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Fandom Superheros and Villains

"Maybe. It will be tough though." He opened a portal to Kala's shop "I have a Kala too... I just assumed it was the same address."
"I think a majority of worlds they seem to be the same addresses or close." Allyson said stepping through the portal. Kala was restocking the shelves with some potions. She turned seeing the portal. Her eyes narrowed a bit as she chose her words carefully. "The last I checked no one in the league could do that"
"I think a majority of worlds they seem to be the same addresses or close." Allyson said stepping through the portal. Kala was restocking the shelves with some potions. She turned seeing the portal. Her eyes narrowed a bit as she chose her words carefully. "The last I checked no one in the league could do that"
"Bit of a long story." Rage said as he stepped through. To Kala, she just saw a high class criminal suspect in a league uniform step through. Upon further inspection, she noticed his eyes were blue compared to Makoto's which were yellow. There were a few less scars "Oh um, I'm not Makoto by the way."
"Bit of a long story." Rage said as he stepped through. To Kala, she just saw a high class criminal suspect in a league uniform step through. Upon further inspection, she noticed his eyes were blue compared to Makoto's which were yellow. There were a few less scars "Oh um, I'm not Makoto by the way."
Kala nods. She remembered him, just as she kept her memories of Makoto and Void. "So I can see there are some differences. Another universe I'm guessing. So what do you go by?" Allyson spoke up. "Well he goes by Rage but at the league we set him up as John." Kala nods setting the last potion she was stocking on the shelf. She waved her hand and the sign on the front door changed to close. "I'm assuming this isnt a social visit. You never come here Allyson. Magic and the like isn't your thing." She tilted her head to the side slightly as she looked at Allyson. "It was a vision wasnt it"
"It is a powerful ancient artifact, to normal people, it can kill them if they wield it, others, it grants the power to give them charisma, the ability to create a world map, and corrupt them, but others can control this and aid the world, I have it because it does not belong in the hands of someone who will use it to exterminate people, or take their free will"
"Ok. Here" stella hands it back to him.
Kala nods. She remembered him, just as she kept her memories of Makoto and Void. "So I can see there are some differences. Another universe I'm guessing. So what do you go by?" Allyson spoke up. "Well he goes by Rage but at the league we set him up as John." Kala nods setting the last potion she was stocking on the shelf. She waved her hand and the sign on the front door changed to close. "I'm assuming this isnt a social visit. You never come here Allyson. Magic and the like isn't your thing." She tilted her head to the side slightly as she looked at Allyson. "It was a vision wasnt it"
"A terrible one." Rage replied. He did not know if Kala knew his true intentions. Regardless she would know not to trust this man. Last she remembered, his planet was a hellish landscape of mass enslavement. In that world, she and her friends were brainwashed or tortured into subjugation by Rage. His heart showed only one intention, a will to conquer and dominate every universe he can. "One where Makoto killed League members... he became a demon. We were hoping you could help us with this."
(I'm gonna assume Scout got on with Peter's body? @The Wordsmith Myth ) Ollie was holding onto the owl. "Wee! " Hunter looked at Maddy. "You will be the one to tell Oz, she was in the middle of a fight" Maddy shook her head. "One thing at a time. " She glanced back at her apartment building. "My landlord is totally gonna evict me when this is over.. Everyone on the owl! Eris I'm helping you out!" Maddy turned full wolf. She was still in pain but she could take it, she couldnt let Eris hold off this gun on her own.

Hunter nods and got onto Alita, moving the ten year old she sat in her lap. "Okay kid. You hang onto me. Dont let go."

"I'm sure there is enough evidence we can use. The real issue... is him corrupting the court." Rage began thinking.

Makoto turned to see Maddy turn into a werewolf "Huh, the world gets stranger and stranger." He then took out the RPG launcher and aimed it at the Ceolocanth. He aimed straight for it's face and fired.

Peter's body had been dragged away from the scene.
Alita flies them away. After a certain point, the sky suddenly returns to normal. Alita lands and looks upward. "She was right. We've made it out of the reach of his powers."

The rocket from the RPG starts tweaking TF out and bounces off of The Coelacanth's face like a nerf football. Eris goes to dive at him, but she gets stuck mid dash and then thrown back a few yards and into the ground. "I don't normally go this deep in my bag, but I've decided to make an exception."
"A terrible one." Rage replied. He did not know if Kala knew his true intentions. Regardless she would know not to trust this man. Last she remembered, his planet was a hellish landscape of mass enslavement. In that world, she and her friends were brainwashed or tortured into subjugation by Rage. His heart showed only one intention, a will to conquer and dominate every universe he can. "One where Makoto killed League members... he became a demon. We were hoping you could help us with this."
"Become a demon..I see.." kala said with a nod. She knew she couldn't trust Rage but she knew she couldn't interfere much with what goes on now. She just hopped that maybe he wasnt the same Rage he once was. "I do know a thing or two about demons... I'm assuming you want to stop the transformation. That would be hard to do if you dont know what caused it. " Allyson frowned. "You must have something to prevent it. I cant have him killing my people. You protect yourself from a demon. My mom told me." Kala sighs. "There are many factors that are in play. You seers know the future can change at a drop of a hat. What you saw might not happen." A mark on her arm appeared glowed dark blue. "As for protecting myself against a demon. That's different. It's all about specifics." Allyson nods. "Okay...think you could find a tattoo of a man over a cross?"
Alita flies them away. After a certain point, the sky suddenly returns to normal. Alita lands and looks upward. "She was right. We've made it out of the reach of his powers."

The rocket from the RPG starts tweaking TF out and bounces off of The Coelacanth's face like a nerf football. Eris goes to dive at him, but she gets stuck mid dash and then thrown back a few yards and into the ground. "I don't normally go this deep in my bag, but I've decided to make an exception."
"well that's good. We at least know for sure they have a limit." Hunter nods.

maddy growled and pounced on Coelacanth. She went to swipe her claws ain't his chest
"Become a demon..I see.." kala said with a nod. She knew she couldn't trust Rage but she knew she couldn't interfere much with what goes on now. She just hopped that maybe he wasnt the same Rage he once was. "I do know a thing or two about demons... I'm assuming you want to stop the transformation. That would be hard to do if you dont know what caused it. " Allyson frowned. "You must have something to prevent it. I cant have him killing my people. You protect yourself from a demon. My mom told me." Kala sighs. "There are many factors that are in play. You seers know the future can change at a drop of a hat. What you saw might not happen." A mark on her arm appeared glowed dark blue. "As for protecting myself against a demon. That's different. It's all about specifics." Allyson nods. "Okay...think you could find a tattoo of a man over a cross?"
(I'm not well versed with how much Kala would know about secret spirit organizations..)
Alita flies them away. After a certain point, the sky suddenly returns to normal. Alita lands and looks upward. "She was right. We've made it out of the reach of his powers."

The rocket from the RPG starts tweaking TF out and bounces off of The Coelacanth's face like a nerf football. Eris goes to dive at him, but she gets stuck mid dash and then thrown back a few yards and into the ground. "I don't normally go this deep in my bag, but I've decided to make an exception."
"Hey Eris!" Makoto then took off his jacket and turned it inside out, revealing a huge load of high explosives "Wanna give this a shot?" Sasha slowly levitated Makoto above a rooftop "We can try to make an opening!" Sasha screamed
(I'm not well versed with how much Kala would know about secret spirit organizations..)

"Hey Eris!" Makoto then took off his jacket and turned it inside out, revealing a huge load of high explosives "Wanna give this a shot?" Sasha slowly levitated Makoto above a rooftop "We can try to make an opening!" Sasha screamed
(I would say she would probably know some but not all )
(I would say she would probably know some but not all )
Kala was able to find some old info about a strange cult. Something known as the Godless. Last known report of them was around 325 AD. Some lesser known info was that supposedly Constantine, the Roman Emperor, had this cult hunted down and murdered. Their symbols were of a man standing above religious symbols, indicating man standing above his gods. There was some texts that spoke of bizarre powers they would have. Very little is known as most evidence was gone when Rome fell and Europe entered the dark ages. Some niche internet forums that barely had 1000 users theorized that the Visigoths who converted to Christianity saw any and all texts about the Godless as heresy and destroyed them, including the ways they acquired their powers.
Kala was able to find some old info about a strange cult. Something known as the Godless. Last known report of them was around 325 AD. Some lesser known info was that supposedly Constantine, the Roman Emperor, had this cult hunted down and murdered. Their symbols were of a man standing above religious symbols, indicating man standing above his gods. There was some texts that spoke of bizarre powers they would have. Very little is known as most evidence was gone when Rome fell and Europe entered the dark ages. Some niche internet forums that barely had 1000 users theorized that the Visigoths who converted to Christianity saw any and all texts about the Godless as heresy and destroyed them, including the ways they acquired their powers.
Kala had left the two alone in her store while she went in the back but they weren't alone. Her shadow was watching them. It was about an hour or two of waiting. When she came back she had a couple books and some papers she had written on. "Seems to be this has something to do with a cult known as Godless. That's what the tattoo means. They apparently had a way to acquire powers. But people have theorized that the text is destroyed. " Allyson nods. "Okay..so maybe Makoto is apart of this cult...think we can just banish him before this happens. Throw him into another world." Kala looked at her with a frown. She touched one of the rings on her fingers. "I am not banishing him."
Kala had left the two alone in her store while she went in the back but they weren't alone. Her shadow was watching them. It was about an hour or two of waiting. When she came back she had a couple books and some papers she had written on. "Seems to be this has something to do with a cult known as Godless. That's what the tattoo means. They apparently had a way to acquire powers. But people have theorized that the text is destroyed. " Allyson nods. "Okay..so maybe Makoto is apart of this cult...think we can just banish him before this happens. Throw him into another world." Kala looked at her with a frown. She touched one of the rings on her fingers. "I am not banishing him."
"It would be a little cruel." Rage replied. "But still... his life or the lives of the Hero League?" (Forgot to mention the tattoo was on an HL member's shoulder)
"It would be a little cruel." Rage replied. "But still... his life or the lives of the Hero League?" (Forgot to mention the tattoo was on an HL member's shoulder)
"Maybe he doesnt have control." Kala suggested. "Did you see who had the tattoo. Maybe they are controlling Makoto. Your visions only see a part of what could happen." Allyson nods, she closed her eyes trying to think. "I think the tattoo might have been on one of the us. A league member. Or maybe someone just disguised as one."
"Maybe he doesnt have control." Kala suggested. "Did you see who had the tattoo. Maybe they are controlling Makoto. Your visions only see a part of what could happen." Allyson nods, she closed her eyes trying to think. "I think the tattoo might have been on one of the us. A league member. Or maybe someone just disguised as one."
"Possible but can we take the risk he lacked control? He's an international criminal right? Can we at least lock him up?"
Jei looks at her new apartment, silently wondering if moving here was a good idea. She heard many great things about this city, so that wasn't a problem. The problem was if this city would willingly accept her presence. Hopefully, no one here would know about her past. This city was her last chance at normalcy. Jei unlocks the door and walks inside, putting her bags down by the door. She looks around the particularly small room and takes a deep breath. "This is it, Jei. This is where you change. I can feel it." Jei talks to herself an unusual amount of times, but that's what happens when you're alone for so long. She unpacks her things, which isn't much, then takes a walk through town. She studies every part of the city carefully, in case she ever needs a quick escape. Her blue eyes scan every last inch, not leaving anything unstudied. Her pink hair gently blows in the light breeze. "I can do this. I can do this." Jei's mantra is what keeps her calm, for the most part. Being in a new place surrounded by strange faces isn't something she enjoys. Her hands burrow deep into her pockets as she quietly whispers her mantra to herself over and over again.
"Possible but can we take the risk he lacked control? He's an international criminal right? Can we at least lock him up?"
"Yeah we can always bring him in for questioning." Allyson sighed. "I just cant let this happen.." she looked at Kala."thanks for the research. Sure I cant get you to rejoin the league.," Kala smiled shaking her head. "No dear, I have my rules. I dont interfere. I will support the heroes and whoever that comes in. But my days in the field are long over."
Jei looks at her new apartment, silently wondering if moving here was a good idea. She heard many great things about this city, so that wasn't a problem. The problem was if this city would willingly accept her presence. Hopefully, no one here would know about her past. This city was her last chance at normalcy. Jei unlocks the door and walks inside, putting her bags down by the door. She looks around the particularly small room and takes a deep breath. "This is it, Jei. This is where you change. I can feel it." Jei talks to herself an unusual amount of times, but that's what happens when you're alone for so long. She unpacks her things, which isn't much, then takes a walk through town. She studies every part of the city carefully, in case she ever needs a quick escape. Her blue eyes scan every last inch, not leaving anything unstudied. Her pink hair gently blows in the light breeze. "I can do this. I can do this." Jei's mantra is what keeps her calm, for the most part. Being in a new place surrounded by strange faces isn't something she enjoys. Her hands burrow deep into her pockets as she quietly whispers her mantra to herself over and over again.
The people in the city acted normal. There some shouts and yelling near by but whatever it was, was being taken care of. She would notice a few skeletons walking by with some groceries. They were making chattering noises as they talked to themselves.
The people in the city acted normal. There some shouts and yelling near by but whatever it was, was being taken care of. She would notice a few skeletons walking by with some groceries. They were making chattering noises as they talked to themselves.
Jei starts to relax the more she walks. No one seems to pay her any attention, which is more than fine for her. She releases the breath she didn't know she was holding. Her hands relax in her pockets and a small soft smile appears on her lips. Jei never felt this much relief in her entire life. She should have moved out ages ago. Her blue eyes snap to a small restaurant across the street. The smell of delicious food lures her to the front door. Her stomach growls at the sight of the food. She glances around before opening the door and slowly walking inside. Jei takes a seat in a booth somewhere near the back and looks around curiously. The restaurant had a homey feel to it. Maybe she'd come here more often. If she has the money for it, at least. She picks up a menu and studies it before deciding on what she wants to eat. Then, Jei watches as waiters and waitresses tend to the needs of the other customers and tenses when she realizes she'll have to speak. A waitress approaches her with a friendly smile, but Jei can't stop the small sense of fear in her body. Her hands start to glitch, so she quickly drops the menu and shoves them under the table. This is not a good start.
"Yeah we can always bring him in for questioning." Allyson sighed. "I just cant let this happen.." she looked at Kala."thanks for the research. Sure I cant get you to rejoin the league.," Kala smiled shaking her head. "No dear, I have my rules. I dont interfere. I will support the heroes and whoever that comes in. But my days in the field are long over."
"Alright, a warrant. Bring him in and such." Rage smiled "We bring him in and see if we can make him slip up. Maybe get a confession."

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