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Fandom Superheros and Villains

Diana was near by. "Hey I know that guy..he's helping." She tilted her head confused.
Ajax turned over to the voice, it sounded familiar. He couldn't help but feel worse became even worse. Now not only does he have guns pointed at him but now he had a hero and if she's as gun-ho as some of the others she may fight first and ask questions never.
The officer facepalmed "I'd be real confident too if I could go invisible and not do any paper work for collateral"
The officer continued to do the sensible thing and negotiate with the hostage takers, using a professional police negotiator. Because most police departments have a plan of some sort. Because barging into warehouse being locked down tight with many gun-men capable of gunning down a hostage at any moment is not the best decision when saving innocents is your goal.
(Hint hint, plot armour won't save hostages)
(you underestimate Spider-Man's abilities) Peter crawled into the window unseem or heard. This wasn't the first time he had stopped a drug deal and he started by canvassing the area learning where everyone was and making not of his surroundings. (Descriptive time where are the things what does he see?)
Ajax turned over to the voice, it sounded familiar. He couldn't help but feel worse became even worse. Now not only does he have guns pointed at him but now he had a hero and if she's as gun-ho as some of the others she may fight first and ask questions never.
Diana didn't dress like a hero so she just looked like an average citizen. She went over to Ajax seeing Emily by him. She just smiled as she knelt down to the hurt officer.
Diana didn't dress like a hero so she just looked like an average citizen. She went over to Ajax seeing Emily by him. She just smiled as she knelt down to the hurt officer.
Jackson saw Jax. "There you are. Quite the stunt you pulled almost lost me." He said. He created a sword. "Now come quietly please."
(you underestimate Spider-Man's abilities) Peter crawled into the window unseem or heard. This wasn't the first time he had stopped a drug deal and he started by canvassing the area learning where everyone was and making not of his surroundings. (Descriptive time where are the things what does he see?)
(Theres no drug deal. It already devolved into a shootout first off. And I know all about Spiderman. Ive read the comics, he gets really far out there sometimes. I find it stupid and a sign of bad writing. It happens in alot of super hero comics)
There would be 5 men armed with high caliber rifles towards the front entrance. Constantly letting out rounds in short intervals. In the direction of the police cars outside. There are 3 hostages, all put in the center of the warehouse for easy visibility, as the warehouse was wide open, with little to no cover. The upper platforms were patrolled with gaurds in groups of 2, there were around 2 patrols at all times. The hostages were guarded by 5 gun-men with facing outwords.

Diana didn't dress like a hero so she just looked like an average citizen. She went over to Ajax seeing Emily by him. She just smiled as she knelt down to the hurt officer.
Jackson saw Jax. "There you are. Quite the stunt you pulled almost lost me." He said. He created a sword. "Now come quietly please."
" Jackson wait. He helped this guy. Maybe we should talk instead of fight" she said
(Emily and Jax are both in outfit I believe, with Jax having a purple trim to his outfit while Emily has a blue trim Emily is also much taller)
Jax makes a quick backstep and prepares for a fight. But it was it feels like the tensing was despelled by a nearby person related to the hero confronting him.
"Look, Im willing to explain. Just don't make me have to fight. I just came here to help"
(Im going to wait for
AquaMarie AquaMarie )
(Theres no drug deal. It already devolved into a shootout first off. And I know all about Spiderman. Ive read the comics, he gets really far out there sometimes. I find it stupid and a sign of bad writing. It happens in alot of super hero comics)
There would be 5 men armed with high caliber rifles towards the front entrance. Constantly letting out rounds in short intervals. In the direction of the police cars outside. There are 3 hostages, all put in the center of the warehouse for easy visibility, as the warehouse was wide open, with little to no cover. The upper platforms were patrolled with gaurds in groups of 2, there were around 2 patrols at all times. The hostages were guarded by 5 gun-men with facing outwords.

(Emily and Jax are both in outfit I believe, with Jax having a purple trim to his outfit while Emily has a blue trim Emily is also much taller)
Jax makes a quick backstep and prepares for a fight. But it was it feels like the tensing was despelled by a nearby person related to the hero confronting him.
"Look, Im willing to explain. Just don't make me have to fight. I just came here to help"
(Im going to wait for
AquaMarie AquaMarie )
Peter formulated his plan first the guards on the platforms travelling in pairs. They would be easy to take out. Then quick movement and a smoke bomb would suffice for him to them out of the building. (Okay but that doesn't change the fact that he's stronger, faster, smarter, and more skilled than all of these men plus I've had him in this thread since it was on a different site. I can manage)
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"I will our you back in your body and it will give you strength,speed, and senses beyond normal humans. You might also get an odd power from it. In return you work as a hero of sorts on my behalf and should I ever need your help I expect you to be there." Zadcok said firmly looking at the spirit without any fear. For he had seen many spirits and many things worse than them.

He remained quiet for a good moment, then finally spoke up "Almost like a mercenary, of sorts" He clarified "However, I would still be able to go and take care of my Own Unfinished Business?"
(you cam but we don:t use the dice here also of you aren't a fan of power gaming you are bery quickly going to lose patience with this thread and I'm not talking about just me)
(I don't power game because the RP becomes boring without conflict. RP needs plot and without a limit or self imposed rules it quickly devolves to plots we're the hero always wins (or villian) and go make things interesting you need to make "world ending" plots where everything is fine in the end. It often leads to bored players and bored players lead to dead RP. I've seen it before, just saying that's why I don't power game)
(I don't power game because the RP becomes boring without conflict. RP needs plot and without a limit or self imposed rules it quickly devolves to plots we're the hero always wins (or villian) and go make things interesting you need to make "world ending" plots where everything is fine in the end. It often leads to bored players and bored players lead to dead RP. I've seen it before, just saying that's why I don't power game)
(look all I have done right now is formulate a plan but we don't use the di e on this thread and like I said before if you're looking for someone to get mad at for power play there are other bigger trees to barking up)
(look all I have done right now is formulate a plan but we don't use the di e on this thread and like I said before if you're looking for someone to get mad at for power play there are other bigger trees to barking up)
(I'm not looking for someone to get mad at, that's a waste of time. I simply wanted to point something out. (Sidenote: random number generators are very useful for deciding outcomes of something with a questionable outcome.) Also you never said there was something along those lines. I'm done for now, just wanted to point out inconsistencies :D
(I'm not looking for someone to get mad at, that's a waste of time. I simply wanted to point something out. (Sidenote: random number generators are very useful for deciding outcomes of something with a questionable outcome.) Also you never said there was something along those lines. I'm done for now, just wanted to point out inconsistencies :D
(I mean okay but how would the doce work? DND rules?)
(I mean okay but how would the doce work? DND rules?)
(Kinda, Lets say someone is trying to hide from a NPC. I would role a dice, if its above 50 then they get found, if its 50 or below then they are fine. It makes for a much more random experience in my opinion, or lets say someone who is a super hero that has extreamly high reflexes is being shot at by a mook with a pistol. Id use a random number generator and since they have high reflexes, id set the hit threshold to above 75)
A weapon's deal going down in a parking lot. Tang walked down the street towards them. "Those weapons shouldn't be on the streets."
Emily was rasied by a militaristic man so she had the condition, she wasn't as fast buts she was just able to keep up. She kept the mask on looking around at the situation, she never had to deal with anything like this. Most things she would get involved in were small crimes. She felt the tntion when she notice the others arrived, hero's they seemed to be. Emily was able to talk down the police to give Jax a chance and have them focus more on what was happening then towards the man in the plage mask.
She sighed seeing the tension of the hero's and Jax. "Okay everyone can we just put any things that happened a side and just figure out a way to get the hostages out and have no more unnecessary cousaties..." she said worried about the whole situation going more south then it has.

((Sorry for replying late...work has been crazy and there has been lost of replies. Hope what I placed was alright. I'll be on more once I get out of work ^^))
Lappi Lappi
Jackson nodded and the sword disappeared.
(Theres no drug deal. It already devolved into a shootout first off. And I know all about Spiderman. Ive read the comics, he gets really far out there sometimes. I find it stupid and a sign of bad writing. It happens in alot of super hero comics)
There would be 5 men armed with high caliber rifles towards the front entrance. Constantly letting out rounds in short intervals. In the direction of the police cars outside. There are 3 hostages, all put in the center of the warehouse for easy visibility, as the warehouse was wide open, with little to no cover. The upper platforms were patrolled with gaurds in groups of 2, there were around 2 patrols at all times. The hostages were guarded by 5 gun-men with facing outwords.

(Emily and Jax are both in outfit I believe, with Jax having a purple trim to his outfit while Emily has a blue trim Emily is also much taller)
Jax makes a quick backstep and prepares for a fight. But it was it feels like the tensing was despelled by a nearby person related to the hero confronting him.
"Look, Im willing to explain. Just don't make me have to fight. I just came here to help"
(Im going to wait for
AquaMarie AquaMarie )
Emily was rasied by a militaristic man so she had the condition, she wasn't as fast buts she was just able to keep up. She kept the mask on looking around at the situation, she never had to deal with anything like this. Most things she would get involved in were small crimes. She felt the tntion when she notice the others arrived, hero's they seemed to be. Emily was able to talk down the police to give Jax a chance and have them focus more on what was happening then towards the man in the plage mask.
She sighed seeing the tension of the hero's and Jax. "Okay everyone can we just put any things that happened a side and just figure out a way to get the hostages out and have no more unnecessary cousaties..." she said worried about the whole situation going more south then it has.

((Sorry for replying late...work has been crazy and there has been lost of replies. Hope what I placed was alright. I'll be on more once I get out of work ^^))
Lappi Lappi
Diana nodded still kneeling by the injuried officer. "Okay but let me move him." She placed a hand on the officer and teleported away.

She teleported to the house. "Maddy I have someone for you to help. Be back later." Maddy walked into the room. "Diana just cause i heal people doesnt mean you can just drop them here." Diana smiled. "Okay next time." She teleported back to the scene leaving the officer at the house.

"Okay lets go help the hostages." Diana said and looked at Emily's outfit. "Ooo thats so pretty!"
Diana nodded still kneeling by the injuried officer. "Okay but let me move him." She placed a hand on the officer and teleported away.

She teleported to the house. "Maddy I have someone for you to help. Be back later." Maddy walked into the room. "Diana just cause i heal people doesnt mean you can just drop them here." Diana smiled. "Okay next time." She teleported back to the scene leaving the officer at the house.

"Okay lets go help the hostages." Diana said and looked at Emily's outfit. "Ooo thats so pretty!"
He turned to a cop. "Spider-Man's already in there right? I just hope he doesn't make any reckless desicions." Jackson said.

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