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Fantasy Supernatual Academy

Name: Jordan Aspen

Age: 17

Human Appearance (If you have one):


Supernatural Appearance:

( When not super mad, imagine picture above with white dragon wings)

( When very mad)


( She tries to keep her anger under control)

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Jordan is rather sarcastic, but there is always a meaning behind her words. She's strong willed and determined, and never gives up.

Bio: She was born in a dragon family in a planet far far away. She came here when her planet was under attack. She wonders if her family is okay, and makes it her goal to go back to her home planet and to see if anyone survived.

Extras (Optional):



Species: Dragon-Human Hybrid

Powers: able to breathe fire and can fly

Role (what you do most of your time): she likes to explore and have fun, and will battle of she or any of her friends are at sake.

Royalty?: no

Crush (Or boyfriend/Girlfriend): None yet

Hope's,Dream's, Etc.(Optional) eh don't feel like it
Name: Peter Jekyll/ Andrew Hyde

Age: 18

Human Appearance:(Jekyll) http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/steins-gate/images/c/c3/Rintaro_Profile.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120204035654

Supernatural Appearance:(Hyde) https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/99/33/a8/9933a81155245adb335fa443308d965c.jpg

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Jekyll is very polite, quite and keeps to himself bit of a nerd. Hyde is very blunt, outgoing basically the complete opposite

Bio: Jekyll is a decendent of the original Jekyll and hyde the curse is passed down through the generations by blood. Jekyll first discovered Hyde in school after being bullied he blacked out and when he came to he found out he had beat up all of his tormentors. After that he started hearing things and seeing things in the mirror. Hyde explained everything to him saying that he was his better half that he would protect him the only thing is Jekyll was afraid of Hyde and what he could. Using his fathers old recipe he created a serium that would keep hyde locked away as long as he took it every few hours and didn't get his adrenaline pumping. He also made one that would draw Hyde out if he ever needed him. It wasn't enough Hyde kept appearing and getting in trouble eventually they had to transfer to a special school so Hyde couldn't cause anymore problems.

Likes: Jekyll likes science, reading stuff like that while Hyde likes to go out have fun, party

Dislikes: Jekyll hates bullies and Hyde. While Hyde hates Jekyll and being stuck inside for long times

Species: Human

Powers: Transformation. Jekyll is very smart. Hyde is strong, fast, has a keen sense of smell and hearing

Role: Jekyll studies and gets good grades while Hyde fights and keeps him safe

Royalty?: Nope

Crush (Or boyfriend/Girlfriend): TBD

Extra: Likes to go by just Jekyll and Hyde, British accent
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Name:Jeced Cewes


Human Appearance (If you have one):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Ansem_the_Seeker_of_Darkness.jpg.fc117ba845e5cf6b8ffc8bd5cc856095.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="123702" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Ansem_the_Seeker_of_Darkness.jpg.fc117ba845e5cf6b8ffc8bd5cc856095.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(but with pale skin and blue eyes)

Supernatural Appearance:the same but with black hair and red eyes



Personality:dark, arrogant, lonewolf, mystical

Bio:Most of the history regarding Jeced Cewes is lost throu time but he was born over 4000 years ago and in his childhood he angered a old and very powerful warlock that cursed him with immortality.

time past and Jeced started to get old and fragile thats when he realized that his body was not immortal and that his spirit was bound to this realm, after the pasing of his body it took him a whole century to find a new body to inhabit.

After every death of his body it takes him a whole century to find the power to take a new body and each time his memory becomes like a thick mist in his head, and his power weakens

Extras (Optional):

Likes:Food, supernatural beings, women´s, history, study of all magics

Dislikes:most things

Species:Immortal human

Powers:Rune magic, psychic ability, and various conjuring spells

Role (what you do most of your time):studying, reading and practice


Crush (Or boyfriend/Girlfriend):no

Hope's,Dream's, Etc.(Optional):Jeced Cewes hopes to find a way to make his body immortal so he does not have to wait that whole century to find a new body and his dream is to become a rune oracle



  • Ansem_the_Seeker_of_Darkness.jpg
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WIP : Totally did not mean to post this, will inform you when it's complete.

Name: Sean Dark

Age: 1987 years, looks around 18

Human Appearance (If you have one): <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.3a4e71ce01ec43f54c41c96356bfa562.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="123762" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.3a4e71ce01ec43f54c41c96356bfa562.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Supernatural Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.76da0b3959fc33e585266122ad8b316e.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="123763" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.76da0b3959fc33e585266122ad8b316e.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Sean is the person who helps those who need it, only to those who seem like nice and kind souls, the assholes can burn in hell for all he cares. He has somewhat of a more relaxed tone when speaking though the reason for this is unknown, maybe it's just his nature? Anyways he's always flirting with women, like constantly no matter where he is or what he's doing, this sometimes causes many red hand marks to appear on face. He easy to hang around with though he never really understands why as he is a demon, and his views on demons isn't high while technically being one himself. Just don't be an absolute Asshole and you'll be okay in his books.

Bio: Sean never really has a past to speak of, he was always by himself even as a little youngling. He always spent time on the road and while he knew what he was he still kept on traveling the open road to meet wonderful people. He heard the stories of wild and destructive demons before and while seeing a couple of such beasts before, he never really had an outstanding opinion of demons, not even his own existence as one of them could stop his dislike of them and their destructive nature. He always wondered why he was so different, even now he doesn't understand but hey it beats being a psychopath killing innocents and shit lime that. He's always had an interest in women, as any young male would be, and would constantly flirt with them, not out to gain a lover just to mess with them a little and he always finds it amusing to see the various reactions he would get. He never really got a chance at an interesting life, as most people shunned him and his demon kind.

Likes: Women, Flirting, Shadowy places, shade, Sarcasm, kind people

Dislikes: Assholes, sunlight, demons, fire

Species: Shadow Demon


Shadow Manipulation ((Manipulates the shadows into whatever the user wishes like a chair for example))

Shadow teleportation ((Teleports from one shadowy area to another))

Shadow strike ((Goes along with shadow teleportation in a combo move in combat only))

Shadow heal ((Heals anyone the user wishes on in the shadows or shade))

Shadow minions ((Summons shadow minions to attack foes, temporary and don't last long in the light.))

Shadow Blindness((When target is in shade or darkness the darkness messes with their mind and everything becomes black even when exiting the area of contamination. Is only temporary))

Role (what you do most of your time): Realaxing, reading, flirting with various women

Royalty?: NO!

Crush (Or boyfriend/Girlfriend): Nope but is open for those willing to be with a demon!

Hope's,Dream's, Etc.(Optional): Sean wishes for a chance at a real life, like a father to many little demons.



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Archdemon said:

Human Appearance (If you have one):

Supernatural Appearance:





Extras (Optional):



Species: Shadow Demon


Role (what you do most of your time):


Crush (Or boyfriend/Girlfriend):

Hope's,Dream's, Etc.(Optional):
xD best oc ever, its like its not even there!
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[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane]
xD best oc ever, its like its not even there!

xD it's so powerful it just doesn't exist in our realm of reality! :D
[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane]
O.o ... *removes sunglasses* mother of god... XP

Wait a minute.... Both of us are from the void! How awesome is that! :D

Nice seeing you neighbor!

Anyways his CS is done if you wanna check out the man himself! Might see cooperation between us in the future! :)
Archdemon said:
Wait a minute.... Both of us are from the void! How awesome is that! :D
Nice seeing you neighbor!

Anyways his CS is done if you wanna check out the man himself! Might see cooperation between us in the future! :)
:D yay! neighbors! and yes, i can definitely see it happening.
Name: Zander

Age: Unknown

Human Appearance:

Supernatural Appearance: None

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Girls

Personality: Laid back, likes to learn, Tends to be reclusive but dose interact with folks who try to get close to him

Bio: Zander Once lived in the high crags of mountains, He was cursed by a powerful sorcerer and cant take his true form

Likes: Books, Nature, Animals, Learing, Riddles, Sleeping, Shiny things

Dislikes: Lots of noise, Cold weather

Species: Red Dragon, Western style

Powers: Can grow claws, Fangs, and a long dragon tail. He can still use his dragon fire, and often fashions it into weapons, he prefers a long pole spear.

Role: He can usually be found in the library or outside under, or in a tree

Royalty: no

Crush: none, currently.

Hope's: That he can someday regain his dragon form, but for now hes content making use of libraries and other sources of knowledge unavailable to dragons

Aaron Anderson


17 (Physically), 493 (Chronologically)

Human Appearance:

(Human Form)


Supernatural Appearance:

(Full Demon Form)







Aaron is described to be mysterious and quiet, he is often friendly and outgoing with the students in the academy. Though when he unleashes his wrath, he then gets corrupted by his own power and is transformed into a demon arch-knight. Sometimes he is a prankster, as he helps on playing pranks among some people in the school.


When Aaron was still in the womb of his mom, a priestess from the highest temple of the mountain said that he was the son of the devil and upon finding that it was indeed true, she began to think of ways of getting rid of the baby, though she thought it was risky and immoral, so she decided to wait until the day she gave birth. During the day of Aaron's birth, the devil appeared and told her that he will take the baby away from her, but she declined and told him to go away, infuriated with wrath the devil burned her to death, as she confessed her love to Aaron and as well as in-trusting the high priestess to take care of him and so both run away from the village, as it was being destroyed by the devil. He was then brought to the mountains where he was sheltered with care and with training,as he began to accept that he was indeed a demon, but he stayed with the forces of the good. After many years of training, he became a strong warrior who was ready for his own journey, as he left the mountains and discovered the city where he finds a mysterious academy.

Extras (Optional):


(Aaron's Mom)


(The High Priestess)


Note: They will not appear in the roleplay


- Horror Movies

- Dark Chocolate

- Mythology

- The Priestess from the mountains


People who keep bragging

- Romantic Movies

- The Devil

- Sacred Places




Demon Physiology



He commonly found in the library reading about Myths and Legends.






To prevent being hunted down by the devil and seal away the 7 gates of hell.


Name: Nathaniel "Mike" C. Vincent

Age: 17(17)

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 107 lbs

Frame: Athletic Fit

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Eye Color: Greenish Blue

Hair Color: Brown

  • Personality:

    Nathaniel is a Kind and Caring Individual believing there is good in everyone yet he is as Serious, Heroic and Aggressive as his Father when he has to take matters in his own hands while being Selfless, Friendly, Creative and Sarcastic when he meets new People but yet when he meets an Individual that just cause reckless mayhem he becomes quite Agitated and Reckless when he tries and subdues the said Individual.


    Nathaniel was born in Toronto, Canada. Only knowing of what he is when he became 13 and who his True Father was he wanted to follow in his foot steps in trying to help People, when he Graduated from Middle School he was Enrolled by his Mother in the S.A. he became a Student Counselor hoping he can help people see the Good within them. After his first year at the School he met Sarah, an Apparent Half-Angel, Half-Fallen Angel, though they could be considered cousins due to both of their Parents being created by God and not born Blood Related they fell in Love, with her Trying to temp him to become a Trouble Maker like her Uncle while Nathaniel tried helping her through her Rebellious phase.

    Date of Birth: 11/05/----

    Place of Birth: Toronto, Canada



    -Helping People



    -Trouble Makers

    -People Disobeying the Rules

    -Blood and Gore

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ShadowEntity said:
Aaron Anderson


17 (Physically), 493 (Chronologically)

Human Appearance:

(Human Form)


Supernatural Appearance:

(Full Demon Form)







Aaron is described to be mysterious and quiet, he is often friendly and outgoing with the students in the academy. Though when he unleashes his wrath, he then gets corrupted by his own power and is transformed into a demon arch-knight. Sometimes he is a prankster, as he helps on playing pranks among some people in the school.


When Aaron was still in the womb of his mom, a priestess from the highest temple of the mountain said that he was the son of the devil and upon finding that it was indeed true, she began to think of ways of getting rid of the baby, though she thought it was risky and immoral, so she decided to wait until the day she gave birth. During the day of Aaron's birth, the devil appeared and told her that he will take the baby away from her, but she declined and told him to go away, infuriated with wrath the devil burned her to death, as she confessed her love to Aaron and as well as in-trusting the high priestess to take care of him and so both run away from the village, as it was being destroyed by the devil. He was then brought to the mountains where he was sheltered with care and with training,as he began to accept that he was indeed a demon, but he stayed with the forces of the good. After many years of training, he became a strong warrior who was ready for his own journey, as he left the mountains and discovered the city where he finds a mysterious academy.

Extras (Optional):


(Aaron's Mom)


(The High Priestess)


Note: They will not appear in the roleplay


- Horror Movies

- Dark Chocolate

- Mythology

- The Priestess from the mountains


People who keep bragging

- Romantic Movies

- The Devil

- Sacred Places




Demon Physiology



He commonly found in the library reading about Myths and Legends.






To prevent being hunted down by the devil and seal away the 7 gates of hell.

I think Nathaniel might Get along with him.
Archdemon said:
WIP : Totally did not mean to post this, will inform you when it's complete.

Name: Sean Dark

Age: 1987 years, looks around 18

Human Appearance (If you have one): View attachment 276714

Supernatural Appearance: View attachment 276715

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Sean is the person who helps those who need it, only to those who seem like nice and kind souls, the assholes can burn in hell for all he cares. He has somewhat of a more relaxed tone when speaking though the reason for this is unknown, maybe it's just his nature? Anyways he's always flirting with women, like constantly no matter where he is or what he's doing, this sometimes causes many red hand marks to appear on face. He easy to hang around with though he never really understands why as he is a demon, and his views on demons isn't high while technically being one himself. Just don't be an absolute Asshole and you'll be okay in his books.

Bio: Sean never really has a past to speak of, he was always by himself even as a little youngling. He always spent time on the road and while he knew what he was he still kept on traveling the open road to meet wonderful people. He heard the stories of wild and destructive demons before and while seeing a couple of such beasts before, he never really had an outstanding opinion of demons, not even his own existence as one of them could stop his dislike of them and their destructive nature. He always wondered why he was so different, even now he doesn't understand but hey it beats being a psychopath killing innocents and shit lime that. He's always had an interest in women, as any young male would be, and would constantly flirt with them, not out to gain a lover just to mess with them a little and he always finds it amusing to see the various reactions he would get. He never really got a chance at an interesting life, as most people shunned him and his demon kind.

Likes: Women, Flirting, Shadowy places, shade, Sarcasm, kind people

Dislikes: Assholes, sunlight, demons, fire

Species: Shadow Demon


Shadow Manipulation ((Manipulates the shadows into whatever the user wishes like a chair for example))

Shadow teleportation ((Teleports from one shadowy area to another))

Shadow strike ((Goes along with shadow teleportation in a combo move in combat only))

Shadow heal ((Heals anyone the user wishes on in the shadows or shade))

Shadow minions ((Summons shadow minions to attack foes, temporary and don't last long in the light.))

Shadow Blindness((When target is in shade or darkness the darkness messes with their mind and everything becomes black even when exiting the area of contamination. Is only temporary))

Role (what you do most of your time): Realaxing, reading, flirting with various women

Royalty?: NO!

Crush (Or boyfriend/Girlfriend): Nope but is open for those willing to be with a demon!

Hope's,Dream's, Etc.(Optional): Sean wishes for a chance at a real life, like a father to many little demons.
They're going to get along just nicely.

Name: Sarah "Gabby" M. North

Age: 16(16)

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 88 lbs

Frame: Athletic Fit

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Eye Color: Blue(Red when Angry or Agitated)

Hair Color: Platinum Blonde

  • Personality:

    A Rebellious and Persistent Individual she likes to Cause Trouble and that Ends badly fr everyone around her, yet she is Quite the Caring, Kind and Compassionate towards others similar to her Mother, though having that she can become Defensive, Volatile and Emotional state when referring to her past yet through all of this she is Courageous, Brave and Selfless when she means it though she is more Cheerful rather than Serious at times.


    (She Tends to Get Emotional about her Past)

    Date of Birth: 09/21/----

    Place of Birth: Wyoming, USA





    -Horror Movies



    -Cheerleaders & Queen Bees


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