Supernatural <3

She walked about a block away from the building to the buildings owners house whos address was listed on the flyer. The owner didn't seem consernded with the fact that she had $50 short of the apartment deposit or that she looked like she just crawled out of a gutter, he just took her money and gave her the key saying "She's all yours!" without even asking her name.

Something wasn't right was supsicious about staying in a middle class apartment that was practicly given to her.

Something was going on here-but for the time being, she just needed a place to stay. She walked into what she thought was her room but she mis read the numbers. She had this thing with numbers and letters...anyways, she thought it wasn't important.

She walked into the room only to see a boy with a shocked expression on his face and a girl standing next to his couch. Wait- this was the same girl she had been introduced to before in Roses apartment, but Rose left so quickly, as did Electra, so they didn't even speak a word.
tem502 said:
"Oh, well, uh. Yeh. Im, uh..." She coughed awkwardly.
"Sorry, im not used to being around people who don't already know stuff. Don't suppose we could just...sorta, er...pretend im crazy and forget this happened?"
"...well...I already do think you're crazy, so that'll be just fine." Zero sighed and stuffed his hands into his front jean pockets. "Still...don't you have your own room?"
-she strolls in the park, smiling as she walked next to the beautiful lake's waters- ahh this is nice -she sits down on a bench and looks around as she listens to the bird's chirping and decides to whistle back to the chirping, sounding exactly like the birds and she smiles-
(Do I have the only guy character? I can make another if there's not very many. I was thinking about adding one more anyways.)
(you can make as many as you want. I will make a guy charrie right now kk?)

Name:Dylan Grá

Creature: Vampire

Age:19 (175 in real years)

gf/bf/crush: Unknown

Personality: sweet, outgoing, loves to be funny, always kind except when mad, acts sweet and blushes a lot when he is near his crush.... (unknown crush for now..), always kind to others and a very nice friend

black hair with pale skin and light brown eyes

Other: He never likes people when they are meant o others but never holds a grudge on someone. He is always forgiving to others. He always wears his black jacket with the words, "I have something to confess, You are my friend" on the front. He never likes it when someone touches his hair at all, he hates that.
"Those people are in this apartment building too? What the heck!?" Electra thought.

She just slowly backed away without anyone noticing.
(alright ^-^) -Dylan walked through the forest as he put his hands in his pockets, the sun didn't affect him that much, it stung a little but didn't really injure him. He walked through the sunlit park as he smiles at all the beautiful blooming flowers and trees as it was spring time and sighs-

-Clioe now lies down on the bench and hums to On The Wing by Owl City as it floated through her head like a cloud in the sky. sometimes she now only whistled back to the birds once in a while-
She opened the door to her apartment. She threw down her duffle bag and grabbed a blanket from it and laid it on the floor. She flopped down on it and felt her eye lids growing heavy-she slowly drifted off to a stressless sleep even though it was still daylight. But she forgot one thing. Ever since she was a little girl she sleepwalked.

And she left the door open.
"Well, that's alright, then! Yeh, I've got my own's about 200miles away, though."

She stretched and yawned.

"Come a long way to hu-er, sell products. That arent remotlely tied to dead monsters. At all."
tem502 said:
"Well, that's alright, then! Yeh, I've got my own's about 200miles away, though."
She stretched and yawned.

"Come a long way to hu-er, sell products. That arent remotlely tied to dead monsters. At all."
"Sell products...?" Zero repeated with a small sigh. He kinda just wanted her to get out; So he could quickly unpack his suitcase and also she really suspicious. With the whole banshee, death searching-thing.
(lemme think.....! :tongue:) -she looks up at the lake that was a few feet in front of where she was and smiles. She randomly looks over to see a girl under an oning. Rose smiles and waves at her-
-It was the same girl she saw earlier and she smiles as she thinks:I'm glad she is safe. She picks up her drawing book and starts to draw the lake that was in front of her-
Zero sighed and picked up his bags again. Trying to ignore tha banshee-girl laying on his couch, he went into the bed room snd just hoped she'd leave on her own. He began unpacking his clothing into the dresser.

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