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Fantasy Supernatual Academy

(Hope im not too late!)

Nix Anode



Her true form is nothing but a bright black fire so hot that touching it will sever one's soul from their body.




Nix has a rather calm personality. She's funny, but she knows when to quit, and when to get serious. As funny as she is, in some cases, her more demonic side shows through, and she can be as cold as ice and sharp as glass. She prefers not to associate herself with 'cliques' or anything else, beacuse she considers herself a solo rider.

She really doesn't like to talk about her past. (TBD in rp)



+Loud Music


-Rich people

-Rude brats

-Awkward Moments


She can perform a certain ability called psychokinesis (telekinesis, basically). She can move objects without physically touching them, and very rarely, people.

Full-time student, and also a creepy stalker. Just kidding.

"Kind of the demon princess of Hell, but don't you dare start acting weird. It doesn't matter."

No guys have ever really noticed her, probably because she hides in the shadows a lot. Single as a Pringle.


@FluffyMarshmallow Hey, I re-read the room mate thing and I understand now that I'm not Neko's room mate. The next person to sign up that has a male character could you have them be my room mate? Or if there is a person without a room mate right now, Rotius would room with anyone.
(my second and last main charater)

Human Appearance (If you have one):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/images.jpg.4a150f81a5ac50b9b44240e96fd761af.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="121008" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/images.jpg.4a150f81a5ac50b9b44240e96fd761af.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Rim's hair, although it looks silver, is actually bluish-silver. Her eyes are golden honey color. While in her human form she is often wearing the mask that had worn before her past life's death although the blacksmiths in Tempest slightly changed its original appearance.​

Name: Rimuru Tempest

Age: 17.

Supernatural Appearance: Rim's real form is that of the blue slime in the human appearance pic.

Gender: Agender. (but identifies as Female, since she was in fact a girl in her past life.)

Sexuality: Bisexual.

Personality: When Rimuru was human she came off as a socially awkward individual who could not for the life of her get a steady boyfriend. However as a Slime she has shown to be a capable individual with a calm slightly detached outlook. She keeps a lord like demenour on the outside. She has also stated that she has a childlike heart and sometimes acts on whims.

Bio: She was a 37 year old who got stabbed with a knife and killed after saving her friend from a thief.

However, in the end of her first life, she reincarnated into a slime, and took a new identity as Rimuru Tempest, thought of as one of the weakest demons in the world, she does not get the best reception from everyone she meets. Despite this she is a World Traveler, someone who comes from another world and is blessed with unique abilities.

Extras (Optional):




+generally being lazy


-being forced into a fight.

-being looked down on


Species: Slime.


Mimic - As the name implies, She can mimic anyone's powers temporarily.

Shapeshift - Rim can change into the forms of various species, people and even objects, but since her original form is a slime. She is naturally weaker then what those things would normally be. Although Rim uses this power strickly for being able to appear human. She can use to change into other things if need be (a.k.a mostly for hiding from people). Although it is not limited to just the appearance of that woman as she is able to change any body part in her human form whether it be hair color, height, eye color, weight, etc... She can also mix two forms together such as being in her human form while having bat wings to fly around.

Archive - This ability lets Rim permanently memorizes others powers that she's either mimicked once before or seen activated/used. In addition, Rim can mimic powers 'recorded' in her archive.

Magic Perception - senses and calculates fluctuations in magic energy for visual and auditory perception. Since normally slimes can't see nor hear, Rim uses this constantly in order to see and hear.

Role (what you do most of your time): Rim can be found lazing around the school

Royalty?: no.

Crush (Or boyfriend/Girlfriend): none at the moment.

Hope's,Dream's, Etc.(Optional): None.



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Name: Grey

Age: 16


Supernatural Appearance: (Just add a hood)

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Pansexual


  • Untrustworthy
  • Often tranquil
  • Deceiving
  • Cunning
  • Isolated
  • Flirty

Bio: Grey lived a normal human life until the age of seven. While wandering through his neighborhood, he was kidnapped by a guild of vampires. They held him hostage for ransom. However, during that time one of the members experienced a lack of blood. Causing her to go insane. The member bit Grey, giving him his powers and thirst for blood. Ever since then, he has isolated himself from most people. He wears a hood over his face for the majority of the day, until it becomes night.

Extras (Optional): Grey is very experienced in most types of fighting. His favorite weapon to use is a dagger that he keeps with hima at all times for protection.

Likes: (Not much xD )

  • Nighttime
  • Practicing his fighting skills

Dislikes: (A LOT xD )

  • His own species
  • Crowds
  • Daytime
  • Feeding
  • Hallowed/Holy object
  • Silver
  • Garlic
  • Socializing

Powers: Enhanced Speed, Enhanced Strength, Enhanced Sight, Enhanced Smell, Enhanced Hearing, Enhanced Regeneration.

Role (what you do most of your time): Student

Royalty?: None

Crush (Or boyfriend/Girlfriend): None

Hope's,Dream's, Etc.(Optional): None presently
Name:Valentina Rivas


Human Appearance (If you have one):

Supernatural Appearance:



Personality:She's a rather shy and nervous person, only feeling confident from her raven form.

Bio:She's lived in a poor small town that was mostly comprised of her trailer park and the school, with a factory that every parent worked for. She mostly lived day by day hoping that her parents wouldn't fight, or a storm wouldn't blow away their trailer. She'd been adopted by a family in Midwest America, living mostly a normal human life till she puberty. When she found things were becoming strange with her body, she was losing weight very quickly and she was hungry all the time, and when she slept she dreamt of falling, when she woke up she found black feathers in her bed. During one of her high school dances she was feeling terrible pain throughout her body when suddenly one of the girls- one of her bullies- had tried to start a fight with her. Scared and in pain, she suddenly transformed, in front of her whole grade, into a black bird and flew out the window. Her family caught up with her and forced her to leave to the academy not wanting to deal with her.

Extras (Optional):

Likes:She likes hiking, nature, photography, reading, listening to music

Dislikes:She hates violence, conflict, and public speaking


Powers:She can shift into a Raven bird.

Role (what you do most of your time):Student (She usualy is exploring hidden places)


Crush (Or boyfriend/Girlfriend):Not yet

Hope's,Dream's, Etc.(Optional):
(Hello, I was wondering if I could join everyone.)

Name: Berit Acord

Age: 15 (Sorry, I made them the minimum age because they are portrayed as young.)

Appearance: Berit Acord has green eyes and dark brown-hazel hair. He normally wears a blue, cyan, black plaid shirt, with normal blue jeans. He has a Humane appearance.

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Acord is normally a cheerful and happy person who is always ready to help someone. Of course, he is probably not able to SOLVE the problem, but nevertheless, he is useful...ish.

Sometimes Acord can be serious. But...not very. He is blissful unaware of danger and will probably try to help (But unfortunately, fail.) if he knows of the danger.Acord is called a idiot on a daily basis, and for a good reason too. It's because he IS a idiot. Most of the time he is blissfully unaware of pretty much everything. He of course is smart enough to do well in school, but still...

Bio: Berit was a pretty normal kid, if you ignore the really weird powers he has. And because of his powers, he was definitely treated differently, even by his own family. But really, Berit doesn't really mind it. In fact, he thinks he is the normal one, and looks at normal humans the same way they look at him. Berit also has a tendency to speak his mind. No matter how rude and harsh they are. This makes him really mean, even when he's not trying. He isn't the most social people, as you imagine, his' random outbursts make it hard to be friends with most people. Anyway, Berit was soon sent to high school, and he attempts to fit in with his very strange companions.

Likes: Helping others, learning new things (And truthfully, everything is new to him...)

Dislikes: Losing, being bored, failing.


Powers:Invisibility, energy bursts.

Role:Your, friendly, every day, moron.

Royalty?: No.
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Name: Isabella

Age: 16

Human Appearance (If you have one):

Supernatural Appearance:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpg.63370c2f81355708360cefd189351892.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="121649" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpg.63370c2f81355708360cefd189351892.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Brutus (far right)

Thorin (middle left)

Faron (far left)

Fane (middle right

Isabella (middle)

Gender: female

Sexuality: bisexual


Hotheaded, stubborn, clumsy, forgetful, shy

Bio: it all started when she was five. Her and her family lived in a small cottage far away from the city. Her life was happy and peaceful but little did she know her parents were demon worshippers and had been trying to summon ancient deities to take the world over. One might they succeeded but something went horribly wrong and the demons were bound to her soul for eternity after her parents were killed by the summoning leaving her alone with these demons for eternity

Extras (Optional):


Demonic books

Not arguing with the demons


Sour food

Bland food

History books

Species: reaver (a being that has been possessed by four ancient and evil demons capable of unimaginable destruction and chaos)

Powers: ability of control over blue flames, ability to call apon any of the four elder demons inside her (Thorin, Brutus, Faron, Fane), ability to use the attributes of any of the elder demons.

What you do most of your time: argue with her demons, read up on demons and spells

Royalty?: ??

Crush (Or boyfriend/Girlfriend): none atm

Hope's,Dream's, Etc.(Optional): to one day find love



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