Supernatural <3

I am an author. -smiles as she points to one of the books she made called "Fires in the Heart" and smiles- 
And also an artist. i have very busy work days sometimes but, today I 'm not so busy as you can see -laughs and smiles-
"I see." She responded. Not nowing what else she should say.

"Well, I should probably help you fix that window now ay?"
"Heh, okay." She then walked over to the window and started picking up the pieces of glass, accidently cutting herself with one.

I better get the broom -walks over to her small washroom with the dryer and washer, and dishwasher in there to get the broom and sweeps up the glass carefully. Cuts herself accidentally on her left wrist and hisses as she bares her fangs a little bit- ow -wipes off the glass and keeps sweeping up the glass and walks over to the trashcan carefully and throws away the glass- there we go
name:Nichole katoya

creature:Neko! (half human half cat there are a lot of different nekos)


small back story:she was abandoned on the streets by her alcoholic mother because she was a runt.


personality:shy...will go beserk if someone hits her or comes close to. very kind yet you might wanna keep your distance when shes in one of her trances.

appearance:African American with light skin a caramel color, hazel eyes, glasses, 5'41/2" has chocolate brown hair and her cat ears and tail match her hair color. she is usually wearing jeans and a graphic tee and hoodie.
-looks at her glass clock on the wall (digital)-Oh shoot I have to go to work, sorry -smiles and then puts her jacket on and picks up her book jernal- I'll see you guys later -they exit as I run down the stairs and to my car parked in the parking lot of the apartment place ad hops in her car and waves- Bye! -pulls out of the driveway and drives to work- 
(they are at my house but then I had to go to work, they exit my house, i drive to work to make it less noticable that I'm a vampire)
"Bye." Electra waved back.

"Well...that was weird." She said to herself outloud.

She climbed out the door and back out onto the streets and kept walking until the cluster of houses turned into mostly trees. She came across an old building, all worn down and falling apart, and proceeded inside. She came into what use to be a bathroom and found an old duffle bag under the sink. She pulled it out to find a bit of food and lots of chains with a big padlock. She took the chain and locked the front door shut from the outside and climbed back in through an old window. She bourded up the window with parts of the ceiling that had fallen down. She walked into the bathroom and changed into an old ripped crop shirt and ripped sweat pants, ready for the long night.

She was very controled as a werewolf mastering the art of changing as she pleased, but even the most self controled werewolf could not predict its habbits durring a full moon.

And the next full moon, was that night.
-it was night time as the full moon came up she came back home in her car and climbed up to her apartment and opened it with her key- woah that was a long day of work. I hope I didn't disappoint them-
Nichole wandered around the city with her hood over her head covering her ears. she hummed a tune and continued walking. she looked around before climbing onto a roof and siting down.
-hears a stepping sound on the roof of her apartment (my apartment is at the very top of the apartments ^-^)- hmm? oh well, might be just squirrels -yawns and walks slowly to bed and rubs her neck as she climbs into bed-
-wakes up feeling like that stepping wasn't really a squirrel or raccoon and looks outside of her door to make sure no one was watching and flies up to the roof to see a girl with chocolate brown colored ears and tail. She knew it was a Neko but she had nothing against Nekos so she walked up to the girl- Hello. -she says kindly so the girl wouldn't feel alarmed or scared-
-says kindly but in a questioning voice- What are you doing up here? someone could see you, well besides me. -whispers to the mysterious neko girl- 
Well be careful okay? -flies back down to the doorway of her apartment and walks into her apartment and closes her door as she walks to her bedroom and shuts the door, plops into her bed, and sleeps-
-wakes up in the morning and takes a shower, after that she puts on her make-up and gets dressed and walks to the kitchen to make some eggs and coffee and Miali jumps up onto the counters- Good Morning Miali (Miali is Rose's cat :tongue:) -she pulls out the milk carton and pours some milk into the cat's milk bowl and gets some fish and plops it in the cat's food dish-
(stormy:the answer is always going to be yes!) 
-Miali drinks the last of her milk- Holy crap, you sure love milk, cat -Clioe laughs and then walks over to her couch and checks the news for the weather.- Oh that's just perfect. RAIN -she gets a little mad but then shrugs- well, there's nothing I can do about it -drinks her coffee and her fried eggs (2)- mmm yum -laughs a little then puts her dishes into the sink after she finishes eating her eggs and drinking her coffee-

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