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Fantasy ☽₊✩‧₊Found Destiny₊✩‧₊☾

Marigold Lycath
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“You couldn’t just give me that one? You look like you could use a shower anyways.” Mari snarled as she watched the water move across the room and filter into the various plants. After a heavy eye roll her attention moved back to Rune and his bare chest, his bare chest that was covered in sweat and made heat rise to her cheeks until she realized the scars. Mari felt a squeezing in her chest, there were so many of them… she had to imagine it was from the war or training or both but still they seemed so deep and painful. It was hard for her to resist the urge to move forward and run a hand along them, to ask about them… Dammit! Mari remember why you’re here. With a little effort the replaced the stone cold look on her face and moved her eyes from his chest to his as he moved passed her.

“Then bring the monarchy back! From these men who have been training their whole lives. Not with two human women.” Mari turned on her heel and followed him, her voice louder than it likely needed to be. In his living space she found him pouring two glasses without waiting for an answer from her and she took the glass of amber liquid. Mari tossed it back like it was some cheap shot before slamming it down on the table with such force that it shattered in her hand. Oops? But she wouldn’t say sorry, her current elevated annoyance was Rune’s fault entirely.

“Haha Rune. You’re very funny.” Mari growled, looking over at the broken glass that her hand still rested in. She would be lying if she said life was hunky dory up until now, it wasn’t just the twins that were causing issues but currently they were acting as quite the catalyst. The wedding was just something that Mari was pouring her attention into because it distracted her from the fast that she was indeed getting married. She would become the wife of an heir and eventually the lady of a powerful house. She wouldn’t be a warrior, she wouldn’t be an alpha, she wouldn’t be a fighter. Mari would become a figurehead and while the power would give her a good life and her family a great position, it wasn’t something she wanted to be. At least not in the way Cypres and his family wished her to be.

Mari glanced back up at Rune and noticed the softening of his expression… it caused her hand to clench into the broken glass without her even noticing at first. “Don’t look at me like that.” Don’t look at me like you care, like you see me, like you understand why I’m the way that I am. That was what Mari really wanted to say but saying it would be admitting more to herself than she was willing to,

Alina Diaval
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
22. Aquarius. Storm Dragon. Water & Air

"Oh assure your mother that your wedding will be the event of the year. Leo's mother has tacky taste, my mother and her keep butting heads. It'll be a trainwreck." A weak attempt at trying to cheer him up but, Alina herself wasn't feeling the most cheerful as of late.

Alina paused for a moment on the topic of Leo. A dejected smile tugged on her lips, her gaze falling from Cy to the manicured nails in her lap. "I turned into this elegant noble woman that my mother wanted me to be solely to climb the social ladder. Aether is my cousin, Aqua gives me bad vibes; you were the one I always wanted even before I was tasked with marrying an heir. It... just didn't work out. I'm just glad you found someone who makes you happy." That's what she told herself to be okay with Cy and Mari. He was happy, and that's all she had ever wanted for him.

A heavy sigh passed those pink glossy lips and she looked back to Cy, her elbow giving him a playful nudge. " In the end I'll have to let Leo bite me again, even if it hurts. I've got to keep him happy. But there's no doubt I'll make him suffer for being rude. I mean the wedding is in three weeks, I need to teach him some manners quick."

"Remember that dream we had when we were little?" A bright smile suddenly lit up that pretty face of hers, her cerulean blues having a twinkle in them. It was rare for her to smile honestly like that, like she used to. Now it was just constant stress and drama, Alina hardly looked forward to anything anymore. "That white sandy beach we went to when we were younger. We wanted a little villa, to lounge in the sun by day and the storms at night." The thought heated her cheeks as her gaze drifted to the moonlit sky. "Silly I know, but that's what I think of most days to get me through."

Vesta “Smith”
21.Gemini.Currently Unknown Order & Element

Per usual Vesta quietly followed Matteo through the Ignis towers living quarters, her doe like golden specked emerald orbs glued on the much taller fae male. She had only known him for a couple weeks but... was he acting strange? He had been doing that all week whenever they were on the topic of Orders. And while Vesta certainly wasn't one to talk about strange behaviors it worried her. In the library she was reading how there were fights because of Orders, how it caused segregation, isolation. Everyone already hated the twins, Vesta couldn't even imagine life without Matteo.

The red head slipped up onto a stool and sat on the counter, her elbow resting on the smooth marble and her chin in her hand. It was like how all the girls whispered about Matteo and looked at him like some spectacle. Speaking of Orders... "An incubus... does that mean you get some cool horns, too?" Vesta didn't even miss a beat. She read a little up on how an incubus charged their magic but that didn't matter to her. The girl herself had never even had a boyfriend so she'd absolutely die if it was her. This? This was Matteo. Still the sweet, funny, kind, obnoxiously gorgeous fae man she clicked with that first day. Besides... it wasn't like he'd ever look at her to help charge his magic. Veda was always the twin men preferred.

"Thanks. Yeah, no scales yet." Actually there was nothing showing to indicate her order. At least, not to her knowledge. She took a small bite of the sandwich, which tasted better than any of the food they had in the human world, and chewed on it as she listened. "So you're acting all funny because you think I'm like my dad?" Her ginger brows quirked upwards curiously. A phoenix... the word alone gave her goosebumps. Wings, feathers, fire. He was acting like it was some top tier secret, like everyone would freak out if they knew. Matteo also knew these people a lot better than her.

"We'll keep it a secret then. Just me and you, yeah? I don't need to give Veda anything else to worry about." Vesta sat further back in the chair as she finished munching on her sandwich and grabbed two napkins, handing one over to Matteo before wiping her mouth and hands. "I know Rune keeps you plenty busy, but I didn't read anything on the phoenix. You're my favorite company around these parts, and I still have to teach you some of my master thief tricks..." Vesta shot Matteo a sweet smile before extending her hand out to him. "What do you say Matteo? Want to be my partner in crime and help me figure out my powers?"

Rune Finch


Rune silently drank from his glass as he watched Mari move like she had some bone to pick with him. He understood that her anger was misplaced, he didn't mind. It was better that she took out her frustrations out on him than the twins, or Cy, or anyone that could permanently screw up her life. Rune was just that, Rune. At the end of the day he'd never mean anything to anyone. Things were better for everyone if they stayed that way. "It's more complicated than that. The monarchy was based on the royal lineage, the royal bloodline. You know what the late King was, right? What every other king before him was? They were the only known bloodline of the phoenix. That's what they're wanting to bring back, not some random order."

But Mari knew that. She knew all of it and she still was raging with a fire he had never seen within her. So much so that she was literally shattering the glass and causing him to sigh. This was more than the twins, more than their training. Her wedding with Cypres was fast approaching and he could just see that this wasn't what she wanted. Mari was... everything. Strong, beautiful, powerful. She deserved the luxuries of a powerful house, yes, but she also deserved to be true to herself and her wolf.

"I'm not looking at you any type of way..." Rune trailed off with that soft expression still on his face. Those piercing green eyes drifted down to the glass she was holding and he moved a step closer to her. With a small clink he sat down his empty cup and moved his large hands to hers, his calloused skin gently cupping hers and opening them so he could retrieve the broken glass. Shadows shifted from around the room and took the glass and all it's broken fragments before taking them and depositing them in the trash in the corner. In its place the shadows grabbed a vial off of Rune's potion elaborate potion station and shifted back to him.

Once the potion was in hand he popped open the elixir and dripped a few drops onto her wounded hands. "If you want something Marigold, then take it. Make it happen." As soon as the glowing green liquid seeped into her hands the wounds healed instantly, allowing one of his hands to slip to holding her cheek and guiding her face so that her gaze met his. "You want the twins gone, make it happen. You're sick of the direction your life is heading in? Change it. You are capable of so much more than you give yourself credit for. Stop waiting on things to change and be that change."

His attention drifted down to her lips for a millisecond and he felt his jaw tighten. Everything about Mari was perfect; obviously she was gorgeous, more than the normal fae, she was strong, powerful, capable. She worked hard to hone her skills and Rune valued that in a person more than anything. Add on the fact that she kept his secret, there was no denying the pull that he felt towards her. "If anything goes to shit then I'll back you up. I'll take the fall for whatever you need, just, do something. You're more than just a figurehead for the Terra household."

Leo Thorn

Here's the thing; Leo had little patience for people. Already he was having a weak moment apologizing to Veda of all people, something he'd never admit to anyone and was only doing out of his dying state, yet here she was insulting him of all things. She was acting like he tried to kill her or something?

Wait... that wasn't the point.

There wasn't much time to think about his next course of action, his body just kind of... reacted. From her berating him, mocking him to his face, he felt his jaw tighten several times in frustration. Without any reaction time he was bouncing to his feet to grab the dark haired twin by her shoulders and spinning her around. Within seconds she was pinned to the wooden support of the gazebo and Leo's face was leaning down close to hers.

"You're right, Veda. I don't want to give up my power. I like protecting my people, being the one strong enough to defend them from the threats beyond the veil. It's what I was born for, it's what I live for. I'm fucking terrified of giving that up to women who don't even like my people." His grip on her shoulders tightened and those bright blues of his flashed a brighter, almost glowing color. "If you had the option to go back I know you would and we would happily send you there. But that's not the case; you're not permitted to leave. You're stuck here, so it's about time to teach you the way things around here work." As he spoke his already prominent fangs extended even further, his grip tight enough not to hurt her, but make sure she didn't move.

"The stronger the fae, the more powerful the fae. And vampires are at the top of the food chain... everything weaker than us is free game." And just like that Leo's face leaned into her neck and sank his fangs into her neck like a knife into butter. Immediately she would feel a sharp pinch followed by a poison he secreted that numbed the bite mark since he wasn't a complete monster. He didn't like hurting people but, a guy had to feed. Leo began to drink a steady amount of her blood, his eyes closing as he paced himself. If It was Alina he wouldn't have been so careful, she was used to the feeding process and he paid the woman. Leo's goal wasn't to hurt Veda though, he was just hungry... and, maybe teaching her a lesson. No anger, no malice, just irritation and hunger.

A hunger that was quickly being satisfied. He could taste the dormant magic in her blood and it was filling him faster than most would. Just what in the fuck was her order?

Marigold Lycath
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His gaze made an internal fight begin within Mari, her wolf instinct told her to run away from whatever this pull between them was, that it was trouble for her, but that invisible force that kept shoving her in his direction was undeniably tempting. Mari couldn’t help herself but fall silent and bite her lip as she watched Rune tend to her hand that she hadn’t even realized was bleeding. As he looked over her wounds he spoke of the twins and their current situation… it made her let out a small hum of annoyance. “Sometimes things aren’t that simple Rune, you know that more than anyone I would think.” She didn’t look at him as she spoke, instead she moved her gaze along his hands to his arm and the tattoos there. He was visibly scarred and clearly had stories to tell but instead he always hid behind this wall of indifference and brooding. His entire life was forced into secrecy basically due to their hierarchy here and Mari couldn’t even imagine how hard that had to be. For her of all people to be the only one who knew and respected his secret. She watched in silent awe as she shadows took care of the glass fragments and wondered for the thousandth time since she first saw them why they had to stay hidden. His power didn’t seem much different than any of the others, sure it wasn’t the norm but they didn’t seem anymore dangerous than what she has seen her peers, hell even herself, do with their elements.

Rune Finch. Her mentor. A war hero. A hidden secret in their nation. And the man who didn’t make her heart flutter, he made her heart stop. The times they ended up like this felt like the clocks had stopped, as if time itself were frozen around them waiting for their next move. It was so enraging to feel like this for him, to be absolutely enchanted by a man who she shouldn’t want… even if she wasn’t engaged it would be taboo with his position.

As he cupped her face and moved her gaze to meet his Mari placed her newly healed hand against his chest lightly, her fingers grazing over some of the pronounced scars that lied there. Her golden eyes shone brightly as she listened to him speak, his words caused her breath to catch in her throat and her words to get tangled up in her brain. Hearing that he would have her back, that he knew she was more than this… it just confirmed it for her. Rune saw her. Mari closed the small distance between them, the smooth material of her silk blouse pressing against the contours of his chest lightly. She caught the flick of his eyes and felt walls crashing around her in response, it was another confirmation for her and this time they weren’t on the ground in the arena where anyone could stop them by walking by… “Rune I said don’t look at me like that.”

Mari was the first to move, tilting her head ever so slightly and gently pressing her full lips against his. It only lasted for a moment at first, soft and timid which was something neither of them really ever were but the tension in the air made her so. She glanced up at him through her dark lashes and slid her hand up his chest to cup the side of his neck. “You know, sometimes you should take your own advice Rune… if you want something you should take it. Especially if it wants you back.”


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