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Fandom Superheros and Villains

"And he fired his gun at me, I was planning on turning him in, instead he turned his gun on me, then I used lethal force" He brought out a holographic display, of his Pistol right before the killing, set to Stun, but after he was fired, it set itself to lethal force
"And with your level of technology how likely was it a regular firearm was much threat to your life?"
"Wonder what this is for." He said. "And why send it to me?"
When he opened it he found it was a job offer "Dear Mr. Parker, we here at Takanuchi Pharmaceuticals are looking for individuals who can help us start our business in the field of medicine. We have seen your credentials and are interested in offering you this opportunity to make lives easier for people all over the world with affordable and dependable medicine. If you wish to learn more, please contact us as soon as possible." The rest of the letter showed off the facility and it seemed rather promising. There was contact info as well.
"They left to take care of something, but they wanted to let you know they appreciate you opening your doors for us." Tyson said.
"UUgh... my head hurts." She stood up "I'll head down to the cafe in the lobby. Coffee anyone?" She asked
Mirage peered to the sky, humming in thought "Baahhh... Didn't noticed that... The day's slow." He murmured, before turning his eyes back to John "But I guess that gives us some time to get aquatinted. Walk with me." Mirage asked, waltzing away from the bench to walk the footpath "tell me more of this different world of yours... What made it different?"
"Well various things. Some names for example. Soda's here have different names to them and some heroes here are villains there." John replied
When he opened it he found it was a job offer "Dear Mr. Parker, we here at Takanuchi Pharmaceuticals are looking for individuals who can help us start our business in the field of medicine. We have seen your credentials and are interested in offering you this opportunity to make lives easier for people all over the world with affordable and dependable medicine. If you wish to learn more, please contact us as soon as possible." The rest of the letter showed off the facility and it seemed rather promising. There was contact info as well.

"UUgh... my head hurts." She stood up "I'll head down to the cafe in the lobby. Coffee anyone?" She asked

"Well various things. Some names for example. Soda's here have different names to them and some heroes here are villains there." John replied
Peter looked at it. On one hand this was a really good job. On the other... he thought about when Fisk had offered him a job working in his biochemistry department.
"They left to take care of something, but they wanted to let you know they appreciate you opening your doors for us." Tyson said.

When he opened it he found it was a job offer "Dear Mr. Parker, we here at Takanuchi Pharmaceuticals are looking for individuals who can help us start our business in the field of medicine. We have seen your credentials and are interested in offering you this opportunity to make lives easier for people all over the world with affordable and dependable medicine. If you wish to learn more, please contact us as soon as possible." The rest of the letter showed off the facility and it seemed rather promising. There was contact info as well.

"UUgh... my head hurts." She stood up "I'll head down to the cafe in the lobby. Coffee anyone?" She asked

"Well various things. Some names for example. Soda's here have different names to them and some heroes here are villains there." John replied
"I'll come with you. I could go for some coffee and I dont really have any major places to be right now." Hunter said. She took out her phone and sent off a few text messages.
"He likes to go by Seir. No idea why." Venus said. Maddy nods. "Alright. Guess we still got a rescue mission." Venus looked at her. "I would still like to help. Your friend didnt look that good when she got turned. She kind of froze after Seir looked at her." Maddy sighed. "She gets locked into her visions. When they get to intense she has issues." She nods listening. "Well Blackmorph wanted her for her ring but it left her when she became corrupted. I hope she will be ok. My powers felt stronger and more chaotic when I was under jt. "

Minerva laughed seeing Blackmorph without Venus. "Those heroes gave you issues? I see you got a new one." Allyson just there with a blank expression.
"One word Minerva and I'll turn you!" He threatened
(Sasshole) Peter went in and called
After a few rings the phone was answered by a woman "Hi, this is Takanuchi Pharamceuticals employment office, how can I help you today?"
"I'll come with you. I could go for some coffee and I dont really have any major places to be right now." Hunter said. She took out her phone and sent off a few text messages.
"Sure. Ugh I feel like I was at a confidential meeting last night." Sasha said "Always follow those up with drinking."
After a few rings the phone was answered by a woman "Hi, this is Takanuchi Pharamceuticals employment office, how can I help you today?"

"Sure. Ugh I feel like I was at a confidential meeting last night." Sasha said "Always follow those up with drinking."
"you have alot of those?" Hunter asked.
When he opened it he found it was a job offer "Dear Mr. Parker, we here at Takanuchi Pharmaceuticals are looking for individuals who can help us start our business in the field of medicine. We have seen your credentials and are interested in offering you this opportunity to make lives easier for people all over the world with affordable and dependable medicine. If you wish to learn more, please contact us as soon as possible." The rest of the letter showed off the facility and it seemed rather promising. There was contact info as well.

"UUgh... my head hurts." She stood up "I'll head down to the cafe in the lobby. Coffee anyone?" She asked

"Well various things. Some names for example. Soda's here have different names to them and some heroes here are villains there." John replied

"I'll come with you. I could go for some coffee and I dont really have any major places to be right now." Hunter said. She took out her phone and sent off a few text messages.

After a few rings the phone was answered by a woman "Hi, this is Takanuchi Pharamceuticals employment office, how can I help you today?"

"Sure. Ugh I feel like I was at a confidential meeting last night." Sasha said "Always follow those up with drinking."

"you have alot of those?" Hunter asked.
"Sounds like a good way to celebrate getting through those." Robby said. I'll go with y'all as well for some coffee.
When he opened it he found it was a job offer "Dear Mr. Parker, we here at Takanuchi Pharmaceuticals are looking for individuals who can help us start our business in the field of medicine. We have seen your credentials and are interested in offering you this opportunity to make lives easier for people all over the world with affordable and dependable medicine. If you wish to learn more, please contact us as soon as possible." The rest of the letter showed off the facility and it seemed rather promising. There was contact info as well.

"UUgh... my head hurts." She stood up "I'll head down to the cafe in the lobby. Coffee anyone?" She asked

"Well various things. Some names for example. Soda's here have different names to them and some heroes here are villains there." John replied
"Ooh, how interesting~ what about me? Was I there? Was I dazzling? I always am, so I assume I was. I bet I was famous, wasn't I?" Sweet Mirage bombarded John with questions.
After a few rings the phone was answered by a woman "Hi, this is Takanuchi Pharamceuticals employment office, how can I help you today?"

"Sure. Ugh I feel like I was at a confidential meeting last night." Sasha said "Always follow those up with drinking."
"Hi. This is Peter Parker. I got a letter about a job at the new pharmaceutical company."
"And with your level of technology how likely was it a regular firearm was much threat to your life?"
"And this uniform isn't made of metal, I was not wearing the metal version, so it was very much a threat, i was buying food when that happened, and I just so happened to be in my formals."
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"Hi. This is Peter Parker. I got a letter about a job at the new pharmaceutical company."
"Thank you for calling Mr. Parker. You got the letter in the mail as an offer. We looked at your credentials so there is no need for a resume but scheduling an interview. Do you have a specific date in mind?"
"Sounds like a good way to celebrate getting through those." Robby said. I'll go with y'all as well for some coffee.
"you have alot of those?" Hunter asked.
"I get enough of them. When you are involved in politics like my father is, being a daughter becomes a job itself. heh." She entered the elevator "I never was a fan of politics in all honesty."
"Ooh, how interesting~ what about me? Was I there? Was I dazzling? I always am, so I assume I was. I bet I was famous, wasn't I?" Sweet Mirage bombarded John with questions.
"In my world, you... hmmm... ah yes I remember, you were a woman. More sparkly I think than dazzling?" John scratched his head

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