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Fandom Superheros and Villains

She made a yip noise and remembered that Joey taught her how to use spirit energy. She never had much of a chance to use it in a fight but now was her change. She just had to remember not to drink to much. She focused and did what Joey showed her by 'drinking some of her soul.' When she did that she used her other claw to try to scratch him.
The man blocked the claw and smiled "So you know how to use it too?"
"Fine. But don't go all Soviet interrogation on me okay?" And with that, the shields dropped and Arms Dealer hopped out and expertly landed on the ground. "Now go on. Knock me out like your going to do."
Dru sighed "I'm not going to do anything major to you just give us the serum and talk to a guy so we can fix this deal you dragged our house into and then we will teleport you and your car wherever you want." Dru said calmly
"Okay. But remember what it does to you." He handed Dru the vial that contained the silvery blue liquid. "Now please tell me. Why did you do this against my own will?"
"Okay. But remember what it does to you." He handed Dru the vial that contained the silvery blue liquid. "Now please tell me. Why did you do this against my own will?"
Dru put the vial into his mouth and it disappeared then he said "where did you get this from so I can handle that on my terms. As for why I did it, why did you feel the need to make a deal with that freak and involve my house?" Dru asked with a frown
Dru put the vial into his mouth and it disappeared then he said "where did you get this from so I can handle that on my terms. As for why I did it, why did you feel the need to make a deal with that freak and involve my house?" Dru asked with a frown
Allyson shook her head after having her vision. She watched dru
"Well, well well, but if isn't the 'Sandman'. This is great! The biggest threat to me in a single place, a place that now I control!" Bill said, while appearing, everything went gray, and the things in the room began floating, doors opened and closed with fury and paints now were alive.
"Well, well well, but if isn't the 'Sandman'. This is a great! The biggest threat to me in a single place, a place that now I control!" Bill said, while appearing, everything went gray, and the things in the room began floating, doors opened and closed with fury and paints now were alive.
Dru looked at him and said "you have one chance before I pull out the gun that can beat me. Leave my house and let it free and I'll let you go back to what you were doing." Dru said with a small smile.
"HAH! What do you think you can do against ME! I control this place now, I can almost use the totally of my power here! And all thanks to that little, diet-obsessed, fool." He told while snapping his fingers, then, the tatoo in Arms Dealer shined.

"Slave, knock out the girl, I need her." He told as he become bigger, his eye now red, and staring directly to the Sandman.

"Time to have a good ol' brawl!" He told as a red laser came from his eye, heading towards the sandman.
"HAH! What do you think you can do against ME! I control this place now, I can almost use the totally of my power here! And all thanks to that little, diet-obsessed, fool." He told while snapping his fingers, then, the tatoo in Arms Dealer shined.

"Slave, knock out the girl, I need her." He told as he become bigger, his eye now red, and staring directly to the Sandman.

"Time to have a good ol' brawl!" He told as a red laser came from his eye, heading towards the sandman.
Dru yawned and then a human appeared behind Bill peeking out fron the side if bill. "is this the bug you want me to deal with?" Dru nodded as Chuck waved a hand and grabbed the laser beam and hit bill in the butt.
He held out his fingers and stopped the kick. In the blink of an eye, he punched her foot with enough force to shatter every bone in her leg.
"Ah!" She shouted and fell to the ground. She worked on healing herself fast, she wasn't sure if she wanted to try the spirit energy again since she wasn't use to using it. She growled.
"You Betrayed Me you MONSTER!!" And with that Arms Dealer tossed a shield grenade below Bill. The grenade created a shield around him that would prevent bill from doing anything magical. PERIOD.
Dru yawned and then a human appeared behind Bill peeking out fron the side if bill. "is this the bug you want me to deal with?" Dru nodded as Chuck waved a hand and grabbed the laser beam and hit bill in the butt.
"WHAT THE..." Bill told surprised, as he saw over his shoulder, he saw a divine being.

"A god!? Here!?" He told,he then feel something... Fear.

Bill then calmed himself, and looked over the shield. "Really?"

"FINE! Keep the contract! I don't care, I can get more meat puppets" He, told while the tatoo in Arms Dealer disappeared. He then came to his normal size and took a 'deep breath', he then spoke to everybody:

"When I have my physical form, I will turn all of you inside out!" He told, while turning to the sandman.

"And about you, oh oh, I will make sure to sink you in the deepest ocean of the nightmare realm!" He told, knowing about the natural fear of the sandman's race of the water.
"That shield had been modified to Keep you from DOING ANYTHING. That means you can't hurt us, you can't disperse, or even cast spells. In that shield you are just as mortal as the one you tricked."

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