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Fantasy Supernatual Academy

Name: Katherine "Kitty" Kline

Age: 16

Human Appearance (If you have one):


Supernatural Appearance:


Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Innocent, Curious, Bashful. She's still learning how to use her power and often will activate it when surprised or frightened. She's interested in making friends and is worried that people will think she is strange.

Bio: Katherine was born as a humanoid spirit who could transform into an animal. She was raised in nature and by the other animals that lived around her. One day she was catnapped by human hunters who mistook her for a rare breed. After escaping their custody she found herself lost in a large city where she was forced to live on her own until she found a school for others like her. She hoped to find someone who could help her back home as well as a place to belong.

Likes: Sweets, Natural Surroundings, The color orange, Art

Dislikes: Dogs (Obviously), Loud Noises (mostly cars and trains), Water

Species: Henge

Powers: Can transform into a bright-furred cat form. While in cat form she can speak and understand language and retains her human intelegence. In human form she is able to adapt her eyes to the darkness, grow claws, and has proportial cat-like reflexes.

Role (what you do most of your time): Student, Scavenger

Royalty?: No

Crush (Or boyfriend/Girlfriend): None
FluffyMarshmallow said:
@JPawesome I can't assign you a dorm until I know your name, if I put a question mark your potential roommate would be confused
Alright, let me just find a name real quick and i'll edit my Character Sheet.
Name: Josh

Age: Appears 19 age unknown

Human Appearance (If you have one): See profile pic

Supernatural Appearance: None

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Shy toward new people (mostly girls) but once he get to know them he is very social. Many people also think he is very charismatic, intellectual and funny. He can get very fired up when someone he loves is insulted, but most of the time he is kind and nice to everyone.

Bio: James was born to the god Hades. Long ago Hades stole some of Poseidon's power and transferred it to his favorite son, James, James is now on the run from Poseidon and feels the Supernatural Academy is his safest bet.

Extras (Optional): If you thought me stating that he didnt like his friends to be insulted now you should be scared. Also, James has the strongest aura, gold



Practicing his magical and combat abilities

Practicing war strategy



Species: Demigod

Powers: Can control anything affiliated with the earth, can control anything affiliated with water, Rare auric ability (Example: Every living thing and item has an aura. If a weapon he has has a strong auric power (such as ice powers) he can channel the weapons power and use it as if it were one of his regular powers. He cannot do this with humans, however, because the aura of a living human does not control their power, their core does, (unless they have an auric ability) so he can not copy another humans power (again, not unless they have an auric ability). But the human aura does control memory as well as other things so he has additional abilities such as mind reading and speaking inside someones mind)

Role (what you do most of your time): Student, you will often find him practicing his magic or combative abilities or hanging out with friends

Royalty?: Technically yes, whenever a god has a favorite child they become apart of the gods royal family.

Crush (Or boyfriend/Girlfriend): He's kind of, sort of, developing a crush on AJ

Hope's,Dream's, Etc.(Optional): None as of yet
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Akiak said:
Name: Akiak
Age: 15

Human Appearance (If you have one):N/A

Supernatural Appearance: View attachment 278113

Gender: Hermaphrodite

Sexuality: Bi

Personality: Witty, Hungry, Smart, Rude, Protective, eccentric, daring, spontaneous

Bio: A Dragon Bear (ursalisk) with a attitude. VERY LARGE and FAT, Not accepted in other private schools so her mother sent her here. She's constantly eating (including eating her friends). Total gaming geek, Dirtbag, Punk, and artist. Can't wait to get a job.

Extras (Optional): When she eats her friends she never actually digests them.

Likes: Food, Games, Cats, Magic, Books, Paint

Dislikes: Rocks, Birds, Big food, Friends

Species: Ursalisk

Powers: Psychic, Can fit 8 Full size dragons in her stomach.

Role (what you do most of your time): The school Artist/Bully/Princess

Royalty?: Yes Princess of the Ursalisk Kingdom

Crush (Or boyfriend/Girlfriend): not yet

Hope's,Dream's, Etc.(Optional): Dreams include drawing a perfect circle, Improve her writing, Fit 10 full dragons in her stomach, Put pants on, Grow her own horns.
Was I accepted?


Name: Adrianna-Juliette Corona {AJ}

Age: 16

Human Appearance (If you have one): ^^

Supernatural Appearance: {Same As Human}

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: AJ is very mysterious and cunning. She has sort of a dark feel. AJ is incredibly reckless, not stupid. She knows what she is doing, just in a very risky and dangerous way. She doesn't have many friends, though she wish she does. It is more of her fault she does not have any friends. Her abilities get in the way. She fears she may hurt someone, or kill someone like she did before. She had killed her mother, not on purpose. It was an accident. That was the day she found out about her abilities. At first, her father was disgusted, as himself and her mother were both humans. AJ's grandfather from her mums side had these abilities but had never talked about it. She had found out her grandfather had these powers when she was toying around in her room. Her room was in the attic, which a ton of clutter was kept. A diary sat upon a large dusty box; records of her grandfather keeping track of his days. How he had struggled. That was how she learned it was inherited, but even so, her powers were varied. She keep to herself and is rather quiet. She does poorly in human school. AJ wishes she never had powers so she would never have the fear of hurting someone. Its a struggle for her everyday to keep herself from blowing up. AJ likes to think of herself like a time bomb.

Bio: AJ was born in Norway to Luther and Kirsten Corona. She does have a brother, Liam, who committed suicide years ago. Her family was always poor, so Liam and her and to share the attic. She tacked up stories and incredible drawing and painting across the wood-paneled walls so that the walls were covered by paper. She spent most of her time in the forest in her back yard, and she had no friends. When she was 8, the incident with her mother happened, discovering her abilities. Her father was disgusted, so she was led to believe that she
was disgusting. She has always hated her powers and wanted none of them ever since. Her father barely talked to her, but she was fine with that. The relationship was rocky, but then she left for the Academy. Life at the Academy is great, but she has no friends. She does better in school though. Her extreme loneliness has made her insecure. She never uses her powers, even when she sees the others walking down the hall and casually using their own. She likes to do various things, but her favorite so far has been pranking others. They never see her, but she is used to it. Most people have never seen her before actually. c:

Extras (Optional): Bloody red hair, quite large hazel eyes, tends to wear combat boots and cargo pants. Pretty pale and average height. Covered in tattoos, marks, and piercings.

Likes: Pissing people off, sketching, painting, pranking, doing dangerous/risky/terrifying shit.

Dislikes: Meat, her powers, bugs, crowds, nervous/'safe' people, sleeping, overly emotional people in general, her marks (Not the tattoos).

Species: Mind Controller/Brain Washer

Powers: Look through others memories and erase them. Use memories against the person and make up fake memories to use to torture them. Can make them feel different emotions and control there body. Hears thoughts and a keen sense of sight. Quite good with bow and arrows/throwing knives. Prefers to not use a gun.

Role (what you do most of your time): Student.

Royalty?: Nahhh...

Crush (Or boyfriend/Girlfriend): A bit on Laurence Michalis, but she's not sure.

Hope's,Dream's, Etc.(Optional): To not kill anyone...Pretty much it. She likes to think that life will figure itself out. Go with the flow, basically.

::Theme Song::


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Name: Madison Leroy

Age: 17

Human Appearance: Black Hair, Green eyes, very pale

Supernatural Appearance: Elf-like ears (pointed ears), Sharp fingernails



Personality: Passionate, Two-Faced, Philisophical

Bio:Madison was abandoned by her parents when she was little. One had supernatural abilities, while one did not. But Madison seems to have not inherited any of their powers. She classifies herself as a human. She has grown a strong disliking to people with supernatural abilities, for all her life she has been despised by both humans and supernaturals because she has mixed blood

Likes:Reading, Music, Artsy Things

Dislikes: Politics, People who step on the weak

Species: Half Elf, Half Human (She goes by human though)

Powers: Ability to entrance people with music, Ability to easily deceive people

Role: She secretly is a member of a cult to try and take away power from people who abuse it

Royalty?: No

Crush (Or boyfriend/Girlfriend): None

Hope's,Dream's, Etc.(Optional): To shape the world to where people respect each other more
Name: Abel Mcknight

Age: He is extremely old but since he died at 17 that's how he stays represented.

Human Appearance (If you have one):


Supernatural Appearance:


Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Abel is kind and caring, he is always appreciative towards his friends and understanding in guiding people to the afterlife.

Bio: Abel was born as the second human on earth way back when, when he was still alive. Back then death was not known on earth, so when Cain killed Abel, Abel became the first dead or the angel of death. As the angel of death over the years his job was to guide spirits into the afterlife. After many hundreds of years of this eventually it got too great for just him alone so he recruited spirits to act as reapers to guide the spirits back for him. Now Abel lives as an removed being preferring to let the reapers do most of the work while abel would rarely carry someone over to the afterlife. Over the many years of watching the human race go on without him Abel felt happy watching his people grow and prosper but they all hated death all feared it. Even though death was the ugly truth. Abel had never really been to a school before and had most of his learning from living through the experiences but he has changed his mind.

Extras (Optional):

Likes: Watching humans, Exploring, Being social, reading, Leading people to the afterlife, holding souls, and trying to be normal.

Dislikes: Thinking about his past, murder, people killing or hurting each other, and demons.

Species: Arch-Angel of the lord

Powers: Invisibility, Flying, Transforming into true form, and traveling between earth, heaven, hell, purgatory, the veil, etc...

Role (what you do most of your time): Besides school and trying to make friends, he commands the millions of reapers on earth and sometimes carries spirits to heaven or hell.

Royalty?: Yes

Crush (Or boyfriend/Girlfriend): None

Hope's,Dream's, Etc.(Optional): Revelation or Judgment day

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