Supernatural <3

She climed up the stairs making a louder rucus than she would have liked. She didn't even know who- or what she was running from, but it was getting closer. She could feel it.
She then slipped and gripped the side bar only to pull off an unscrewed bracket and began to fall flat on her face. As she fell, she lost grip of the bracket and went striaght through the window of the floor she fell on. 
(and by floor, I mean the level of flights.)
-hears a crash- Oh my gosh what was that!! Excuse me for a moment Anri -runs out of her door to see a loose bracket and someone who had fallen- Oh my! -runs down the stares and runs up to the girl- are-are you alright?! 
(lol okay)
"I-I'm alright. I just need to- I just need to-to-" Electra stumbled out as she tried to get up, only to fall back down again. 
(that would be a little stupid having a window on the floor of the fire escapes xD )
"This is uh...I nice place you got here...I guess?..." She said awkwardly shifting her weight as she stood by the broken window. 
Thank you-smiles a little- Well I better go back inside now, if you want to come with me then I'd be fine with it -smiles- Bye -goes back to her apartment-
"Um. Okay...Sure." She awkwardly agreed and followed her inside.

"I'm, uh, sorry for the, um...broken window and all." she studdred out.
She looked at the window and saw she made a bigger mess than she thought she did. She followed the girl up the stairs into her apartment.

"I still feel bad. At least let me help you fix it."
It's alright -she opens the door for the girl and walks inside- Hey Anri I'm back, sorry about that. okay so this is my small home -smiles to be nice to the girl- Would you like some coffee?
"Oh, um, sure." She answered surprised at this girls friendlyness. You would expect someone who has just gotten their window broken would be at least a little cross.

"Oh, my names Electra by the way."
"Thanks. Nice to meet you Rose, though, I could think of many better ways we could have met. Like, you know, less shattered glass." she said as she accepted the coffee and slightly laughed at her own joke.
-laughs a little- yeah -smiles and laughs- 
-goes to her living room and pulls out a drawing book she always drew in and looked at the drawings-
She slowly made her way to the couch, sipping her coffee and peering over at what Rose was drawing.

"Those are really good, did you draw them yourself?"
"Wow- wait." She said stopping her from turning the page.

"I really like this one. So, what do you do? For work, I mean."

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