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Fandom Superheros and Villains

"As long as you don't torture me, then beat me, and then kill me for no real reason other than because i tried to leave. Then i will come quietly. Until then however..." And with that he activated a shield grenade. This would make him just about impossible to pull him any farther while the shield was up for the next 24 hours. "In the mean time. Tell me why you are forcing me to do something against my own will. That isn't very hero like at all if you ask me."
Dru raised an eyebrow "I'm not hero but if I was it would be completely acceptable to put a dangerous and powerful force in a prison cell if we could." Dru said seriously. (for the rest of my post I need to know how you activate the shield and what it covered because a humanoid being is currently holding your car aloft and last I checked you were in it)
Dru nodded "that's fair, our house isn't just a fortress or a bunker it's a maze and a weapon."
"As long as you don't torture me, then beat me, and then kill me for no real reason other than because i tried to leave. Then i will come quietly. Until then however..." And with that he activated a shield grenade. This would make him just about impossible to pull him any farther while the shield was up for the next 24 hours. "In the mean time. Tell me why you are forcing me to do something against my own will. That isn't very hero like at all if you ask me."
"I am technically nuetral but I shift more to good." Allyson said to Arm's dealer. She turned to Dru. "Yeah it is."
(its a grenade that when activated emits a frequency that halts ALL magical and telepathic abilities for as long as the shield is up.)
He quickly grabbed her by the jaw and threw her into the ground, shattering the concrete and her jaw "Your boyfriend knows a lot about spirit energy... but not as much as I do."
She whimpered as her body was already starting to heal itself. She focused on blocking off the pain as she got up and ran at him. She scratches him hard.
(He can simply take one from his belt, activate it, and drop it inside his car causing said shield to form around said car in a dome shape.)
(He can simply take one from his belt, activate it, and drop it inside his car causing said shield to form around said car in a dome shape.)
(So is it a solid dome or is it something someone can pass through? I need to know these things so I can accurately respond)
(It's a solid dome yet it's also made of energy. Short answer is no you can't enter it.)
Scraps being made of magic and flesh he dropped the car in the front yard. Dru sighed and said "activate protocol Phase shift, destination storage room beta." There was a beam of light and The car, Zadock, Dru and Allyson wee teleported into an empty room. The car It's passenger and the dome 'protecting' it were taken with.
"I HAVE A RIGHT TO KNOW WHY YOU ARE INTERROGATING ME. DO I NOT??!?" Arms Dealer was clearly pissed. His eyes were as cold as outer space.
"Calm down. CALM DOWN!? YOUR TRYING TO TELL A MAN WHO YOU KIDNAPPED AGAINST HIS OWN FU*KING WILL TO CALM DOWN!!?" Arms Dealer was not calming down. In fact he had the right to do the exact opposite.
She whimpered as her body was already starting to heal itself. She focused on blocking off the pain as she got up and ran at him. She scratches him hard.
His body healed faster than hers and he immediately grabbed her hand, breaking it in his grasp.
"Calm down. CALM DOWN!? YOUR TRYING TO TELL A MAN WHO YOU KIDNAPPED AGAINST HIS OWN FU*KING WILL TO CALM DOWN!!?" Arms Dealer was not calming down. In fact he had the right to do the exact opposite.
Dru cleared his throat "we could've done this nicely now yell at her again and I'll take off a finger or two. You're to respect her as if she were the only thing keeping you alive because she is." Dru said in a conspiratorial tone before breathing. "Look come out of there and we can talk and figure out what you need to know."
Bill's voice resounded in Arms Dealer mind. "Don't let them see the white tatoo, at any cost!"
"i'm not dropping these shields until you tell me what is going on and why I'm here in the first place." Arms Dealer added, "I can't believe that you will threaten me with death although i didn't actually do anything that i could control."
His body healed faster than hers and he immediately grabbed her hand, breaking it in his grasp.
She made a yip noise and remembered that Joey taught her how to use spirit energy. She never had much of a chance to use it in a fight but now was her change. She just had to remember not to drink to much. She focused and did what Joey showed her by 'drinking some of her soul.' When she did that she used her other claw to try to scratch him.
"Calm down. CALM DOWN!? YOUR TRYING TO TELL A MAN WHO YOU KIDNAPPED AGAINST HIS OWN FU*KING WILL TO CALM DOWN!!?" Arms Dealer was not calming down. In fact he had the right to do the exact opposite.
Dru cleared his throat "we could've done this nicely now yell at her again and I'll take off a finger or two. You're to respect her as if she were the only thing keeping you alive because she is." Dru said in a conspiratorial tone before breathing. "Look come out of there and we can talk and figure out what you need to know."
"You can leave when we are done okay. " Allyson said zoning out for a minute.
"i'm not dropping these shields until you tell me what is going on and why I'm here in the first place." Arms Dealer added, "I can't believe that you will threaten me with death although i didn't actually do anything that i could control." Arms Dealer held up a gun next to his head and added, "Now please don't make me do this."
Dru smiled and pressed against the shield his eyes turning red and unsettling "do it and save me some time. You invited a thing to affect the way my house works. Who knows what it'll do but if you die it's link will break."
"Fine. But don't go all Soviet interrogation on me okay?" And with that, the shields dropped and Arms Dealer hopped out and expertly landed on the ground. "Now go on. Knock me out like your going to do."

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