move out into a new apartment building. (Really, really short back story)

Bf/gf/crush: none yet

Personality: Zero is a some what grumpy person. He tends to grumble and complain throughout the average day. He can be sweet and a sensitive guy sometimes.

Appearance: Zero has mediun length straight black hair with bright red bangs, his eyes have a bright ocean blue shade, and he is VERY skinny.

Other: (sorry that it's so short and not very descritive. I'm just having a writer's block right now)
Zero walked into the apartment building with a yawn. The ride there had taken all night plus that morning so he hadn't gotten any seen yet. He dragged his bags along as he checked in at the front desk then headed into the elevator.
-she goes to fix her hair- Miali, stay -she shows her hand and the cat stays until Rose comes back into the kitchen with her hair fixed and Rose smiles-
Zero yawned again as he exited the elevator, arriving at the top floor. He looked around the hallways for his room; Room 116B. "116B," he repeated outloud as he searched.
Having no place of her own to stay, Anri had found one of the empty apartments. Whilse she trusted the vampire, she had an inkling there was more going on in this town, and something was probably going to kick off. Her prophetic senses from being an Omen were going nuts.

She laid on the sofa in 116b, dozing, having been outside most of the night.
Electra, still sprawled on the floor, lifted up her head, only to slam it back down on the hardwood. She sighed and then got up, still feeling week from the long night she had. She grabbed the door frame to help pull herself up and slowly limped to the bathroom to collect her things.
Zero sighed in relief when he finally found his room. As he began rumaging through his pockets for the card key, he discovered that the door was already partly open. '...did somebody leave this open my mistake? Maybe housekeeping lefft it after fixing the room.' he thought he slowly creaked the door open and entered inside. He flicked the lights on, his eyes widened instantly seeing a small girl lying on the couch. Freezing in place, he also held his breath. 'W-Who is she? Why is she in my room!?'
Name: Rem Lightfall



Small Back Story : Rem was sent down from the heavens to watch over those who needed help. God gave him this mission and he must fulfill it before returning to the heavens.


Personality:Rem is a Sweet and kind guy who helps anyone and everyone if needed.


Other: Rem does not judge on appearance or anything. He can sense good within people or creatures
Anri woke up at the noise of the door, hand in one of her pouches, but still layed down.

She opened one of her eyes and peered at him.

"Oh, uh...Hi. Do you here? The place looked deserted. Im Anri Lebain. I sorta...let myself in?"
"You let yourself in...and fell asleep. That's no excuse to why you're on my couch in my new apartment!" Zero growled and dropped his bags. His hands formed into fists but didn't plan on hitting her.
"Well, I didn't know it was your new apartment, did I. Cheez."

She levitated herself off of the couch, and came to rest standing upright.

"Im sorry for the commotion. I've been awake for two days trying to find some vampires, so I was a bit sleepy."
"Yup. I sure did. Im a Banshee, a death omen."

She smiled at him warmly.

"Don't worry, im not here for your death or anything, that's just a side gig. Im a hunter. I hunt things.'re uh, you're just a normal dude, arent you..."
"Obviously yes, I am normal. Otherwise I wouldn't have been shocked by this." Zero paused to let out a sigh and run a hand through his hair. "Banshee?"
(accepted Reshiram!) -she fixes her hair again and sighs and lets out a small laugh- hopefuly no one but that one girl, Anri knows that I'm a vampire -laughs a little and looks at her fangs in the mirror and pokes at them in boredom and laughs- I'm weird -Miali (her cat) opens the door with a crack, just enough for Miali to come in and Rose smiles at her cat. Miali purrs and looks at Rose with her big orange eyes- Silly Kitty -she giggles and then fixes her makeup and goes to her living room and turns on her laptop-
"Oh, well, uh. Yeh. Im, uh..." She coughed awkwardly.

"Sorry, im not used to being around people who don't already know stuff. Don't suppose we could just...sorta, er...pretend im crazy and forget this happened?"
Electra changed back into her normal clothing and stuffed all her belongings into the duffle bag. She looked into the cracked old dusty mirror in the bathroom and fixed her hair back into a ponytail. While putting her jacket back on her body jolted with pain. She brushed it off only to notice the scratches on her arms. She sighed pulling her jacket all the way on to cover them up. She pulled a small pouch from her bag and pulled out some makeup to hide the bruises she had under her eye. Once she finished cleaning herself up, she walked back to the front door and took a screw driver from her bag to un-hinge the door from its frame so she could get out. She pulled the door off with ease and took the chains off the empty door fream and put them back into her bag. Her bag was quite heavy, but she was use to carrying it. She dusted herself off one last time before making her way back into town. 
(*empty door frame oops)
(it's alright you can always fix it with the edit button :tongue:) -she grabs her keys and decides to go to the park that was nearby Coast Avenue St., she shut her door of her apartment, 115b. She adjusts her hood and walks down the stares to her car-
(Oh yeah, duh, there's an edit button *facepalm)

Electra was in town when she saw a poster about an apartment that was cheap with vacant rooms. She took one of the flyers kept under the poster in a small box. She followed the directions only to realize that it was the same apartment building she had met Rose and Anri in.

Well, it looks like they might just meet again sometime.

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