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Fantasy Supernatual Academy


you could jump in by waking up in your dorm room, most of us jump in starting off in there dorms, well some of us, others write how they got here, or I could introduce you into the Rp, your pick :3
Name: Astraea

Age: 15

Human Appearance:


Supernatural Appearance:


Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bi

Personality: Shy at first, though rather clever once you get to know her. She can be quite clingy to anyone she trusts.

Bio: When Astraea was first brought into existance, her older brother celebrated. So did her 'father'. She was the only sister to Jesus, or as she called him, 'Je.' Everything was bliss. Of course, she kept pestering their father to allow her down to earth. All throughout wars, she pleaded to let him allow her to go and fix it. Still, she wasn't allowed to leave. Until she finally began slipping out for long periods of time. Jesus covered for her.


-Yes, she is the sister of Jesus


-The moon






Type: I'm gonna say Angel, though she's sort of a god.


-Control over her greatest fear (Fire)


Role: Part-Time student (Whenever she can get away)

Royalty?: Yes

Crush: None

Hopes, Dreams, Etc: To follow in the steps of her older brother and help the world.
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Kira Tsukimiya


15 1/2

Human Appearance:


Supernatural Appearance:



Cisgender Female




Loud| Out-Going| Clever| Agile| Energetic| Optimistic| Happy| Social-Butterfly


To Be Announced Later On

(I'm a little tired to be doing one at the moment, so perhaps I'll edit it later and add it in.)


-Has a habit of saying "Swanky and Moo Moo" randomly

Has a twin sister named Seikatsu who is almost the complete opposite of her



Talking to People




Tricking People



-Being Left Alone



Being Fooled

Feeling Stupid

Being Embarrassed


Shinigami| Daughter of Death


Being only a minor Shinigami who has not completed her training, she can't really use any of her abilities. However she has a fluke about her that seems like an ability:

When she is angry, everything around her melts. If something touches her she burns them. When walking and in a sad mood, the ground often melts behind her.

When she is saddened, she is untouchable. If touched when sad, that person will feel an intense amount of pain. And if they hold onto her, that pain could be enough to kill them.

When excited a trail of a light-gray powder substance comes off of the bottom of her feet, leaving footprints of stardust in her wake.


Student, the one who knows everybody and everyone knows her




To Be Determined

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  • Name: Gregory "Max" Hathaway(Foster Name)/Masters(Family Name)

    "That's my name, but everyone just calls me 'Max'."

    Age: 16

    "I swear I'm over 18, now let me see that horror movie!"

    Gender: Male

    "Uh...that's obvious isn't it?"

    Sexuality: Heterosexual

    "I like females, but I've never actually dated one sadly..."

    Personality: Max is someone who acts rather calm and collected, although when in a risky situation he might seem a pushover, his mind is actually very cunning. Not one to give up, Max is ready to do anything in order to survive, and will risk anything to satisfy his curiosity as long as the rewards justifies the means. Despite being good at deception and manipulation of others, Max has a self-pride that won't allow him to betray his friends or family. Raised by his foster parents to be a gentleman, he has a knight-like side that will rush to defend a lady in need, yet his willpower is weak towards women due to this. Max can seem flirtatious, however in reality he has no actual experience with females, and has issues denying any requests of them or thinking about if what they are telling them is true or false, usually trusting them even if experience warns not to do so.

    "I'm pretty chill, just don't hurt a girl or someone I like, and we'll get along."

    Type: Contracting Soul(A form of Witch/Wizard)

    "I can make deals with monsters....yeah, I think it's a little weird too..."

    Royalty?: The long-thought to be deceased 3rd son of the Masters Family, they are a very wealthy family of various species, primarily being powerful Sorcerers . They have moderate influence in the supernatural world, however are well known for being of relation to the famous wizard Merlin, the personal mage of the extremely well known King Arthur long ago.

    "Yeah....to be honest, I didn't know until recently either, so it's kinda embarrassing for people to all of a sudden be so polite and nice to me..."

    Role (what you do most of your time): Student, possible future heir to the Masters Family.

    "I actually like learning stuff, so I don't mind being in school. Now, if they could just keep the maids from reorganizing my stuff on the other hand..."

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Maloria Loire


Age, 17



She may come across as a cold and calculating sort of person, she doesn't tend to talk very much or engage in any social activity. She's a bit of a loner, in all honesty. She is however, a nice person under her seemingly apathetic shell, and cares deeply for the people in her life. She tends not to hold grudges, or get angry at all for that matter. It takes a lot to wind her up. She's a genuinely cool, calm and collected sort of person, who would strongly avoid confrontation and would likely never kill unless it was completely necessary.

She was born into a relitively rich family of witches. Not filthy rich but better off that most of her species. She didn't connect much with her family, and spent most of her time in her room. She would read and write in her spare time (which was all the time, pretty much) and has developed quite a skill for it. She would always get teased by her siblings for being a bookworm but it never really bothered her, she tends not to get bothered by anything. She was homeschooled ever since she came to the school, and developed a stronger bond with her tutors than her parents, who never seemed to pay much attention to her or the rest of her siblings.

She has a stuffed rabbit which she made when she was 5, she sleeps with it all the time. She find the idea quite embarrassing but can't sleep a wink without it. She's also very good at science, particularly chemistry. She's had a lot of practise with Alchemy and mixing elixirs.

She loves to read and write most of all, but enjoys other activities such as Alchemy, drawing, listening to music and cooking.

She's always hated blood, she can't stand it, although she's worked wit it before. She also hates the idea of killing people. She tends to avoid violent and easily provoked people.

She's an earth witch,

She is able to manipulate organisms and forcibly make their cells multiply, divide or generally work in a different way. This power can only be activated in things such as plants, rocks and fruits. She can't manipulate the cells of a more intelligent organism, such as an animal, human or supernatural being. She uses this power in her potions in order to make them work.

She's a student. Most of the time, Maloria sits quietly and writes poems and stories.

Nope, not Royal

She one day hopes to become a writer, but for now, she'll just improve on her elixirs and practise writing.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c957261f3_TeenageArjean.png.b21e0086590a3f67ff017d781af44ba0.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="120287" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c957261f3_TeenageArjean.png.b21e0086590a3f67ff017d781af44ba0.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

  • Name: Arjean Soie (Usually nicknamed Chouette, meaning Owl in French)

    Age: 16

    Gender: Agender

    Sexuality: Aromantic asexual

    Species: Snow-Air (and secretly a Starry) Oricenta (Think of a humanoid Peryton with Satyr qualities.)

    Height: 6'6ft

    Stature: Slightly muscular and curvy

    Role: Arjean is usually designing new clothes for them to wear and sell for their family's fashion company and it's common to see them with a sketch pad and drawing utensils of some sort.

    Royalty?: Yes, grandparent is the God(dess) of Oricentas, but their family usually avoid that topic. Instead, they are mostly seen as a famous fashion designers in France and the Oricenta species.



  • Teenage Arjean.png
    Teenage Arjean.png
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  • God Form Arjean.png
    God Form Arjean.png
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@The Royal Keen

Accepted but please make the character at least 15 since the academy is more like a high school, btw lovely character and worth the wait
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FluffyMarshmallow said:
@The Royal Keen
Accepted but please make the character at least 15 since the academy is more like a high school, btw lovely character and worth the wait
Whoops, sorry, I thought you could go into highschool at about 14. Ah well, cultural differences. I'll change Arjean to 16. Btw, thank you for the compliment. <3
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Seikatsu "Sei" Tsukimiya


15 1/2

Human Appearance:


Supernatural Appearance:



Cisgender Female




Introvert| Quiet| Insomniac| Tired| Clever| Fragile| Mentally Unstable| Stubborn| Secretive| Snappish


To Be Announced Later On


-Has a habit of saying "Annie Use Your Telescope" randomly

Her twin sister is Kira


-Quiet and Peaceful Locations








-Loud Places



-Feeling Stupid

-Being Tricked

-Being Embarrassed


Seimei no Kami| Daughter of Life


Being only a minor dealer of life, she can only use a few powers that she owns:

-Healing Abilities

-Bringing Another Back to Life

(This power only works if the creature has been dead for five or six minutes.)

She also has the same fluke as her sister, with some differences:

-When she is angry, everything around her turns to ice. If something touches her she freezes them. When walking and in an angered mood, the ground often frosts over behind her.

When she is saddened, she is untouchable. If touched when sad, that person will feel an intense amount of pain. And if they hold onto her, that pain could be enough to kill them.

-When excited a trail of a light-pink powder substance comes off of the bottom of her feet, leaving footprints of stardust in her wake.


Student, the one who is usually by herself and ignoring others




To Be Determined

Name: Egill Eriksen

Age: 17

Human Appearance (If you have one):

Curly, tousled black hair that curls torwards his cheeks,

Sharp teeth,

Pale skin, he has many freckles scattered about his face, neck, shoulders, and arms.

Egill has deep, deep blue eyes and topaz earrings that he occasionally wears.

Always sports his selkie coat with him- Resembles the coat of a Ribbon seal.

Wears sandals,

he's about 5'4"- Pretty short,

He's thin and has rounder, softer features.

Supernatural Appearance:

He doesn't really have a supernatural appearance- He shifts into a Ribbon seal.

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Homosexual

Personality: Timid, clumsy, easily embarrassed and defensive. At times, when in a bad mood, he can be very blunt and insensitive, as well as snappish and outwardly judgemental.

He has a huge appetite, too. ;
;) )

Bio: He was born somewhere in the Arctic, where it was freezing cold and dangerous.

Though his mother and him managed to travel away, soon landing in a place with more people, beings, and wasn't dangerous and full of starvation and predation.

Quite a few years later, Egill ended up here, in this academy. He is socially awkward and afraid of being embarrassed, so he usually strays away from other people and groups. He's grown used to it now, and likes to read and write, draw the occasional crappy picture, and relax. He wouldn't mind making a friend, though, and tries to. Though, it's difficult for him now.

Likes: Water, swimming, seafood, cold weather, books, insects(they are awesome!), et cetera.

Dislikes: Running, climbing, any other form of exercise besides swimming, sports, warm, sunny weather(which he is forced to deal with now), et cetera.

Species: Selkie

Powers: He only has the ability to shift back and forth between his human and seal form.

Role (what you do most of your time): Student, usually hangs by himself with a book or sketchpad.

Royalty?: No.

Crush (Or boyfriend): None, yet.

also, not in the mood for trying to draw up a picture of egi or scour the internet for one that resembles him. sorry.. ;;

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