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Fandom Superheros and Villains

“Well, how do we find them” said John. It would be impossible to tell but he was excited to get going.

“Yeah, Yeah, yeah. Let’s cut the philosophical bullshit, and get to kicking ass” he said.

"Because of their...less appealing traits, they don't exactly require the same things the average person would for their home. Lavender and I used to be pretty good with each other, so I pretty much have the route there memorized."
He smiled back. "What's your name?"

She hesitated for a second, then smiled and quietly said, "Holly....And these are-" She began to gesture to elsewhere, but then realized. "Oh, nevermind. You can't see them. You're a regular."
"What do you mean a regular?" Ben asked.

Holly realized she'd probably said a little too much. "Ohh....umm...nevermind..." She seemed to try to hide herself in the cloak, then whispered, "See you later...",and dashed out of the smoothie place.
Link rolled his eyes clearly annoyed by John's temperament.
"Because of their...less appealing traits, they don't exactly require the same things the average person would for their home. Lavender and I used to be pretty good with each other, so I pretty much have the route there memorized."
John took the little guy’s annoyance as a sign that the chat was over and focused more on the task of how they may gain information. “Are you still on good terms with each other or is there going to be trouble” said John?
John took the little guy’s annoyance as a sign that the chat was over and focused more on the task of how they may gain information. “Are you still on good terms with each other or is there going to be trouble” said John?

"I'll try...talking my way through this. Lavender should be fine, but Candlestick....has a temper."
John took the little guy’s annoyance as a sign that the chat was over and focused more on the task of how they may gain information. “Are you still on good terms with each other or is there going to be trouble” said John?
(Little? How big is John?)
He grabbed her arm. "Whoa hold up? What do you mean by regular?"

She stayed quiet and shook her head repeatedly. As she continues to look uncomfortable, the dark presence you've felt since the girl entered the restaurant feels more overpowering than ever. You feel like something is breathing on you, staring you down with it's eyes. You almost swear you hear...growling?
(He’s about six foot five. Isn’t Link little, which link is this I don’t remember him being a big dude).
(Twilight technically I cheated give.him his memories and gear.from.other games but he looks like Twilight who is about 6'2")
She stayed quiet and shook her head repeatedly. As she continues to look uncomfortable, the dark presence you've felt since the girl entered the restaurant feels more overpowering than ever. You feel like something is breathing on you, staring you down with it's eyes. You almost swear you hear...growling?
He let her go. "Sorry. I'm just curious- what is that feeling?" He asked looking behind him.
He let her go. "Sorry. I'm just curious- what is that feeling?" He asked looking behind him.

Holly's eyes go wide, and she rushes behind you. She begins petting some animal you can't see. "Shhh...Nax, it's okay... He isn't hurting me... Shhh.... Don't hurt him..." She begins comforting whatever 'Nax' is, sounding a little panicked.
(Twilight technically I cheated give.him his memories and gear.from.other games but he looks like Twilight who is about 6'2")
(Oh. I really only know the links that are in Smash bros and in that game he looks pretty small. But I guess a lot of the other characters are big in comparison sorry for the mistake)
"Nax?" He asked.

"Nax keeps me safe. He's kept me and all of the kids before me safe. But he's really really scary to others when he physically shows himself...so I don't want him to come out unless it's real bad."
(i'm actually really excited to show off candlestick's powers)

"As in, you don't see Mr. Stripes and Falcon.... As in, you don't see Naxxie when he's in ghost form. You don't see ghosts. Mediums see ghosts."
"Oh..Well if it takes a ghost to see a ghost." He began to fiddle with the watch on his wrist

"...I suppose we should head over there as soon as possible....hopefully Candlestick will be reasonable."
Link nodded.

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