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Fantasy Supernatual Academy





Weakness:Water and lightning

strengths:The sun gives him a bit more power


power origins:Fire is passion, the bright, burning flame of raw emotion sweeping over everything. Those who follow the School of Fire, known as Pyromancers, are tempestuous, quick to anger, and consumed by whatever drives them at that moment. They tend to walk a fine line. Having great passion and enthusiasm for one’s loves in life is good, but watch out!Passion can burn you up and consume you, leaving nothing but a charred husk of your former self. Pyromancers use Incantations to dominate and convince Fire creatures to do their bidding. Fire Magic traces its origins back to the fierce Fire Dragons, the race of Titans that ruled the land in the Days Before.

Devin bio:Devin parents was in the war during the fight between the dragons,pyromancers, and Titans,Thaumaturge.Before his parents went out to the war his parents handed him the book of pyomancy.A sacred book that been in there family for generations.After the war Devin found that his parents died in the war and became homeless and confused of his powers and didn´t know his full potential.

Extra:Also Devin wears sunglasses everywhere he goes and he also carries his family fire book with him at all times.He don't need the book to cast spells but keeps it with him in case he forgets a spell or wants to learn a new one.The book contain information about different creatures and different spells.The book also has a curse on it so if someone touch the book without his permission it will burn you REALLY REALLY badly no matter what.Devin uses rhymes to cast some spells
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Name:Laurence Michalis


Human Appearance (If you have one):<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/images.jpg.14ff757a517a01975ca04b9f26440cdc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="123993" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/images.jpg.14ff757a517a01975ca04b9f26440cdc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Supernatural Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/63226899d2a4f17aebb8235dd8846d67.jpg.6f7a633ac84341e587664d2ad88f4229.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="123994" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/63226899d2a4f17aebb8235dd8846d67.jpg.6f7a633ac84341e587664d2ad88f4229.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Personality: Kind, Loyal, Comedic, Stubborn

Bio: Laurence was adopted by a demon couple at age 5 after his parent's died in an accident. He has a sister named Carol who is in college, and his adoptive parents recently left to visit a cousin far away.

Extras (Optional): He is very good at playing guitar, and singing is something he only does alone because he feels that he isn't too good at it.

Likes:Gaming, Music, Mythology and Astronomy.

Dislikes:Bullies, judgmental people, and injustice.

Species: Hybrid (Part-Demon)

Powers:Flight, minor control of shadows, and amateur demonic magic (Moving them, forming them into weapons) Summoning his emerald broadsword in dire situations.

Role (what you do most of your time): Musician, Gamer.

Hope's,Dream's, Etc.(Optional):He hopes to become a good musician, and find out what actually happened to his parents.



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Name:priscilla the white


Supernatural Appearance:



Eye colour: Silver

Hair colour: white

Personality:shy but analytical, is socially awkward and has a hard time making friends

Bio:Priscilla spent most of her time up in snowy mountains, having nothing to do and being an adventurous, young cross-breed she decided to travel out one day. As she traveled not too very far from her home she noticed a mysterious dark glint, so, of course, she grabbed it. As soon as she had grabbed it all of her energy had been drained into the scythe. As she tugged it out of the ground she found herself exhausted and had to half-drag the weapon back to her home, when she came home with the scythe, her and her weapon became inseperable, she soon however discovered the crisis she was in. She could not eat. If she tried to eat she would vomit it up almost reflexively, it turned out that the scythe had two things with it, a curse, and a long-forgotten power, the power of lifesteal. A curious power that causes the user to drain small portions of energy from their opponent

Likes:the cold, silence, reading, training

Dislikes:crowded areas, the warmth, loud noises, fire dragons

Species:half-human half-dragon

Powers: lifesteal

Role (what you do most of your time): stay in the background and on rare occasion, get dragged into the spotlight


Crush (Or boyfriend/Girlfriend): Laurence Michalis

Hope's,Dream's, Etc.(Optional):to become a writer

Additional info: cools the air around her, constantly giving away a refreshing breeze, has a major fear of anything lightning related (electricity, doesn't like electrical devices, phones, tvs etc.)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.cc79ca3849d75521d1a6518221b2f410.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="124037" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.cc79ca3849d75521d1a6518221b2f410.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Trust said:
Does that mean we just go in or..?
(I dont want to be rude and interrupt anyone)
Yeah you can start Rping, if you want a character to talk to, my flirty demon Sean would love some company by now. :)

Yukino Fubuki


16 (Physically), 196 (Chronologically)

Human Appearance:

(Human Form)


Supernatural Appearance:

(Snow Demon Form)


(Genocide Form)







Yukino is extremely cold and quiet when it comes to her personality, she rarely speaks and shows no signs of emotions and is sometimes absent or late from class. Though she may be quiet and lack emotions, she is quite hot-headed and tends to show signs of anger when she is being insulted, teased or belittled at certain times. During her Genocide Form, she enjoys seeing people being murdered by her own powers, in fact in this form she enjoys seeing blood being splattered everywhere.


During the years of 1820, Yukino was once a human and belonged to a wealthy family who had a bloodline of priests and priestess and were treated like royalty. One night a serial killer came into the house and murdered a few of Yukino's relatives which included shrine maidens, priests and priestesses, luckily the murderer got caught and was sentenced to execution, however there wasn't anyone to replace the priestess during "The White Evening Ritual" (A ritual which involved sacrificing a priestess, so that her soul will join the "kami" seal the gates to the spirit world.). It was then figured that, Yukino was chosen to become the priestess and was declared the highest of priority and that she had to be protected by the royal guards of their mansion. During those days, her childhood friend helped on protecting her and eventually both grew feelings with each other. In the day before the ritual, both made a promise to find each other in their next lives and be with each other forever, as she didin't want to forget the promise till her death. During the day of the ritual, a huge feast was being celebrated in her name and all were sad and happy, as she celebrated the last day of her life. Before the ritual started, she saw her father whispering something to her childhood friend, she couldn't her what was whispered and was left with question. She was then approached by her dad and told her "During the ritual, since your soul must be enlightened, you should cast away all of your feelings and feel one with light", Yukino nodded in sadness, as her father cried and said "I hope i will find you someday". After saying her goodbyes, she then proceeded to the ritual area and started the ritual, she then laid down in the ceremonial box where she cast aside all of her feelings, she then thought of the promise she made with him and felt sad that she couldn't live to see him, as she started to cry and said "Please let me out", but no one heard her, as she tried to stay strong and attempted to cast away the feeling of sadness, but she failed and continued to cry not doing anything.

Eventually, she soon awoken a few months later and descended to the surface, as she began to feel happy unaware that she is indeed a "yuki-onna". She then proceeded to go inside the mansion and entered the door and replied "Mom, Dad, Kazuto, i am finally home", as she heard no response and everything was indeed empty, as she walked through the hallway to discover trails of blood making her worry, she then entered her parent's room to discover their corpses and cried "No... This isn't real and i am supposed to be dead", as she continued to weep at their bodies. When she entered her room, he also saw the corpse of her childhood friend and proceeded to cry and asked herself "What is happening?! Who did this!?", as she couldn't take what she was seeing anymore and proceeded to go outside. She then saw a group of thugs who saw her and asked her "Hey girly, whats with the white hair, are you some old gramma or somethin", as they laughed at Yukino who felt distressed and looked at the symbol of their tattoos, as she recognized that they were from another clan, that enjoyed murdering people and taking away their riches, she then looked at them straight in the eye and asked "Do you know what happened in that mansion?!", as the thug leader answered "Oh yeah.. you mean that mansion, oh it is full of bozos who keep talking about this White Evening Ritual crap, it gets me annoyed", as the thug member asked him "Oh and what about that girl who died in the ritual", the thug leader replied "Ha! I don't care, their parents must be crazy or somethin and that poor girl probably died straight out of misery", as Yukino stabbed the thug leader using an icicle she created, her eyes turned to black and a bit of her hair too, as she began to laugh manically and began to murder the other thugs. After a while, she went back to normal and ran away deep into the mountains.

The years have passed by and currently she dwells in the human world looking for a new home, she then comes across a mysterious academy which she may seem interested in.

Extras (Optional):

Yukino Fubuki Theme Song


Genocide Mode Theme Song



(Both Normal and Snow Demon Form)

- Snow

- Cold Drinks

- Ice Cream

- History Books

- Skiing

- Her powers

(Genocide Form)

- Killing People

- Blood

- Making her victims suffer

- Violence


(Both Normal and Snow Demon Form)

- Hot places

- Bullies

- Fire

- Hypocrites

- Unusual and weird cartoons

(Genocide Form)

People getting in her way

- People giving lectures

- Holy Items

- Failing to let her victims suffer






Create/generate/increase ice.

[*]Cryokinetic Constructs including weapons, walls, armors or allies/servants.

[*]Move/lift ice at nearly any speed whether in/on a surface, air or water. One could even do this in vacuum of space if one has a way to survive the experience.



Role (What you do most of the time):

Student. She usually reads books in the library or make ice cream in the cafeteria.



Crush (Or boyfriend/Girlfriend):


Hope's,Dream's, Etc.(Optional):

To take control of her powers.

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Human Appearance (If you have one):<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Unknown-1.jpeg.433ea9a7855690d6b3750179cb6c83ee.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="124173" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Unknown-1.jpeg.433ea9a7855690d6b3750179cb6c83ee.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Supernatural Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Unknown.jpeg.de5365c5190afafe96634a17ed8dc753.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="124172" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Unknown.jpeg.de5365c5190afafe96634a17ed8dc753.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Gender: male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: helpful, watchful,

Bio: Came from Raven realm to attend school and hone powers sent by father to school because of every era went here

Extras (Optional):N/A

Likes: scavenging

Dislikes: people not happy

Species: Raven hybrid

Powers: Can tell anything that has happened in past and long range vision

Role (what you do most of your time): flys around interacting with others helping

Royalty?: Son of Raven lord

Crush (Or boyfriend/Girlfriend): none

Hope's,Dream's, Etc.(Optional): none

lol thought i hit post whoops



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Name: Onyx Timberwolf Williams

Age: 15

Human Appearance (If you have one):

Supernatural Appearance:

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: A typical emo; impulsive; shy; fast reflexes (hence when she is sneaked up on there is usually a bloody nose); intelligent and educated

Bio: **Does not remember anything about her past since her last birthday**; She woke up and knew her name and how to live but that was it

Extras (Optional): Birthday is October 6th; has a Japanese sword that is a normal sword until she is in her supernatral form (it can use shadows to fight; bullied a lot

Likes: to read; to be alone; the colors black, red, and purple; dark places; swordplay; likes to draw

Dislikes: sudden loud noises; very bright places; loud, obnoxious people (which is pretty much everyone in her case); bullies

Species: Witch-vampire

Powers: can do any type of magic with or without a wand or staff with some practice; great swordfighter;

Role (what you do most of your time): Student

Royalty?: Doesn't know, but she is a missing princess from a far off land called Scruxin

Crush (Or boyfriend/Girlfriend): open

Hope's,Dream's, Etc.(Optional): to remember her past and live a safe life
Kihara017 said:

  • Amaryllis Emmeline Gates

    View attachment 277831

    • Age: 17

      Gender: Female

      Sexuality: Straight

      Species: Human & Angel Hybrid

Notes: These character are both ONE SINGLE CHARACTER... this is simply an update to a pre-existing character for an event that is soon to happen.
@FluffyMarshmallow HERE'S the finished product. Like I said, no problem, check it out in case you need me to change anything. @Zachjoker you said you wanted to see what I changed up... here's the result if it's approved.
Name: silith

Age: 16

Human Appearance (If you have one): none

Supernatural Appearance:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.24d54b900ecb049a3962685660508705.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="124395" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.24d54b900ecb049a3962685660508705.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Just you know. Put more clothing on her xD )

Gender: female



Personality: shy, quiet, clumsy, easily embarrassed

Bio: tbr

Extras (Optional):




Being outside


People that hate bugs



Like a lamia but... With a centepide body

Powers: control over centepides

Talk to bugs

Super strength

Role (what you do most of your time): student

Royalty?: yes

Crush (Or boyfriend/Girlfriend):


Hope's,Dream's, Etc.(Optional):

To be concise red a friend and not a freak<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.a635857edb2da460910d109d96c09e11.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="124394" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.a635857edb2da460910d109d96c09e11.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Akiak

Age: 15

Human Appearance (If you have one):N/A

Supernatural Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c9c39f3e4_16-1(2)-1.jpg.c4ef2ee9d3d0a4ea8861cd104f34506e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="124404" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c9c39f3e4_16-1(2)-1.jpg.c4ef2ee9d3d0a4ea8861cd104f34506e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Gender: Hermaphrodite

Sexuality: Bi

Personality: Witty, Hungry, Smart, Rude, Protective, eccentric, daring, spontaneous

Bio: A Dragon Bear (ursalisk) with a attitude. VERY LARGE and FAT, Not accepted in other private schools so her mother sent her here. She's constantly eating (including eating her friends). Total gaming geek, Dirtbag, Punk, and artist. Can't wait to get a job.

Extras (Optional): When she eats her friends she never actually digests them.

Likes: Food, Games, Cats, Magic, Books, Paint

Dislikes: Rocks, Birds, Big food, Friends

Species: Ursalisk

Powers: Psychic, Can fit 8 Full size dragons in her stomach.

Role (what you do most of your time): The school Artist/Bully/Princess

Royalty?: Yes Princess of the Ursalisk Kingdom

Crush (Or boyfriend/Girlfriend): not yet

Hope's,Dream's, Etc.(Optional): Dreams include drawing a perfect circle, Improve her writing, Fit 10 full dragons in her stomach, Put pants on, Grow her own horns.



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Name: Ala

Age: Unknown, appears to be 13 - 15

Human Appearance (If you have one): Nope.

Supernatural Appearance: rid of the blood, put on a green jacket, denim jeans, slightly transparent, boom!


Gender: Male

Sexuality: A big fancy word that means he likes girls.

Personality: Lazy

Bio: His past isn't really known, he was kind of like an experiment and now he's got a lot of powers... one of them is amazing jokes.

Extras (Optional): He only talks in text with an audible typewriter sound when he talks (Don't ask), if your blind or something then too bad for you.

Likes: Sleeping, fighting, and eating

Dislikes: Working, Hygiene, and Working

Species: I don't know, but it looks like a phantom or something.

Powers: Fourth wall breaking, pretty strong... I guess, being a pain, he's pretty good at dodging.

Role (what you do most of your time): Being lazy

Royalty?: Yeah, he's a royal pain

Crush (Or boyfriend/Girlfriend): Nope. (Not so far)

Hope's,Dream's, Etc.(Optional): Nope.
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Name: Akiko Amaya Kaede

Age: 16

Human Appearance (If you have one):

Supernatural Appearance:

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Homosexual

Personality: Modest, loud, funny, independent, clueless yet confident.

Bio: Akiko is a leader. Having gone through a lot of childhood issues, she's had to take charge of her life and become her own role-model. As a result, she's become independent but will sometimes work with others, as long as she can be in charge. She handles power well except for when she uses it to tease others. She's also a massive prankster who is sometimes dangerous to be around. Akiko understands that are emotions are emotions and thinks that they are best expressed, especially when they make her laugh!

Extras (Optional):

Likes: Having power, being sarcastic, music, making people laugh, drawing, acting like a psychopath.

Dislikes: Arrogance, optimists, vegetables, judgemental people.

Species: Vampire

Powers: Transformation (human to vampire), super speed, long lifespan, blood addiction.

Role (what you do most of your time): Akiko likes to draw, crack jokes and listen to her favourite music. She also frequently looks for ways to make her stand out in a crowd.

Royalty?: Pffft... I wish.

Crush (Or boyfriend/Girlfriend): To be discovered.

Hope's,Dream's, Etc.(Optional): To have somebody to love as to love her, and to reveal her art to the world.

P.S Sorry if I posted this in the wrong place, this is my first ever post and I don't know how to use this site!
[QUOTE="Bonnie Lucia]Name: Akiko Amaya Kaede
Age: 16

Human Appearance (If you have one):

Supernatural Appearance:

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Homosexual

Personality: Modest, loud, funny, independent, clueless yet confident.

Bio: Akiko is a leader. Having gone through a lot of childhood issues, she's had to take charge of her life and become her own role-model. As a result, she's become independent but will sometimes work with others, as long as she can be in charge. She handles power well except for when she uses it to tease others. She's also a massive prankster who is sometimes dangerous to be around. Akiko understands that are emotions are emotions and thinks that they are best expressed, especially when they make her laugh!

Extras (Optional):

Likes: Having power, being sarcastic, music, making people laugh, drawing, acting like a psychopath.

Dislikes: Arrogance, optimists, vegetables, judgemental people.

Species: Vampire

Powers: Transformation (human to vampire), super speed, long lifespan, blood addiction.

Role (what you do most of your time): Akiko likes to draw, crack jokes and listen to her favourite music. She also frequently looks for ways to make her stand out in a crowd.

Royalty?: Pffft... I wish.

Crush (Or boyfriend/Girlfriend): To be discovered.

Hope's,Dream's, Etc.(Optional): To have somebody to love as to love her, and to reveal her art to the world.

P.S Sorry if I posted this in the wrong place, this is my first ever post and I don't know how to use this site!

Hi! Welcome to RPNation Bonnie!
Name: Tanuki

Human Appearance (If you have one): None

Appearance: He would about 5'2 on all fours.

Personality: Calm, sometimes gets overflowed with anger, intelligent.

Bio: A strange fox that has appeared out of no where, but is meant for only a person with amazing creature taming skillz. (This character is a creature for Mikahil)

Species: Fox

Powers: Fire.


Human Appearance (If you have one):

Supernatural Appearance:his whole eyes turn jet black, his hair turns into a jet black with gray and white streaks. And he has black lines all over his face.

Gender: male

Sexuality: straight ( but does not really care about relationships because he feels like he is alone in the world.)

Personality:loner cynical but he has a good heart and wants too do good but when ever he meets a person he thinks they will betray him.

Bio: He was born into a rich family who were vary cruel too their servants and people alike, but Aster is different when he was born he was a vary playful child and growing up he would help the servants l clean and befriend them and their children but his parents did not like that so they put a stop too him interacting with the servents. He was lonely because he did not get along with others in his own age group and stayed inside and became a outcast. Eventually on his sixteenth birthday he was led into secret passage by his parents and what took place in their scared him so bad he bribed his way into the academy using his newfound power and never looking back.

Extras (Optional):multiple personality disorder that has too do with the secret ritual.

Likes: books, being alone, root beer.

Dislikes: mean people, other witches and padlocks.

Species: warloxk

Powers: mind control, telekinesis

Role (what you do most of your time): you will find him in a corner somewhere floating little objects around or reading.

Royalty?: his family is rich

Crush (Or boyfriend/Girlfriend): none

Hope's,Dream's, Etc.(Optional):his dream is that he can be a good person and live a life that he is happy living.
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Name: Lilah Becom

Age: 18

Human appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/WDF_2651753.jpg.53b70797142c48fd6524801e34d85649.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="124872" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/WDF_2651753.jpg.53b70797142c48fd6524801e34d85649.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Supernatural appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/superthumb.jpg.ddad7f627e928ce4817062bbdf0ea27f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="124873" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/superthumb.jpg.ddad7f627e928ce4817062bbdf0ea27f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: Sweet, sarcastic, loving, can be pretty easily angered

Bio: She was born to unknown parents, but she always hunted for herself, she hated eating other people but her werewolf side made her do this horrible thing, she had gotten older but nothing changed, it was just a loop of sadness before her wings appeared. And now she was 18, a normal girl, or was she?

Extras(Optional): Hides her wings in a hoodie

Likes: Dogs, cats, water, anything shiny

Dislikes: Fire, plants

Type: Just like them, dunno :3

Powers: Can shift into an angel and wolf, but not at the same time

Role(What do you most of your time): Draw, artist, music

Royalty: NOPE

Crush(Or boyfriend/Girlfriend): Jacob Rein

Hope's,Dream's, Etc.(Optional): Stop eating people and start being normal



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