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Fandom Super Smash Brothers: The Ten Pillars


  • Min Min
    The Brawlin' Ramen Bomber


    Min Min's eyes flicked back onto Shulk as he began to walk down the cliffside. She quickly followed along, not wanting to be left behind.

    The ARMS fighter now found herself facing a dilemma she had never thought she would have encountered before. To be in something so life-or-death...the most pressing thing she had been faced with before was winning the ARMS league tournament...to think, her life leading up to this had been so simple...it was almost laughable compared to some of the strife and adventure most of the other fighters had experienced before.

    Again, the nagging feeling of inadequacy flitted through Min's brain. The Smash Brothers were made of some of the most impressive fighters she had ever met, some of them heroes, others villains, children and adults, all of them awe-inspiring in their own unique ways. Min Min had wondered why she out of all people had been asked to join this society, when all she had done beforehand was win a single fighting tournament...that, and help her family sell noodles...

    Still, she reminded herself, there was no time to be thinking of pessimistic things...her faintly dark expression lightened slightly as she drove the thoughts away.

    The ramen bomber noticed that the visionary was looking over in her direction. Her swirled eyes flickered onto him, then back onto the path after a moment. She didn't really know what to say or do other than walk in silence...this felt odd for her, as normally she found it easy to talk to people (as her mother constantly reminded her, '*沉默而生硬的服务不会让人满意!') Perhaps it was just because they were alone, just the pair of them stranded in the wilderness...the awkward silence made Min's words clot in her throat.

    Mercifully, she was not the one that had to initiate conversation. Gazing back at Shulk as he began talking, she easily realized that he too noticed the awkwardness in the air. That made her smile slightly, and she replied, "No, I haven't. I haven't done anything like this before..." her green gaze lingered on the blonde for a moment more before she looked back at the path. She added, "The only time I really traveled aside for Smash Brothers was to the ARMS League Championship. Still, I hope I can be of some use to you here. I uhm, don't want to be any sort of burden."

    *Silent and stiff service will not satisfy!

    Tags: Ploegy Ploegy
    Location: Mountain Falls

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yra / ythra

Location: Futopia | Interactions: GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow Darklord95 Darklord95
Mythra was glad when neither Pit nor Toon Link questioned her actions and simply took the initiative to act, despite how spent they were from their previous endeavors. She too could feel that exhaustion in her body, yet she had to make her actions count. Her friends were putting their trust in her and she did not want to let them down!

Pyra..! Pyra..! she desperately called out telepathically to her other self within her head. Please wake up..! Answer me..!

Such a tone was unusual for Mythra to take, but with her back almost quite literally up against the wall, she had no choice but to cry out for help. For someone as strong as herself, pleas like this felt like an admission of weakness, even if it was merely to Pyra. In a way, it was almost ironic for her to be begging the other to aid her in combat. Mythra had her beat in every aspect after all: power, speed, battle readiness. Pyra was greatly outclassed by the blonde. That was all by design though, as a way of locking most of her power away when she hid as Pyra. However, her other self still had her benefits, even if Mythra herself hardly wanted to admit it.

As no response came from the second aegis, Mythra's brows creased. Her plan was already crumbling and she hadn't even been able to put it in to action. She could feel the disappointing stares, even if they were only in her mind. The looks were something she was far too used after all.

Pyra please..! If you can hear me I could really use your help! I need to save... to save them! I need your help though!

She was met with silence again for a brief moment and she was prepared to give up, but then the familiar sound of Pyra's voice filled her head.

Apologies for making you worry... I am here! Tell me what I need to do!

A smirk briefly crossed the aegis' and without hesitation she filled Pyra in on the plan she had in store. Once she finished, silence settled between the two of them, and for a brief moment the blonde feared that the other might actually reject her proposal. Would she really do that? It wasn't like Pyra to stand against her, not when it came to combat situations. Did she really disapprove of her plan this time around?

Before she could get any kind of answer though, she heard Fawful speak to her and claim he knew exactly what she was doing, which only caused her to scoff. "Yeah okay, dumbass!"

Her words were vile and oozed with sass, though deep in her own thoughts, she did hold her own reservations on the whole scenario. She'd keep them to herself though. Letting any kind of doubt show in her actions would only lead to trouble, and that was the very thing she wished to avoid.

As robots began flying up from the floor below and focusing in on her, Mythra sighed and tightened her grip on her blade, but before she could even think to attack and protect herself, Pyra cut in once again:

Let me have control! I'll go through with your plan. I'll make sure your wishes to protect are brought fruition!

Hearing those words warmed Mythra's heart and a smile even formed upon her lips, though to those around her it seemed as if it came out of nowhere. Before anyone could even ask though, the blonde gave up control and in a brief flash of light, she was replaced by the familiar figure of Pyra.

Immediately upon her entrance, the redhead allowed her sword to spin around her, creating flames that circled her and burst out at the robots that dared to attack her. As her sword reached her side once again, she grabbed it from the air and without a sign of hesitation, she threw it upwards at wall. The blade burst with flames as it came into contact with its target and it began burning and slicing its way towards the exterior.

"Don't underestimate the power of an aegis!" Pyra cried out as she turned to look towards Fawful with fire in her eyes. The usual kind and gentle disposition she held herself to clearly wasn't present, and even without her sword in hand, she stood boldly before the villain with a look of determination painted on her features. "And don't underestimate my friends either!"
Noctis and Prompto
SheepKing SheepKing Ploegy Ploegy Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat

"Nice to meet you!" Prompto replied to the newcomer."Friends of my new friend is my new friend! Same for Noct!"
"Yeah,but,let finish our meal before it gets cold." Noctis replied.
"Oh,right!" Prompto replied.
The two friends started to continue to enjoy the food. It still tasted pretty good."Complements to the chef!" Noctis replied.
Shadow the hedgehog and Mog the moogle
Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- wigi wigi Ploegy Ploegy Darklord95 Darklord95
Shadow and Mog could only watch as purple creatures were thrown toward the apes. These creatures reminded Shadow of the Chao. They both heard Falcon's warning and decided to back away. Shadow did. Mog howrever performed another dance to power up Captain Falcon.


As Samus leaned in Zelda would soon be surprised to find that Link wasn’t the only hero over by the other end of the lake. Out of seemingly nowhere a large portal once more spawned above the water, and out from it was a flash of blue that slammed hard into the water. Water droplets were sent flying, as the Hylian princess herself couldn’t help but flinch. For a moment worry seeped in as the person didn’t immediately surface. Fearing the worst, Zelda began to move towards the lake only to breathe out a sigh of relief as the figure’s head finally came up gasping for air as he hurriedly swam towards shore.

With rich deep azure hair and equally piercing blue eyes, Zelda quickly recognized the person in the water as none other than Prince Marth of the Altea Kingdom. Although with the way he was Rathaus foolishly waddling to shore, the prince certainly lacked the usual charm and elegance Zelda associated with him.

With Samus’ comment on Marth dropping in, Zelda couldn’t help but let a small laugh escape from her. However, now wasn’t the time for such brevity. Refocusing herself, she turned back to face the bounty hunter and rabbit, and clearing her throat, she garnered the two’s attention.

“I will stay here and explain to Link and Marth the current situation. Samus, you will try to locate Pikachu and Dark Pit on the ground while Cream and Cheese will both look for them from the air”

Zelda let her eyes fall onto the rabbit in question, and as she lowered herself down to Cream’s level she’d add,

“Cream, if Dark Pit and Pikachu are indeed in the middle of battle, come back to the lake immediately and tell me. I will then immediately report to Samus their location so she can intervene. Our two friends may be facing something truly dangerous, and I couldn’t forgive myself if something happened to you. Do you understand?”

Zelda rose back up, brushing grass from her skirt.

“And as I said, I will be here by the lake to explain the situation to both Marth and Link as well as ensure Nurse Joy and the Doctor have someone to protect them. Most likely, I’ll suggest to Link and Marth that at least one of them should join the two of you in the search, but I’ll have to see what they think first. Besides that I will periodically check with the both of you for updates using my telepathy. If anything happens by the lake I’ll also be sure to inform the both of you as well. Are there any questions or concerns about the plan?”

While she awaited a response, Zelda turned back to face the opposite end of the lake, where it appeared that the wet and soggy Marth and Link were now discussing amongst each other. A smile gracing her lips, she’d cup her mouth and get into a power stance, bellowing out a loud


With a gentle laugh spilling out from her, she’d then raise one arm to wave in their direction, beckoning the two blue heroes over towards the other side of the lake.

Interactions: Forevermore Forevermore (Samus, Link) A Hazy Sort of Clarity A Hazy Sort of Clarity (Marth) SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 (Cream)
Location: Lake Shore

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Cream and Cheese.
SheepKing SheepKing
Cream and Cheese caught up to Zelda. The princess asked her to fly 8n the area and search for Dark Pit and Pikachu.
"I will do my best your highness!" the rabbit replied,bowing.
"I'll come back if Cheese and I find them.
Cream and Cheese flew off to where Dark Pit and Pikachu were said to be seen.
ora & yleth

Location: Battlefield Fortress | Interactions: SheepKing SheepKing
GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow Darklord95 Darklord95
Both professor and keyblade wielder quietly took in the information presented to them. It wasn't news either wished to hear, yet it was the reality they had to face. Sora, however, looked far more distraught than Byleth, though it was to be expected given the differences between the two of them.

"Lucina... was kidnapped..?" Sora repeated, almost as if he didn't want to believe the very words that had been spoken to the group. He knew the feeling of having a loved one stolen away after all, even if for him it wasn't a family member. He could only imagine how much worse it was given that detail. And it wasn't only Lucina, but their other child as well. It made the feeling in Sora's gut sink even more. They had to help! Even if he had no clue who this Walhart or where he might be, he had to try and help. He'd feel horrible otherwise!

Before he could speak up though, Sora's attention is drawn to Luke as he spoke. It took him a moment, but realization settled in. It hadn't occurred to him that Luke could understand Pichu and was translating him. Here he was thinking him and Layton were rather normal individuals, yet here he was being proven wrong. He supposed it wasn't so weird given his experiences, but he felt like an idiot for not realizing sooner.

"Pichu..." the keyblade wielder breathed out as his gaze dropped towards his feet, his mind taking everything in. It was clear Sora's heart was already set. He was more than ready to blurt out his own intentions, but as he looked towards Byleth, he bit back his own words. The professor was as hard to read as ever, but his brows were knitted in thought. It was a small change in his features, but it was enough to indicate that something was going through his mind. As much as Sora wanted to ask, he knew it was best to wait for the former merc to speak on his own.

When silence hung in the air for a brief few seconds, Byleth finally let a thoughtful hum slip from between his pursed lips. His pale eyes lifted from the ground and returned to looking towards the exalt and his wife.

"I am sorry to hear that..." he said, his voice lacking the usual empathy that came with speaking such words, though that was unsurprising given how he usually was. "And as much as I'd love to help, we have to look at all this logically."

Those words caused Sora's eyes to go wide. Was Byleth really going to reject helping Chrom and Robin? It baffled him. "But Byleth! We ha-"

As the boy began to speak, the professor turned his sharp gaze towards him before he gave a small shake of his head, instantly causing Sora to fall silent. It was clear Byleth was making it clear he wasn't finished speaking and the keyblade wielder had been too quick to interrupt him.

"We can't aimlessly go searching for your children... You say you have no idea where he could have gone or what he might want by taking them..." the stoic professor continued as he quietly stroked his chin in thought. "You must realize the position that puts us in. Add in the fact that this world has problems of its own and it only becomes worse."

What Byleth spoke of made sense, but Sora couldn't whole heartedly agree with it. They couldn't sit back and do nothing! They had to help! Surely Byleth wasn't this cold hearted! "Their children are in danger, Byleth! We have to help!"

Byleth nodded slowly as Sora spoke up. "I know... What I'm saying is we need to approach this logically... don't let your emotions blind you. We're dealing with a kidnapping after all... an act of war as far as I'm concerned... We're in no position to act blindly because your heart says we should." Before Sora could open his mouth again and protest to those words which cut deep, Byleth turned from the group and moved towards the makeshift setup him, Luke and Layton had been having tea at before the Citadel appeared overhead. Without a word, he picked the map up from the table and walked back to the others. "This might help us act accordingly."

Opening the map in his hands, the professor quietly looked down at it. Much like he had already inferred about the logos that appeared were true. The ones that had once been in the sky overhead had joined with the singular one that he had believed had been himself, and now two others had appeared as well, which he could assume represented Chrom and Robin. If that was the case then it should be possible for them to locate where Lucina and Morgan were being held, though it solely banked on Lucina being the only fighter present wherever she was. It was the only lead they might have.

Before he could dive too deeply into looking the map over, Byleth noticed Layton returning to the group. How he hadn't seen the other professor move off to begin with was beyond him, but he pushed that to the side as he eyed the sword in his hand. As the other called out to him, he knew exactly what Layton was looking for and he curtly nodded his head before his eyes momentarily moved back to the others.

"The symbols represent the official Smash fighters. We don't know who each of the symbols are, but there is a chance we might be able to pick Lucina out among the ones shown. I trust you lot can figure out if we have any leads."

Handing the map to Sora, the keyblade wielder's eyes grew wide in confusion. What had he asked? Almost everything had gone over his head, though he at least understood that the symbols were meant to represent the officially recognized fighters of this world. Lowering himself to the ground, Sora sat down in the dirt and laid the map out so the others could gather around and easily see.

"I'm not sure what exactly we're looking for, but we have to see if we can figure something out! I'm sure we can figure it out if we put our brains together!" For as chipper as he sounded, it was clear Sora had little clue what he was actually doing. He could only hope that the likes of Chrom, Robin, Pichu and Luke could help him figure it out.

As Sora tried to gather the others to help him look the map over, Byleth moved away from them to join Layton. His eyes remained calm as he walked and he lifted a hand up to carefully to pull his cloak from his shoulders and remove it so he could move more freely. Even if this was meant to be a friendly spar, the professor saw no reason to let himself be hindered by his own garb.

"Forgive me, Sothis..." he muttered softly as he tossed the cloak to the ground. Defiling holy garments like that was likely some crime punishable by the Church, yet he cared little in the moment. His mind was focused on the combat that was to come.

Reaching for the hilt of the Sword of the Creator, Byleth slowly unsheathed the blade and held it out in front of himself as his eyes narrowed.

"Come at me, Professor! Show me what skills you have with a blade!"
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  • 𝕊𝕙𝕖𝕚𝕜
    The Elusive Sheikah
    Location: The Forest By The Shore
    Interactions: Tetra
    Tags: A Hazy Sort of Clarity A Hazy Sort of Clarity

    As she had expected, Tetra threw a fit over being carried. However, the Sheikah had no inclination to put the young pirate down. "Please, stop resisting..." she sighed as she continued to run. Although the girl had the tools necessary to "blow her brains out", Sheik was willing to take that risk for her safety. After all, Sheik had risked herself many times for the well-being of others.

    Sheik continued to dash away, towards the lake. However, she could feel the pirate judging her, in a way, as they ran from the danger. She felt the need to explain further, so she added,
    "We can not jeopardize our safety right now. As I'm sure you've realized, our situation is far too precarious at the moment..."

    The Hylian slowed down as she tried to put together the best way to explain her train of thought. She set down Tetra for a moment before she added, "...This isn't how things are supposed to be. You don't realize this, of course, because you have not been a part of the Smash Brothers before. But us fighters, we are all supposed to be together. We congregate at a stadium, for starters. We all live in a grand house together, everything is peaceful when we aren't battling. However, as you can see, this is far from the usual setting. The last time we were out in this great world...well...lets just say that if one of our society hadn't survived the attack on us, the Smash Brothers and pretty much everyone would have been done for."

    Sheik's piercing red eye gazed into Tetra's, hoping the rambunctious pirate would understand. "Hence, our priority at the moment should be trying to find allies, not stumble upon potential enemies. Am I making sense here?"

Location: Mountain Falls | Interactions: A Hazy Sort of Clarity A Hazy Sort of Clarity
Nodding at her, Shulk decided to take her words into consideration. He had to after all. If he didn't, he'd only be putting them both at risk, which was exactly what he was trying to avoid in the first place.

"That's quite alright. We all start somewhere when it comes to these kinds of things," he admits with a meek smile upon his lips as he rubbed the back of his head. "I was never the adventuring type for a long time. Actually, I'd always need someone to go with me whenever I decided to go out looking for scrap parts."

Shulk chuckled at the memory. It was clear that he was trying to ease the awkwardness between the two of them, even if he wasn't the most suited to do such. He had no other choice. Besides, speaking of experiences of his own was an easy way to find common ground between the two of them and perhaps relate to one another despite how different they might seem. There had to be some kind of commonality between them aside from both being Smash fighters. Even if it was small, it would be something.

"Besides..." he continued as his eyes trailed ahead, looking at the winding path laid before them. "I can assure you, you're likely a better fighter than I was when I first traveled. If I hadn't started wielding the Monado, well... I'd probably still be a horrible fighter."

A hearty laugh sipped from his lips as his eyes lit up with genuine joy. Perhaps he was mocking himself too much in hopes of creating a comfortable air between them, but for him, it was working. It wasn't as if he was insulting himself for the hell of it. His words were true. If he hadn't picked up the Monado and took up a strong desire for revenge, he would have remained nothing more than a lab rat who hardly saw the sun unless Reyn or Fiora forced him to. And while the Monado had served him well, he was glad he no longer wielded it, at least not the real version of it. Being free of its bindings and Zanza's control over him were true blessings.

Pushing the thought of such things aside, Shulk carefully jumped over a ledge and landed on the path that continued below before he glanced back towards Min Min, the look of joy still lingering in his eyes. "I promise you, even with the dangers that can come with travel, there are many beautiful things you can come across that you wouldn't otherwise find."

It was a long shot that they would encounter such things while they traveled here, but perhaps it would be something to look forward to. Shulk was aware how many people loved the wonders of the world around them, even if the didn't travel themselves. Perhaps Min Min was one of those people. In a way he had been. He could still remember the first time he took in breathtaking sights such as Valak Mountain and the ether beams its cast into the sky at night or Satorl Marsh and its glowing trees that lined its swampy terrain. The Smash Realm was full of places like that too, though what exactly they might experience, he wasn't sure. He didn't want to make it sound too promising though.
The Kokiri Scouts
Where: The Jungle
Interactions: Captain Falcon ( Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- ), Yoshi ( Ploegy Ploegy ), Kirby ( Gears Gears ), Mog & Shadow the Hedgehog ( SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 ), Hayden ( Darklord95 Darklord95 )

The Manky Kongs, those that were still conscious, ran off in a panic. The extreme acts of violence from the Super Smash Brothers and their allies was too much for the dirty apes!

A mud-covered and dizzy Sasha flew out of the mud. The poor fairy coughed and shook himself to get the mud off and regain his bearings. Seeing the Kongs were gone, he let out a cheer, then flew over to the jar of fairies. He moved to the cork sealing the jar and pulled as hard as he could. Finally, the cork came out with a POP and Sasha was sent right back into the mud! Fairies rushed out of the jar and reunited with their Kokiri partners, but that seemed to do little to raise their spirits.

Kona rushed to the desecrated and polluted fairy fountain. Without a moment's hesitation, he scooped trash and muck out of the water while calling to the Great Fairy that dwelled within.

"Great Fairy! Please come out! We have driven the apes away, and we are in need of your help! Please, Great Fairy!"


"Great Fairy!" Kona called out again, desperation in his voice. "The Kokiri need you! Please reveal yourself to us!"

For a moment there was silence, then soft sobbing emanated from the fountain. A feminine voice, broken with despair, answered.

"Go... go away! M-my fountain is ruined! I don't want to see anyone!"

"Please, Great Fairy," Kona insisted. "We'll clean up the fountain! We'll restore it! But we can't do anything like this! We must have your help!"

The sobbing continued. "N-no! I am useless to help anyone! All is lost! Just... just..." The voice suddenly broke into a deafening wail. "JUST GO AWAAAAAAAAAY!!"

A wave of negative energy erupted from the fountain. From the darkened waters emerged a large twisted grey being, vaguely female in shape. Her eyes were pitch black, cracked holes while inky tears streamed down her face. Her mouth was opened to impossible proportions as her banshee scream filled the air. The ice cold rain changed from a drizzle to a heavy downpour. The wave struck Kona and knocked the scout to the ground. He rolled onto his hands and knees and looked up, horror and despair on his features as he beheld the being that was once the Great Fairy.

"No! The Great Fairy! It... it can't be! This can't be happening!"

Slamming his fists into the earth, he pressed his face into the grass and wept bitterly. The color drained from his body, leaving him a depressing grey.

The fairies, Sasha included, turned a haunting white. The powers of the corrupted Great Fairy had transformed them into Wisps of Sorrow! Like malevolent spirits, they drifted slowly toward the Super Smash Brothers and their allies, exuding an aura that filled those in close proximity with an overwhelming sense of nothingness if they could not resist it.
Toon Link & Pit
Where: Futopia, Under the sea
Interactions: Pyra/Mythra ( Ploegy Ploegy ), Fawful ( Darklord95 Darklord95 )

Toon Link cried out as he was swatted away by one of Fawful's limbs. The little Hylian swordsman whipped out his hookshot and fired it at him, pulling himself back toward the Beanish and swinging with his Master Sword again. Toon Link used the momentum to fly past Fawful and land in a roll. Immediately, Toon Link rose, turned and lobbed his boomerang at the limbs Fawful had sprouted from his form. He followed up by chucking a bomb at him then rolling to the boss's other side. Fawful's limbs were a nuisance that had to be kept under control. Toon Link's strategy was to maintain an aggressive assault while keeping on the move.

Pit ducked and weaved as the bottom limbs tried to impale him. He jumped back to momentarily create distance between himself and his enemy, and spun his bow before him so as to discourage another attack of stabbing limbs. From the corner of his eye, he could see Toon Link battling the limbs with his boomerang. Behind him he could hear Mythra (now Pyra) fighting the robot minions Fawful had called into the fray. Pit was an angel not known for his booksmarts, but he was brilliant in that he could assess a situation and act upon it in seconds. With Toon Link's Spin Attacks, boomerang, and bombs, the Hylian would be more efficient at keeping Fawful's limbs under control. Pyra looked like she could do with someone to cover her so she could more effectively carry out her plan.

As Pyra swung her sword to deal with the robots, blue arrows of light arced around her and took out a few stragglers. In an instant, Pit was before her, his Orbitars reflecting the energy balls back at the robots that may be remaining.

"I'll cover you, Pyra!" the angel captain declared. He looked over his shoulder at her and grinned, his tone light and conversational. "Y'know, as much as I enjoy our battles together, we really should try meeting under more pleasant conditions!"

Location: Jungle | Tagged: Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15
Gears Gears GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow
As Falcon brings Kirby over to him, Yoshi immediately stopped what he was doing and took the pink puffball in his hands. Listening to the man speak of what he was going to do, the dino was prepare to speak up and say genocide was a bad thing, but before he could the captain had already taken off and began his onslaught. It certainly was a sight, one he hadn't been expecting to see.

Blinking the shock from his eyes, he gently set Kirby on the ground in front of himself before rubbing at his cheek with a concerned look painted on his face. While he knew they needed to scare the Kongs off, he wasn't sure if this was all necessary, but who was he to say. Falcon had already made it clear that he was SSS-Tier after all. That was waaaaaaaay above where Yoshi himself stood.

It was only a matter of time before the remaining Kongs took off running, leaving nothing but the grim atmosphere behind. Yoshi's eyes quickly darted after Sasha as the fairy rushed to free the others of his kind. Even with the fairies freed though, nothing seemed to change. The Kokiri were still had downtrodden as before. A frown formed on his face and it only grew as he silently listened to the interaction between Kona and the Great Fairy.

Silence hung in the air at first, but as the Kokiri pushed for a response, Yoshi only felt himself filled with even more concern. Something was clearly not right. That much had been obvious from the start, yet somehow it felt even more so now. Flaring his nostrils, his fingers quickly balled into fists as the fairy, or what he presumed was the fairy, erupted from the fountain after a loud wail had escaped it and demanded they leave.

"Not good!" Yoshi cried out as he hurried forward and put himself between Kona and the ghastly looking woman. While he wasn't sure if he was the one who should put himself there, he would have felt bad if he hadn't.

Staring up at the former Great Fairy all while ignoring the chilled rain that hit his body, the dino stood firmly in his place. He didn't have much of a clue what he should do to combat the being before him and his mind wasn't exactly one that could easily formulate such solutions, but he knew he was going to stand up to it by any means necessary. It was what was expected of him as one of the Smash Brothers, especially one of the originals!

As the fairies transformed into Wisps of Sorrow and began floating towards him and the others, Yoshi's eyes narrowed. He wasn't sure what they did, yet he could feel the oddness of their aura even from where he stood. Tinges of sadness hit him and while he ignored them for now, he wasn't sure how long he would hold out for, or if it would become worse the closer they got to him. It was yet another thing he needed to worry about. That list was becoming increasingly longer by the second and he hated it.

"How we beat this thing?! Yoshi not like feeling Yoshi getting!"

Could they even beat this with the manpower they had? Yoshi could feel the doubts that had been spat in their faces before creeping in to his mind even though he didn't want them to. He couldn't ignore the possibility of such. Even after Captain Falcon's display, he still found himself questioning it all. He had to believe though. Not only in himself, but his friends. They had to face this adversary head on and overcome it!
GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow Ploegy Ploegy SheepKing SheepKing

Chrom says “I’m not sure how much you could help. But anything is appreciated.”

“For starters. It would be good to know where Walhart could’ve taken them.” Robin replies. “We know he came here, but where exactly he went is a mystery to us. He must have some kind of stronghold in the area. A place he could go to hide a whole army without it being obvious.” She says looking down at the map.

A Hazy Sort of Clarity A Hazy Sort of Clarity

Juri laughs. “Honor’s for chumps. I play to win sweetheart!” She says charging and jumping to send a flying spin kick to Corrins’ head, followed by crouching to send a sweep kick to her ankles.

GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow Ploegy Ploegy

Fawfuls’ limbs get cut by the boomerrang and he staggers from the bomb, but the little beanish had more tricks up his sleeve. As Pyras’ sword cut its’ way through his robots, Fawful removes his own head! And he chucks it at her sword. His head lands on the wall like a giant spider and his dozens of limbs start combatting the sword while the body he left behind sprouts a couple cannons from its’ hands and starts shooting balls of fire at Toon Link and Pit.

Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow Ploegy Ploegy Gears Gears

“haha! Run cowards! Good job team!” Hayden tells their purple pikmin. “Now. Let’s see if anyone here has seen any of our missing comrades. Excuse me sir.” He says walking up to Captain Falcon. “Pardon my interruption, but I’m Here looking for the missing crew that landed on this planet before me. You wouldn’t happen to have seen any of them would you?”
yra / ythra

Location: Futopia | Interactions: GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow Darklord95 Darklord95
Pyra heard Pit call out to her and she quickly nodded her head at his words. A confident smile made itself present on her lips as she glanced in both her allies direction. "Just be prepared for water to come rushing in once I break through... It might be a moment before I can manage to make a direct connection with Siren." Her voice was quiet, making sure that Fawful, who was now on the wall trying to stop her sword, wouldn't hear her, but both the Hylian and angel would.

Having her try to connect with Siren was a risk, but even if she couldn't manage it Mythra was a quick switch away. It would simply take a little more time if she had to add in the extra step, not that she minded if it meant they could get out of this place and be free of whatever it was Fawful was trying to force them into. Given she had been asleep, she didn't have the slightest clue, but it certainly couldn't have been good if Mythra was willing to go to such lengths.

Pushing the thought aside, Pyra watched as the limbs swarmed her sword and uncharacteristically a smirk formed upon her lips. It was good that the beanish was so focused on the blade rather than her. If anything that played right into her hands. It felt good, even for someone as kindhearted as herself. To fool a villain who clearly saw her blade as a bigger problem than herself was something she could take pride in.

Without hesitation, the aegis quickly took up a firm stance, planting her feet a bit apart from one another before lifting one hand up and placing the other on her wrist to hold it steady. Only seconds passed before her hand began to glow a fiery red. Flames spiraled from her palm and burst upward at the spot her sword spun. Even if the blade was taken out, her own flames burned ever hot, melting through the building's interior with great intensity.

It wasn't the first time she had done such a thing. Back in Alrest she had blasted holes through thick, metal cell doors in order to free Dromarch and Nia when the Ardainian military had taken them captive. Sure, a cell door was different than breaking through an entire building's wall, but she was determined. She drew that determination from Mythra, knowing very well that she wanted nothing more than to save in this very moment. Pyra couldn't fail her.

Focusing all her energy into putting out her flames, Pyra was confident that Pit and Toon Link would protect her while she blasted at the wall with all the fire power she could muster up.
Toon Link & Pit
Where: Futopia, Under the Sea
Interactions: Pyra/Mythra ( Ploegy Ploegy ), Fawful ( Darklord95 Darklord95 )

Pit let out a, "Hm!" to acknowledge Pyra. As Fawful detached his head and threw it, he was about to make a comment about the Beanish losing his head but stopped himself as he figured Fawful already lost it long ago. After sticking to a wall, the head sprouted more limbs to do battle with Pyra's sword while the headless body behind Pit and Pyra shot fireballs at them and Toon Link.

"Ugh, this guy's giving me a headache," Pit muttered.

Pit willed his bow to vanish and relied on the Guardian Orbitars. Again, through his will, he was able to manipulate the floating shields, charging up a blast of divine energy and firing it at Fawful's body. A large, magical shield manifested in front of Pit after he released the charged shot, protecting both himself and Pyra from the fireballs shot from the hand-cannons of Fawful's body, as well as any limb strikes the body may attempt upon them. With their backs protected momentarily, Pit focused the Guardian Orbitars toward the head engaged in battle with Pyra's sword and unleashed smaller bolts of energy in a rapid-fire attack upon it. Pit stood his ground, fists clenched as he kept up the attack. The Guardian Orbitars were designed for defense than offense, but he determined they will be more than enough to handle mooks and minions, and spindly limbs! Pit couldn't help but appreciate how far divine weaponry had advanced since his first adventure over twenty-five years ago. Back then, the closest thing he had to Orbitars were Protective Crystals, twin crystals that floated around his body and only did damage to slow enemies that got too close. They also could not be used in Fortresses. What was up with that, anyway?

Toon Link easily cut down the fireballs shot his way. He then dove into a side roll, rolling behind the body and jumping upward with a vertical slash attack from his sword. Keeping his shield ready in case of more fireballs or limbs, Toon Link hacked, slashed, and sliced away with the Master Sword.


Thankfully, despite the battle Toon Link was able to hear Pyra; Hylian ears weren't just for show! Whether the attacks were effective or not didn't matter at the moment, the important thing was to keep Pyra safe and Fawful busy until the Aegis's plan came into fruition. They have to succeed. They MUST succeed! They didn't just survive a night of hell to fall here, at the whims of a power-hungry mad-beanman!

  • Tetra/Toon Zelda
    The Princess of the Great Sea


    Tetra continued to scream and threaten Sheik, growing more angry by the second because of how unintimidated she was by her. She barely noticed that the Sheikah was trying to explain her thoughts to her.

    "Precarious, SURE. You just think that I can't fend for myself because I'm a kid!" Tetra stated furiously as she put her down, folding her arms and pouting slightly, glaring up at the taller girl.

    However, the pirate's fury seemed to simmer down for a second when Sheik began to articulate her thoughts properly. She appeared to process her words, because she said seriously, "Okay, I promise not to go off on my own."


    The pirate pointed at a random spot in the opposite direction, and not checking to see if the Sheikah had fallen for her diversion or not, began to sprint away as fast as her legs could take her, probably just to spite this level-headed authority.

    "Hahaha! SUCKERRRR!" she roared cheerfully as she defied Sheik, running deep into the wood, towards the source of danger...

    Tags: Forevermore Forevermore
    Location: The Forest By The Shore

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Location: Plains near Stadium | Interactions: SheepKing SheepKing
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat A Hazy Sort of Clarity A Hazy Sort of Clarity
Ann couldn't say she could make much sense of the food Paula was speaking of, but she supposed that was to be expected. She was from a completely different world after all. Either way it seemed she enjoyed Ren's cooking, as did the others who expressed their gratitude towards the Phantom Thieves leader. Looking towards him herself, she could see that smirk he wore ever so often, though his eyes betrayed his own ego. A genuine hint of happiness shone in them, one that was far from being smug to match his expression.

Smiling in his direction, Ann slowly averted her eyes from Ren before he could catch her staring and she looked back towards Paula. Listening to the younger girl speak, she nods her head slowly. She didn't realize that was how telepathy worked, though she couldn't say she had experience with such outside of her persona speaking to her, but even then it wasn't like Carmen was speaking to her in a different language.

"Huh... so that's how it works?" she mused quietly as her eyes moved down to her lap as she thought it over. "Interesting... I didn't know telepathy could so easily bypass language barriers like that."

It gave her a new perspective on the whole thing, though before her mind could delve deeply into it, Ann's gaze immediately moved up to see Joker had approached her. Blinking in surprise, her eyes quickly moved to his face and noticed the gentle look his face now bore. It was one he often had when he was around her and not one many got to see, given he typically hid it well. In the moment he didn't seem to care though. Instead, he held a plate out to her.

"I know you don't like spicy, so I made sure to try and give you the least spicy berries," he said softly with a small wink as she took the plate from him.

Blushing at not only his words, but his wink as well, Ann quickly looked away from him and set the plate in her lap. "Thank you, Ren."

Her voice was soft, almost inaudible, but Ren knew well enough what she was saying. It only caused his smile to grow before he gently moved his hand to briefly caress her cheek before he pulled away to get his own food. As he walked away, a light blush dusted over Ann's cheeks and she silently tried to hide her face as she tried to compose herself once again. Once again, he had managed to get her blushing with such a simple gesture, though she was pretty easy to fluster, especially when it came to Ren. He knew he had that effect on her and he loved to playfully take advantage of it when he could.

Ann put aside her brief embarrassment and looked down at the plate in her lap. From the smell, she could tell it would be delicious, but then again it was rare for Ren to make bad food. He had a talent for it even if he wasn't trying or if he had much to work with. It was quite impressive. Allowing herself to eat in silence, her eyes moved back to Joker as he helped himself to a portion of his cooking now that everyone else had been taken care of.

Ren's eyes quietly flickered among the group before he nodded towards Noctis as he said he should introduce him to one of his friends someday. He wasn't sure of the probability of such happening, but he wouldn't mention it. It'd only be rude if he did and he had no intentions of coming off as such. Instead he kept his response to the mere nod he had given and focused on eating his own food now that he had a chance. While he had made sure Ann's portion had the less spicy of the berries, that left his own with all the spice- perhaps more than he would have liked, but he didn't complain. He'd survive.

The thief remained silent through his entire meal, hardly letting his gaze move from his plate as he ate. He was lost in his own thoughts after all. His mind was focused on where they'd go from here and how they might proceed. He was already formulating possibilities, though he kept them to himself. Besides, speaking what was on his mind with all the idle chatter going on wouldn't do him much good and with some of the ideas he had, he figured it was best to keep them to himself to avoid issues arising.

Pushing his empty plate aside once he finished, Joker picked his dagger up again and eyed it as he began to rub the bits of berry off it the best he could before briefly spinning it around his finger and holstering it at his hip alongside his pistol. He collected his gloves next and pulled them back on before he walked away from his cooking area to finally let himself sit down for the first time since he arrived, though of course he couldn't help but be a little funny first.

As he approached the group of seats and appeared to be going to his own, Ren's eyes quickly shifted towards Ann and in two seconds flat he was sprawled out in her lap with a cheeky grin on his face.

"Hi Panda! My little teddy bear!" he snickered as she gasped out in surprise. Despite it seeming as if he had been distracted as Inkling had introduced them, he had been listening and he was glad he had been. He would have missed such a silly name otherwise.

"Joker?! Wha-?!" Confusion crossed Ann's face as she stared at him briefly as he tried to cuddle up to her, but she quickly pushed him off her lap and onto the ground.

Ren laughed happily as he climbed back to his feet, noticing Ann hiding her face in embarrassment. "Okay, I may have deserved that."

Rubbing his hip as if he had actually been put in pain, he moved over to the seat beside her and looked around the group, clearly feeling in rather high spirits despite everything that had previously gone on and everything that was on his mind. Even though he was playful at the moment, he knew he needed to settle himself and actually address what they'd be doing, especially since his own exhaustion was catching up with him. He rather have some kind of plan in place for the morning even if it was basic. It'd beat trying to piece it together once they woke up, though he admitted had his own idea for himself which he had no plan of sharing.

Allowing his own grin to fade from his face, Joker's eyes flickered around the group. For now he decided to leave Ann alone, figuring he'd teased her enough. It was serious time and his face showed as much. The playful glint in his eyes quickly faded and a sigh finally slipped from his lips as he ruffled his messy hair.

"Before I take my leave for the night, I figure I should say some things regarding tomorrow," Ren spoke up as he leaned back in his seat, his gloved fingers still slipping through his bangs. "While I'd not like to prattle for too long, we should be careful in our approach and take our time in getting there. That being said, don't stay up too late. I don't want any of you lazing around in the morning. The sooner we see if the others really are there, the better."

He almost felt bad saying such things given his own plans, but his own guilt didn't show nor did his voice waver to indicate that he might be hiding his own intentions. It was unlike him to deceive his own friends, but there was no way he could tell them he planned to slip off early and scout the area out on his own. With how things had gone for him and his planning, he doubted any of them would let it slide. Keeping it to himself was the only way. In a way, it was no different than when he silently turned himself in to the police without confronting the other Phantom Thieves first. It was an act of protection- one which the others might not necessarily agree with. It was too bad his mind was set and there was no swaying him then.

"Once we're all awake, we'll get situated and head out as soon as possible. I probably can't offer you another meal in the morning, so help yourself to whatever is left over and eat your fill tonight. We'll need as much energy as we can muster up for tomorrow, so you all better be ready."

Giving his head a small shake, Joker dropped his hand down from his hair and climbed back to his feet as he stretched his body out a bit. He was beginning to feel the consequences of overusing his persona and pushing himself more than he should have.

"That's all I have to say..." he began before his eyes flickered over to the sleeping space Noctis and Prompto had set up earlier with the camping stuff. That would be his next destination. "I'll talk to you all in the morning. I need some sleep... more than I'd like to admit."

Ren moved away from the group and over to the makeshift beds that were set up. They were only a sleeping bag of some sort laying on the ground, but it was better than nothing. He'd be getting the full camping experience whether he liked it or not.

He laid down on the first one he came to and rolled onto his stomach, burying his face down into the sleeping bag with a soft groan. It was first sign he'd shown of his body aching, and even then it was hardly anything, but it proved he wasn't as unbreakable as he tried to present himself as. He was only a teenager at the end of the day and his body could only handle so much when it came to the use of his persona. Even so, he didn't make a big fuss over it. If anything he kept it on the low.

Watching Joker quietly, Ann sighed softly to herself and moved her eyes back to the others before she let a faint smile cross her lips. "I should make sure he actually sleeps, knowing how he is. Good night to you all." Standing up, she bowed politely before she moved over to join Ren.

Looking down at him, she smiled gently and slowly shrugged his coat from her shoulders. Taking it in her hands, she gently laid it over him which caused him to turn his head and look at her, but by then she had moved to grab a sleeping bag to pull up next to his.

"Being cute, are we?" he softly teased as she laid down.

"Oh hush!"

Joker laughed softly before he grabbed the collar of his coat and tossed it towards Ann, making it lay the horizontally between them and covered a small portion of them both. It wasn't much, but it was a sweet gesture in the least.

"Now you should sleep. We'll need you in peak condition if we want to be safe."

Ren slowly nodded before a soft sigh escaped between his lips and he shifted to lay on his side, while looking at Ann. "Okay, okay, I'll get some sleep. You don't have to tell me twice. I hear it enough at home from Morgana."

Watching his eyes flutter shut, Ann smiled sweetly as she quietly laid there watching him. It was an oddly peaceful sight, though she felt her cheeks growing hot, knowing that the others were still around. Luckily it wasn't easy to see she was simply staring at him in order to make sure he was asleep. She could only hope sleep would find her soon before her embarrassment grew.

Isabelle nodded as Roxas agreed to head to Console City, surprised to even spot the tiniest of smiles tugging at the corners of his lips. At least, she assumed it was likely a smile. Nevertheless, it seemed they had their destination set in stone, and soon after they’d land on the Mushroom Platforms as their route of choice, Roxas positing that it was most likely the safer option compared to the potential dangers that might be housed in the jungle, definitely a reasonable assumption. After all, even without the need to fight their way through freeing spirits anymore, the jungle still could be a scary place filled with even scarier creatures. The last thing she’d want would be to throw the boy and herself right back into the threat of danger, especially when Roxas still needed to recover from the encounter with Sephiroth.

The mention of The One Winged Angel caused Isabelle to slightly frown, Glancing down at the dirt beneath her paws as she held her arm.

“Hopefully we won’t see him any time soon…”

Or ever.

As Roxas queried if Isabelle would be alright with the plan, she’d raise and bob her head in a nod, adding.

“Besides being a bit hilly around the area, the platforms are also in a pretty open space so we won’t have to worry about getting lost either. ”

It seems the plan was set. And so, with one final glance towards the military base, Isabelle shifted her sights to Roxas.

“This way, please”

From there she’d take the lead, beginning their journey to the Mushroom Platforms.

Interactions: Ploegy Ploegy (Roxas)
Location: Military Base Outskirts —> On the road to Mushroom Platforms
World Map: (TBA)
“ That doesn’t even cover the things the emperor did nor what Kefka did, that's a story for later.” Gestahl’s call for genocide weighs down his soul one of the biggest sore subjects for him. It hurt to see his family depart on the phantom train for the afterlife in front of his eyes he could do nothing except grieve the loss. Which is why he is determined to put a stop to Lunaris at any cost, right the wrongs, prevent needless loss from his experience with Doma castle. Or die trying to deconstruct the cultist church from its foundation. The fire burns in his heart brightly and he puts on a smile though the anger is present. He sighs listening as Peregrine speaks of meeting up with a dark nut to speak with their leaders.

“ A dark nut? I’m afraid I have never heard of them but a diplomatic approach is a good way to go.” He nods in approval. Maybe a dark nut is a monster akin to those imperial magitek machines he saw and piloted before. Although, not as experienced. He hates that kind of advanced technology seeing anything to do with the emperor. He saw it as the root of evil. To be fair, General Leo and Terra proved that not all of them are depraved people. He had his apprehension of Celes, she's decent. He felt awful for judging all of them. He kept his own thoughts and biases to himself; it bears no repeating.

Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-
"The Darknuts are a formidable warrior race, the mightiest warriors in the Realm that I know of besides the Zenith Knights, known for their strength and discipline, aswell as their indestructible armor and weaponry. Diplomacy may not be easy with them, but I believe that understanding and cooperation are possible. We'll have to tread carefully and demonstrate our intentions. The key is finding one of their leaders, earning their trust, and hopefully gaining an ally in our quest."

He glances at Cyan with a determined air about him. "We'll face challenges, but together, we can overcome them. Our shared purpose will guide us, and the bond we forge will be unbreakable. Let's continue walking this path, Cyan, and see where our journey takes us. And it starts across this bridge. Follow me." Peregrine proceeds to lead the way, taking his first steps on to the reflective bridge.
Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat

Location: Road to Mushroom Platforms | Interactions: SheepKing SheepKing
From how Isabelle spoke, it was clear to Roxas that she knew Sephiroth to some extent. Perhaps it was in a similar notion to how she knew Sora. He wasn't sure and given how she talked, he wasn't sure if asking was the best option either. It was hard to tell if it was a touchy subject or not.

Pondering the thought, the Nobody climbed to his feet as he moved behind her. As he followed her though, his head turned briefly back towards the base to give it one last look. It still felt wrong to leave it all behind, but what could he possibly do? In his state he'd only be looking to injure himself worse and from how Isabelle seemed to be, he didn't want to drag her back into such a hellish place. He had to tell himself this was his only option right now.

His brows flattened at the thought and Roxas quickly turned his gaze back in front of himself to avoid thinking on it further. The less he let himself think, the better. In the least it would spare him the headache of it all, even if the guilt still lingered.

Roxas forced his mind back to the thought of Sephiroth before he looked quietly towards the secretary that was guiding him along. Even if it was a touchy subject it would at least break the silence that now hung between the two of them. It wasn't as if he had much else to talk about. Pestering her with the other questions he had regarding this world seemed even less appropriate in the moment. Maybe he was overthinking it all though.

"So... you seem to know that Sephiroth guy..." he began, sounding a bit nervous as he spoke. Nervousness wasn't a common emotion for him to express, yet here he was. He couldn't help but feel he was crossing some line. "I'm curious how you know him. Actually, I'm curious how you know Sora too, if you don't mind sharing."

Even after what he had briefly learned of this world from before meeting Isabelle, Roxas was still wary in assuming that it was normal to not be from this world. Maybe he was being too stubborn on it all, but he had always been told to be careful when he traversed worlds. This was no different in his eyes. Even so, he had already made it known that he was unfamiliar with this world so did it actually matter? He didn't know. It was all a big jumbled mess and his head could hardly wrap around it. He was trying to appear calm and composed over it all, yet he was screaming on the inside.

Shaking his head, he sucked in a deep breath as he settled his mind again. "Does everyone of this world know each other or something?"

As those words slipped his lips, a frown crossed his face. If that was the case then he was severely out of place, yet he had no evidence to support it being the truth other than the fact that Snake had known Steve and Isabelle seemed to know Sephiroth. Plus both groups had mistaken him for Sora, making it evident that he was known among them too. Did he belong if this world was really like that?

"Clearly I am out of place if that is the case..." he mumbled softly, keeping it mostly to himself, but it wasn't impossible to hear him.
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Professor Layton & Luke
Where: The Battlefield Fortress
Interactions: Byleth & Sora ( Ploegy Ploegy ), Pichu ( SheepKing SheepKing ), Chrom & Robin ( Darklord95 Darklord95 )

Luke watched the exchange between Sora and Byleth, a frown on his face. He had been in Sora's shoes more than once, wanting to act on his emotions and Professor Layton having to calm the boy and tell him to stay rational. However, instead of being reassured it was clear Byleth's words seemed to offend the teen.

"Don't worry, Sora," Luke said, attempting to reassure the other boy. "It's like Professor Layton says: in times like this we must keep a clear head. If we do that, we'll be sure to solve this mystery! Sometimes the answer is right under our noses, and we miss it 'cause we're not thinking straight."

That seemed to be the case as Byleth handed Sora the map, and the Keyblade Wielder sat upon the dirt to spread it open for all to see. After Byleth's explanation of the meaning behind the Smash Logos on the map, Luke squatted next to Sora and pointed to a cluster of logos. "See, that's us, at least that's what the professors said. Hey! There are more signs on the map than earlier! Look, there's two over here where the volcano is, and there's a bunch more by the lake here! Oh, this one is moving! And so is that one!" Luke pointed first to one lone symbol, unaware that it was the one marking Isabelle's location, then the other, which was Sephiroth's marking. Luke was about to say more but the return of his mentor drew his attention away from the map. As Byleth approached the other professor, Luke realized what was about to happen and jumped up in excitement. Fists clenched and a wide smile on his face, Luke anticipated the spar that was about to come!

The sabre still held up in a salute, Professor Layton smiled at the solemn-faced Byleth. "I thank you for your time, Professor. I hope I will not disappoint!"

Without further ado, Layton began a spar with a simple sabre thrust. At first his moves were a little slow and clumsy, the result of being out of practice and having to use a new weapon. Soon enough, as the spar went on his true skill in fencing began to show. Despite his simple appearance, Layton was a formidable opponent: he was almost a blur as he thrusted and slashed, and weaved and parried, never remaining in one spot for long. Layton's face remained stoic, demonstrating to the other professor that he was a man of logic, one who kept his calm and focus even in the heat of battle. Professor Layton had no magic, no powers nor supernatural abilities; only his skill with the sword and his wits. For the English gentleman, that was always enough to triumph! Will that be enough to survive the dangers of the Smash Realm, however?
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  • 1700680470854.png
    The Elusive Sheikah
    Location: The Forest By The Shore
    Interactions: Tetra
    Tags: A Hazy Sort of Clarity A Hazy Sort of Clarity

    Sheik was honestly surprised, as well as relieved, to see that Tetra seemed to process what she was trying to say, and not only that, but agree to her view on the situation.
    "Thank you." Sheik sighed, relieved. Good, even though the pirate was still sassing and snapping at her at every turn, at least she was cooperating, albeit to the bare minimum.

    Out of the blue, Tetra's voice rang out, and she pointed at something behind Sheik. Whirling around, the Sheikah was on high alert, her hand immediately flying to her hatchet on her hip, ready to face the danger...

    That is, until she realized there wasn't any danger...

    Turning around, she saw Tetra hurrying away from her, laughing and shouting with mirth as she defied her. Sheik, audibly grumbling to herself, began to follow after the rambunctious girl, deeper into the woods. "
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Noctis and Prompto
Ploegy Ploegy SheepKing SheepKing Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat

The two best friends listened to Joker's instructions for the next day."Thatttttt might be a problem,because Noct here always wake up late!" Ptompto replied. Noctis rolled his eyes. "So what,I love to nap." The prince added. "But anyway,yeah,my belly is full right now so I'm gonna go to bed right now. No need for your cat to remind me." Noctis then got up and went inside the tent. "Good night everybody."
"That was fast!" Promptp replied,surprised. "We did have a tough day after all."

As Zelda’s yell successfully acquired the two heroes’ collective attention, she’d continue to eagerly beckon them over to her, only taking a brief pause as the other members of her group took in the logistics of her plan.

Zelda was pleasantly surprised to find that Cream and Samus seemed to agree with the plans without much complaint. The former dipped into a soft bow as she obediently repeated her given directions back to Zelda as proof of her comprehension before then taking off towards the woods without any further issue. As Samus waved the rabbit and chao off, Zelda joined right alongside her, wishing her safe travels, though judging by the small crease between her brow, it appeared the Hylian wasn’t entirely without worry.

Even with Cream’s flight and surprising level of maturity for her age, Zelda still was sending a child off into the danger ridden woods, and were the young girl to actually encounter something, Zelda would have no choice but to simply hope she’d both remember her orders and actually be able to follow them without outside prevention. Cream was a child, bright eyed and innocent to the evils that plague the world. If anything happened to the girl because of her own orders, Zelda would never be able to forgive herself. But, it was too late now. The Hylian had no choice but to put her faith into her capabilities.

Zelda lowered her hand once Cream and Cheese were no longer in sight, her attention soon shifting to the fellow blonde. Like Cream, she seemed to show little apprehension towards her plan, although she would add a stray comment regarding the heroes’ ability to navigating the woods

“I put my full trust in their abilities to travel the forests. If Link could traverse the stretches of Hyrule’s kingdom and Marth the land of Archanea, then I hope they’d have little trouble with a patch of woods. But if they do stray off course I’m sure with both my telepathy, you on the ground and Cream flying overhead, we will be able to locate them eventually. Although I certainly pray that won’t turn into an issue. The goddesses know searching for one young man in these woods is certainly more than enough for us to deal with”

Zelda let out what might have been a small laugh.

“Though it’s possible they may find some humor in raising that number to a three”

But putting that worrying thought aside, Samus made her way away from the lake, Zelda providing a small nod and waving her goodbye as the bounty hunter slipped into the darkness of the woods. Thus, all who remained by the lake was Zelda, the Lake Scientist, Nurse Joy, as well as the two heroes across the lake.

Letting out a soft breath, she placed her right fist against her chest. There was no time to waste. As soon as she informed Link and Marth of the current situation, Zelda would need to put all of her effort into both protecting the Lab as well as locating the lost Key Stone.

Right, she’d nearly forgotten about Nurse Joy’s Keystone and Rayquaza. In which case, that made it all the more imperative that she play her part in making sure everything went without issue. So then, for her first order of business…

Zelda frowned as the two blue heroes remained fixated in their spots, seemingly far more interested in examining her side of the lake rather than actually come over to her. Although she could have simply used Farore’s wind to meet them halfway, the two were too far from the lab for Zelda to be comfortable making that trip. So, it seemed she’d have no choice but to hope they got the clue.

She’d begin waving her hands in a beckoning gesture as she shouted out,

“Over here!!”

Interactions: A Hazy Sort of Clarity A Hazy Sort of Clarity (Marth) SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 (Cream) Forevermore Forevermore (Link & Samus)
Location: Lake Shore (Map TBA)


Location: Mushroom Platforms-- Tags: Roxas,Isabelle [ Ploegy Ploegy SheepKing SheepKing ]


In a world unfamiliar yet strangely interesting, Riku found himself traveling through a landscape as peculiar as it was curious. It wasn't the first time he had ventured into unknown worlds, but this one stood out, a curious blend of various landscapes he had encountered before.

In the mushroom platforms, he proceeded cautiously, seeking a familiar face to ease his mind. His gaze swept the surroundings in hopes of spotting said familiar face, someone to hopefully give him some clue what this place was. And fate, it seemed, answered swiftly but unexpectedly.

"Wait..Sora?"The name that escaped his lips was meant for another, yet it was...kinda close. The person he had saw near by was Sora's nobody, Roxas. It had appeared that he was accompanied by another.. perhaps someone who lived in this world? with a frown on his face, Riku would make his way closer to the pair

"Roxas,.." Riku acknowledged, his voice carrying a hint of uncertainty. "And....a friend of his?" his eyes shifted from Isabelle and towards his surroundings "Where's Sora? I had hoped he'd be the first i run into? but i guess it's good to actually interact with anyone" This was very awkward..most definitely after what happened a while back


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